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Dire Warning!

MY OPINION IS THE TITLE -and this and the below the article- address the message- attacking the messenger publicly illustrates no argument and stupid-

In the past (not too distant) I've read there is a concern there may be a Polar Shift of our planet. That may or may not happen. It is beyond my knowledge level, though I do understand earths axis wobbles-

We do have a looming Polar Shift coming, hence the title, Dire Warning, however, it won't involve the north pole winding up at the south pole or vice versa-

I read the following, following an article read today- I realize reading, and word comprehension are a bit difficult for many of you but, on line dictionaries are a great resource-

The global strategists of the deep state want to sabotage the almost-complete $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, as part of a larger oil strategy to keep America relevant in the 21st century.
Messing with Russia’s vital interests is a great way to make enemies and draw international scorn. The resulting blowback will be an acceleration of China-Russia-Asia integration, with America increasingly left on the sidelines, and the viability of the US dollar in doubt.
All the American military muscle they can flex will not change the course of the inevitable demise. Military adventures will just harden resolve among adversaries. America’s multicultural population will not rally around the stars and stripes, rather they will cheer their homelands on the other side of the divide.
When the US dollar is treated with contempt, the empire will be washed up. This could all be over before mid-century, or perhaps by the end of this decade.

The article: RCEP Set to Supercharge the New Silk Roads

Ho Chi Minh, in his eternal abode, will be savoring it with a heavenly smirk. Vietnam was the – virtual – host as the 10 Asean nations, plus China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on the final day of the 37th Asean Summit.

RCEP, eight years in the making, binds together 30% of the global economy and 2.2 billion people. It’s the first auspicious landmark of the Raging Twenties, which started with an assassination (of Iran’s Gen. Soleimani) followed by a global pandemic and now ominous intimations of a dodgy Great Reset.

RCEP seals East Asia as the undisputed prime hub of geoeconomics. The Asian Century in fact was already in the making way back in the 1990s. Among those Asians as well as Western expats who identified it, in 1997 I published my book 21st: The Asian Century (excerpts here.)

View attachment 419454

Things they are-a-changing- like it or not, blame it on Trump, or Democrats, it's happening and there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop, or change it- throughout History, man adapts or dies- dying is inevitable, but until then-

The article points out gov't's, more or less, agreeing to allow trade- a lot like our gov't does- for those who prefer free markets, I wonder how they justify (which is an excuse used to excuse) being told who they can trade with- I also wonder why the gov't believes it has that authority. I can't find it in the constitution, nor any writings of the founders I've read. I'd appreciate someone linking me to the authority to do that.

Would what the article says happen anyway, even if the US consumers/producers could actually make their own agreements?
Probably- but, now, it'll be that much harder- if you think not, read the article- tell me how you feel it'll be gotten around-
Thanks for sharing.Gddjjr. Your work is impressive. Even if all you say comes true, I believe that this nation of ours will weather the current problems with uniquely American solutions that will ultimately bless the people here with a unity that seems impossible right now due to the self-hatred the Democrats wear on the inside that will be their self-imposed social distancing due to inevitable leadership dog eat doggism. And best wishes to all the world's ambitious peoples who believe in freedom for their citizens. :huddle:
MY OPINION IS THE TITLE -and this and the below the article- address the message- attacking the messenger publicly illustrates no argument and stupid-

In the past (not too distant) I've read there is a concern there may be a Polar Shift of our planet. That may or may not happen. It is beyond my knowledge level, though I do understand earths axis wobbles-

We do have a looming Polar Shift coming, hence the title, Dire Warning, however, it won't involve the north pole winding up at the south pole or vice versa-

I read the following, following an article read today- I realize reading, and word comprehension are a bit difficult for many of you but, on line dictionaries are a great resource-

The global strategists of the deep state want to sabotage the almost-complete $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, as part of a larger oil strategy to keep America relevant in the 21st century.
Messing with Russia’s vital interests is a great way to make enemies and draw international scorn. The resulting blowback will be an acceleration of China-Russia-Asia integration, with America increasingly left on the sidelines, and the viability of the US dollar in doubt.
All the American military muscle they can flex will not change the course of the inevitable demise. Military adventures will just harden resolve among adversaries. America’s multicultural population will not rally around the stars and stripes, rather they will cheer their homelands on the other side of the divide.
When the US dollar is treated with contempt, the empire will be washed up. This could all be over before mid-century, or perhaps by the end of this decade.

