Did you vote today?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I voted ten days ago

By most accounts a dull election with no Presidents, Governors, Congressmen or Senators on the ballot. The kind of election that Americans avoid like the plague

But I got to vote for my towns mayor and I know both candidates very well. I got to vote for three members of my town council. I got to vote for my county freeholders.

My vote in these elections carries much more weight. Many are decided by a dozen votes or so. The actions of these low level politicians have a much greater bearing on my day to day life than a President or Senator.

Yet, most of the public will just yawn........it gives my vote that much more power
I voted ten days ago

By most accounts a dull election with no Presidents, Governors, Congressmen or Senators on the ballot. The kind of election that Americans avoid like the plague

But I got to vote for my towns mayor and I know both candidates very well. I got to vote for three members of my town council. I got to vote for my county freeholders.

My vote in these elections carries much more weight. Many are decided by a dozen votes or so. The actions of these low level politicians have a much greater bearing on my day to day life than a President or Senator.

Yet, most of the public will just yawn........it gives my vote that much more power

Often you'll find people pay no attention to these local people, and they'll vote only based on national or state issues. It's quite sad, but people just want to be entertained.
Later, will go with hubby when he gets home from golfing.
We are voting on our local sheriff... other than that, nada.....
I voted ten days ago

By most accounts a dull election with no Presidents, Governors, Congressmen or Senators on the ballot. The kind of election that Americans avoid like the plague

But I got to vote for my towns mayor and I know both candidates very well. I got to vote for three members of my town council. I got to vote for my county freeholders.

My vote in these elections carries much more weight. Many are decided by a dozen votes or so. The actions of these low level politicians have a much greater bearing on my day to day life than a President or Senator.

Yet, most of the public will just yawn........it gives my vote that much more power

Often you'll find people pay no attention to these local people, and they'll vote only based on national or state issues. It's quite sad, but people just want to be entertained.

For most Americans, their vote for President means next to nothing unless you live in a swing state
I voted ten days ago

By most accounts a dull election with no Presidents, Governors, Congressmen or Senators on the ballot. The kind of election that Americans avoid like the plague

But I got to vote for my towns mayor and I know both candidates very well. I got to vote for three members of my town council. I got to vote for my county freeholders.

My vote in these elections carries much more weight. Many are decided by a dozen votes or so. The actions of these low level politicians have a much greater bearing on my day to day life than a President or Senator.

Yet, most of the public will just yawn........it gives my vote that much more power

Often you'll find people pay no attention to these local people, and they'll vote only based on national or state issues. It's quite sad, but people just want to be entertained.

For most Americans, their vote for President means next to nothing unless you live in a swing state

true, but that could change in 2016. purple states will turn red, watch.

We had a local election a couple of weeks ago, I voted for governor, state reps, judges, tax assessors, sheriff, etc. All politics is local. Since La has open primaries, we will have a run off election later this month.
LA is not purple. The purple states right now show no indication of turning red. That is wishful thinking on Redfish's part.
I live near a college town. The area is conservative but the local (weekly) paper never saw a democrat they didn't like. This year they favor a local lawyer who never ran for anything in her life against a six time incumbent extremely well liked state delegate who ran unopposed the last two terms. In typical left wing fashion the local paper claims that the republican delegate isn't "moderate" enough. I guess they are unaware that most people are smart enough to know that the liberal media translation for "moderate" is a republican who votes with democrats. We have a county attorney race with a republican against an independent and a well liked sheriff with seemingly no political affiliation.
LA is not purple. The purple states right now show no indication of turning red. That is wishful thinking on Redfish's part.

Florida, VA, and Ohio are more than likely red when the hillary gets the nom.


Hillary polls well in Florida and both Ohio and Virginia both heavily lean blue
LA is not purple. The purple states right now show no indication of turning red. That is wishful thinking on Redfish's part.

Florida, VA, and Ohio are more than likely red when the hillary gets the nom.
Virginia, at least at the national level, is lost to the GOP for the time being. One of the biggest Clinton supporters in the country won the governorship here last year.

As for today's vote I'm going during lunch.
I live near a college town. The area is conservative but the local (weekly) paper never saw a democrat they didn't like. This year they favor a local lawyer who never ran for anything in her life against a six time incumbent extremely well liked state delegate who ran unopposed the last two terms. In typical left wing fashion the local paper claims that the republican delegate isn't "moderate" enough. I guess they are unaware that most people are smart enough to know that the liberal media translation for "moderate" is a republican who votes with democrats. We have a county attorney race with a republican against an independent and a well liked sheriff with seemingly no political affiliation.
Ah so you'll be re-electing a lifer.
LA is not purple. The purple states right now show no indication of turning red. That is wishful thinking on Redfish's part.
Florida, VA, and Ohio are more than likely red when the hillary gets the nom.
Sure, if the ticket is Kasich-Rubio or Rubio-Kascih or Bush-Kasich.

Rubio....maybe. Your other two choices shouldn't even be in the race.
Kasich, of the three, is the only one to be involved in balancing the budget. You are unhappy about the Medicaid support? Get over it. More Red State governors are seeing the light.

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