Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Notfooledbyw, is the one not accepting my stated reasons for supporting the war at that time.

He is trying to dismiss my stated reasons, because they were proven wrong at a later date and thus assign new reasons to my support such as being "bloodthirsty".

He also often mentions my race and faith while doing so, implying...something negative about them both.

That you are attacking ME, for not "leaving it at that" is, at best a fine example of ingroup bias, and at worse you being a dishonest troll.
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Most ignorant and then oh-so-easily-led North Americans believed the ‘patriotic’ (snake-) oil-and-MIC profiteering / imperialist lies of Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld. One need not personally profit from a war to “defend” it as wrongheadedly as Hillary and Biden and the DNC did.

North Americans (and Republicans in particular) supported the illegal and absurd war and occupation of Iraq — at least so long as they thought they could get away with it! Trump more crudely and much later criticized the war, arguing (ridiculously) that the U.S. should have just “Taken the Oil.” This has always been our real and most essential motivation in the Middle East. But Baby Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be the boondoggle even Obama warned against. Bernie & genuine anti-imperialists were absolutely right about this war, as about many other American adventures abroad.

IMO, you had to be a naive idiot not to see through the lies that were being told then about “WMD” and “Saddam’s support to Al Qaeda” and the “existential threat” posed by Saddam to the U.S. (or Israel) by our MSM.

Today similar lies are still being told … about Russian “aggression” in Crimea and Syria, and about Iranian “imperialism” in Iraq and Syria. Biden is continuing most of Trump’s international sanctions and propaganda campaigns, trying where possible to make them palatable to our allies. Uncle Sam continues to base troops without even a shred of legality in Northeast Syria. We illegally bomb in both Iraq and Syria. We sanction devastated Syria and prevent it trading normally with its neighbors. Syria — that utterly ruined country we did so much to destroy in the first place by our support to Sunni fundamentalists in its terrible Civil War.

But now that Biden has adopted Trump/Pompeo’s final “Lame Duck” propaganda lies about “genocide” and “slave labor” — in China — patriotic “American Exceptionalist” fervor may prove far more dangerous. China is a real economic competitor and a power that really hinders the U.S. desire for a unipolar world where Wall Street has “full spectrum” dominance. It is an alien authoritarian one party state-capitalist society to North Americans, which makes Biden’s “democratic” pretensions more appealing. Trump Republicans will continue to pressure Democrats for harder policies … that could easily lead to serious warfare in Asia, as well as a new round of proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere.

These are just some of my own passing reflections on this July 4th, 2021 “All American” — ??? — holiday.

I have NO RECOLLECTION of anyone suggesting that Iraq would attack the USA or that
he supported Al Quaeda. He not only advocated attacking Israel ALL HIS CAREER---
he even shot off some silly scuds. The FACT is that the BAATHIST movement ---very
much supported by Saddam is a danger to the world-----it is ARABIAN NAZISM----
and a danger to Kurds. For my part they could do whatever to the shitty shiites of Iran---
but Saddam ALSO murdered shiites in Iraq. Iraq, CERTAINLY, threatened Israel for
fun and political popularity
Last edited:
Guess what Correll? My comment was not about you or NotfooledbyW .

I haven’t read and truly don’t care about all your “reasons” / “excuses” for supporting the Iraq War / Occupation boondoggle, nor about (irosie91 ’s) defense of little nuclear armed Israel against the “Nazi” Saddam. I don’t know and don’t care whether you or she do or do not agree with “RINOs” like Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld.

My comment is a “July 4th Meditation” on a much larger question raised implicitly by the OP, concerning deeply-rooted “patriotic” pro-imperialist attitudes of North Americans in general.
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Most ignorant and then oh-so-easily-led North Americans believed the ‘patriotic’ (snake-) oil-and-MIC profiteering / imperialist lies of Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld. One need not personally profit from a war to “defend” it as wrongheadedly as Hillary and Biden and the DNC did.

North Americans (and Republicans in particular) supported the illegal and absurd war and occupation of Iraq — at least so long as they thought they could get away with it! Trump more crudely and much later criticized the war, arguing (ridiculously) that the U.S. should have just “Taken the Oil.” This has always been our real and most essential motivation in the Middle East. But Baby Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be the boondoggle even Obama warned against. Bernie & genuine anti-imperialists were absolutely right about this war, as about many other American adventures abroad.

