Dinesh D'Souza slams the leftists

Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.
He is just smart enough to know as a minority, a brown skinned person, his spewing of right wing, white nationalist bullshit gives him instant cred on Fox and with Rush and Breitbart and other right wing propaganda outlets who cater to a more bigoted racist core audience and who are misinformed enough, and gullible enough, to believe this right wing talking point garbage this pseudo-intellectual vomits out in public and in books designed to cash in on such ignorant bigotry. Kind of like how those two black ladies, Diamond and Silk, are playing goofy white trump voters and fox viewers with their silly ass opinions, and making lots of dough, because even though they spew the same right garbage as other bigots, they get more notoriety and fame because they are black and spew such white boy bullshit.
It was the kill the white people and kill the aging and persecution of Christians under Obama that gave me pause.

"It was the kill the white people and kill the aging and persecution of Christians under Obama that gave me pause"

The fact that you believe this bullshit is proof of how deranged you are.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.
Such snowflakes

Nobody owes you a platform to speak at
such hatred towards a brown person from the tolerant ,inclusive, open minded lefttards

i'm shocked

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

super derpters.JPG

keep buyin that ammo
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Last edited:
such hatred towards a brown person from the tolerant ,inclusive, open minded lefttards

i'm shocked

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?

Sure do.

One: "Progressive Land". The Progressive Era ran roughly 1890 to 1920. Pretty sure that was a while ago.
Two: "woke".
Three: "derp"

Speako Englishey?

We'll let the rampant abuse of apostrophes and lower cases go for now as I understand you're new to the language.

The fact remains ------------------------ nobody brought up "brown" until you did.
such hatred towards a brown person from the tolerant ,inclusive, open minded lefttards

i'm shocked

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?

Sure do.

One: "Progressive Land". The Progressive Era ran roughly 1890 to 1920. Pretty sure that was a while ago.
Two: "woke".
Three: "derp"

Speako Englishey?

We'll let the rampant abuse of apostrophes and lower cases go for now as I understand you're new to the language.

The fact remains ------------------------ nobody brought up "brown" until you did.

Pogo I could use a lot of that. Just be glad you weren't around when I first got online in 2002.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

"Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you."

Perhaps if you said things like; "I want an end to illegal aliens being allowed into our country" instead of "DEMOCRATS are the REAL ENEMIES and MUST BE ERADICATED!" they'd allow you on more campuses.....

just a thought....
such hatred towards a brown person from the tolerant ,inclusive, open minded lefttards

i'm shocked

Such a first person to call him "brown".

I'm not.

thats where youre wrong in progressive land a natural tan is your calling card.
today skin color means everything when it comes to victim hood pecking order

its so woke

dont you have some definitions that need clarifying ?

Sure do.

One: "Progressive Land". The Progressive Era ran roughly 1890 to 1920. Pretty sure that was a while ago.
Two: "woke".
Three: "derp"

Speako Englishey?

We'll let the rampant abuse of apostrophes and lower cases go for now as I understand you're new to the language.

The fact remains ------------------------ nobody brought up "brown" until you did.

Pogo I could use a lot of that. Just be glad you weren't around when I first got online in 2002.

Oh I was around then. Was publishing a blog.

Use anything you want. I gets fitty cent a word. :deal:
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Sure is. Two observations to plug in here: One, Ike originally dubbed it the "military-industrial-Congressional complex". One of the most courageous POTUS speeches ever, even if we paid no attention.

And two, that McCarthy video above is an example of the Fairness Doctrine in action. McCarthy requested time to respond to Murrow and CBS gave him the entire show.
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Sure is. Two observations to plug in here: One, Ike originally dubbed it the "military-industrial-Congressional complex". One of the most courageous POTUS speeches ever, even if we paid no attention.

And two, that McCarthy video above is an example of the Fairness Doctrine in action. McCarthy requested time to respond to Murrow and CBS gave him the entire show.

WW11 Tail Gunner Joe made them look like the communist there were.
I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Sure is. Two observations to plug in here: One, Ike originally dubbed it the "military-industrial-Congressional complex". One of the most courageous POTUS speeches ever, even if we paid no attention.

And two, that McCarthy video above is an example of the Fairness Doctrine in action. McCarthy requested time to respond to Murrow and CBS gave him the entire show.

WW11 Tail Gunner Joe made them look like the communist there were.

You ARE posting satire right? I mean it's hard to tell.

