Dinesh D'Souza slams the leftists

Documents prove Senator Joe McCarthy was correct.

Exclusive Interview (CNSNews.com) - Journalist and author M. Stanton Evans argues in his new book, "Blacklisted By History," that declassified files from the United States and the Soviet Union prove that Sen. Joe McCarthy was right about the communist threat and that liberals have ignored the evidence and distorted history.

Documents Show Joe McCarthy Was Right, Author Says

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I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Sure is. Two observations to plug in here: One, Ike originally dubbed it the "military-industrial-Congressional complex". One of the most courageous POTUS speeches ever, even if we paid no attention.

And two, that McCarthy video above is an example of the Fairness Doctrine in action. McCarthy requested time to respond to Murrow and CBS gave him the entire show.

We could use Edward R Murrow today

Or Walt Kelly.... from 1953:


Joe would fit well with today's conservatives

Fear mongering against gays, Muslims and Mexicans

The Real McCarthy Record
Written by James J. Drummey

Decades after the death of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, twice-elected United States Senator from Wisconsin, the term "McCarthyism" is still widely used as a convenient and easily understood epithet for all that is evil and despicable in the world of politics. Hardly a month passes without some reference to "McCarthyism" in the print or electronic media. Despite the frequency with which the term is invoked, however, it is quite clear that not one critic of McCarthy in a hundred has the slightest idea of what he said and did during that controversial period from 1950 to 1954.

Whether Joe McCarthy was right or wrong, it is important that we know the truth about him. If he was wrong, then we can learn some important lessons for the future. If he was right, then we need to be vitally concerned about the issues he raised because virtually nothing has been done to deal effectively with those issues since the mid-1950s.

This article will attempt to answer many of the questions asked about Joe McCarthy and the criticisms directed at him. The responses are based on years of study of McCarthy's speeches and writings, congressional hearings in which he was involved, and more than a score of books about him, most of them highly critical and condemnatory.

The Real McCarthy Record
Documents prove Senator Joe McCarthy was correct.

Exclusive Interview (CNSNews.com) - Journalist and author M. Stanton Evans argues in his new book, "Blacklisted By History," that declassified files from the United States and the Soviet Union prove that Sen. Joe McCarthy was right about the communist threat and that liberals have ignored the evidence and distorted history.

Documents Show Joe McCarthy Was Right, Author Says

Once they get their liberal agendas on history ,it's history.
Thanks for the info .
Jews, Communists and Democrats
The background to the overwhelmingly Democratic vote of American Jews.

' I grew up in the forties and fifties. My father’s family, like many other Polish Jewish families in Canada, were avowed Communists. They were dedicated to workers’ rights and marched in the streets. They even managed to get one of their own, J P Salsberg, elected to the Ontario legislature representing the Communist Party, then called the Labour-Progressive Party."

Jews, Communists and Democrats
such hatred towards a brown person from the tolerant ,inclusive, open minded lefttards

i'm shocked

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?

Sure do.

One: "Progressive Land". The Progressive Era ran roughly 1890 to 1920. Pretty sure that was a while ago.
Two: "woke".
Three: "derp"

Speako Englishey?

We'll let the rampant abuse of apostrophes and lower cases go for now as I understand you're new to the language.

The fact remains ------------------------ nobody brought up "brown" until you did.

speak English? nope
Like being color blind asking someone to speak English is also racist
like the truth it annoys the living shit out of progressives ...like yourself

shouldn't you be out securing safe safe spaces for the tan oppressed ?
stand tall against the KKK pogo , you can do it

she calls herself a progressive ?should you call and explain to her that the progressive era has come and gone and we already put an end to child labor ?
you got your work cut out for yourself now .

you got a full boat there
from now on ill just call yas simpleton nazi retards> ....instead of leftwinger
or progressive...
democratic socialist


define eat me
such hatred towards a brown person from the tolerant ,inclusive, open minded lefttards

i'm shocked

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?

Sure do.

One: "Progressive Land". The Progressive Era ran roughly 1890 to 1920. Pretty sure that was a while ago.
Two: "woke".
Three: "derp"

Speako Englishey?

We'll let the rampant abuse of apostrophes and lower cases go for now as I understand you're new to the language.

