Dinesh D'Souza slams the leftists

When I went to college, speakers were paid out of student activity funds and a panel of students selected the speakerS

There was no urge to be ā€œfairā€

They got the speakers who got the most interest
When I was in college I saw George Carlin and finally decided what to be when I grow up..
You got Carlin?

We got Moe Howard
Anyone who values free speech should certainly appreciate D'Souza....he is at the forefront of this struggle and if we are make America Great Again .....freedom of speech must be restored on the College Campus....isn't it ironic that Berkely way back in the fifties fought for freedom of speech aka lenny bruce and all that.

I agree with free speech. Anyone should be able to go to a college campus and speak their mind.

What I don't understand is why do people want to go speak at a place they aren't wanted? I mean no one will buy the tickets so why spend all that money to speak to a mostly empty room?

Why not go where the most people will come to listen to what you have to say?

Itā€™s something called Free Market

Something conservatives will never understand
Let me K9Buck:
First, some backstory: Dā€™Souza was born to upper-class parents in Mumbai and moved to the U.S. to attend Dartmouth College. There, he became editor-in-chief of a new conservative newspaper, the Dartmouth Review, which was unaffiliated with the college and functioned as an outlet for the rank bigotry of right-wing students. Under Dā€™Souza, the paper came under fire for using stolen documents from the Gay Student Alliance to out people, as well as for publishing some of the most racist op-eds this side of Der Sturmer. In one 1982 article titled ā€œDis shoā€™ ainā€™t no jive, bro,ā€ a white student named Keeney Jones assumed a mock-black accent in order to attack affirmative-action policies. ā€œDem white mo-fo be sayinā€™ ā€˜firmative action ainā€™t no good foā€™ us, cause it be puttinā€™ down ac-demic standards,ā€ he wrote. Such editorial indiscretion endeared Dā€™Souza to the Heritage Foundation, which in 1985 hired him to edit their flagship journal, the Policy Review.


In the early 1990s, Dā€™Souza capitalized on the newly militarized ā€œPCā€ debate by attacking academia with his book Illiberal Education. Aiming higher and perhaps becoming more deluded, in 1995 he declared racism dead with The End of Racism, in which he did all he could to downplay the evils of slavery without explicitly defending it. ā€œThe American slave was treated like property, which is to say, pretty well,ā€ he wrote. He also implied that black people actually owe white people reparations for abolishing slavery. ā€œAfricans were not uniquely unfortunate to be taken as slaves; their descendants were uniquely fortunate to be born in the only civilization in the world to abolish slavery on its own initiative,ā€ one passage reads.

Dinesh Dā€™Souza is a liar and openly racist. No wonder Republicans love him.

read onā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..

What D'Souza has to do with Der Sturmer?
Hardly an intellectual. His stuff is tailored for the uneducated masses.

You dislike him because he doesn't espouse your Marxist, totalitarian ideology.
He is not very good at what he does

Good Propaganda is subtle, you don't realize you are being mislead
Dinesh is just so freaking obvious.

The propaganda is easy to disprove.

So far you haven't disproved any of the D'Souza points, and the way it's going, you never will.
Funny how few remember Trump from his time at Wharton

Do you know Trump threatened to sue any school that released his grades?

Grades are a personal matter. Why does that bother you? He did attend Whatron. He is famous and wealthy. He did win the Presidency. The economy is booming. There is a border crisis. These are all facts that cannot be disputed. I never claimed he had a 4.0 at Wharton, I just stated that he went there. You seem envious because you attended an inferior academic institution.
If they are a personal matter......Why did Trump demand that Obama release his grades?

He did? When? He was not running against BHO why would he care?
It was during his birther tirade
He offered 5 million if Obama would release his grades

Link? Thanks

Here you go.

Complete with video of trump saying he will pay 5 million dollars to charity if Obama releases his school transcripts and application.

Donald 'Bombshell' Fails to Blow Up
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

Penelope, with all due respect he is an educated and very opinionated and successful person. Youā€™re a Jew hating witch. If the students at the college want to hear him speak then they should. You embarrass yourself continuously on this board and yet youā€™re still around posting trash.

He comes from privilege. He is a right wing nut job with his conspiracies and hatred that escapes from his every pore. Just because he graduated from an ivy league school where he met Ingraham and dated her, does not mean he is educated, look at Trump and his kids. He has a Bachelor of Arts in English which doesn't mean squat. The main thing he learned is how to be a male whore, cheat, and become a crook.

DJT went to Wharton. The best business school in the world. Your ignorance is truly comical.
He cheated to get in and cheated his way through

What that has to do with the thread, or with AzogtheDefiler's reply to Penny?

Enlighten us, please.
...his spewing of white nationalist bullshit ...