"Fail gunner Joe" was a complete fraud who faked his medals, his entire mythology, and everything he ever did right down to the mysterious list in his pocket whose number changed literally every time he brought it up. A consummate liar and con artist who read one book in his life, "Mein Kampf", and didn't even own it. He and sleazebag Roy Cohn deserved each other as much as he deserved his ignominious death of consumption and not a second too soon. Fuck him and everything he doesn't stand for.
There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Sure is. Two observations to plug in here: One, Ike originally dubbed it the "military-industrial-Congressional complex". One of the most courageous POTUS speeches ever, even if we paid no attention.

And two, that McCarthy video above is an example of the Fairness Doctrine in action. McCarthy requested time to respond to Murrow and CBS gave him the entire show.

WW11 Tail Gunner Joe made them look like the communist there were.

You ARE posting satire right? I mean it's hard to tell.

"Fail gunner Joe" was a complete fraud who faked his medals, his entire mythology, and everything he ever did right down to the mysterious list in his pocket whose number changed literally every time he brought it up. A consummate liar and con artist who read one book in his life, "Mein Kampf", and didn't even own it. He and sleazebag Roy Cohn deserved each other as much as he deserved his ignominious death of consumption and not a second too soon. Fuck him and everything he doesn't stand for.

Hey! Calm down before you have a hate attack! I know the truth hurts but it hurts worse to ignore it.
Anyway he was right so whats your point?
Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Sure is. Two observations to plug in here: One, Ike originally dubbed it the "military-industrial-Congressional complex". One of the most courageous POTUS speeches ever, even if we paid no attention.

And two, that McCarthy video above is an example of the Fairness Doctrine in action. McCarthy requested time to respond to Murrow and CBS gave him the entire show.

WW11 Tail Gunner Joe made them look like the communist there were.

You ARE posting satire right? I mean it's hard to tell.

"Fail gunner Joe" was a complete fraud who faked his medals, his entire mythology, and everything he ever did right down to the mysterious list in his pocket whose number changed literally every time he brought it up. A consummate liar and con artist who read one book in his life, "Mein Kampf", and didn't even own it. He and sleazebag Roy Cohn deserved each other as much as he deserved his ignominious death of consumption and not a second too soon. Fuck him and everything he doesn't stand for.

Hey! Calm down before you have a hate attack! I know the truth hurts but it hurts worse to ignore it.
Anyway he was right so whats your point?

The point?
I guess the point is that you don't get to rewrite the history books. Only the UDC can do that.
Senator Joe McCarthy was right.

image: https://www.wnd.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-print/images/printer_famfamfam.gif

WASHINGTON — Although Joseph McCarthy was one of the most demonized American politicians of the last century, new information — including half-century-old FBI recordings of Soviet embassy conversations — are showing that McCarthy was right in nearly all his accusations.

“With Joe McCarthy it was the losers who’ve written the history which condemns him,” said Dan Flynn,
director of Accuracy in Academia’s recent national conference on McCarthy, broadcast by C-SPAN.'

Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Venona Intercepts — FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 — the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence networ

Read more at Most-hated senator was right - WND - WND

Accuracy in Media...............Joe McCarthy Was Right

Democrats and the major news media— have decided that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s opposition to the Chuck Hagel nomination makes him the “New McCarthy.”

And they say that like it’s a bad thing.

Sen. Joseph McCarthy has been unjustly and dishonestly maligned for so long that even many conservative Republicans nowadays use “McCarthyism” as a slur, without any real understanding of who the man was, or what he was trying to accomplish.
Last edited:
Senator Joe McCarthy was right.

image: https://www.wnd.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-print/images/printer_famfamfam.gif

WASHINGTON — Although Joseph McCarthy was one of the most demonized American politicians of the last century, new information — including half-century-old FBI recordings of Soviet embassy conversations — are showing that McCarthy was right in nearly all his accusations.

“With Joe McCarthy it was the losers who’ve written the history which condemns him,” said Dan Flynn, director of Accuracy in Academia’s recent national conference on McCarthy, broadcast by C-SPAN.'

Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Venona Intercepts — FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 — the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence network.

Read more at Most-hated senator was right - WND - WND

Whirled Nuts Daily. Home of Birferism.

Thanks for breaking a sweat. That's a clown post bro.
Senator Joe McCarthy was right.

image: https://www.wnd.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-print/images/printer_famfamfam.gif

WASHINGTON — Although Joseph McCarthy was one of the most demonized American politicians of the last century, new information — including half-century-old FBI recordings of Soviet embassy conversations — are showing that McCarthy was right in nearly all his accusations.

“With Joe McCarthy it was the losers who’ve written the history which condemns him,” said Dan Flynn, director of Accuracy in Academia’s recent national conference on McCarthy, broadcast by C-SPAN.'

