Dimocraps are road testing messages, because they cant run on killing babies and raising taxes.

2018 and 2020 will be what they've always been: A referendum on Trump
Ouch, then Dem's are in for another ass whooping because Trump is winning left and right. His fight for seniors on prescription drug prices I don't think people understand yet just how HUGE that is. That single issue can devastate Dem's.
I'm not good at predicting this stuff, so I guess we'll see.

But a mistake the GOP may be making is assuming that everyone else shares their priorities, and that's just wrong.

No the mistake the GOP is likely to make is trying to distance themselves from president Trump and side with Democrats. Democrats can pretend to be Republicans and win, the reverse is not true. When Republicans pretend to be Democrats they lose most of the time.
As a person who has conducted candidate searches and participated in dozens of campaign strategy meetings for candidates running for this year's municipal, state and federal office, I believe I have some perspective to add here.

One, none of the candidates I am working with is actively running against Donald Trump. Any boost that comes from Trump's existence will be organic. We are not using him in any of our messaging.

Two, every candidate I am helping has a solid issues based platform. I can assure you that the bulk of the time and money being spent is focused on promoting these platforms.

Three. We've got a shit ton of volunteers. Think about the last major mid-term campaign you volunteered for. Now, multiply the number of volunteers you worked with by 10. That's us. That's partially due to the wake up call of 2016. But it's mostly due to the fact that we have our shit together with a very positive message.
Sorry bout that,

1. RACE.
2. With riots.
3. Then they will say (fake news and LIBS) its ALL because of Trump.
4. Voters will lol!

Degeneration of American Values - Democrats can benefit from promoting the return of traditional American values, the kind of values that have been rejected and trashed by the Trump administration and Donald Trump himself, and accepted and endorsed by Republicans.
The Left owns popular culture, and there is no place in this society that has decayed more profoundly. They may want to leave that one alone, and go after other stuff, of which there is quite a bit.
Popular culture and society values are not the same. There are certain traditional values that breech all or at least most segments of even the most diverse societies and communities. Mocking a man on his deathbed is an example, as is attacking Gold Star parents or a Gold Star wife. The shunning of these values are adding up and becoming more and more disturbing to the voting public. Paying off a porn star to cover up adultery does not help either.
I don't know how much stock the public puts in the putrid behaviors of politicians and politicos, and I don't remember if the Dems paid a price for what a Democratic President did to a starstruck intern in the Oval Office. Politics, politicians and politicos are repulsive to many of us in general.

It just seems to me that there are plenty of other issues to focus on, beginning with wealth inequality and conservatives' abject refusal to even see issues that are important to many.

Wealth inequality has the go to platform for the Left when all else fails. This communist calling card has always been in play and always will. Americans are keeping more of their paycheck for the first time in years. After the last 10 years, Americans can see that economic policies rooted in class envy is simply contempt for capitalism and economic opportunity.

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