Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Let's just look at the facts, Obama was handed a free and stable Iraq. He bailed on the it....a couple months later we had to go back because he and Xiden bailed out it and we had to fight something worse

But it wasn't "Free" or "Stable". We bribed the Sunni Tribesmen to behave just long enough to pull out most of our troops, and when Maliki stopped bribing them, they took up arms again.

The issue is this. Obama was handed a free and stable Iraq, a world free of Saddam who had terrorized the world for a decade, the leading terrorist operation living in caves....but he blew it all because he was unable to capitalize on the growing rise of democratic aspirations in the Middle East.

Uh, no, stupid. The problem is, if you had an election in the Middle East, the Jihadists would win. Just like if we ever held a real election in Vietnam, Ho Chi Mihn would have won. Or when we hold free elections in America, Trump loses.

Democracy doesn't mean, "you only get to vote for people we like".

Thus...we were right back in Iraq a few months later, dealing with a much more deadly terrorist organization, that took over massive amounts of land, an empowered Iran (the leading state sponsor of terror), a Syrian dictator that was using WMDs, and to top it off he invited Russia back in the Middle East....

Are you quite possibly retarded? ISIS gained power because the BUSH put in charge were not up to the task of running the country. Full Stop. Just how much more blood and treasure was Obama supposed to expend for Bush's mistake?
Let's just look at the facts, Obama was handed a free and stable Iraq. He bailed on the it....a couple months later we had to go back because he and Xiden bailed out it and we had to fight something worse

But it wasn't "Free" or "Stable". We bribed the Sunni Tribesmen to behave just long enough to pull out most of our troops, and when Maliki stopped bribing them, they took up arms again.

The issue is this. Obama was handed a free and stable Iraq, a world free of Saddam who had terrorized the world for a decade, the leading terrorist operation living in caves....but he blew it all because he was unable to capitalize on the growing rise of democratic aspirations in the Middle East.

Uh, no, stupid. The problem is, if you had an election in the Middle East, the Jihadists would win. Just like if we ever held a real election in Vietnam, Ho Chi Mihn would have won. Or when we hold free elections in America, Trump loses.

Democracy doesn't mean, "you only get to vote for people we like".

Thus...we were right back in Iraq a few months later, dealing with a much more deadly terrorist organization, that took over massive amounts of land, an empowered Iran (the leading state sponsor of terror), a Syrian dictator that was using WMDs, and to top it off he invited Russia back in the Middle East....

Are you quite possibly retarded? ISIS gained power because the BUSH put in charge were not up to the task of running the country. Full Stop. Just how much more blood and treasure was Obama supposed to expend for Bush's mistake?
1) obama said it was
2) not in iraq, they didn’t. Ho couldn’t if won south vietnam hence why he invaded, and had to over throw the elected president
3) ISIS gained power years after bush was out of office. Try again
1) obama said it was
2) not in iraq, they didn’t. Ho couldn’t if won south vietnam hence why he invaded, and had to over throw the elected president
3) ISIS gained power years after bush was out of office. Try again

1) You believe politicians just because they say something.
2) No, the Jihadists would have won if we let them on the ballot.. In fact, they DID win in Egypt, and then we let the military put down the only instance of Democracy the Middle East ever really had.
3) Who do you think was in ISIS? Uh, it was all those ex-Baathists that Bush put out of jobs.
A funny phenomena is occurring in the GOP right now, these lying jackasses are all trying to act like they were against the War in Iraq, when we all remember that every single one of them across the board supported it 150%. They loved the war in Iraq. War in Iraq was their favorite thing ever.

I don't remember any republican at all what so ever, standing with me against the War in Iraq. I remember these idiot Trumpers calling my a traitor and unpatriotic because I was against the war.

Even a few years ago these people wouldn't admit that the war was a huge failure.

Now these pathetic liars try to act like they were against the war all along, that is how pathetic Trumpers are. These people don't even know what they support or oppose, they wait for Foxnews to tell them what to think, and then just go with it...