IMO, you had to be a naive idiot not to see through the lies that were being told then about “WMD” and “Saddam’s support to Al Qaeda” and the “existential threat” posed by Saddam to the U.S. (or Israel) by our MSM.

Today similar lies are still being told … about Russian “aggression” in Crimea and Syria, and about Iranian “imperialism” in Iraq and Syria. Biden is continuing most of Trump’s international sanctions and propaganda campaigns, trying where possible to make them palatable to our allies. Uncle Sam continues to base troops without even a shred of legality in Northeast Syria. We illegally bomb in both Iraq and Syria. We sanction devastated Syria and prevent it trading normally with its neighbors. Syria — that utterly ruined country we did so much to destroy in the first place by our support to Sunni fundamentalists in its terrible Civil War.

But now that Biden has adopted Trump/Pompeo’s final “Lame Duck” propaganda lies about “genocide” and “slave labor” — in China — patriotic “American Exceptionalist” fervor may prove far more dangerous. China is a real economic competitor and a power that really hinders the U.S. desire for a unipolar world where Wall Street has “full spectrum” dominance. It is an alien authoritarian one party state-capitalist society to North Americans, which makes Biden’s “democratic” pretensions more appealing. Trump Republicans will continue to pressure Democrats for harder policies … that could easily lead to serious warfare in Asia, as well as a new round of proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere.

These are just some of my own passing reflections on this July 4th, 2021 “All American” — ??? — holiday.

I have NO RECOLLECTION of anyone suggesting that Iraq would attack the USA or that
he supported Al Quaeda. He not only advocated attacking Israel ALL HIS CAREER---
he even shot off some silly scuds. The FACT is that the BAATHIST movement ---very
much supported by Saddam is a danger to the world-----it is ARABIAN NAZISM----
and a danger to Kurds. For my part they could do whatever to the shitty shiites of Iran---
but Saddam ALSO murdered shiites in Iraq. Iraq, CERTAINLY, threatened Israel for
fun and political popularity

Iraq was NO threat to Israel.. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.

Read Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.
Notfooledbyw, is the one not accepting my stated reasons for supporting the war at that time.

I’m not accepting your lies and falsehoods that you are trying to sell in the current discussion and none of your lies and falsehoods have anything to do with me having the benefit hindsight.

Your basic lie that “ SH poked the bear” during the 1441 inspections and SH did not cooperate with inspectors and the inspections were not peaceful are lies. They were lies if you believed them at the time and they are lies when you repeat them as fact the past couple months or so.
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Most ignorant and then oh-so-easily-led North Americans believed the ‘patriotic’ (snake-) oil-and-MIC profiteering / imperialist lies of Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld. One need not personally profit from a war to “defend” it as wrongheadedly as Hillary and Biden and the DNC did.

North Americans (and Republicans in particular) supported the illegal and absurd war and occupation of Iraq — at least so long as they thought they could get away with it! Trump more crudely and much later criticized the war, arguing (ridiculously) that the U.S. should have just “Taken the Oil.” This has always been our real and most essential motivation in the Middle East. But Baby Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be the boondoggle even Obama warned against. Bernie & genuine anti-imperialists were absolutely right about this war, as about many other American adventures abroad.

IMO, you had to be a naive idiot not to see through the lies that were being told then about “WMD” and “Saddam’s support to Al Qaeda” and the “existential threat” posed by Saddam to the U.S. (or Israel) by our MSM.

Today similar lies are still being told … about Russian “aggression” in Crimea and Syria, and about Iranian “imperialism” in Iraq and Syria. Biden is continuing most of Trump’s international sanctions and propaganda campaigns, trying where possible to make them palatable to our allies. Uncle Sam continues to base troops without even a shred of legality in Northeast Syria. We illegally bomb in both Iraq and Syria. We sanction devastated Syria and prevent it trading normally with its neighbors. Syria — that utterly ruined country we did so much to destroy in the first place by our support to Sunni fundamentalists in its terrible Civil War.

But now that Biden has adopted Trump/Pompeo’s final “Lame Duck” propaganda lies about “genocide” and “slave labor” — in China — patriotic “American Exceptionalist” fervor may prove far more dangerous. China is a real economic competitor and a power that really hinders the U.S. desire for a unipolar world where Wall Street has “full spectrum” dominance. It is an alien authoritarian one party state-capitalist society to North Americans, which makes Biden’s “democratic” pretensions more appealing. Trump Republicans will continue to pressure Democrats for harder policies … that could easily lead to serious warfare in Asia, as well as a new round of proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere.

