Difference Between Socialism and Progressivism


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Let the "collage kiddies" get informed...
Difference Between Socialism and Progressivism

Categorized under Ideology,Politics | Difference Between Socialism and Progressivism

Socialism vs Progressivism

Socialism is an economic system where the government runs and controls the production resources collectively owned by society to achieve its common good. Progressivism ,on the other hand, is a political philosophy that seeks to raise the standard of living of the average member of society in order to achieve a positive social change. While socialism and progressivism both seek the economic and political equality of all members of society, they differ in their views and approaches.

Socialists want to abolish capitalism because they believe that it exploits the working class. They want the working class to play an overpowering role in shifting society from capitalism to socialism either through a popular vote or going on a general strike or even going to the extreme of uprising or revolution. Progressives, on the other hand, believe that capitalism is the most expeditious way to grow the wealth of society under a regulated business environment. They want to attain social change gradually. They do not expect the working class to play a major role in the social change they want. They also object to any form of violence to achieve social change. The progressives believe that the approach of the socialists in achieving social change is too drastic and could cause social unrest. Instead, the progressives convince the poor or less privileged to be jealous of the rich capitalists in order to influence the working class to vote progressives into power and perform the government obligation of improving the life of the community.

In terms of economic advocacy, socialism promotes a planned economy wherein the blueprint for the production and distribution of goods and services is determined ahead of time. Socialists also believe in the equitable distribution of productivity gains. They believe that those who worked more, deserve to be given more. Progressivism goes for a mixed economy where the basic features of capitalism and socialism are present. Supporters of progressivism believe that wealth should be distributed equally among members of society. Where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, such wealth must be put under the control of a democratic political establishment. Progressives support economic egalitarianism and as such, treat members of society as co-equals in terms of their right to use the economic resources and wealth and their contribution to such wealth and resources.


Read more: Difference Between Socialism and Progressivism | Difference Between | Socialism vs Progressivism http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/politics/difference-between-socialism-and-progressivism/#ixzz3zWC13TD4


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The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

It would likely be the same companies who offer lawn service or even towing. No one can guarantee them a plowing job anymore than you can promise their tow truck will pay for itself. But in states that get a lot of snow, I'd say they do pretty well. I know guys who invested in large trucks and they wish for snow for the extra cash it will bring.

The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

It would likely be the same companies who offer lawn service or even towing. No one can guarantee them a plowing job anymore than you can promise their tow truck will pay for itself. But in states that get a lot of snow, I'd say they do pretty well. I know guys who invested in large trucks and they wish for snow for the extra cash it will bring.
Welcome to cost plus contracts, loved by the MIC and the DOD
Depends on your definition of either
Donald Trump should be done on this note.. Wow. I wonder how much he offered her for her place ? Anyone know that answer (?), because his claim is they will get a huge amount when this stuff happens to them.
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The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

What a dumbass. There are numerous private fire protection companies, and you pay them a monthly fee.

I think people become left-wingers because they simply have no imagination. They can't imagine anything working except the way it works now

The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

What a dumbass. There are numerous private fire protection companies, and you pay them a monthly fee.

I think people become left-wingers because they simply have no imagination. They can't imagine anything working except the way it works now
He no pay his monthly bill. We checked when he called...

Capitalism is not the solution to all things, and it was never meant to be. If you understood it you'd know that.

Blocked residents in their driveways with snow berms so they had to re-shovel their driveways just to get out of their own driveways.
Better than having to shovel the whole road still... How did they not know that the plow would be coming ? Uhh maybe they jumped the gun a little ya think ? LOL I would have told the wife "honey that snow plow will be here soon, so I ain't shoveling nothing yet". Just playing devil's advocate.. LOL. There is inefficiency in government, and why that can't get fixed is beyond me.

The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

What a dumbass. There are numerous private fire protection companies, and you pay them a monthly fee.

I think people become left-wingers because they simply have no imagination. They can't imagine anything working except the way it works now

Best fire department in our area....volunteer. Community took donations and bought their fire engine.

No government needed.

The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

What a dumbass. There are numerous private fire protection companies, and you pay them a monthly fee.

I think people become left-wingers because they simply have no imagination. They can't imagine anything working except the way it works now

Best fire department in our area....volunteer. Community took donations and bought their fire engine.

No government needed.
Fucking commies...

The alternative would be hiring private companies, which in many cases are more efficient and cost less money.
One could do that, as long as you were willing to guarantee their profits? That's a business like putting out fires, one never knows if the work will be there or not. That would be a Cost Plus contract. No one would write one otherwise.

What a dumbass. There are numerous private fire protection companies, and you pay them a monthly fee.

I think people become left-wingers because they simply have no imagination. They can't imagine anything working except the way it works now

Best fire department in our area....volunteer. Community took donations and bought their fire engine.

No government needed.
Fucking commies...

I must have missed where Communism was voluntary. Oh yeah, because it isn't.

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