If Democrats were really against the Iraq war, they would have nominated Dennis Kucinich or Russ Feingold in 2004.....but who did they give us ? John Kerry, one of the Democrat Senators who voted for the war along with Hillary , Biden etc..
1) obama said it was
2) not in iraq, they didn’t. Ho couldn’t if won south vietnam hence why he invaded, and had to over throw the elected president
3) ISIS gained power years after bush was out of office. Try again

1) You believe politicians just because they say something.
2) No, the Jihadists would have won if we let them on the ballot.. In fact, they DID win in Egypt, and then we let the military put down the only instance of Democracy the Middle East ever really had.
3) Who do you think was in ISIS? Uh, it was all those ex-Baathists that Bush put out of jobs.
1) so obama lied? why?
2) iraq is a different country and the they won there because obama backed them
3) terrorist
If Democrats were really against the Iraq war, they would have nominated Dennis Kucinich or Russ Feingold in 2004.....but who did they give us ? John Kerry, one of the Democrat Senators who voted for the war along with Hillary , Biden etc..

Except Russ didn't run in 2004, and Kucinich was a joke.

Being against the war was besides the point when we had already been in it for a year.

That said, Kerry was a poor choice. Mostly because he tried to paint himself as a "war hero" and ignore his past as a war protester.
1) so obama lied? why?
2) iraq is a different country and the they won there because obama backed them
3) terrorist

I have to ask this, are you a high-functioning retard? I mean, are you incapable of any ability to reason?

The reason why ISIS rose is because the Sunnis who had enjoyed power in Saddam's Iraq were now in a minority, and the Shi'ites weren't in a mood to share power. That's really not anyone's fault. Maybe Bush's for toppling Saddam to start with.
Gas was over $4 a gallon through Bush's whole second term.


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Saying Bush had a success there doesn't mean that I was for the war. It's just highlighting the obvious.
What made Bush’s success possible? A clue. It starts with an S and ends with an urge.

What exactly was the Surge?
Why did Bush have no other choice but to do a surge?

The reason the UN inspectors were removed is because Saddam had violated the UN Resolution and Bush, along with other nations moved to enforce the Resoltuion.

Are you talking about 1441? There are Fifteen members on the UN Security Council. It would have taken 8 members to make that decision - You are a liar every time you re

You are 0 for 20

Iraq's noncompliance with the conditions of the 1991 ceasefire agreement, including interference with U.N. weapons inspectors.
1441 gave SH a final opportunity to comply. AUMF did not authorize use if force for past violations

Iraq "continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability" and "actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability" posed a "threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region."

1441 gave SH a final opportunity to comply. AUMF did not authorize use if force for past violations - determining if that was ‘continuing’ was the purpose of having 200 UNMOVIC Inspectors in Iraq immediately prior to the invasion

Iraq's "brutal repression of its civilian population."

Not happening at the time and 1441 had no stipulation on the matter.

Iraq's "capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people".

Not happening at the time and 1441 had no stipulation on the matter.

Iraq's hostility towards the United States as demonstrated by the 1993 assassination attempt on former President George H. W. Bush and firing on coalition aircraft enforcing the no-fly zones following the 1991 Gulf War.
Not happening at the time and 1441 had no stipulation on the matter.

Members of al-Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq.

No evidence of at the time and 1441 had no stipulation on the matter.

Iraq's "continu[ing] to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations," including anti-United States terrorist organizations.

No evidence of that at the time and 1441 had no stipulation on the matter.

Iraq paid bounty to families of suicide bombers.

So did Saudi Arabia and they produced the majority of the 9/11 and 1441 had no stipulation on the matter.

Nothing burger and and 1441 had no stipulation on the matter. Blux was not hunting down

The authorization by the Constitution and the Congress for the President to fight anti-United States terrorism.
The governments in Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia feared Saddam and wanted him removed from power.
??????? You’ve are a dumbass. There Saudis opposed Dubya’s preemptive war.
Turkey didn’t want the Kurds thinking they could have their own Kurdish Nation.