The article: RCEP Set to Supercharge the New Silk Roads

Ho Chi Minh, in his eternal abode, will be savoring it with a heavenly smirk. Vietnam was the – virtual – host as the 10 Asean nations, plus China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on the final day of the 37th Asean Summit.

RCEP, eight years in the making, binds together 30% of the global economy and 2.2 billion people. It’s the first auspicious landmark of the Raging Twenties, which started with an assassination (of Iran’s Gen. Soleimani) followed by a global pandemic and now ominous intimations of a dodgy Great Reset.

RCEP seals East Asia as the undisputed prime hub of geoeconomics. The Asian Century in fact was already in the making way back in the 1990s. Among those Asians as well as Western expats who identified it, in 1997 I published my book 21st: The Asian Century (excerpts here.)

View attachment 419454

Things they are-a-changing- like it or not, blame it on Trump, or Democrats, it's happening and there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop, or change it- throughout History, man adapts or dies- dying is inevitable, but until then-

The article points out gov't's, more or less, agreeing to allow trade- a lot like our gov't does- for those who prefer free markets, I wonder how they justify (which is an excuse used to excuse) being told who they can trade with- I also wonder why the gov't believes it has that authority. I can't find it in the constitution, nor any writings of the founders I've read. I'd appreciate someone linking me to the authority to do that.

Would what the article says happen anyway, even if the US consumers/producers could actually make their own agreements?
Probably- but, now, it'll be that much harder- if you think not, read the article- tell me how you feel it'll be gotten around-
The Constitution gives Congress in Article I, the power to regulate trade and the power to make treaties. You did not read it carefully if you read it at all. Free trade is beneficial, as it promotes competition and keeps prices down. You sure like to bitch alot and most of it betrays ignorance. I wonder if there is any ethnic group you don't hate. I'm tired of you and am putting you on IGNORE
I do not believe that the founding fathers expected us to be a high taxed nation compared to others in trade.
I'm tired of you and am putting you on IGNORE

You might look up what regulate means- then again, I doubt you can comprehend it questioning your feelings- it's not picking winners and/or losers, FYI
Oh sure, dat’s what Da Joooooooos want you to think! Just ask the OP, heil tell ya. Oops, I mean he’ll.
Changing a persons words to fit a stupid agenda is what attention whores like to do for their mental masturbation fantasies, ask your psychologist wife why-
This is election is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.
That's Daoism. Some lady reaching a certain age and getting her hair cut, letting go, and all that.
This is election is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.

Donnie wasted four long years rage tweeting, playing the victim card, and eating hamberders while China was becoming a world leader in infrastructure and technology.
Lotta lost ground that needs to be made up, starting with infrastructure, rejoining Paris Agreement and cleaning up a ginormous mess he left in his wake.
So don't worry about China - Worry about the damage caused by a raging madman.

You people are unbelievable in your logic. You think infrastructure is going to be key to catching up to China? How about this.... Democrats should push for US to have the same minimum wage as China; and, when getting back to the Paris Accords, the US get extended the exact same terms as China.

