Dinesh D'Souza slams the leftists

That's not really an issue here.
Afraid it is

Trump does not pay his bets

Or his creditors

Or his workers

Paid Stormy Daniels though. Go figure.

D'Souza is not a racist. His positions on most issues seem pretty reasonable to me. Speaking of liars, were you outraged at the numerous and significant lies that Obama told while he was president? Or are is your outrage limited to folks on the right that lie?
what lies, boy? care to name a few?

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

D'Souza is not a racist. His positions on most issues seem pretty reasonable to me. Speaking of liars, were you outraged at the numerous and significant lies that Obama told while he was president? Or are is your outrage limited to folks on the right that lie?
what lies, boy? care to name a few?

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
You didn't actually read it did you?
Point number one is a good one and worthy of impeachment. Can you imagine Trump trying anything like that?
The silent complicit Government Approved Media would be screaming like a stuck pig!
Leftists would be spinning around with eyes circling and steam pouring from their ears.
Link? Thanks

Here you go.

Complete with video of trump saying he will pay 5 million dollars to charity if Obama releases his school transcripts and application.

Donald 'Bombshell' Fails to Blow Up

This video is unavailable.

It ran for me but here it is from another link:

trump demands obama release school transcrips - Bing video

If you don't like that one here it is from a different link:

If you don't like that one here's another one:

trump demands obama release school transcrips - Bing video

I'm sure you'll find those work. The first one I posted worked too. Maybe it's your system or internet connection.

Finally. He should then release his. Fair is fair. I agree.

hey, boy..get off your ass, go to google and type in "did obama go to harvard?" after everybody at google laughs at what a fucking dumbass you are for having to ask, you will see plenty of real verified links to prove he not only went there, but that he graduated Magna Cum Laude and was elected President of the Harvard Law Review...HOW CAN YOU BE SO PIG IGNORANT TO DENY SUCH FACTS EVEN AS THEY ARE SLAPPING YOU RIGHT ACROSS YOUR HUGE GAPING PIEHOLE?

Are you talking to me? I never Denied anything and Agreed that Trump should not have done that?
It ran for me but here it is from another link:

trump demands obama release school transcrips - Bing video

If you don't like that one here it is from a different link:

If you don't like that one here's another one:

trump demands obama release school transcrips - Bing video

I'm sure you'll find those work. The first one I posted worked too. Maybe it's your system or internet connection.

He is just being a dick

You'd never say that to my face. So don't say it on a message board. I was able to view the video, finally.

Sure I would

For I am, an Internet bad ass

You're a silly old man who went to a 2nd rate university and are unhappy that you were not successful in life. Sad.

Finest school in the SUNY system allowed me to retire comfortably and post on the Internet all day

Sounds lovely...
Why barrack and michelle were mum about harvard.

First of all Harvard has been thoroughly radicalized for decades now....one of the most highly overrated schools in the nation.

Also....most know or should know about affirmative action and also how even obama admitted he benefitted from affirmative action....thus the moniker our first 'affirmative action' president and hopefully our last.

'On the surface, at least, Barack Obama’s single most impressive accomplishment has been his 1990 election to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.

This position also provided Obama his only real executive experience as he supervised the law review's staff of 80 editors.

One has to wonder then why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches at Denver.

In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama’s time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge.

'Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama’s record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry’s record in Vietnam'.

Jack Cashill - National Articles:
Why barrack and michelle were mum about harvard.

First of all Harvard has been thoroughly radicalized for decades now....one of the most highly overrated schools in the nation.

Also....most know or should know about affirmative action and also how even obama admitted he benefitted from affirmative action....thus the moniker our first 'affirmative action' president and hopefully our last.

'On the surface, at least, Barack Obama’s single most impressive accomplishment has been his 1990 election to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.

This position also provided Obama his only real executive experience as he supervised the law review's staff of 80 editors.

One has to wonder then why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches at Denver.

In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama’s time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge.

'Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama’s record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry’s record in Vietnam'.

Jack Cashill - National Articles:
Graduated top of his class

Pretty impressive...so is John Kerry’s war record
Why barrack and michelle were mum about harvard.

First of all Harvard has been thoroughly radicalized for decades now....one of the most highly overrated schools in the nation.

Also....most know or should know about affirmative action and also how even obama admitted he benefitted from affirmative action....thus the moniker our first 'affirmative action' president and hopefully our last.

'On the surface, at least, Barack Obama’s single most impressive accomplishment has been his 1990 election to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.

This position also provided Obama his only real executive experience as he supervised the law review's staff of 80 editors.

One has to wonder then why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches at Denver.

In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama’s time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge.

'Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama’s record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry’s record in Vietnam'.

Jack Cashill - National Articles:
Graduated top of his class

Pretty impressive...so is John Kerry’s war record

Bullshit...you drank the kool aid boyo!

