Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
1. No, he's not. He is irrelevant.

A former President’s opinion on a former president’s disaster of a decision to wage a war of aggression against a Muslim nation that killed half a million people who were no threat to world peace and our security is to Correll irrelevant.

There is no limit to the ignorance Correll is willing to display in order to never admit being wrong.
Proving my point.

How does this prove any point you ever made about anything??

It was white Christian evangelicals that provided much of the support for W to invade Iraq and kill half a million mostly non-Christians. Black Christian evangelicals did not support it much if not at all.

There is a certain racial distinction regarding Christian support for killing non/Christians in Iraq.

In 2015 Trump politically latched onto W’s white evangelical former war supporters who must not mind that he says W lied us into a stupid war that cost us 7 trillion and killed half a million mostly non/Christians for absolutely no good reason.

WHEN Trump says W lied and was disastrously mistaken he is saying that his current batch of white evangelicals that supported W’s Iraq mess were duped and suckers for BUSH’s lie

Trump also is saying that black evangelical Christian Americans were right to oppose the stupid war. Black evangelical Christians were right not to support the needless killing half a million non-white non-Christian human beings.

So when an old enough white Christian Trump supporter whines and bitches about the truth being told about white evangelical Christians who supported and continue to support the unreasonable and unnecessary and unprepared Blitzkrieg Shock and awe of Iraq on March 19 2003 it is not really an adverse and negative IMPLICATION against all white people. Nor is it negatively implying anything against all Christian Americans.

It is the same implication that TRUMP has made which is a positive commentary for bLack and white Americans with many of them being Christians who did not support killing half a million non-white non-Christians in Iraq to disarm Iraq of WMD or any other made up reason such as nation building.

DJT is a white Christian (I saw him hold a Bible) who has figured out the truth about the disaster of Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe Into Iraq and I commend DJT for that.

So how and why does Correll complain that I am attacking his race and his religion when I am actually commending all the white and Christian patriotic Americans who support the truth about Iraq and agree with DJT who agrees with all the patriotic black and white Christians who understand that invading Iraq was a catastrophic huge mistake.
2. It is disgusting the way you use those deaths for partisan political gain.

Says the one who supported killing them for some speculative hair-brained scheme tied to American national interest.

I hoped that the loss of civilian life would be minimal. I strongly supported policies to make the transition as peaceful as possible. I supported spending money like drunken sailors to support the transitional government.

Your spin on it, that I "supported killing them" is you being an asshole AND you using their deaths for partisan gain.

You are the one who has been talking shit about my being bloodthirsty when you have not once actually ASKED me about my view on the human cost of the war.

You are an asshole. And it is vile the way you are using their deaths for cheap partisan points.
1. No, he's not. He is irrelevant.

A former President’s opinion on a former president’s disaster of a decision to wage a war of aggression against a Muslim nation that killed half a million people who were no threat to world peace and our security is to Correll irrelevant.

There is no limit to the ignorance Correll is willing to display in order to never admit being wrong.

Trump had nothing to do with policy at that time of the invasion. His personal opinion on a matter he was not involved in, and imo, probably has not carefully studied, is irrelevant.

I certainly don't care about it. And you only pretend to, because it serves your purpose. If he had supported the war, you would not give a fuck about what Trump had to say about it.
How does this prove any point you ever made about anything??

Because you posted a long post, that made no relevant points, but did put the words "white" and "Christian" in the same sentences or paragraphs whining about war and bloodshed and other stupid partisan smears.

Thus demonstrating your racism and bigotry.
Because you posted a long post, that made no relevant points,

You actually don’t get to decide if a point is relevant or not. The length of the post also has nothing to do with relevance as well. THE FACT that you are dodging the points made about race and religion tells me my post hit you hard and you are unable to recover even with more lies.
Because you posted a long post, that made no relevant points, but did put the words "white" and "Christian" in the same sentences or paragraphs whining about war and bloodshed and other stupid partisan smears.

Did or did not the same politically motivated white evangelical Christian Republican bloc support GWB and his war of aggression against Iraq in 2003 and then in 2016 support DJT who said support for that war of aggression was a horrible mistake and disaster?

Why did black evangelicals not support GWB’s dumb war but so many white Christian did?
Because you posted a long post, that made no relevant points,

You actually don’t get to decide if a point is relevant or not. The length of the post also has nothing to do with relevance as well. THE FACT that you are dodging the points made about race and religion tells me my post hit you hard and you are unable to recover even with more lies.

Actually I kind of do. There is just you and me in this thread, no one else is crazy enough to bother responding to you.

So, if you want to discuss your feelings about the war, you're pretty much stuck with me.

My point stands. That post was nothing but a big pile of word salad and you putting words like "white" and "Christian" in the mix with negative sounding shit.

Standard lefty propaganda shit.
Because you posted a long post, that made no relevant points, but did put the words "white" and "Christian" in the same sentences or paragraphs whining about war and bloodshed and other stupid partisan smears.

Did or did not the same politically motivated white evangelical Christian Republican bloc support GWB and his war of aggression against Iraq in 2003 and then in 2016 support DJT who said support for that war of aggression was a horrible mistake and disaster?

Why did black evangelicals not support GWB’s dumb war but so many white Christian did?

Your inability to deal with groups having overlapping numbers, is interesting.
Your inability to deal with groups having overlapping numbers, is interesting.

