Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
You are a liar. You donā€™t use facts.

We are discussing our opinions on events. That you disagree with me, does not negate the FACT, that we have discussed this for months.

That bit where you pretend the discussion does not count, because you disagree with me?

That is just you being.... fucked in the head.
You are a liar. I donā€™t see an answer in the post.

It would be easier and honest of you to highlight the ā€˜answerā€™ you think is there and post it with two words ā€œright hereā€

TWO WORDS, and I can turn you from a spam bot that everyone hates, into a real person. Do you want that?
I can advocate for peace in my own way by promoting the truth about the dumbest and most dishonest warmongering in my lifetime. I donā€™t need help from one if that dumb warā€™s biggest liars.

No, you can't. You are terrible at it. You are spreading hate and division, not Peace.

If undermining the tendency to war on "lies" was a nice foot massage,

you would be a rail road spike though the foot. A old fashioned, big and rusty and covered in diseased shit.

And I don't mean though the thin portion of the foot, by the little toe, where it would be horrible, but you could get it removed and be ok.

I mean right up the Heel, and though the ankle, and well into the bones of the leg, so that you are not only in horrific pain, but permanently crippled for life.

That's you.

Two words, I could fix you. And I could easily demonstrate it too.
You never explain why or produce facts that would explain what you say. Thatā€™s the reality why you cant ever go back and cut and past from previous posts. Its really not hard to do that.

Sure I do. YOu just disagree with me and then tell yourself that since you disagree, it didn't happen.

YOu really are quite mad. Most libss are.

You do put a little bit of personal spin on it, so, there is that.
Why is it just your opinion that the accusation was wrong that SH was hiding WMD in Iraq from inspectors in March 2003?

Why is it ok with you that struth perpetuates the myth, disinformation that W found the WMD that was used to justify a preemptive war?

He is being literal. Like you sometimes do, when it serves your purpose. Technically some WMDs were found.

I don't do that.

It is a difference in how we look at the world.

You can't understand it, because you have no ability to respect the internal world of other people.

While I am quite good at it.
Sure I do. YOu just disagree with me

You do not present facts. No one rightfully can disagree with established facts unless they are loony.

In place of facts you simply claim that you disagree and declare yourself the winner and simultaneously engage in any number of your plethora of diversionary tactics.

An example is you claim that SH poked the bear instead of cooperating with inspectors after 1441 was past in November 2002. You say we simply disagree. When the Chief inspector reports ā€œproactive cooperationā€ on process and substance you declare UN inspectors have no credibility.

You dismiss the fact that the positive status of the cooperation is confirmed by all observable reporting at the time.

I provided direct quotes on National TV from Wā€™s Secretary of State in December 2002 saying early on that Iraq was cooperating so war was not inevitable.

You make no effort to provide a fact to support your complaint that Dr Blix is not credible.

You dismiss reality, and declare out of thin fucking air that SH poked the bear instead of cooperating and that is why W had to start the invasion in the midst of IRAQā€™s cooperation. Simply put. YOU LIE.
You do not present facts. No one rightfully can disagree with established facts unless they are loony.

In place of facts you simply claim that you disagree a....

i stopped reading here. People disagree with "established facts" all the time.

Your pretense otherwise, ironically, is YOU disagreeing with an established fact.

By your own rule, you are thus, "looney".

Dude. Your posts are so full of crap.
i stopped reading here. People disagree with "established facts" all the time.

I never said they donā€™t. You discarded the qualifying word I used ā€œrightfullyā€ . So you can wrongfully disagree with established facts that are commonly known as the truth, but that does not make your disagreement right.
He is being literal. Like you sometimes do, when it serves your purpose. Technically some WMDs were found.

struth claims SH was hiding the very same grade of WMD that W said was being hidden. struth claims the invading army found the WMD that W sent them to look for. On that point struth is a liar. The fact that ā€œtechnicallyā€ the old rusty shit can be called WMD struth is not telling the truth in the context of our discussion. That is because ā€˜factuallyā€™ and in context of his justification to start a war, W has admitted precisely that the old rusty shit that was found by the military was not what was used to justify the war. The distinction is clear W did not accuse SH of hiding old unusable rusty artillery shells from UN inspectors because that wouid have been stupid.

So why is @struthā€™s ā€˜technicallyā€™ correct claim that SH was hiding very old rusty WMD shit and therefore struth can spread the lie and propaganda that the US military found what W sent them to find; which means we found the smoking gun that was used for justifying war?

I believe the invasion would have been justified if we found by going in that SH was actually hiding the mos lethal weapons ever devised from the inspectors.

