Dims call for investigation into Barr firing AG from SDNY

Isn’t Barr allowed to fire anyone in the DOJ that he wants to?

Since when do we start investigations into fully legal actions?

Should we investigate why I bought a GTs Kombucha yesterday?
Are you kidding? Nadler and the Democrats Censured the US AG for refusing to break the law...the same Democrats went after the President for exercising his authority to fire a treasonous, admitted criminal Director of the FBI.

Isn’t Barr allowed to fire anyone in the DOJ that he wants to?

Since when do we start investigations into fully legal actions?

Should we investigate why I bought a GTs Kombucha yesterday?

No, dumbass, Barr can't legally fire a court-appointed U.S. Attorney. Only a president can do that.

Will Barr honor the House subpoena to testify about the firing of Berman? Nadler says if Barr refuses to appear - the House may withhold DOJ funding.
Isn’t Barr allowed to fire anyone in the DOJ that he wants to?

Since when do we start investigations into fully legal actions?

Should we investigate why I bought a GTs Kombucha yesterday?
Should we investigate why I bought a GTs Kombucha yesterday?
mindset and motivation are key. you must want to find the truth. all too often people want to win, facts and truth be damned. you cant proceed without a theory. you develop a thesis from the facts, not vice versa. once you commit to a thesis, there's no going back. first beliefs are sticky, my friends
its a shame when a single person like Trump or Barr has the power to deliver...or thwart...justice
Why is a reason needed to fire?

Can you post the law Barr broke?

Why because ethics requires one. If you profess to be a nation of law and justice. If the president says he is a law and order guy. There has to be a reason why someone is fired. They asked him to resigned. He refused. They fired him.

Hiding under the umbrella of at will employees is not what one would expect of the president and the head of the justice department. Barr and Trump hiding under the concept of we don have to provided a reason. This just means that the reason they want to do it can't be divulged and they have no other reason that would stick. So why not provide a reason, is it that difficult. Well for them it is because they can't get there stories straight.

Barr clearly says that Trump approved of wanted him Fired. Yet Trump denies he has nothing to do with it.

Then Barr hires someone that he is associated with who has no experience running a judicial department dealing with prosecution of crimes.

This seems like something a deep state would do.

It is obvious that he was fired because the department was looking into Trumps business..

The appearance of conflict of interest is so obvious that they do not even bother trying to hide. it.

Because he can is not a reason if you have ethics. Its clear Trump has no ethics. Its clear the top judicial guy has no ethics.

That is why there is no law need as people expect the top officials to have ethics. Obvious with the perps involved it useless to expect ethics from them.

another reason for boots on the ground, cause boots are made for kicking and it is time to do some kicking. Repubs say demos hate Trump.. Obvious you do not need a reason to relieve someone of their job. But don't be fooled there are plenty of reasons.

What is the legal definition of retaliation?

Punishment of an employee by an employer for engaging in legally protected activity such as making a complaint of harassment or participating in workplace investigations. Retaliation can include any negative job action, such as demotion, discipline, firing, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment.
Were you butthurt when Clinton fired 93 of them?

How about when Barry fires all of them appointed by Bush?
How many were life long employees ? Usually a president fires all the folks who were just given employment because they were friends of or donors to the president
Let’s investigate why Stranger Things season 4 is taking so long to finish.
Why is a reason needed to fire?

Can you post the law Barr broke?

Why because ethics requires one. If you profess to be a nation of law and justice. If the president says he is a law and order guy. There has to be a reason why someone is fired. They asked him to resigned. He refused. They fired him.

Hiding under the umbrella of at will employees is not what one would expect of the president and the head of the justice department. Barr and Trump hiding under the concept of we don have to provided a reason. This just means that the reason they want to do it can't be divulged and they have no other reason that would stick. So why not provide a reason, is it that difficult. Well for them it is because they can't get there stories straight.

Barr clearly says that Trump approved of wanted him Fired. Yet Trump denies he has nothing to do with it.

