Did you vote for Trump ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
" No! I didn't vote.Got a record.I was arrested.They
don't let you vote when that happens " - STILLWATER - { 2021 }
I get it.Kinda.Yet doesn't come close to explaining how Democrats
vote.Short of the term " Arrested development ". In short meaning
development has prematurely stopped.Due to factors like
a change in ones genes.Or developmental deficiency.
I could go on.But that will suffice.For now.Short of some doctoral
thesis.Not unlike Hillary's Clinton's senior Thesis from time
spent at Wellesley college.A 92 pager.Hello! Hello .. paging anyone.
Howz about Saul Alinsky.Or some confounded version of the Alinsky
model.Sure worked wonders fir Obama.I could imagine Obama at
Columbia U. { in Winter } wearing his Christmas present { Raccoon
coat purchased from Neiman Marcus }. No I can't.Regardless of
the Alinsky model." There is only the fight ".Learn't by Saul
one summer { College break } when being tutored by Frank Nitti
{ notorious Al Capone enforcer } on the merits of bullying.
Capone known for having others due his dirty work.
Again ... not unlike them Democrats.In fact,kinda like how and why
Jim Crow was written.Not a Republican on earth allowed such Draconian
tactics.Just them Democrats.Who if given have a chance would gladly
lay blame on the nearest raccoon when feasible.Or not.
So the best defense at this juncture is to start acting stupid.
Just admit you dint vote for Trump in 2016.And you weren't available
in 2020.You were far too busy still managing how to pay for that
Neiman Marcus Raccoon coat.And if lotto permits this year it'll be
a Neiman Marcus Burberry Men's Knight IP Check Duffel Coat.
in splendid shining blue.Only $ 4,595 while supply last.
" No! I didn't vote.Got a record.I was arrested.They
don't let you vote when that happens " - STILLWATER - { 2021 }
I get it.Kinda.Yet doesn't come close to explaining how Democrats
vote.Short of the term " Arrested development ". In short meaning
development has prematurely stopped.Due to factors like
a change in ones genes.Or developmental deficiency.
I could go on.But that will suffice.For now.Short of some doctoral
thesis.Not unlike Hillary's Clinton's senior Thesis from time
spent at Wellesley college.A 92 pager.Hello! Hello .. paging anyone.
Howz about Saul Alinsky.Or some confounded version of the Alinsky
model.Sure worked wonders fir Obama.I could imagine Obama at
Columbia U. { in Winter } wearing his Christmas present { Raccoon
coat purchased from Neiman Marcus }. No I can't.Regardless of
the Alinsky model." There is only the fight ".Learn't by Saul
one summer { College break } when being tutored by Frank Nitti
{ notorious Al Capone enforcer } on the merits of bullying.
Capone known for having others due his dirty work.
Again ... not unlike them Democrats.In fact,kinda like how and why
Jim Crow was written.Not a Republican on earth allowed such Draconian
tactics.Just them Democrats.Who if given have a chance would gladly
lay blame on the nearest raccoon when feasible.Or not.
So the best defense at this juncture is to start acting stupid.
Just admit you dint vote for Trump in 2016.And you weren't available
in 2020.You were far too busy still managing how to pay for that
Neiman Marcus Raccoon coat.And if lotto permits this year it'll be
a Neiman Marcus Burberry Men's Knight IP Check Duffel Coat.
in splendid shining blue.Only $ 4,595 while supply last.
I guess they didn't teach writing at your high school. Ugh. :rolleyes:
I guess they didn't teach writing at your high school. Ugh. :rolleyes:
Um! Guessing on a message board is shore professional.
Kinda like goin' fishing with the Little Rascals and
forgetting to bring bait.Instead juice a big juicy
apple for Miss Crabtree.
Who blushes real cute-like.
I didn’t vote prior to 2002. I voted for Bush in 2004. I voted for McCain in 2008. I voted for Romney in 2012. I voted for Hillary in 2016. I voted for Trump in 2020.