But I would not give my consent based on struth ā€˜s technicality.
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I never said they donā€™t. You discarded the qualifying word I used ā€œrightfullyā€ . So you can wrongfully disagree with established facts that are commonly known as the truth, but that does not make your disagreement right.

Name me a major historical or political figure you look up to.
@struth claims SH was hiding the very same grade of WMD that W said was being hidden. @struth claims the invading army found the WMD that W sent them to look for. On that point @struth is a liar. The fact that ā€œtechnicallyā€ the old rusty shit can be called WMD @struth is not telling the truth in the context of our discussion.

That is all I can take of your bullshit.

CONTEXT? You have the nerve to whine about CONTEXT? lol!!!

Your whining on this point is dismissed. He is doing the same type of shit you do, except his motivation is to take America's side while yours is to tear it down.
Keep forgetting who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds. Any hypocrite on the left know?

Old subject but yet another way the left accuse others of that which they are guilty and the left wing sheep like the op spew out their crap.

I already owned the banker when I asked him who signed the Community Reinvestment Act which put massive pressure on banks to lend to unqualified buyers which caused the housing bubble.


Hey banker who passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation?

Do you know banker?

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That is all I can take of your bullshit.

There is no way that you can deny the truth and reality that your fellow warmonger struth is lying when he claims the invading army found the WMD that W sent them in to look for. That is such an obvious lie that you cannot wrap your brain around a way to defend it.

@struth claims SH was hiding the very same grade of WMD that W said was being hidden. @struth claims the invading army found the WMD that W sent them to look for. On that point @struth is a liar.
Keep forgetting who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds.

Sorry to hear your mind is failing you.

Perhaps you forgot that the Iraq Liberation Act was not offering to send in a ground army. It only meant to support Iraqis who might have decided to take the dictatorship on. W sent in a ground army by mistake that didnā€™t know what to do after W told the insurgents to bring the attacks against our troops on.
That is because ā€˜factuallyā€™ and in context of his justification to start a war, W has admitted precisely that the old rusty shit that was found by the military was not what was used to justify the war.

What precisely is your problem with my use of ā€˜contextā€™ regarding the description of WMD that W cited to justify his decision to invade and fuck up Iraq for $7 trillion dollars?

There is no way out for you?
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Struth is technically right, WMDs, were found.

That is right. some rusty old WMDā€™s were found.

Were the rusty old WMDā€™s that were found dismissed by W for not being ā€œthe most lethal WMD ever devisedā€ that he sent the US military into Iraq to find?
There is no way that you can deny the truth and reality that your fellow warmonger struth is lying when he claims the invading army found the WMD that W sent them in to look for. That is such an obvious lie that you cannot wrap your brain around a way to defend it.
they found WMDs. I donā€™t think Bush have them specific WMDs too look for.

Itā€™s just further proof that your old boss Saddam was in violation of the UN

Face it your boy Saddam is dead, the world is better off for it
W admits 2006 on WMD in Iraq ā€œIt turns out he didnā€™tā€ have them. He didnā€™t have THEM means he did not have THEM.

There is no way that you can deny the truth and reality that your fellow warmonger @struth is lying when he claims the invading army found the WMD that W sent them in to look for. That is such an obvious lie that you cannot wrap your brain around a way to defend it.

Did you catch it Correll ??? struth doubling down on his ā€œthey found the WMD that W started a war to findā€ LIE?

they found WMDs. I donā€™t think Bush have them specific WMDs too look for.

So Correll who is lying here: W or struth?

*** President Bush Admits Iraq Had No WMDs and 'Nothing' to Do With 9/11

the main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didnā€™t, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction.


*** But Mr Bush admits that he was shocked when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. "No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes.

"I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do." ***
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W admits 2006 on WMD in Iraq ā€œIt turns out he didnā€™tā€ have them. He didnā€™t have THEM means he did not have THEM.

Did you catch it Correll ??? struth doubling down on his ā€œthey found the WMD that W started a war to findā€ LIE?

So Correll who is lying here: W or struth?

*** President Bush Admits Iraq Had No WMDs and 'Nothing' to Do With 9/11

the main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didnā€™t, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction.


*** But Mr Bush admits that he was shocked when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. "No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes.

"I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do." ***

huh? what did I say that was somehow a lie, or contidict what Bush said?
I donā€™t think Bush have them specific WMDs too look for

huh? what did I say that was somehow a lie, or contidict what Bush said?

You tell many lies. Letā€™s start with this one.

You said Bush did not give our troops WMDs too look for.

That is a lie #1 because if it was based on intelligence they would be looking for whatever the intelligence said was there. So they were not looking for old rusty shells.

More reasons to follow.
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