Now for the truth of the matter...................The Interesting Thing We Found Surrounding Obama's Grades in College

What does this all mean? Ultimately, given the grade inflation of the time at all three institutions Obama attended, the larger story isn’t about Barack Obama’s grades, but his courses and the radical professors who taught them.
Why barrack and michelle were mum about harvard.

First of all Harvard has been thoroughly radicalized for decades now....one of the most highly overrated schools in the nation.

Also....most know or should know about affirmative action and also how even obama admitted he benefitted from affirmative action....thus the moniker our first 'affirmative action' president and hopefully our last.

'On the surface, at least, Barack Obama’s single most impressive accomplishment has been his 1990 election to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.

This position also provided Obama his only real executive experience as he supervised the law review's staff of 80 editors.

One has to wonder then why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches at Denver.

In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama’s time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge.

'Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama’s record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry’s record in Vietnam'.

Jack Cashill - National Articles:
Graduated top of his class

Pretty impressive...so is John Kerry’s war record

Bullshit...you drank the kool aid boyo!

Now for the truth of the matter...................The Interesting Thing We Found Surrounding Obama's Grades in College

What does this all mean? Ultimately, given the grade inflation of the time at all three institutions Obama attended, the larger story isn’t about Barack Obama’s grades, but his courses and the radical professors who taught them.
Not even going to bother to read it

Nice try though
You dumbass...you think I am posting for you???? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I post for those that do have some intelligence and some reading ability.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

So his estranged wife wants money, and is pissed at him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

D’Souza pleaded guilty in May to violating federal campaign finance law, admitting that he used straw donors to funnel money to New York Republican Senate candidate Wendy Long. He had also been accused of making campaign contributions in the name of other people — namely, his ex-wife Dixie.
(from article)
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

So his estranged wife wants money, and is pissed at him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

D’Souza pleaded guilty in May to violating federal campaign finance law, admitting that he used straw donors to funnel money to New York Republican Senate candidate Wendy Long. He had also been accused of making campaign contributions in the name of other people — namely, his ex-wife Dixie.
(from article)

He broke the law and he suffered consequences.

At the same time, Barry's admin didn't go after the people who did the same or larger violations, because they were donating to Democrats. Because of that, D'Souza was pardoned by Trump.
Anyone who values free speech should certainly appreciate D'Souza....he is at the forefront of this struggle and if we are make America Great Again .....freedom of speech must be restored on the College Campus....isn't it ironic that Berkely way back in the fifties fought for freedom of speech aka lenny bruce and all that.

Why does anybody listen to that felon?
Anyone who values free speech should certainly appreciate D'Souza....he is at the forefront of this struggle and if we are make America Great Again .....freedom of speech must be restored on the College Campus....isn't it ironic that Berkely way back in the fifties fought for freedom of speech aka lenny bruce and all that.

Why does anybody listen to that felon?

Confirmation bias.

Apparently the thinking is that (a) facts don't matter if you can substitute bullshit that feels good, and
(b) the bullshit that feels good should be presented as if they were facts, because facts are good.

Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

So his estranged wife wants money, and is pissed at him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

D’Souza pleaded guilty in May to violating federal campaign finance law, admitting that he used straw donors to funnel money to New York Republican Senate candidate Wendy Long. He had also been accused of making campaign contributions in the name of other people — namely, his ex-wife Dixie.
(from article)

He broke the law and he suffered consequences.

At the same time, Barry's admin didn't go after the people who did the same or larger violations, because they were donating to Democrats. Because of that, D'Souza was pardoned by Trump.
Also Rosie McDonnel did far worse and didn't suffer any consequence as she is a flaming liberal. Hilary would be in jail, as are some soldiers if she were not politically connected. It's two different standards and hypocrisy prevalent in the swamp...and part of the reason Trump got elected, and will probably win again. I can't wait to vote for him again.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

So his estranged wife wants money, and is pissed at him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

D’Souza pleaded guilty in May to violating federal campaign finance law, admitting that he used straw donors to funnel money to New York Republican Senate candidate Wendy Long. He had also been accused of making campaign contributions in the name of other people — namely, his ex-wife Dixie.
(from article)

He broke the law and he suffered consequences.

At the same time, Barry's admin didn't go after the people who did the same or larger violations, because they were donating to Democrats. Because of that, D'Souza was pardoned by Trump.
Also Rosie McDonnel did far worse and didn't suffer any consequence as she is a flaming liberal. Hilary would be in jail, as are some soldiers if she were not politically connected. It's two different standards and hypocrisy prevalent in the swamp...and part of the reason Trump got elected, and will probably win again. I can't wait to vote for him again.

Who the fuck IS Rosie O'Donnell?? And what office does she hold?

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