These are just some of my own passing reflections on this July 4th, 2021 “All American” — ??? — holiday.

I have NO RECOLLECTION of anyone suggesting that Iraq would attack the USA or that
he supported Al Quaeda. He not only advocated attacking Israel ALL HIS CAREER---
he even shot off some silly scuds. The FACT is that the BAATHIST movement ---very
much supported by Saddam is a danger to the world-----it is ARABIAN NAZISM----
and a danger to Kurds. For my part they could do whatever to the shitty shiites of Iran---
but Saddam ALSO murdered shiites in Iraq. Iraq, CERTAINLY, threatened Israel for
fun and political popularity

Iraq was NO threat to Israel.. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.

Read Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.
you are remarkably uneducated. When the islamo-/nazi hero Adolf wrote
Mein Kampf in 1925 he was------according to people like you, no threat to anyone.
Some people did recognize the threat. Saddam Hussein was a leader in the
ARAB NAZI BAATHISM MOVEMENT. He was already committing genocide against the shiites
in southern Iraq and the kurds in northern Iraq in emulation of the islamo/nazi hero
as you danced on the dead bodies of kurdish children rotting in the sun. You have
parroted the very same islamo/nazi propaganda that I read as a child that was LEFT
over from the 1930s-----SOS (same old shit). As a kid I lived in a town walking distance
from the town named EDISON----after Adolf's dear pal-----Thomas Edison. The old
propaganda pamphlets were ALL OVER the place
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Most ignorant and then oh-so-easily-led North Americans believed the ‘patriotic’ (snake-) oil-and-MIC profiteering / imperialist lies of Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld. One need not personally profit from a war to “defend” it as wrongheadedly as Hillary and Biden and the DNC did.

North Americans (and Republicans in particular) supported the illegal and absurd war and occupation of Iraq — at least so long as they thought they could get away with it! Trump more crudely and much later criticized the war, arguing (ridiculously) that the U.S. should have just “Taken the Oil.” This has always been our real and most essential motivation in the Middle East. But Baby Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be the boondoggle even Obama warned against. Bernie & genuine anti-imperialists were absolutely right about this war, as about many other American adventures abroad.

IMO, you had to be a naive idiot not to see through the lies that were being told then about “WMD” and “Saddam’s support to Al Qaeda” and the “existential threat” posed by Saddam to the U.S. (or Israel) by our MSM.

Today similar lies are still being told … about Russian “aggression” in Crimea and Syria, and about Iranian “imperialism” in Iraq and Syria. Biden is continuing most of Trump’s international sanctions and propaganda campaigns, trying where possible to make them palatable to our allies. Uncle Sam continues to base troops without even a shred of legality in Northeast Syria. We illegally bomb in both Iraq and Syria. We sanction devastated Syria and prevent it trading normally with its neighbors. Syria — that utterly ruined country we did so much to destroy in the first place by our support to Sunni fundamentalists in its terrible Civil War.

But now that Biden has adopted Trump/Pompeo’s final “Lame Duck” propaganda lies about “genocide” and “slave labor” — in China — patriotic “American Exceptionalist” fervor may prove far more dangerous. China is a real economic competitor and a power that really hinders the U.S. desire for a unipolar world where Wall Street has “full spectrum” dominance. It is an alien authoritarian one party state-capitalist society to North Americans, which makes Biden’s “democratic” pretensions more appealing. Trump Republicans will continue to pressure Democrats for harder policies … that could easily lead to serious warfare in Asia, as well as a new round of proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere.

These are just some of my own passing reflections on this July 4th, 2021 “All American” — ??? — holiday.

I have NO RECOLLECTION of anyone suggesting that Iraq would attack the USA or that
he supported Al Quaeda. He not only advocated attacking Israel ALL HIS CAREER---
he even shot off some silly scuds. The FACT is that the BAATHIST movement ---very
much supported by Saddam is a danger to the world-----it is ARABIAN NAZISM----
and a danger to Kurds. For my part they could do whatever to the shitty shiites of Iran---
but Saddam ALSO murdered shiites in Iraq. Iraq, CERTAINLY, threatened Israel for
fun and political popularity

Iraq was NO threat to Israel.. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.