Dang it. I always get it wrong. I’m leaning towards Biden this time around unless Republicans can choose a former governor as their nominee. So Trump might actually win since I won’t vote for him. He isn’t boring enough for me. My ideal president’s name wouldn’t be mentioned the entire 4-8 years of his presidency and his name would be forgotten five minutes after leaving office. I LOVE boring.
" No! I didn't vote.Got a record.I was arrested.They
don't let you vote when that happens " - STILLWATER - { 2021 }
I get it.Kinda.Yet doesn't come close to explaining how Democrats
vote.Short of the term " Arrested development ". In short meaning
development has prematurely stopped.Due to factors like
a change in ones genes.Or developmental deficiency.
I could go on.But that will suffice.For now.Short of some doctoral
thesis.Not unlike Hillary's Clinton's senior Thesis from time
spent at Wellesley college.A 92 pager.Hello! Hello .. paging anyone.
Howz about Saul Alinsky.Or some confounded version of the Alinsky
model.Sure worked wonders fir Obama.I could imagine Obama at
Columbia U. { in Winter } wearing his Christmas present { Raccoon
coat purchased from Neiman Marcus }. No I can't.Regardless of
the Alinsky model." There is only the fight ".Learn't by Saul
one summer { College break } when being tutored by Frank Nitti
{ notorious Al Capone enforcer } on the merits of bullying.
Capone known for having others due his dirty work.
Again ... not unlike them Democrats.In fact,kinda like how and why
Jim Crow was written.Not a Republican on earth allowed such Draconian
tactics.Just them Democrats.Who if given have a chance would gladly
lay blame on the nearest raccoon when feasible.Or not.
So the best defense at this juncture is to start acting stupid.
Just admit you dint vote for Trump in 2016.And you weren't available
in 2020.You were far too busy still managing how to pay for that
Neiman Marcus Raccoon coat.And if lotto permits this year it'll be
a Neiman Marcus Burberry Men's Knight IP Check Duffel Coat.
in splendid shining blue.Only $ 4,595 while supply last.

I have reading comprehension problems that became exacerbated when I was reading this post. I’m sorry that I can’t offer a proper response but I have no idea what I just read.
Unless you're a black thug on a rampage then it only costs ZERO.
If there was a Neiman Marcus In San Fransico the limit is
still $ 1,950 bucks per thief.Per store per time.
Likely to get amended.Not for an improvement butts tp
make more suitable { acceptable } for those inclined to be from the
Hood.Or whatever squatter tent camp abounds.
If there was a Neiman Marcus In San Fransico the limit is
still $ 1,950 bucks per thief.Per store per time.
Likely to get amended.Not for an improvement butts tp
make more suitable { acceptable } for those inclined to be from the
Hood.Or whatever squatter tent camp abounds.
With inflation in full swing, I think it's only fair to let the thieves steal up to $3000.00. Free stuff is really getting expensive these days.
I have reading comprehension problems that became exacerbated when I was reading this post. I’m sorry that I can’t offer a proper response but I have no idea what I just read.
I guess there is no reason Danny to bother with stuff from
Beatnik poets er the like.Or stuff from Jack Kerouac.
Er even Charles Bukowski.
Furgit even Gonzo Journalism.Like Hunter Thompson.
Whose Mom was a head librarian.Get it.Like an early head.
or Pot head.I think she also taught.
Not Hunter.He dint allow it.Not even them Hells Angels.
I guess there is no reason Danny to bother with stuff from
Beatnik poets er the like.Or stuff from Jack Kerouac.
Er even Charles Bukowski.
Furgit even Gonzo Journalism.Like Hunter Thompson.
Whose Mom was a head librarian.Get it.Like an early head.
or Pot head.I think she also taught.
Not Hunter.He dint allow it.Not even them Hells Angels.

I’m still drawing a blank. I did vote for Trump in 2020 if that was the question.
With inflation in full swing, I think it's only fair to let the thieves steal up to $3000.00. Free stuff is really getting expensive these days.
I just heard a person on Breitbart Sirius this morn.
He knew financials.He says that by years end
there will be a panic.That we may be $ 40 Trillion
in Debt { we're at a little over $ 33 trillion now } by the
time a new Congress { in 2025 } Meets.
Someone having $ One Million 2 years ago brings the
worth today at $ 700,ooo.
National Debt ... $ 33,663,828,711,oo7.
I’m still drawing a blank. I did vote for Trump in 2020 if that was the question.
Why! because you liked his Hair.Or long red silk tie.
His fast talking.His never shutting up { even Hannity has
a problem with } er ... His overall Positivity.
I’m still drawing a blank. I did vote for Trump in 2020 if that was the question.
Are you going to vote for him again? Wow How nutty are you? I can't believe you've been here since 2015 and I don't know your screen name. That's odd.

Do you believe the election was stolen?
Do you believe Trump should have been impeached twice?
Do you believe Trump should be prosecuted?
Do you believe in vaccinate, science,
Do you listen to right wing media sources?

Do you believe Only Trump can save us?

Are you going to vote for him again? Wow How nutty are you? I can't believe you've been here since 2015 and I don't know your screen name. That's odd.

Do you believe the election was stolen?
Do you believe Trump should have been impeached twice?
Do you believe Trump should be prosecuted?
Do you believe in vaccinate, science,
Do you listen to right wing media sources?