You can't find anything in the Constitution about regulating Commerce?
Regulating is not picking winners and/or losers- FYI- it's supposed to mean keep/apply the rules the same for everyone- and as far as treaties is concerned, since when has the US gov't abided by any treaty it's ever imposed?
Ask Indians how that worked out-

I see nowhere, in the constitution, or any of the writings of the founders, where gov't has the authority to tell citizens who they can or cannot trade with- if you can point out the words to that effect, feel free to do so- just as I can find no authority for the fed gov't to tell citizens what they can ingest-
MY OPINION IS THE TITLE -and this and the below the article- address the message- attacking the messenger publicly illustrates no argument and stupid-

In the past (not too distant) I've read there is a concern there may be a Polar Shift of our planet. That may or may not happen. It is beyond my knowledge level, though I do understand earths axis wobbles-

We do have a looming Polar Shift coming, hence the title, Dire Warning, however, it won't involve the north pole winding up at the south pole or vice versa-

I read the following, following an article read today- I realize reading, and word comprehension are a bit difficult for many of you but, on line dictionaries are a great resource-

The global strategists of the deep state want to sabotage the almost-complete $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, as part of a larger oil strategy to keep America relevant in the 21st century.
Messing with Russia’s vital interests is a great way to make enemies and draw international scorn. The resulting blowback will be an acceleration of China-Russia-Asia integration, with America increasingly left on the sidelines, and the viability of the US dollar in doubt.
All the American military muscle they can flex will not change the course of the inevitable demise. Military adventures will just harden resolve among adversaries. America’s multicultural population will not rally around the stars and stripes, rather they will cheer their homelands on the other side of the divide.
When the US dollar is treated with contempt, the empire will be washed up. This could all be over before mid-century, or perhaps by the end of this decade.

The article: RCEP Set to Supercharge the New Silk Roads

Ho Chi Minh, in his eternal abode, will be savoring it with a heavenly smirk. Vietnam was the – virtual – host as the 10 Asean nations, plus China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on the final day of the 37th Asean Summit.

RCEP, eight years in the making, binds together 30% of the global economy and 2.2 billion people. It’s the first auspicious landmark of the Raging Twenties, which started with an assassination (of Iran’s Gen. Soleimani) followed by a global pandemic and now ominous intimations of a dodgy Great Reset.

RCEP seals East Asia as the undisputed prime hub of geoeconomics. The Asian Century in fact was already in the making way back in the 1990s. Among those Asians as well as Western expats who identified it, in 1997 I published my book 21st: The Asian Century (excerpts here.)

View attachment 419454

Things they are-a-changing- like it or not, blame it on Trump, or Democrats, it's happening and there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop, or change it- throughout History, man adapts or dies- dying is inevitable, but until then-

The article points out gov't's, more or less, agreeing to allow trade- a lot like our gov't does- for those who prefer free markets, I wonder how they justify (which is an excuse used to excuse) being told who they can trade with- I also wonder why the gov't believes it has that authority. I can't find it in the constitution, nor any writings of the founders I've read. I'd appreciate someone linking me to the authority to do that.

Would what the article says happen anyway, even if the US consumers/producers could actually make their own agreements?
Probably- but, now, it'll be that much harder- if you think not, read the article- tell me how you feel it'll be gotten around-
None of those nations buy very much from the US.

they just want to sell their cheap stuff over here
You people are unbelievable in your logic
Can you define logic? I doubt they can- they never read and respond, they see and react- that's logical for someone trained to do do-

The bottom line, it is inevitable- ALL empires fall- it's not if, it's when- History says so- just as many believe/feel their brand of socialism/communism/fascism/authoritarianism/tyranny just needs tweeking it still fails- the political stripe worn is immaterial-

Liberty can't fail- and there is no proof of it's success either- but, the "elephant in the room" is fear by ignorance instilled since birth by authoritarian principles using fallacious opinions as proper-
None of those nations buy very much from the US.