The fact remains ------------------------ nobody brought up "brown" until you did.

speak English? nope
Like being color blind asking someone to speak English is also racist
like the truth it annoys the living shit out of progressives ...like yourself

shouldn't you be out securing safe safe spaces for the tan oppressed ?
stand tall against the KKK pogo , you can do it

she calls herself a progressive ?should you call and explain to her that the progressive era has come and gone and we already put an end to child labor ?
you got your work cut out for yourself now .

you got a full boat there
from now on ill just call yas simpleton nazi retards> ....instead of leftwinger
or progressive...
democratic socialist


I don't even know who that is but here ya go --- The Progressive Era 1890-1920. Not my fault you're unedumacated.
Thank me later.
The democrats long history of colluding with communists and communism....................Did the Media Hide Democratic Collusion with Russia in the Face of a U.S. Election?

More on Senator Joe McCarthy...........................Joseph McCarthy

The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies
by M. Stanton Evans

The Communist Manifesto: Era of Trump meets the McCarthy ERROR...the Marxist Media FAILING at doing what it did to JOE

What my father did not know.......................Venona: What My Father Didn’t Know

Senator Joe McCarthy------American Hero

Joe McCarthy – American Hero
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The Real McCarthy Record
Written by James J. Drummey

Decades after the death of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, twice-elected United States Senator from Wisconsin, the term "McCarthyism" is still widely used as a convenient and easily understood epithet for all that is evil and despicable in the world of politics. Hardly a month passes without some reference to "McCarthyism" in the print or electronic media. Despite the frequency with which the term is invoked, however, it is quite clear that not one critic of McCarthy in a hundred has the slightest idea of what he said and did during that controversial period from 1950 to 1954.

Whether Joe McCarthy was right or wrong, it is important that we know the truth about him. If he was wrong, then we can learn some important lessons for the future. If he was right, then we need to be vitally concerned about the issues he raised because virtually nothing has been done to deal effectively with those issues since the mid-1950s.

This article will attempt to answer many of the questions asked about Joe McCarthy and the criticisms directed at him. The responses are based on years of study of McCarthy's speeches and writings, congressional hearings in which he was involved, and more than a score of books about him, most of them highly critical and condemnatory.

The Real McCarthy Record
You left out the part where McCarthy helped old ladies across the street and rescued kittens stuck in trees
The Real McCarthy Record
Written by James J. Drummey

Decades after the death of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, twice-elected United States Senator from Wisconsin, the term "McCarthyism" is still widely used as a convenient and easily understood epithet for all that is evil and despicable in the world of politics. Hardly a month passes without some reference to "McCarthyism" in the print or electronic media. Despite the frequency with which the term is invoked, however, it is quite clear that not one critic of McCarthy in a hundred has the slightest idea of what he said and did during that controversial period from 1950 to 1954.

Whether Joe McCarthy was right or wrong, it is important that we know the truth about him. If he was wrong, then we can learn some important lessons for the future. If he was right, then we need to be vitally concerned about the issues he raised because virtually nothing has been done to deal effectively with those issues since the mid-1950s.

This article will attempt to answer many of the questions asked about Joe McCarthy and the criticisms directed at him. The responses are based on years of study of McCarthy's speeches and writings, congressional hearings in which he was involved, and more than a score of books about him, most of them highly critical and condemnatory.

The Real McCarthy Record
You left out the part where McCarthy helped old ladies across the street and rescued kittens stuck in trees
And made sure no nakedness above the knee..
such hatred towards a brown person from the tolerant ,inclusive, open minded lefttards

i'm shocked

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?

Sure do.

One: "Progressive Land". The Progressive Era ran roughly 1890 to 1920. Pretty sure that was a while ago.
Two: "woke".
Three: "derp"

Speako Englishey?

We'll let the rampant abuse of apostrophes and lower cases go for now as I understand you're new to the language.

The fact remains ------------------------ nobody brought up "brown" until you did.

speak English? nope
Like being color blind asking someone to speak English is also racist
like the truth it annoys the living shit out of progressives ...like yourself

shouldn't you be out securing safe safe spaces for the tan oppressed ?
stand tall against the KKK pogo , you can do it

she calls herself a progressive ?should you call and explain to her that the progressive era has come and gone and we already put an end to child labor ?
you got your work cut out for yourself now .

you got a full boat there
from now on ill just call yas simpleton nazi retards> ....instead of leftwinger
or progressive...
democratic socialist


I don't even know who that is but here ya go --- The Progressive Era 1890-1920. Not my fault you're unedumacated.
Thank me later.

i probably should of went to school with the scared brown girl ...for gender studies

the ugly old white lady .Shes really a nobody and a giant loser not to mention extremely stupid ...she ran for governor of a mid Atlantic state..not important that she calls herself a progressive even though shes WRONG

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?