Read Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.
you are remarkably uneducated. When the islamo-/nazi hero Adolf wrote
Mein Kampf in 1925 he was------according to people like you, no threat to anyone.
Some people did recognize the threat. Saddam Hussein was a leader in the
ARAB NAZI BAATHISM MOVEMENT. He was already committing genocide against the shiites
in southern Iraq and the kurds in northern Iraq in emulation of the islamo/nazi hero
as you danced on the dead bodies of kurdish children rotting in the sun. You have
parroted the very same islamo/nazi propaganda that I read as a child that was LEFT
over from the 1930s-----SOS (same old shit). As a kid I lived in a town walking distance
from the town named EDISON----after Adolf's dear pal-----Thomas Edison. The old
propaganda pamphlets were ALL OVER the place

Baathism is a big zilch.. The Zionists were mostly Socialists and Bolshevics.

The Kurds that were gassed at Halabja were caught in the cross fire with Iran.

Saddam was hanged for the same thing Churchill and Arthur Harris did in 1920.

Israel wanted Saddam taken out. Same crap from Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC letter to Clinton in 1998.
Is Ba'athism still a force in the Middle East? - Quora
Although a “Baath party” is still the ruling organization in Syria, Baathism is a dead and buried ideology and stands for nothing more than a vehicle for thuggish, cult-driven authoritarianism.

By all definitions, Baathism strives for a unified Arab state with a socialist, centrally driven economic model, an enlightened public, secularism, and opposition to imperialism, zionism, and political pluralism.

Ba'athism: A Left Or Right Wing Ideology? - Soviet-Empire ...
Ba'athism was a concept of Arab Nationalism/Socialism which was very popular in first stage of cold war among arab nations. But has nothing to do with communist/leftist ideals. On the contrary in these countries (iraq, egypt, syria) arab nationalist regimes killed a lot o …
what does BAATHISM
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Most ignorant and then oh-so-easily-led North Americans believed the ‘patriotic’ (snake-) oil-and-MIC profiteering / imperialist lies of Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld. One need not personally profit from a war to “defend” it as wrongheadedly as Hillary and Biden and the DNC did.

North Americans (and Republicans in particular) supported the illegal and absurd war and occupation of Iraq — at least so long as they thought they could get away with it! Trump more crudely and much later criticized the war, arguing (ridiculously) that the U.S. should have just “Taken the Oil.” This has always been our real and most essential motivation in the Middle East. But Baby Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be the boondoggle even Obama warned against. Bernie & genuine anti-imperialists were absolutely right about this war, as about many other American adventures abroad.

IMO, you had to be a naive idiot not to see through the lies that were being told then about “WMD” and “Saddam’s support to Al Qaeda” and the “existential threat” posed by Saddam to the U.S. (or Israel) by our MSM.

Today similar lies are still being told … about Russian “aggression” in Crimea and Syria, and about Iranian “imperialism” in Iraq and Syria. Biden is continuing most of Trump’s international sanctions and propaganda campaigns, trying where possible to make them palatable to our allies. Uncle Sam continues to base troops without even a shred of legality in Northeast Syria. We illegally bomb in both Iraq and Syria. We sanction devastated Syria and prevent it trading normally with its neighbors. Syria — that utterly ruined country we did so much to destroy in the first place by our support to Sunni fundamentalists in its terrible Civil War.

But now that Biden has adopted Trump/Pompeo’s final “Lame Duck” propaganda lies about “genocide” and “slave labor” — in China — patriotic “American Exceptionalist” fervor may prove far more dangerous. China is a real economic competitor and a power that really hinders the U.S. desire for a unipolar world where Wall Street has “full spectrum” dominance. It is an alien authoritarian one party state-capitalist society to North Americans, which makes Biden’s “democratic” pretensions more appealing. Trump Republicans will continue to pressure Democrats for harder policies … that could easily lead to serious warfare in Asia, as well as a new round of proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere.

These are just some of my own passing reflections on this July 4th, 2021 “All American” — ??? — holiday.

I have NO RECOLLECTION of anyone suggesting that Iraq would attack the USA or that
he supported Al Quaeda. He not only advocated attacking Israel ALL HIS CAREER---
he even shot off some silly scuds. The FACT is that the BAATHIST movement ---very
much supported by Saddam is a danger to the world-----it is ARABIAN NAZISM----
and a danger to Kurds. For my part they could do whatever to the shitty shiites of Iran---
but Saddam ALSO murdered shiites in Iraq. Iraq, CERTAINLY, threatened Israel for
fun and political popularity

Iraq was NO threat to Israel.. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.