they just want to sell their cheap stuff over here
Oh stop it- we want to buy their cheap stuff- we are a materialistic/consumerist/shallow minded society- it is ingrained from birth and manifests itself in our idiocy, illustrated publicly, with shallow minded, irrelevant and immaterial comments- which, at the end of the day, is, we want cheap stuff- we have to have stuff to feel better about our lack of moral self discipline to feed our materialistic ego (the example steered from the District of Criminals) and to prop up US fed reserve notes for the world wide, imperialistic, hegemony -
None of those nations buy very much from the US.

they just want to sell their cheap stuff over here
Oh stop it- we want to buy their cheap stuff- we are a materialistic/consumerist/shallow minded society- it is ingrained from birth and manifests itself in our idiocy, illustrated publicly, with shallow minded, irrelevant and immaterial comments- which, at the end of the day, is, we want cheap stuff- we have to have stuff to feel better about our lack of moral self discipline to feed our materialistic ego (the example steered from the District of Criminals) and to prop up US fed reserve notes for the world wide, imperialistic, hegemony -
We may want a cheaper toaster

but is having everything we need made in china a good idea?

certainly not
Oh sure, dat’s what Da Joooooooos want you to think! Just ask the OP, heil tell ya. Oops, I mean he’ll.
Changing a persons words to fit a stupid agenda is what attention whores like to do for their mental masturbation fantasies, ask your psychologist wife why-

Are you saying it's not the fault of "Da Joooooooooos"? There is no secret global conspiracy by "Da Joooooooos"? Are you denouncing your anti-Semitism?
This is election is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.
That's Daoism. Some lady reaching a certain age and getting her hair cut, letting go, and all that.
None of those nations buy very much from the US.

they just want to sell their cheap stuff over here
Oh stop it- we want to buy their cheap stuff- we are a materialistic/consumerist/shallow minded society- it is ingrained from birth and manifests itself in our idiocy, illustrated publicly, with shallow minded, irrelevant and immaterial comments- which, at the end of the day, is, we want cheap stuff- we have to have stuff to feel better about our lack of moral self discipline to feed our materialistic ego (the example steered from the District of Criminals) and to prop up US fed reserve notes for the world wide, imperialistic, hegemony -

That is the most feeble, illogical attempt at moralizing seen here in some time.
This is election is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.
That's Daoism. Some lady reaching a certain age and getting her hair cut, letting go, and all that.

That is not what that daoism is.
Last edited:
MY OPINION IS THE TITLE -and this and the below the article- address the message- attacking the messenger publicly illustrates no argument and stupid-

In the past (not too distant) I've read there is a concern there may be a Polar Shift of our planet. That may or may not happen. It is beyond my knowledge level, though I do understand earths axis wobbles-

We do have a looming Polar Shift coming, hence the title, Dire Warning, however, it won't involve the north pole winding up at the south pole or vice versa-

I read the following, following an article read today- I realize reading, and word comprehension are a bit difficult for many of you but, on line dictionaries are a great resource-

The global strategists of the deep state want to sabotage the almost-complete $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, as part of a larger oil strategy to keep America relevant in the 21st century.
Messing with Russia’s vital interests is a great way to make enemies and draw international scorn. The resulting blowback will be an acceleration of China-Russia-Asia integration, with America increasingly left on the sidelines, and the viability of the US dollar in doubt.
All the American military muscle they can flex will not change the course of the inevitable demise. Military adventures will just harden resolve among adversaries. America’s multicultural population will not rally around the stars and stripes, rather they will cheer their homelands on the other side of the divide.
When the US dollar is treated with contempt, the empire will be washed up. This could all be over before mid-century, or perhaps by the end of this decade.

The article: RCEP Set to Supercharge the New Silk Roads

Ho Chi Minh, in his eternal abode, will be savoring it with a heavenly smirk. Vietnam was the – virtual – host as the 10 Asean nations, plus China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on the final day of the 37th Asean Summit.

RCEP, eight years in the making, binds together 30% of the global economy and 2.2 billion people. It’s the first auspicious landmark of the Raging Twenties, which started with an assassination (of Iran’s Gen. Soleimani) followed by a global pandemic and now ominous intimations of a dodgy Great Reset.