Do you believe Only Trump can save us?

I will get to your other questions but wanted to inform you that I voted for Hillary in 2016.
Are you going to vote for him again?
Wow How nutty are you?
Very nutty
I can't believe you've been here since 2015 and I don't know your screen name. That's odd.

Do you believe the election was stolen?
Do you believe Trump should have been impeached twice?
Do you believe Trump should be prosecuted?
None of my business.
Do you believe in vaccinate, science,
Vaccinations work. Science is ever changing. I believe in the process of science. New things are proven and disproven over time.
Do you listen to right wing media sources?
Not anymore. I used to love listening to Rush Limbaugh. That dude was creative and hillarious. All right wing media nuts now have scripts. It’s too annoying and predictable.
Do you believe Only Trump can save us?
Trump is the only Republican I ever voted for. I usually only vote for 3rd party candidates.

Very nutty



None of my business.

Vaccinations work. Science is ever changing. I believe in the process of science. New things are proven and disproven over time.

Not anymore. I used to love listening to Rush Limbaugh. That dude was creative and hillarious. All right wing media nuts now have scripts. It’s too annoying and predictable.


How Right-Wing Radio Stoked Anger Before the Capitol Siege​

Shows hosted by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other talk radio stars promoted debunked claims of a stolen election and urged listeners to “fight back.”

Two days before a mob of Trump supporters invaded the United States Capitol, upending the nation’s peaceful transition of power and leaving at least five people dead, the right-wing radio star Glenn Beck delivered a message to his flock of 10.5 million listeners: “It is time to fight.”

“It is time to rip and claw and rake,” Mr. Beck said on his Jan. 4 broadcast. “It is time to go to war, as the left went to war four years ago.”

Talk radio is perhaps the most influential and under-chronicled part of right-wing media

Many of the insurrectionists said they were listening to too much right wing radio.

This was my favorite about right wing radio

In the last three months, five conservative talk show hosts have died from COVID​

Over the last few months, no less than five conservative radio talk show hosts who urged their audiences to avoid vaccines for COVID-19 have died from the virus.​


How Right-Wing Radio Stoked Anger Before the Capitol Siege​

Shows hosted by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other talk radio stars promoted debunked claims of a stolen election and urged listeners to “fight back.”

Two days before a mob of Trump supporters invaded the United States Capitol, upending the nation’s peaceful transition of power and leaving at least five people dead, the right-wing radio star Glenn Beck delivered a message to his flock of 10.5 million listeners: “It is time to fight.”

“It is time to rip and claw and rake,” Mr. Beck said on his Jan. 4 broadcast. “It is time to go to war, as the left went to war four years ago.”

Talk radio is perhaps the most influential and under-chronicled part of right-wing media

Many of the insurrectionists said they were listening to too much right wing radio.

This was my favorite about right wing radio

In the last three months, five conservative talk show hosts have died from COVID​

Over the last few months, no less than five conservative radio talk show hosts who urged their audiences to avoid vaccines for COVID-19 have died from the virus.​

Radio hosts shouldn’t be giving medical advice. People should talk to their doctors about this stuff. Medical discussions are private discussions not public issues. Some people should have taken the vaccine. Others have no reason to take the covid shot. For some reason this was made into a political discussion. I’m not sure whose idea it was but it sure worked. People ignored their doctor’s advice in favor of some type of political loyalty.

How Right-Wing Radio Stoked Anger Before the Capitol Siege​

Shows hosted by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other talk radio stars promoted debunked claims of a stolen election and urged listeners to “fight back.”

Two days before a mob of Trump supporters invaded the United States Capitol, upending the nation’s peaceful transition of power and leaving at least five people dead, the right-wing radio star Glenn Beck delivered a message to his flock of 10.5 million listeners: “It is time to fight.”

“It is time to rip and claw and rake,” Mr. Beck said on his Jan. 4 broadcast. “It is time to go to war, as the left went to war four years ago.”

Talk radio is perhaps the most influential and under-chronicled part of right-wing media

Many of the insurrectionists said they were listening to too much right wing radio.

This was my favorite about right wing radio

In the last three months, five conservative talk show hosts have died from COVID​

Over the last few months, no less than five conservative radio talk show hosts who urged their audiences to avoid vaccines for COVID-19 have died from the virus.​

Out of the hundreds of black people killed by cops each year, which one do you think they will pick to blast on the media 24/7 for months straight?

What will the new disease be like in 2024 that influences the election?

Will the American people ignore that isolated cop killing out of the hundreds that they previously ignored?

Will the American people seek advice from their doctors instead of choosing their medical diagnosis to make a political decision?

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