What overlapping numbers. I asked you a simple question: Why did black evangelicals not support GWB’s dumb war but so many white evangelical Christian did?

Did or did not the same politically motivated white evangelical Christian Republican bloc support GWB and his war of aggression against Iraq in 2003 and then in 2016 support DJT who said support for that war of aggression was a horrible mistake and disaster?

Neither of those questions had anything to do with overlapping numbers. The time frame is 12 years apart when white evangelicals flipped voted for a President who said those who supported GWB,s disaster in Iraq were duped fools but now I need you to vote for me.
Your inability to deal with groups having overlapping numbers, is interesting.

What overlapping numbers. I asked you a simple question: Why did black evangelicals not support GWB’s dumb war but so many white evangelical Christian did?

imo, because blacks vote more by racial bloc and motives and pressure than from their religious affiliation. Also, their churches tend to be politicized and left leaning.

Did or did not the same politically motivated white evangelical Christian Republican bloc support GWB and his war of aggression against Iraq in 2003 and then in 2016 support DJT who said support for that war of aggression was a horrible mistake and disaster?

Not really. Trump's base was more about class and less about religion. That a lot of religious whites are also working class whites, leads to some of your confusion.

Neither of those questions had anything to do with overlapping numbers. The time frame is 12 years apart when white evangelicals flipped voted for a President who said those who supported GWB,s disaster in Iraq were duped fools but now I need you to vote for me.

Yes, they do. YOu are just too focused on your own partisan goals to notice.
Your inability to deal with groups having overlapping numbers, is interesting.

CONGRATULATIONS on your new dodge concept.

You have a large pool of voters. In one election they broke in certain ways, in another then broke in different ways. That there was some overlap,

none of that really means anything. That you think it does, is just the voices in your head, losing the thread of their own argument.
imo, because blacks vote more by racial bloc and motives and pressure than from their religious affiliation. Also, their churches tend to be politicized and left leaning.

That is Correll ‘s answer to: Why did black evangelicals not support GWB’s dumb war but so many white evangelical Christian did?

I wonder if Correll arrives at that opinion about blacks and black churches because he thinks Jesus was a white, right leaning, and would be politically in favor of initiating a war of aggression against a non-white, non-Christian nation for no threat related reason.

Maybe black Americans actually read Jesus’ message in the Bible and take it to heart when judging the necessity for starting wars.

Maybe black evangelical Christians have a deeper level of awareness against war that evolved from their closeness to MLK - who said this:

What about Vietnam?

****My third reason moves to an even deeper level of awareness, for it grows out of my experience in the ghettoes of the North over the last three years — especially the last three summers.

**** As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action.

**** But they ask — and rightly so — what about Vietnam? They ask if our own nation wasn’t using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government.

For the sake of those boys, for the sake of this government, for the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent.
imo, because blacks vote more by racial bloc and motives and pressure than from their religious affiliation. Also, their churches tend to be politicized and left leaning.

That is Correll ‘s answer to: Why did black evangelicals not support GWB’s dumb war but so many white evangelical Christian did?

I wonder if Correll arrives at that opinion about blacks and black churches because he thinks Jesus was a white, right leaning, and would be politically in favor of initiating a war of aggression against a non-white, non-Christian nation for no threat related reason.

Maybe black Americans actually read Jesus’ message in the Bible and take it to heart when judging the necessity for starting wars.


No, I think they have a sense of black nationalism or identity. They vote as a racial bloc. Their faith is less of a factor in their voting.

I wish it were otherwise. The anti-Christian bigotry from lefties like you and the depraved slant so many of you lefties take on social issues, would be great for drawing away minority voters from you people.

This is just my opinion of course. I'm sure that since you disagree with me, you will....hell, you won't really even remember it exists other than as an excuse to attack me personally.
You have a large pool of voters. In one election they broke in certain ways, in another then broke in different ways.

I see you have no comment on the substance of what they were voting for?

Anyway thats not overlapping voters.
You have a large pool of voters. In one election they broke in certain ways, in another then broke in different ways.

I see you have no comment on the substance of what they were voting for?

Anyway thats not overlapping voters.

Err, yes, it is overlapping groups of voters. The voters broke according to some groups in one election, ie conservatives, religious vs the way they broke the next one, which was more class and social economic status.

That those groups, are very much intertwined, means overlap.

The issues? I barely remember the issues that drove Bush's campaign. They were rendered mostly moot by 9-11.

Trump? He ran on very different issues, trade and immigration.
NotfooledbyW We cannot blame a nation on the choices of a previous administration. Barack Obama didn't have anything to do with the Vietnam war and Trump had nothing to do with 9/11. Trump wanted people out of war and Barack Obama did the opposite. After generations of a company pass and a new generation comes in, then there needs to be a new perspective. People that bring up the past are stuck in the past. Nobody has a good rational reason for war. Nobody should die ever. But defense is another story. But the first person that started the war is the jerk. The molotov cocktails and the people with rifles on the streets bashing things have no right. You should not have empathy for bad people. Humanity is evolving and it should evolve into togetherness and not war. People say we should learn from the past then we should learn not to have war because it only kills people and destroys things. People that love history like myself wish we can go and visit historical places but instead jerks ruin those historical places and burn them down and topple the statues. There should be no reason for war ever. You should never punch anybody in the face you should always talk things over. People that use their fist instead of their mouth are people that can't fight intellectually. We should help those people

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