RCEP seals East Asia as the undisputed prime hub of geoeconomics. The Asian Century in fact was already in the making way back in the 1990s. Among those Asians as well as Western expats who identified it, in 1997 I published my book 21st: The Asian Century (excerpts here.)

View attachment 419454

Things they are-a-changing- like it or not, blame it on Trump, or Democrats, it's happening and there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop, or change it- throughout History, man adapts or dies- dying is inevitable, but until then-

The article points out gov't's, more or less, agreeing to allow trade- a lot like our gov't does- for those who prefer free markets, I wonder how they justify (which is an excuse used to excuse) being told who they can trade with- I also wonder why the gov't believes it has that authority. I can't find it in the constitution, nor any writings of the founders I've read. I'd appreciate someone linking me to the authority to do that.

Would what the article says happen anyway, even if the US consumers/producers could actually make their own agreements?
Probably- but, now, it'll be that much harder- if you think not, read the article- tell me how you feel it'll be gotten around-
If Trump hadn't pulled out of the TPP, would this have happened? I thought I remembered Obama saying it was to prevent something like this. Not arguing, just asking.
Oh sure, dat’s what Da Joooooooos want you to think! Just ask the OP, heil tell ya. Oops, I mean he’ll.
Changing a persons words to fit a stupid agenda is what attention whores like to do for their mental masturbation fantasies, ask your psychologist wife why-
He is not wrong. You frequently blame the Jews for the worlds ills. Do you deny that? Tough to take someone like that seriously.
MY OPINION IS THE TITLE -and this and the below the article- address the message- attacking the messenger publicly illustrates no argument and stupid-

In the past (not too distant) I've read there is a concern there may be a Polar Shift of our planet. That may or may not happen. It is beyond my knowledge level, though I do understand earths axis wobbles-

We do have a looming Polar Shift coming, hence the title, Dire Warning, however, it won't involve the north pole winding up at the south pole or vice versa-

I read the following, following an article read today- I realize reading, and word comprehension are a bit difficult for many of you but, on line dictionaries are a great resource-

The global strategists of the deep state want to sabotage the almost-complete $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, as part of a larger oil strategy to keep America relevant in the 21st century.
Messing with Russia’s vital interests is a great way to make enemies and draw international scorn. The resulting blowback will be an acceleration of China-Russia-Asia integration, with America increasingly left on the sidelines, and the viability of the US dollar in doubt.
All the American military muscle they can flex will not change the course of the inevitable demise. Military adventures will just harden resolve among adversaries. America’s multicultural population will not rally around the stars and stripes, rather they will cheer their homelands on the other side of the divide.
When the US dollar is treated with contempt, the empire will be washed up. This could all be over before mid-century, or perhaps by the end of this decade.

The article: RCEP Set to Supercharge the New Silk Roads

Ho Chi Minh, in his eternal abode, will be savoring it with a heavenly smirk. Vietnam was the – virtual – host as the 10 Asean nations, plus China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on the final day of the 37th Asean Summit.

RCEP, eight years in the making, binds together 30% of the global economy and 2.2 billion people. It’s the first auspicious landmark of the Raging Twenties, which started with an assassination (of Iran’s Gen. Soleimani) followed by a global pandemic and now ominous intimations of a dodgy Great Reset.

RCEP seals East Asia as the undisputed prime hub of geoeconomics. The Asian Century in fact was already in the making way back in the 1990s. Among those Asians as well as Western expats who identified it, in 1997 I published my book 21st: The Asian Century (excerpts here.)

View attachment 419454

Things they are-a-changing- like it or not, blame it on Trump, or Democrats, it's happening and there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop, or change it- throughout History, man adapts or dies- dying is inevitable, but until then-

The article points out gov't's, more or less, agreeing to allow trade- a lot like our gov't does- for those who prefer free markets, I wonder how they justify (which is an excuse used to excuse) being told who they can trade with- I also wonder why the gov't believes it has that authority. I can't find it in the constitution, nor any writings of the founders I've read. I'd appreciate someone linking me to the authority to do that.

