Dinesh D’Souza, Creator of ‘2000 Mules,’ Must Defend Film’s Election Denial Claims in Court

Rossi works, or worked, for the SOS in the capacity of an observer. What he observed in Fulton county was reported and it was bad. He did his job and the SOS ignored his findings. All fact fuckface.
Not fact. Rossi's concerns were investigated by the SOS.

Trump did a taped deposition under oath before the trial which was absolutely disastrous.... which the jury got to see.

Trump claim: I do not know this woman
Plaintiffs lawyers: Show picture of Trump talking and laughing with Carrol

Trump claim: She is not my type
Plaintiffs lawyer: Points to Carrol in picture and Trump identifies her as his wife Marla
Trump claim: I do not know this woman
Plaintiffs lawyers: Show picture of Trump talking and laughing with Carrol

Trump claim: She is not my type
Plaintiffs lawyer: Points to Carrol in picture and Trump identifies her as his wife Marla
Even better on video.

Um….actually, it is not. But go ahead, file a false report with the cops or claim false advertising and see if the First Amendment protects you. Go
You changed the subject.... Filing a false report is indeed punishable. Lying in general is freedom of speech; As is demonstrated on a daily basis by almost every elected official in this nation.
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But one of the 2,000 alleged mules says he wasn’t stuffing ballot boxes all over Black areas of Atlanta, but merely depositing votes from his wife and children in a drop box, which is perfectly legal.
If that turns out to be true, he'll have my sympathy. I'll say that the filmmakers should have been more careful about putting an innocent voter in their movie about election fraudsters.

If his story checks out.

He has no legal case, because the first amendment clearly would cover a case of a journalist covering a person voting in public. What is the basis for a claim to remove the film makers' basic freedom? But, I'd agree that he was done wrong.

If his story is true.

But how many times have we drilled down into these anti-Trump and anti-Trump lawsuits and found them to be intellectually vapid, and based on false claims?

A guy collects ballots not only from his wife, but from his "children" as well? Not saying it could not happen, but it seems awfully weird that a father does that for his voting age young adults. Why rob them of the opportunity to personally participate?

My guess is one of three scenarios:

1) He truly was a "mule" dropping off many "harvested" ballots. Seems most likely, because why use a guy who would appear innocent only dropping off three to maybe six ballots at the most?

2) He was indeed dropping off ballots that were his wife and grown children's, but it was either without their knowledge or they let him have them to humor him since they weren't planning to vote anyway. Not hard to steal ballots from one's own mailbox.


3) He was not in the movie at all, but was selected due to resembling one of the ballot droppers and vetted for a clean record before the lawsuit proceeded. Anyone can file a lawsuit, no proof is required of anything, but it gets you in the news.

That last is the least likely given the Democrats laziness in vetting people like Letitia James and Fani Willis.
If that turns out to be true, he'll have my sympathy. I'll say that the filmmakers should have been more careful about putting an innocent voter in their movie about election fraudsters.

If his story checks out.

He has no legal case, because the first amendment clearly would cover a case of a journalist covering a person voting in public. What is the basis for a claim to remove the film makers' basic freedom? But, I'd agree that he was done wrong.

If his story is true.

But how many times have we drilled down into these anti-Trump and anti-Trump lawsuits and found them to be intellectually vapid, and based on false claims?

A guy collects ballots not only from his wife, but from his "children" as well? Not saying it could not happen, but it seems awfully weird that a father does that for his voting age young adults. Why rob them of the opportunity to personally participate?

My guess is one of three scenarios:

1) He truly was a "mule" dropping off many "harvested" ballots. Seems most likely, because why use a guy who would appear innocent only dropping off three to maybe six ballots at the most?

2) He was indeed dropping off ballots that were his wife and grown children's, but it was either without their knowledge or they let him have them to humor him since they weren't planning to vote anyway. Not hard to steal ballots from one's own mailbox.


3) He was not in the movie at all, but was selected due to resembling one of the ballot droppers and vetted for a clean record before the lawsuit proceeded. Anyone can file a lawsuit, no proof is required of anything, but it gets you in the news.

That last is the least likely given the Democrats laziness in vetting people like Letitia James and Fani Willis.

Nutcase, he was already investigated by police and his story confirmed. He was telling the truth. It was D'Souza who was at fault here.
You changed the subject.... Filing a false report is indeed punishable. Lying in general is freedom of speech; As is demonstrated on a daily basis by almost every elected official in this nation.
You don't get sued or jailed for lying.

You get sued or jailed for defamation or perjury. These are acts (not speech) that are constituted by more than simply speech.
Trump's two private investigations were not conducted by state officials. You refuse to accept them too.

Only because you don't like their results. You don't want the truth. You want fantasy that echos the bullshit you've been selling for 39 months now, and counting.
Keep counting because fraud happened. That is why you should keep track of long you have denied it. You ever wonder why no one believes you?
You don't get sued or jailed for lying.

You get sued or jailed for defamation or perjury. These are acts (not speech) that are constituted by more than simply speech.
Then that cop that lied in the Oath Keepers trial should be getting jailed for perjury soon.
Of course it was. They couldn't find video of even one single person doing what they insanely claimed 54,000 "mules" did.

And now we know why they couldn't find anyone doing it -- because no one did and True the Vote now confesses.
They did not have the authority to get the names with the pings. The authorities still can but refuse to do it.
That would be an average of almost 17 trips to drop boxes per "mule."

True the Vote has 4 million minutes of timestamped video. Meaning if they detected a specific individual dropping off ballots at a specific location at a specific time, they could easily find video of that person near that drop box and see them dropping off ballots.

They even bragged about having that ability in the movie.

Which means had someone actually deposited ballots at a drop box, then went to another drop box to deposit more ballots, True the Vote could easily pull up the video of that person dropping off ballots at multiple locations.

Had 2000 Mules shown video of even one person doing that, it would have been a slam dunk for the movie.

But they couldn't do it. NOT ONE.

And they claimed 54,000 "mules" did that.

So the close to 100% turnout in cities for Biden was real? Are you fucking kidding?
If chargedand convicted. Surely you understand if the declarations of Trumpanzees with axes to grind don't quite cut it.
Do you understand that the DOJ and FBI are out to intimidate millions by jailing hundreds. That is exactly what is happening. It is not working like they thought it would.
They did not have the authority to get the names with the pings. The authorities still can but refuse to do it.

You're nuts, FruitLoops. No one ever asked for names. You're so desperate after being a fool for years, that you're now making up silly excuses that don't exist. All they had to produce was proof of their claims and they couldn't.

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