Sure do.

One: "Progressive Land". The Progressive Era ran roughly 1890 to 1920. Pretty sure that was a while ago.
Two: "woke".
Three: "derp"

Speako Englishey?

We'll let the rampant abuse of apostrophes and lower cases go for now as I understand you're new to the language.

The fact remains ------------------------ nobody brought up "brown" until you did.

speak English? nope
Like being color blind asking someone to speak English is also racist
like the truth it annoys the living shit out of progressives ...like yourself

shouldn't you be out securing safe safe spaces for the tan oppressed ?
stand tall against the KKK pogo , you can do it

she calls herself a progressive ?should you call and explain to her that the progressive era has come and gone and we already put an end to child labor ?
you got your work cut out for yourself now .

you got a full boat there
from now on ill just call yas simpleton nazi retards> ....instead of leftwinger
or progressive...
democratic socialist


I don't even know who that is but here ya go --- The Progressive Era 1890-1920. Not my fault you're unedumacated.
Thank me later.

i probably should of went to school with the scared brown girl ...for gender studies

the ugly old white lady .Shes really a nobody and a giant loser not to mention extremely stupid ...she ran for governor of a mid Atlantic state..not important that she calls herself a progressive even though shes WRONG


Perhaps you SHOULD OF gone to English class so you could RITE. :eusa_hand:
Students ask Dinesh D'Souza to prove that democrats are racist........................

Do you really think the main function of colleges is to provide a forum for speakers, of any political position?
You asked a question.
If so, why?
Than second one.
Apparently you never went to college...
Than you made assumption that you accepted as truth, and continues blabbering below as it is a truth.

Have I said that I think what main function of the colleges is to provide a forum for speakers? Nope, those are your words. Here is the question for you. Do you really think that colleges, or student groups cannot invite speakers to speak on campuses?

I did, and I never even knew about anyone giving speeches on campus about political topics or why white people are better than all the other people in the world.
Where did you get that speakers are invited to speak about "white people being better than all the other people"?

Why do you think colleges do not invite racist nazis and white nationalists in general to speak on campus anymore?
Your problem is that you think everyone talking about things you don't like, you don't agree with, or voting differently, is white nationalist, racist, bigot, etc.

Can you say, "because it costs a lot of money to provide security for these assholes, since most students hate nazis and white nationalist goons?" If these guys want to speak on campus, they need to provide their own security, and I bet you, that will lead to even more violent confrontations.
Why security for the speakers is needed at all?

When is the last time leftist, progressive, socialist speaker was attacked by right wingers? It's always the other way. Why if leftists are so accepting, tolerant, and peace loving crowd?

Unlike most Trump voters, real Americans hate nazis. hate white nationalists. and do not want to hear their bullshit. Kind of like the same demonstration you would get if, in the interest of free speech, you invited some perverted ass who advocates sex with children...would you sit still for that kind of sick bullshit? then why sit still for sick ass nazi white culture white nationalist bullshit?

Oh, now you got it. It's about Trump and you're still butthurt for Hillary losing. I can only imagine pain that strike thru your head every day, waking up and realizing Trump is the president. What to you do then, really? Medicine, therapy, safe space?

Only thing that's missing in your rant is a proof that real Americans didn't vote for Trump.
When I went to college, speakers were paid out of student activity funds and a panel of students selected the speakerS

There was no urge to be “fair”

They got the speakers who got the most interest
When I went to college, speakers were paid out of student activity funds and a panel of students selected the speakerS

There was no urge to be “fair”

They got the speakers who got the most interest
When I was in college I saw George Carlin and finally decided what to be when I grow up..
Anyone who values free speech should certainly appreciate D'Souza....he is at the forefront of this struggle and if we are make America Great Again .....freedom of speech must be restored on the College Campus....isn't it ironic that Berkely way back in the fifties fought for freedom of speech aka lenny bruce and all that.

I agree with free speech. Anyone should be able to go to a college campus and speak their mind.

What I don't understand is why do people want to go speak at a place they aren't wanted? I mean no one will buy the tickets so why spend all that money to speak to a mostly empty room?

Why not go where the most people will come to listen to what you have to say?

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