Whatever mistakes the Iraqi government may have made over the years, "the Iraqi people should not have to pay the price," Abdullah said. "Iraq must stay united, free, independent -- a principle that we refuse to negotiate or discuss."​

Ensuring the security of Saudi Arabia is the job of all Saudi citizens, he said. "We should not allow outsiders and any bad influences to affect our Islamic and Arabic treasures and beliefs, which are the basis of our society and the security and peace of our country."​

In the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Saudi Arabia had agreed to join 32 other nations who had allied with the United States against Iraq.​

The kingdom was a key base for U.S. operations during the military campaign to rid invading Iraqi troops from neighboring Kuwait.​

Citing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, the resolution reiterated that it should be the policy of the United States to remove the Saddam Hussein regime and promote a democratic replacement.
In March 2003 There was no Democratic Replacement nurtured and ready to takeover. Onky Bedlam and Shiite

With that said, it was a success for Bush because he met the goal, a removal of Saddam, and left the next admin, a free and stable Iraq.

What was the cost of Bush’s success. Did you support the surge to achieve

Xiden and Obama really just screwed the pooch there though. It would have been a much bigger success had we had competent leadership following Bush, that could have leveaged the success, which sprung the Arab Spring, to a success as well....but we didn't

Bush agreed US Troops out of Iraq cities by June 2009.

oh i remember, that’s why i don’t go around being critical of Bush and the people that supported it. I remember the 90/s to and understand Xiden’s views and where they developed

Becsyse you dumb duck you supported it.

(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to --

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and

(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.

Thats The only reason to launch a preemptive war.

Because Saddam was a threat to the region, peace and security...do you not recall he invaded his neighbhors>? Used WMDs against his own people? Geez...do you not recall the 90s at all?

Violating 1441 was the only reason for War.
1) so obama lied? why?
2) iraq is a different country and the they won there because obama backed them
3) terrorist

I have to ask this, are you a high-functioning retard? I mean, are you incapable of any ability to reason?

The reason why ISIS rose is because the Sunnis who had enjoyed power in Saddam's Iraq were now in a minority, and the Shi'ites weren't in a mood to share power. That's really not anyone's fault. Maybe Bush's for toppling Saddam to start with.
they rose to power because obama pulled troops out to soon and told them when we’d be out.

why did obama lie?
He was Mayor of Cleveland when I lived up there.
I know who he is. Thank you.

I visited Cleveland once in 2012.... I'm sorry anyone had to live there.
I was 30 miles south in Akron - you can blame my dad for that move---although, before that it was Wheeling West Va. ...grass is always greener.
disclaimer -
I was born in Brooklyn NY, so hold off on the hillbilly jokes.
they rose to power because obama pulled troops out to soon and told them when we’d be out.
Who died and made you an expert on the rise of ISIS when you refuse to acknowledge the fact that when Bush left office There were 160,000 US Troops on the ground in IRAQ and Iraqis could not tell them to pack their shit up and go home the next day. And they were permitted to patrol in US cities.

Fast forward to June 2009 under Obama and Bush‘s SOFA where you also refuse to acknowledge the fact that were still 160,000 US Troops on the ground in IRAQ but the role was about to change. Iraqis could now tell them to pack their shit up and go home the next day. And they were NOT permitted to patrol in US cities.

Of course Iraq was more stable than it was from 2004 through 2007 and Obama was correct to recognize that.

But the US Military was on its way out to meet BUSH’s deadline and troops could not operate in Sunni Cities where terrorist cells were forming as early as 2010.

The terrorists could not breathe a breath of life in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power.

And you think you can blame Obama for the rise of ISIS. You are a dumb ass because of that.
they rose to power because obama pulled troops out to soon and told them when we’d be out.
Who died and made you an expert on the rise of ISIS when you refuse to acknowledge the fact that when Bush left office There were 160,000 US Troops on the ground in IRAQ and Iraqis could not tell them to pack their shit up and go home the next day. And they were permitted to patrol in US cities.

Fast forward to June 2009 under Obama and Bush‘s SOFA where you also refuse to acknowledge the fact that were still 160,000 US Troops on the ground in IRAQ but the role was about to change. Iraqis could now tell them to pack their shit up and go home the next day. And they were NOT permitted to patrol in US cities.

Of course Iraq was more stable than it was from 2004 through 2007 and Obama was correct to recognize that.

But the US Military was on its way out to meet BUSH’s deadline and troops could not operate in Sunni Cities where terrorist cells were forming as early as 2010.

The terrorists could not breathe a breath of life in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power.