Read Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.
you are remarkably uneducated. When the islamo-/nazi hero Adolf wrote
Mein Kampf in 1925 he was------according to people like you, no threat to anyone.
Some people did recognize the threat. Saddam Hussein was a leader in the
ARAB NAZI BAATHISM MOVEMENT. He was already committing genocide against the shiites
in southern Iraq and the kurds in northern Iraq in emulation of the islamo/nazi hero
as you danced on the dead bodies of kurdish children rotting in the sun. You have
parroted the very same islamo/nazi propaganda that I read as a child that was LEFT
over from the 1930s-----SOS (same old shit). As a kid I lived in a town walking distance
from the town named EDISON----after Adolf's dear pal-----Thomas Edison. The old
propaganda pamphlets were ALL OVER the place

Baathism is a big zilch.. The Zionists were mostly Socialists and Bolshevics.

The Kurds that were gassed at Halabja were caught in the cross fire with Iran.

Saddam was hanged for the same thing Churchill and Arthur Harris did in 1920.

Israel wanted Saddam taken out. Same crap from Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC letter to Clinton in 1998.
What does "BAATHISM IS A BIG ZILCH" mean in your scantily informed brain?.
Zionists DEFINITELY tended toward socialism as did the ESSENES, that christian
scholars INSISTED represented Jesus for MANY DECADES. Bolsheviks murdered
Jews. BTW how has that Jesus the Essene theory been going? How about John
the Baptist? The Bolshevik jews is a meme leftover from the islamo nazi propaganda
of the 1930s ---70s. Some of the stuff came out of Baathist Syria and Baathist Egypt.
what does BAATHISM
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Most ignorant and then oh-so-easily-led North Americans believed the ‘patriotic’ (snake-) oil-and-MIC profiteering / imperialist lies of Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld. One need not personally profit from a war to “defend” it as wrongheadedly as Hillary and Biden and the DNC did.

North Americans (and Republicans in particular) supported the illegal and absurd war and occupation of Iraq — at least so long as they thought they could get away with it! Trump more crudely and much later criticized the war, arguing (ridiculously) that the U.S. should have just “Taken the Oil.” This has always been our real and most essential motivation in the Middle East. But Baby Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be the boondoggle even Obama warned against. Bernie & genuine anti-imperialists were absolutely right about this war, as about many other American adventures abroad.

IMO, you had to be a naive idiot not to see through the lies that were being told then about “WMD” and “Saddam’s support to Al Qaeda” and the “existential threat” posed by Saddam to the U.S. (or Israel) by our MSM.

Today similar lies are still being told … about Russian “aggression” in Crimea and Syria, and about Iranian “imperialism” in Iraq and Syria. Biden is continuing most of Trump’s international sanctions and propaganda campaigns, trying where possible to make them palatable to our allies. Uncle Sam continues to base troops without even a shred of legality in Northeast Syria. We illegally bomb in both Iraq and Syria. We sanction devastated Syria and prevent it trading normally with its neighbors. Syria — that utterly ruined country we did so much to destroy in the first place by our support to Sunni fundamentalists in its terrible Civil War.

But now that Biden has adopted Trump/Pompeo’s final “Lame Duck” propaganda lies about “genocide” and “slave labor” — in China — patriotic “American Exceptionalist” fervor may prove far more dangerous. China is a real economic competitor and a power that really hinders the U.S. desire for a unipolar world where Wall Street has “full spectrum” dominance. It is an alien authoritarian one party state-capitalist society to North Americans, which makes Biden’s “democratic” pretensions more appealing. Trump Republicans will continue to pressure Democrats for harder policies … that could easily lead to serious warfare in Asia, as well as a new round of proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere.

These are just some of my own passing reflections on this July 4th, 2021 “All American” — ??? — holiday.

I have NO RECOLLECTION of anyone suggesting that Iraq would attack the USA or that
he supported Al Quaeda. He not only advocated attacking Israel ALL HIS CAREER---
he even shot off some silly scuds. The FACT is that the BAATHIST movement ---very
much supported by Saddam is a danger to the world-----it is ARABIAN NAZISM----
and a danger to Kurds. For my part they could do whatever to the shitty shiites of Iran---
but Saddam ALSO murdered shiites in Iraq. Iraq, CERTAINLY, threatened Israel for
fun and political popularity

Iraq was NO threat to Israel.. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.

