Didnt you Progressives, vote for Joe Biden, because he knew how to deal with the Pandemic COVID-19?

I voted for Obumble... twice...

The first time around (2008) because I could not forgive Shrub and the Republicans for not getting in-and-out of both Iraq and Afghanistan quickly...

The second time around (2012) because he did a halfway-decent job of pulling us out of the Republican -led Housing and Market collapse and Mittens' 47% remark killed him...

I thought Obumble did a decent job with domestic policy (except for the screwed-up ACA) but that he was a frigging train-wreck when it came to foreign policy...

I cared deeply about foreign policy and his LibProg approach on Illegal Aliens and was pissed about it...

But I had also voted for Shrub twice... one cannot reliably predict the faults and disasters of President A or B before they take office, so the best we can do is guess...

But when I see some un-American traitorous sonufabitch actually egg-on rioters and incite them to Insurrection to assault Congress and overturn an election... well...
You really think Obama did a halfway decent job of pulling us out of The Great Recession? Not for nothing, Kondor but it wouldn't be called that if it wasn't the slowest recovery from a major recession since The Great Depression! I think Obama was terrible with domestic policy! At a time when the country was reeling from the economic downturn and millions were out of work...Barry decided to make his big priority ObamaCare...something that HURT job creation! Do you remember how badly the Democrats handled the stimulus? Barry and Nancy were promising hundreds of thousands of shovel ready jobs if they got the stimulus package passed and then had to sheepishly admit a year later that they didn't really created many jobs at all! Or have you forgotten the whole "Jobs Created or Saved" statistic that the White House used to hide how few jobs they actually HAD created?
How many 66 year old people do you know that AREN'T on any meds? I just started with a new primary care doctor and he remarked how unusual that was. I don't like putting crap in my body when I can fix something through diet or exercise. I'll fight that battle as long as I can!
How many 66 year old people do you know that AREN'T on any meds? I just started with a new primary care doctor and he remarked how unusual that was. I don't like putting crap in my body when I can fix something through diet or exercise. I'll fight that battle as long as I can!
You’re a medical marvel

And lucky as hell
I voted for Biden and the democrats to take the pandemic more seriously via public policy.

And for actual progress on Infrastructure.
You really think Obama did a halfway decent job of pulling us out of The Great Recession?
Not for nothing, Kondor but it wouldn't be called that if it wasn't the slowest recovery from a major recession since The Great Depression!
Probably because it WAS the worst recession since the Great Depression? Frankly, I'd label that time frame a "Depression", myself. It was bad enough to justify such a label.
I think Obama was terrible with domestic policy!
To each his own opinion.
At a time when the country was reeling from the economic downturn and millions were out of work...Barry decided to make his big priority ObamaCare...something that HURT job creation!
Peoples lives and health matter vastly more than economics.
Do you remember how badly the Democrats handled the stimulus? Barry and Nancy were promising hundreds of thousands of shovel ready jobs if they got the stimulus package passed and then had to sheepishly admit a year later that they didn't really created many jobs at all! Or have you forgotten the whole "Jobs Created or Saved" statistic that the White House used to hide how few jobs they actually HAD created?

The Democrats would screw-up a wet-dream... and oftentimes do... when given the chance.

But, let's face it, the Republicans had screwed-the-pooch by allowing the Great Recession to unfold, unchecked, so they get rocks thrown at them too.

Obumble bailed-out banks and managed to save a lot of families at risk of eviction or foreclosure and he-and-his did OK on the social justice front as well.

More positive out of him-and-his on the domestic front than negatives, but, as with most administrations, it was, indeed, a mixed bag.

Probably because it WAS the worst recession since the Great Depression? Frankly, I'd label that time frame a "Depression", myself. It was bad enough to justify such a label.

To each his own opinion.

Peoples lives and health matter vastly more than economics.


The Democrats would screw-up a wet-dream... and oftentimes do... when given the chance.

But, let's face it, the Republicans had screwed-the-pooch by allowing the Great Recession to unfold, unchecked, so they get rocks thrown at them too.

Obumble bailed-out banks and managed to save a lot of families at risk of eviction or foreclosure and he-and-his did OK on the social justice front as well.

More positive out of him-and-his on the domestic front than negatives, but, as with most administrations, it was, indeed, a mixed bag.
You keep making the claim that it was the Republican's that caused that recession, Kondor and for the life of me I don't know how you arrived at that conclusion! Give W. credit for speaking up about the looming problem in the housing markets. He took heat from Democrats like Barney Frank when he did but in hindsight...Bush was right and Frank was dead wrong!

Probably because it WAS the worst recession since the Great Depression? Frankly, I'd label that time frame a "Depression", myself. It was bad enough to justify such a label.

To each his own opinion.

Peoples lives and health matter vastly more than economics.


The Democrats would screw-up a wet-dream... and oftentimes do... when given the chance.

But, let's face it, the Republicans had screwed-the-pooch by allowing the Great Recession to unfold, unchecked, so they get rocks thrown at them too.

Obumble bailed-out banks and managed to save a lot of families at risk of eviction or foreclosure and he-and-his did OK on the social justice front as well.

More positive out of him-and-his on the domestic front than negatives, but, as with most administrations, it was, indeed, a mixed bag.
I don't even know how to respond to a statement as bizarre as "People's lives and health matter vastly more than economics." What makes sense is that peoples lives and health DEPEND on good economic policies!
While the Delta variant is basically a wildly overhyped mild flu, who knew that electing demented rapist/career criminal Biden would be a mistake?

I mean, Democrats said "Blue no matter who!" so I guess that means that the corpse of Charles Manson with Dahmer as VP is something they'd vote for, and I think that's special!

You really think Obama did a halfway decent job of pulling us out of The Great Recession? Not for nothing, Kondor but it wouldn't be called that if it wasn't the slowest recovery from a major recession since The Great Depression! I think Obama was terrible with domestic policy!

WTF? It's name comes from the historic depth of the contraction, it was named that well before recovery.

It's recovery was only as unprecedented as the nature of the $8 trillion dollar damage to the economy.

And by the way what was the lesson? It's wasn't that response by the government was too big, it's that it was TOO SMALL.

When shit hit the fan again in 2020 the Federal fiscal response response signed by a Republican president made 2009 Stimulus look like an exercise in restraint.
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I don't even know how to respond to a statement as bizarre as "People's lives and health matter vastly more than economics." What makes sense is that peoples lives and health DEPEND on good economic policies!
And THAT is a fundamental difference...

I care FAR more about your status as a living, healthy human being than I care about your financial condition...

Both are important...

But the former is VASTLY more important than the latter...

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