And you think you can blame Obama for the rise of ISIS. You are a dumb ass because of that.
Obama was vetted to be the puppet and scapegoat for foreign policies already set in motion....if McCain had somehow won the 2008 election ( or Hillary for that matter) not much would have been different.
'These are all legit reasons to go. I didn't say I supported going though.​

The moment you swallowed what Trump calls Bush and Cheney LIES and put it in your mouth you are a supporter of LIES and a denier of TRUTH about Iraq. That makes you a supporter of the unnecessary and (as Obama called it with wisdom and foresight) a “dumb war”

You supported a “dumb” war and you can’t double talk your way out if it now.

Saying Bush had a success there doesn't mean that I was for the war. It's just highlighting the obvious.

No. you are wrong. You are referring to Bush’s success at NATION BUILDING. You are in denial of the failure of the “threat of our national security” purpose of starting the war which had a clearly stated reason for the immediate and hasty decision: in what Dubya called the FINAL DAYS OF DECISION:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER (not endorsed or supported by any Democrat except maybe Joe ...............Lieberman​

Bush was a republican and responsible for the success in iraq

It took 200,000 Ground Troops which, with a forked tongue, you say you oppose. And You voted for Trump who must consider you a dumbass for crediting DUBYA’s mistake to be a great success. Like so many dumb asses that vote for him.
TRUMP: “This will be a big week for Infrastructure. After so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is now time to start investing in OUR Country!” — tweet.​
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's inflated claim on costs of warTRUMP: “I said this morning as of a couple months ago, we have spent $7 trillion in the Middle East — $7 trillion. What a mistake. And — but it is what it is. This is what I took over. And we’re trying to build roads and bridges and fix bridges that are falling down. And we have a hard time getting the money. It’s crazy. But think of that as of a couple months ago, $7 trillion in the Middle East, and the Middle East is far worse now than it was 17 years ago when they went in, and not so intelligently, I have to say, went in.” — remarks at White House infrastructure even​

Yes....we took out Saddam and left the next admin a free and stable Iraq. I am not sure how you can say that wasn't a success.

Actual COST WAS ONLY 4421 Uniformed American Dead, half a million Iraqis dead and ..................$$$$$$$$$$
The Pentagon estimates that wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have directly cost U.S. taxpayers more than $1.5 trillion. Actual costs are higher.​
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's inflated claim on costs of war
Boston University political scientist Neta C. Crawford, as co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University, estimated that as of September, U.S. wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria — plus additional spending on homeland security, the Pentagon and Veterans Affairs Department since the 2001 terrorist attacks — cost more than $4.3 trillion.​
That rises to an estimated $5.6 trillion or more when anticipated future spending on veterans and other factors related to the wars so far are added.​

I fully supported taking out Saddam, but I supported using special forces and more covert operations then a fully scale war.
Are you pleased that these men and women gave their lives to “take out Saddam” instead of finding what Bush told them was being”hidden” there:
The US has lost 4,487 service personnel in Iraq since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom on 19 March 2003, according to the latest figures from the US Department of Defense.
us military deaths in iraq since 2003​
By 31 August 2010, when the last US combat troops left, 4,421 had been killed.​

Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.​

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saddam Extends Invite to CIA Sunday , December 22, 2002 WASHINGTON — Saddam Hussein's adviser Amir al-Saadi on Sunday invited the CIA to send its agents to Iraq to point out to U.N. inspectors sites the Bush administration suspects of weapons development.​

You say the March 2003 preemptive war to find hidden WMD was a Republican success / Well kiss my ass you bloomin’ idiot Trump voter.

The US has lost 4,487 service personnel in Iraq, causing half a million Iraqis to live free or die without being consulted on that being killed in the American Republican SUCCESS, that will end up costing an estimated $5.6 trillion or more when anticipated future spending on veterans and other factors related to the wars so far are added in.

Is this what a Catholic upbringing hath wrought ? My God why hast thou forsaken human intelligence and moral feeling in this human being?
A funny phenomena is occurring in the GOP right now, these lying jackasses are all trying to act like they were against the War in Iraq, when we all remember that every single one of them across the board supported it 150%. They loved the war in Iraq. War in Iraq was their favorite thing ever.
A funny phenomena is occurring in the Dem paarty right now, these lying jackasses are all trying to act like they were against the War in Iraq, when we all remember that every single one of them across the board supported it 150%. They loved the war in Iraq. War in Iraq was their favorite thing ever.

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