Can you provide an example of Dinesh "spewing white nationalist bullshit"?

mr jones ???

sure, how many do you want? there is one where he posts a pic of Obama taking a selfie, spoofing the craze of so many selfie sticks and what not-

Dinesh D'Souza



YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO...Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment


10:48 AM - Feb 18, 2015

here is another gem...trying to say Obama talks like he is from the ghetto because he is black- when even a dumbfuck punk ass racist bitch like this D'Sousa clown has to know he is the most elegant speaker we have had as president since at least Clinton, and probably back to JFK....how many Harvard Law School graduates who graduated Magna Cum Laude speak like Amos N Andy were stereotyped as speaking? Is it because obama is black? you say this little bitch is not racist?

Dinesh D'Souzaā€Verified account @DineshDSouza
Obama forcefully asserts his position on Beheading

souza obama beheading.jpg
DJT went to Wharton. The best business school in the world. Your ignorance is truly comical.
He cheated to get in and cheated his way through

LOL. Has nothing to do with my response to Penelope the antisemite and your post is 100% conjecture. Where did you go to school?
University of Buffalo

Got in on my own merits and didn't have to cheat to graduate
See the big scandal on college admittance today? With Trump getting into Wharton it was ten times worse

Was it? You have proof or just conjecture and the scandal today? All Democrats. Funny how that is. LA Hollywood Democrats and Cali Democrats. DJT is many things. Stupid is not one of them.
Funny how few remember Trump from his time at Wharton

Do you know Trump threatened to sue any school that released his grades?

Few is still "few" more that now many remember Barry going to Harvard. Funny, eh?
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

Penelope, with all due respect he is an educated and very opinionated and successful person. Youā€™re a Jew hating witch. If the students at the college want to hear him speak then they should. You embarrass yourself continuously on this board and yet youā€™re still around posting trash.

He comes from privilege. He is a right wing nut job with his conspiracies and hatred that escapes from his every pore. Just because he graduated from an ivy league school where he met Ingraham and dated her, does not mean he is educated, look at Trump and his kids. He has a Bachelor of Arts in English which doesn't mean squat. The main thing he learned is how to be a male whore, cheat, and become a crook.

DJT went to Wharton. The best business school in the world. Your ignorance is truly comical.
He cheated to get in and cheated his way through

I believe he told Cohen to tell officials not to let the sat scores out. Obvious Daddy paid the doctor to give him a heel bone spur, and college. I then believe he paid for his children to be admitted to college. Once you start depending on the almighty dollar, it becomes a family trait, until they get caught.
Grades are a personal matter. Why does that bother you? He did attend Whatron. He is famous and wealthy. He did win the Presidency. The economy is booming. There is a border crisis. These are all facts that cannot be disputed. I never claimed he had a 4.0 at Wharton, I just stated that he went there. You seem envious because you attended an inferior academic institution.
If they are a personal matter......Why did Trump demand that Obama release his grades?

He did? When? He was not running against BHO why would he care?
It was during his birther tirade
He offered 5 million if Obama would release his grades

Link? Thanks

Here you go.

Complete with video of trump saying he will pay 5 million dollars to charity if Obama releases his school transcripts and application.

Donald 'Bombshell' Fails to Blow Up

This video is unavailable.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

Penelope, with all due respect he is an educated and very opinionated and successful person. Youā€™re a Jew hating witch. If the students at the college want to hear him speak then they should. You embarrass yourself continuously on this board and yet youā€™re still around posting trash.

He comes from privilege. He is a right wing nut job with his conspiracies and hatred that escapes from his every pore. Just because he graduated from an ivy league school where he met Ingraham and dated her, does not mean he is educated, look at Trump and his kids. He has a Bachelor of Arts in English which doesn't mean squat. The main thing he learned is how to be a male whore, cheat, and become a crook.

DJT went to Wharton. The best business school in the world. Your ignorance is truly comical.
He cheated to get in and cheated his way through

I believe he told Cohen to tell officials not to let the sat scores out. Obvious Daddy paid the doctor to give him a heel bone spur, and college. I then believe he paid for his children to be admitted to college. Once you start depending on the almighty dollar, it becomes a family trait, until they get caught.

He is in his 70s. Who cares?
He cheated to get in and cheated his way through

LOL. Has nothing to do with my response to Penelope the antisemite and your post is 100% conjecture. Where did you go to school?
University of Buffalo

Got in on my own merits and didn't have to cheat to graduate
See the big scandal on college admittance today? With Trump getting into Wharton it was ten times worse

Was it? You have proof or just conjecture and the scandal today? All Democrats. Funny how that is. LA Hollywood Democrats and Cali Democrats. DJT is many things. Stupid is not one of them.
Funny how few remember Trump from his time at Wharton

Do you know Trump threatened to sue any school that released his grades?

Few is still "few" more that now many remember Barry going to Harvard. Funny, eh?
you are such a gullible dickhead!! he was president of the Harvard Law Review, graduated Magna Cum Laude, but never attended!! you are laughably easily played!! no wonder you are a Trump voter, you are too stupid NOT to be.
University of Buffalo

Got in on my own merits and didn't have to cheat to graduate
See the big scandal on college admittance today? With Trump getting into Wharton it was ten times worse

Was it? You have proof or just conjecture and the scandal today? All Democrats. Funny how that is. LA Hollywood Democrats and Cali Democrats. DJT is many things. Stupid is not one of them.
Funny how few remember Trump from his time at Wharton

Do you know Trump threatened to sue any school that released his grades?