Would what the article says happen anyway, even if the US consumers/producers could actually make their own agreements?
Probably- but, now, it'll be that much harder- if you think not, read the article- tell me how you feel it'll be gotten around-
If Trump hadn't pulled out of the TPP, would this have happened? I thought I remembered Obama saying it was to prevent something like this. Not arguing, just asking.

More American workers would have gotten screwed.
MY OPINION IS THE TITLE -and this and the below the article- address the message- attacking the messenger publicly illustrates no argument and stupid-

In the past (not too distant) I've read there is a concern there may be a Polar Shift of our planet. That may or may not happen. It is beyond my knowledge level, though I do understand earths axis wobbles-

We do have a looming Polar Shift coming, hence the title, Dire Warning, however, it won't involve the north pole winding up at the south pole or vice versa-

I read the following, following an article read today- I realize reading, and word comprehension are a bit difficult for many of you but, on line dictionaries are a great resource-

The global strategists of the deep state want to sabotage the almost-complete $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, as part of a larger oil strategy to keep America relevant in the 21st century.
Messing with Russia’s vital interests is a great way to make enemies and draw international scorn. The resulting blowback will be an acceleration of China-Russia-Asia integration, with America increasingly left on the sidelines, and the viability of the US dollar in doubt.
All the American military muscle they can flex will not change the course of the inevitable demise. Military adventures will just harden resolve among adversaries. America’s multicultural population will not rally around the stars and stripes, rather they will cheer their homelands on the other side of the divide.
When the US dollar is treated with contempt, the empire will be washed up. This could all be over before mid-century, or perhaps by the end of this decade.

The article: RCEP Set to Supercharge the New Silk Roads

Ho Chi Minh, in his eternal abode, will be savoring it with a heavenly smirk. Vietnam was the – virtual – host as the 10 Asean nations, plus China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, on the final day of the 37th Asean Summit.

RCEP, eight years in the making, binds together 30% of the global economy and 2.2 billion people. It’s the first auspicious landmark of the Raging Twenties, which started with an assassination (of Iran’s Gen. Soleimani) followed by a global pandemic and now ominous intimations of a dodgy Great Reset.

RCEP seals East Asia as the undisputed prime hub of geoeconomics. The Asian Century in fact was already in the making way back in the 1990s. Among those Asians as well as Western expats who identified it, in 1997 I published my book 21st: The Asian Century (excerpts here.)

View attachment 419454

Things they are-a-changing- like it or not, blame it on Trump, or Democrats, it's happening and there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop, or change it- throughout History, man adapts or dies- dying is inevitable, but until then-

The article points out gov't's, more or less, agreeing to allow trade- a lot like our gov't does- for those who prefer free markets, I wonder how they justify (which is an excuse used to excuse) being told who they can trade with- I also wonder why the gov't believes it has that authority. I can't find it in the constitution, nor any writings of the founders I've read. I'd appreciate someone linking me to the authority to do that.

Would what the article says happen anyway, even if the US consumers/producers could actually make their own agreements?
Probably- but, now, it'll be that much harder- if you think not, read the article- tell me how you feel it'll be gotten around-
If Trump hadn't pulled out of the TPP, would this have happened? I thought I remembered Obama saying it was to prevent something like this. Not arguing, just asking.

More American workers would have gotten screwed.
Well, obviously he didn't think that being part of a trade agreement gave us less say. He admitted the global economy was going to cause some of us to downsize our McMansions and holler about it the whole time, but that in the end, we'd be on a more even footing and better able to compete. What he didn't consider is that our system is not set up for longterm strategies--we have the opportunity to upset the apple cart every two years, and often do.

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