Using new information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Venona Intercepts — FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 — the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct. Whether it was stealing atomic secrets or influencing U.S. foreign policy, communist victories in the 1940s were fed by an incredibly vast spy and influence network.

Read more at Most-hated senator was right - WND - WND

Whirled Nuts Daily. Home of Birferism.

Thanks for breaking a sweat. That's a clown post bro.

Never Forget: Joe McCarthy Was Right!

Setting the record straight on Senator Joe McCarthy...................Setting the Record on Joe McCarthy Straight
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

"Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you."

Perhaps if you said things like; "I want an end to illegal aliens being allowed into our country" instead of "DEMOCRATS are the REAL ENEMIES and MUST BE ERADICATED!" they'd allow you on more campuses.....

just a thought....
Why not let the students decide?
Puke, he is a cheat and ? female assaulter. Can't stand him. He and L. Ingraham dated and wrote in a paper outing gay students. He is a right wing pos. All the colleges should not have speakers, the speakers should be off of college grounds and pay for their own hall and protection.

D'Souza's Ex-Wife Urged Judge To Throw The Book At Him: He's An Abusive Liar!

I bet it never occurred to you that the vast majority of colleges in the US are actually publicly funded Penny. I'm just guessing.

There are no colleges left in this nation, no freedom of speech, no civil laws, just indoctrination centers now.
Try to be conservative and speak at one and see what happens to you.
Their American style little jack boots will try to hurt you or bust your head open with bicycle locks.
And to add insult to injury we pay for these welfare propaganda pits.
I feel sorry for the young people though it is not their fault it is ours.We allowed them to be filled with hate and victimhood.

Most justed laughed it off while the left marched through the institutions.

Student with a tan doesnt feel safe when the KKK shows up on campus
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona…
Posted by Kane on April 4, 2019 1:43 pm

Far-left protesters at the University of Arizona protest Border Patrol agents on campus by likening them to the KKK and calling them the Murder Patrol repeatedly.
Arizona Students Facing Charges After Harassing Border Patrol Agents
Two students from the University of Arizona are facing misdemeanor charges for harassing two U.S. Border Patrol agents who came to speak at their school. The Daily Wire reported that two Border Patrol agents were harassed when they came to speak about their careers to criminal justice majors at the university.
Several videos showed students interrupting the officers’ presentation and following them out of the classroom to their cars while chanting “murder patrol.”
“This is supposed to be a safe space for students but they allow an extension of the KKK into campus, an extension of the KKK into campus,” a student said, interrupting and filming the agents. “There are students that pay to be here, pay to be here, that need this to be a safe space for them and we have the KKK and their supporters right here at the U of A.”

listen to the brainwashed crazy bitch blather on about safe spaces and not feeling safe here
Stunning video from Univ of Arizona… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Shes nothing but a brainwashed brown NAZI
Be very very proud leftards

from the same ol song still playin
Jewish World Review Nov. 23, 2007
Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go
By Greg Crosby
Jewish World Review: The intersection of faith, culture and politics | The title of this week's column was a student protest chant started by Jesse Jackson at Stanford University in the 80's. The idea was to throw out the university's required courses on Western Culture because they were filled with "European and Western male bias" and replace them with courses that teach non-Western cultures and "works by women, minorities, and persons of color." Jackson was successful - today almost all colleges and universities stress A.C.B.W. (Any Culture But Western) courses and ignore the classic teachings of Western civilization's "white men." Looking back now, over two decades later, we can see the results of Jackson's efforts. How do you like it?

still going swimmingly

the left doesn't really believe in diversity of any kind

people ,thought , a lot of super totalitarian conformist all look the same

they've ruined everything from the arts to college
Have no fear though ...our intellectual superiors assure us that when we reach progressive utopia this time things will be different

View attachment 254063

keep buyin that ammo

And the poor little brainwashed woman got it too. Although warned by a great American instead of listening to him we destroyed him.
No wonder Ed said " Good night and Good Luck". He knew we would need it once him and his media got through with us.

Most won't take the time to listen to facts they will just keep parroting what they are told.

This was what McCarthy was ansering to. Also The last speech Eisenhower made was a warning to America about a secret society and military industrial complex. History is telling.

Sure is. Two observations to plug in here: One, Ike originally dubbed it the "military-industrial-Congressional complex". One of the most courageous POTUS speeches ever, even if we paid no attention.

And two, that McCarthy video above is an example of the Fairness Doctrine in action. McCarthy requested time to respond to Murrow and CBS gave him the entire show.

We could use Edward R Murrow today

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