Grades are a personal matter. Why does that bother you? He did attend Whatron. He is famous and wealthy. He did win the Presidency. The economy is booming. There is a border crisis. These are all facts that cannot be disputed. I never claimed he had a 4.0 at Wharton, I just stated that he went there. You seem envious because you attended an inferior academic institution.
If they are a personal matter......Why did Trump demand that Obama release his grades?

He was betting they would prove O'bama was, you know.... .black.

And without proof, Barry turns out to be... white.
Penelope, with all due respect he is an educated and very opinionated and successful person. Youā€™re a Jew hating witch. If the students at the college want to hear him speak then they should. You embarrass yourself continuously on this board and yet youā€™re still around posting trash.

He comes from privilege. He is a right wing nut job with his conspiracies and hatred that escapes from his every pore. Just because he graduated from an ivy league school where he met Ingraham and dated her, does not mean he is educated, look at Trump and his kids. He has a Bachelor of Arts in English which doesn't mean squat. The main thing he learned is how to be a male whore, cheat, and become a crook.

DJT went to Wharton. The best business school in the world. Your ignorance is truly comical.
He cheated to get in and cheated his way through

I believe he told Cohen to tell officials not to let the sat scores out. Obvious Daddy paid the doctor to give him a heel bone spur, and college. I then believe he paid for his children to be admitted to college. Once you start depending on the almighty dollar, it becomes a family trait, until they get caught.

He is in his 70s. Who cares?

I care since he is the Potus and is acting like Putin and XI. He can do much MORE damage.
LOL. Has nothing to do with my response to Penelope the antisemite and your post is 100% conjecture. Where did you go to school?
University of Buffalo

Got in on my own merits and didn't have to cheat to graduate
See the big scandal on college admittance today? With Trump getting into Wharton it was ten times worse

Was it? You have proof or just conjecture and the scandal today? All Democrats. Funny how that is. LA Hollywood Democrats and Cali Democrats. DJT is many things. Stupid is not one of them.
Funny how few remember Trump from his time at Wharton

Do you know Trump threatened to sue any school that released his grades?

Few is still "few" more that now many remember Barry going to Harvard. Funny, eh?
you are such a gullible dickhead!! he was president of the Harvard Law Review, graduated Magna Cum Laude, but never attended!! you are laughably easily played!! no wonder you are a Trump voter, you are too stupid NOT to be.

Watch your language. What is the matter with you? You'd never say it to his face so don't say it on a message board.
He comes from privilege. He is a right wing nut job with his conspiracies and hatred that escapes from his every pore. Just because he graduated from an ivy league school where he met Ingraham and dated her, does not mean he is educated, look at Trump and his kids. He has a Bachelor of Arts in English which doesn't mean squat. The main thing he learned is how to be a male whore, cheat, and become a crook.

DJT went to Wharton. The best business school in the world. Your ignorance is truly comical.
He cheated to get in and cheated his way through

I believe he told Cohen to tell officials not to let the sat scores out. Obvious Daddy paid the doctor to give him a heel bone spur, and college. I then believe he paid for his children to be admitted to college. Once you start depending on the almighty dollar, it becomes a family trait, until they get caught.

He is in his 70s. Who cares?

I care since he is the Potus and is acting like Putin and XI. He can do much MORE damage.

What damage. His term is 1/2 done and your life has not been impacted at all. Such a drama queen you are.
Grades are a personal matter. Why does that bother you? He did attend Whatron. He is famous and wealthy. He did win the Presidency. The economy is booming. There is a border crisis. These are all facts that cannot be disputed. I never claimed he had a 4.0 at Wharton, I just stated that he went there. You seem envious because you attended an inferior academic institution.
If they are a personal matter......Why did Trump demand that Obama release his grades?

He did? When? He was not running against BHO why would he care?
It was during his birther tirade
He offered 5 million if Obama would release his grades

Link? Thanks

Here you go.

Complete with video of trump saying he will pay 5 million dollars to charity if Obama releases his school transcripts and application.

Donald 'Bombshell' Fails to Blow Up
Donā€™t feed the troll

He knows he is beaten and is just playing games
If they are a personal matter......Why did Trump demand that Obama release his grades?

He did? When? He was not running against BHO why would he care?
It was during his birther tirade
He offered 5 million if Obama would release his grades

Link? Thanks

Here you go.

Complete with video of trump saying he will pay 5 million dollars to charity if Obama releases his school transcripts and application.

Donald 'Bombshell' Fails to Blow Up
Donā€™t feed the troll

He knows he is beaten and is just playing games

I just want to see the VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please send a direct link to the video not the story because I cannot see the video.

Thank you

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