Then Barr hires someone that he is associated with who has no experience running a judicial department dealing with prosecution of crimes.

This seems like something a deep state would do.

It is obvious that he was fired because the department was looking into Trumps business..

The appearance of conflict of interest is so obvious that they do not even bother trying to hide. it.

Because he can is not a reason if you have ethics. Its clear Trump has no ethics. Its clear the top judicial guy has no ethics.

That is why there is no law need as people expect the top officials to have ethics. Obvious with the perps involved it useless to expect ethics from them.

another reason for boots on the ground, cause boots are made for kicking and it is time to do some kicking. Repubs say demos hate Trump.. Obvious you do not need a reason to relieve someone of their job. But don't be fooled there are plenty of reasons.

What is the legal definition of retaliation?

Punishment of an employee by an employer for engaging in legally protected activity such as making a complaint of harassment or participating in workplace investigations. Retaliation can include any negative job action, such as demotion, discipline, firing, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment.
Were you butthurt when Clinton fired 93 of them?

How about when Barry fires all of them appointed by Bush?
How many were life long employees ? Usually a president fires all the folks who were just given employment because they were friends of or donors to the president

Why is a reason needed to fire?

Can you post the law Barr broke?

Why because ethics requires one. If you profess to be a nation of law and justice. If the president says he is a law and order guy. There has to be a reason why someone is fired. They asked him to resigned. He refused. They fired him.

Hiding under the umbrella of at will employees is not what one would expect of the president and the head of the justice department. Barr and Trump hiding under the concept of we don have to provided a reason. This just means that the reason they want to do it can't be divulged and they have no other reason that would stick. So why not provide a reason, is it that difficult. Well for them it is because they can't get there stories straight.

Barr clearly says that Trump approved of wanted him Fired. Yet Trump denies he has nothing to do with it.

Then Barr hires someone that he is associated with who has no experience running a judicial department dealing with prosecution of crimes.

This seems like something a deep state would do.

It is obvious that he was fired because the department was looking into Trumps business..

The appearance of conflict of interest is so obvious that they do not even bother trying to hide. it.

Because he can is not a reason if you have ethics. Its clear Trump has no ethics. Its clear the top judicial guy has no ethics.

That is why there is no law need as people expect the top officials to have ethics. Obvious with the perps involved it useless to expect ethics from them.

another reason for boots on the ground, cause boots are made for kicking and it is time to do some kicking. Repubs say demos hate Trump.. Obvious you do not need a reason to relieve someone of their job. But don't be fooled there are plenty of reasons.

What is the legal definition of retaliation?

Punishment of an employee by an employer for engaging in legally protected activity such as making a complaint of harassment or participating in workplace investigations. Retaliation can include any negative job action, such as demotion, discipline, firing, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment.
Were you butthurt when Clinton fired 93 of them?

How about when Barry fires all of them appointed by Bush?
How many were life long employees ? Usually a president fires all the folks who were just given employment because they were friends of or donors to the president

Still the point is that to hire someone to head a justice department , who has no prior judicial experience, but is an associate of the one doing the hiring is not sound business practices.

Its is Trump becoming the deep state in which he complained about since day one. Hiring Barr proves kt as Barr is a repeat offender.

Thus the cycle continues. This does create political favoritism and the hiring of poor performers. Cabinet officers and national heads, okay . Anyone hired has political beliefs. Should this be a job requirement? Should political affiliation be a job requirement? Well in a political beast it is said that it is best to keep your enemies close and to keep your friends closer.

Congress should stop this but they can't because they are knee deep in it already. It is a struggle to achieve the belief that there can only be one.

Trump claims he wants to rid the government of the deep state. Does that mean he wants to replace demo's with repubs. Does this create continuity or just a revolving door. The dualism in the US political arena will be the downfall of the one nation under god. It will become the me, myself and I nation, Without a cause there is no reason to unite and there is no US. Of course it is easy to create a cause.

Evolution or Regression
Who here would accept a position from Trump knowing the media will destroy your life?

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