Read Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.
you are remarkably uneducated. When the islamo-/nazi hero Adolf wrote
Mein Kampf in 1925 he was------according to people like you, no threat to anyone.
Some people did recognize the threat. Saddam Hussein was a leader in the
ARAB NAZI BAATHISM MOVEMENT. He was already committing genocide against the shiites
in southern Iraq and the kurds in northern Iraq in emulation of the islamo/nazi hero
as you danced on the dead bodies of kurdish children rotting in the sun. You have
parroted the very same islamo/nazi propaganda that I read as a child that was LEFT
over from the 1930s-----SOS (same old shit). As a kid I lived in a town walking distance
from the town named EDISON----after Adolf's dear pal-----Thomas Edison. The old
propaganda pamphlets were ALL OVER the place

Baathism is a big zilch.. The Zionists were mostly Socialists and Bolshevics.

The Kurds that were gassed at Halabja were caught in the cross fire with Iran.

Saddam was hanged for the same thing Churchill and Arthur Harris did in 1920.

Israel wanted Saddam taken out. Same crap from Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC letter to Clinton in 1998.
What does "BAATHISM IS A BIG ZILCH" mean in your scantily informed brain?.
Zionists DEFINITELY tended toward socialism as did the ESSENES, that christian
scholars INSISTED represented Jesus for MANY DECADES. Bolsheviks murdered
Jews. BTW how has that Jesus the Essene theory been going? How about John
the Baptist? The Bolshevik jews is a meme leftover from the islamo nazi propaganda
of the 1930s ---70s. Some of the stuff came out of Baathist Syria and Baathist Egypt.

Link posted above.
PS-----the filth of BAATHISM has been overshadowed but NOT DESTROYED
by the stench of islamic antisemitism in the "arab world" ---In fact in the
entire "islamic world"
Why Did Russian Jews Support the Bolshevik Revolution ...

Oct 25, 2017 · Discover the story behind the Bolshevik Revolution and why so many Russian Jews supported it. ... who opposed mass Jewish migration to Palestine and the immediate creation of …
PS-----the filth of BAATHISM has been overshadowed but NOT DESTROYED
by the stench of islamic antisemitism in the "arab world"

The Arabs mostly ignore Israel.
correll-----do not laugh-----surada never met an arab or a south east Asian or---
REVERT/PERVERT in the USA. He/she/it----has never heard a Khutbah Jumaat feces fling

That's fine. Is he also unaware of the FIVE arab israeli wars that occurred in the last 70 years?
PS-----the filth of BAATHISM has been overshadowed but NOT DESTROYED
by the stench of islamic antisemitism in the "arab world"

The Arabs mostly ignore Israel.
correll-----do not laugh-----surada never met an arab or a south east Asian or---
REVERT/PERVERT in the USA. He/she/it----has never heard a Khutbah Jumaat feces fling

That's fine. Is he also unaware of the FIVE arab israeli wars that occurred in the last 70 years?

Read Moshe Dayan.

The Moscow Che-ka (secret police) was formed of 23 Jews and 13 others. Among the names of 556 high officials of the Bolshevik state officially published in 1918-1919 were 458 Jews and 108 others. Among the central committees of small, supposedly ‘Socialist’
PS-----the filth of BAATHISM has been overshadowed but NOT DESTROYED
by the stench of islamic antisemitism in the "arab world"

The Arabs mostly ignore Israel.
correll-----do not laugh-----surada never met an arab or a south east Asian or---
REVERT/PERVERT in the USA. He/she/it----has never heard a Khutbah Jumaat feces fling

That's fine. Is he also unaware of the FIVE arab israeli wars that occurred in the last 70 years?

Read Moshe Dayan.

The Moscow Che-ka (secret police) was formed of 23 Jews and 13 others. Among the names of 556 high officials of the Bolshevik state officially published in 1918-1919 were 458 Jews and 108 others. Among the central committees of small, supposedly ‘Socialist’

Sorry, classic anti-semetic nazism is such a fringe that I cannot muster any interest in your...world view.

It is all I can do do skim your post to see if there is anything of interest in them.

I do not say this to be offensive. You have to know that you are completely marginalized.

The other guy, errr, NOT, he at least represents a large and powerful political movement, ie anti-American lefties. His words thus are relevant to the issues of the day, even if they are irrational and incoherent.

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