Did you watch Agent Orange and the French President? Hilarious!

Trump said his son was doing "opposition research" and anyone would have taken that meeting.

Trump LUVS LUVS LUVS the Chinese president. The French president says he sees things are they are. And understands he has to work with him.

The French President was asked about the Mexico Wall because during the election, he said it was a terrible idea. But when asked, ignored the question.

It was hilarious seeing a professional and Trump together. Trump tried to pull his hand over, the French president refused to be pulled.

And Trump was asked about the terrible things he said about France but laughed it off after a reporter said "Will you repeat those things you said about France" but he refused to.

Oh, and Trump's son's problem was because of Loretta Lynch. It was all her fault.

This joint press conference is going to be dissected over the next couple of days.

Lets see....

You are in a Presidential campaign and someone claiming to represent Russian agents says that Russia wants to help you and has classified information damaging to your opponent

Anyone would take that meeting?

Are you kidding me? Alarms and whistles should have been going off in his head telling him something is not right

How gullible is Lil' Donnie?
He's a young boy, a youth, a juvenile, a child, an infant, a tiny little and delicate baby.

He's the same age as the French President.
Did CNN edit out the handshake yet?

Did you hear? Malania Trump disgraced the nation by visiting a children's hospital and spoke to the children in fluent French.

Leftists are mad she didn't go to an abortion clinic and help sell some baby parts.
Selling baby parts? Oh, I get it. You're a lying SOB who thinks women aren't capable of taking care of their own bodies. Got it. So you have to lie. No wonder you love Traitor Trump. Like attracts like.
Did CNN edit out the handshake yet?

Did you hear? Malania Trump disgraced the nation by visiting a children's hospital and spoke to the children in fluent French.

Leftists are mad she didn't go to an abortion clinic and help sell some baby parts.
Selling baby parts? Oh, I get it. You're a lying SOB who thinks women aren't capable of taking care of their own bodies. Got it. So you have to lie. No wonder you love Traitor Trump. Like attracts like.

You know this how?
"Hilarious"? Why does the angry incoherent left insist in using inappropriate laughter to try to make a political point? Isn't inappropriate laughter an indication of mental illness?
Did CNN edit out the handshake yet?

Did you hear? Malania Trump disgraced the nation by visiting a children's hospital and spoke to the children in fluent French.

Leftists are mad she didn't go to an abortion clinic and help sell some baby parts.
Selling baby parts? Oh, I get it. You're a lying SOB who thinks women aren't capable of taking care of their own bodies. Got it. So you have to lie. No wonder you love Traitor Trump. Like attracts like.

You know this how?
No one is selling baby parts. What is there to prove? Only right wingers are disgusting enough to come up with this lie. They are a dirty people. Something we all know.
By insisting that colluding with the Russians is something everyone in America would do Trump is calling us a nation of lawbreakers.

Well he's wrong. We are not ALL Republicans.

Opinion | What Donald Trump Jr. should have learned from the 2000 Gore campaign’s hot potato

CNN Transcript - Sunday: Election 2000: FBI Widens Probe Into Stolen Bush Debate Tape; Bush and Gore Prepare For Debates - October 1, 2000

When receiving such stolen material, Gore refused it and called the FBI. Something I suspect no Republican would ever do.
I see President Trump has gotten under the skin of the resident snowflakes, do they plan to remain triggered for the next 4 years?
Trump said his son was doing "opposition research" and anyone would have taken that meeting.

Trump LUVS LUVS LUVS the Chinese president. The French president says he sees things are they are. And understands he has to work with him.

The French President was asked about the Mexico Wall because during the election, he said it was a terrible idea. But when asked, ignored the question.

It was hilarious seeing a professional and Trump together. Trump tried to pull his hand over, the French president refused to be pulled.

And Trump was asked about the terrible things he said about France but laughed it off after a reporter said "Will you repeat those things you said about France" but he refused to.

Oh, and Trump's son's problem was because of Loretta Lynch. It was all her fault.

This joint press conference is going to be dissected over the next couple of days.
Wherever DT goes he embarrasses the United States of America. Every single place, every single time..
I see President Trump has gotten under the skin of the resident snowflakes, do they plan to remain triggered for the next 4 years?
Meanwhile the White House lawyers understand what deep shit Trump is in even though he and you pretend it's nothing.
When the book comes out on the failed presidency of DT, there will be a whole chapter on the gleeful response Butthead Jr. had of meeting with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary.

It's time to offer apologies to Eric who everyone thought was the dumb brother.
I see President Trump has gotten under the skin of the resident snowflakes, do they plan to remain triggered for the next 4 years?
Meanwhile the White House lawyers understand what deep shit Trump is in even though he and you pretend it's nothing.
When the book comes out on the failed presidency of DT, there will be a whole chapter on the gleeful response Butthead Jr. had of meeting with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary.

It's time to offer apologies to Eric who everyone thought was the dumb brother.

:cuckoo: ^^^
I see President Trump has gotten under the skin of the resident snowflakes, do they plan to remain triggered for the next 4 years?
Trump said he could shoot someone out on the street in public and your kind would still support him. He was right, wasn't he?
I see President Trump has gotten under the skin of the resident snowflakes, do they plan to remain triggered for the next 4 years?
Trump said he could shoot someone out on the street in public and your kind would still support him. He was right, wasn't he?

Are you pretending you don't know Trump was joking in a display of liberal dishonesty, or is your life that absurdly literal?

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