Disasterous Numbers: Obama Breaks The 50% Disapproval Barrier In New Poll Released

IMO, they're all looking foolish, none know american history or the constitution, one doesn't know the birthplace of john wayne (maybe she thought of gacy?)
won't vote to raise the debt ceiling, love the constitution soooooo much, they already want to amend it, they think they get it spot on all the time, but in reality, they are totally clueless.
Can Obama beat a repug? look at the people polled first. logical people will determine that Obama may be the better of the two evils, repug and democrat, and look what the repugs have out front, yikes.

Posts like yours are no better than his.

Ps. In case you hadn't noticed not only is Sarah not running, she's not out front. Argue political points not childish slogans and insults.
She's second in many polls and even tied in a few with Romney and that's damn good for a her who hasn't announced a cadidacy.

you may be right and I might even vote for her if she runs. Having said that extremists like you will scare off the moderates and we will lose just like we did in Arizona. You gotta tone down your rhetoric. No one on this board is going to be influenced by you or me. We're here for fun and relief. Nothing more. Trying so hard accomplishes nothing but your negative rep bud. We both believe similar things but the way you put your message out there doesn't help you or your cause. Leave the hate in the bottom of your drink of choice cause it gets you nothing here. Except for maybe page views. And if that's what your after then I feel sorry for you.
If he were ineligible, I do believe someone in authority might have noticed.

They have, but they fear racial backlash if they brought it up. Congressman Trent Franks yesterday was issued a motion that was passed by the republican party in his district to call for a investigation of Obama's eligibility within 30 days.

That's not all going on either USAR... things are about to get REAL HOT in Hawaii...

The birth certificate please! Subpoena to be delivered

The end to this fraud could be real near.
I can't handle 2 in one night. I've had too many to drink, I'm going to bed. Hopefully I don't dream about the same birth certificate fairy as these dudes.
Mr. Retired I find your posts to be like my grandson everytime he comes to visit. His first words are "GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT?"

And then what follows is usually pointless drivel. I just smile and laugh inside. The smiling part is getting really hard with your posts.

How do you explain those numbers in a intellectual manner Grampa?

The intellectual manner is that a disapproval of Obama does not equate to an acceptance that Palin is the best alternative.

Here's the thing. Sarah Palin was elected as Governor of Alaska. She took people's money to run and solicited their votes on the promise that she would serve them for the full 4 years of her term.

And then she quit her job halfway through in order to get a TV Show on the network with the septuplets and the midgets. A show that no one actually watched after the second episode. They even flew the septuplets up to play with her, and couldn't improve the situation any.

In short, she couldn't be relied upon to fulfill her commitments then, how can we rely on her to fulfill bigger commitments now?

Even if you share her values, there are people out there like Rick Perry who have the same values and stuck it out when the going got tough.
If he were ineligible, I do believe someone in authority might have noticed. The dupes make themselves look idiotic....turn off the propaganda...

The only thing idiotic is your Marxist/Socialist/Communist signature. Sickening to here such crying from a person born with the ultimate blessing - the United States of America. The fact that you refer to yourself and workers as "victims" speaks volumes about how lazy you are. Instead of thanking God you are born in a free country and have a job, you complain that you have to work and that government is not providing enough free stuff for you. It's astounding that you believe it's everyone else's job to provide for you. If you don't have healthcare, buy it. It's not your employer's job to provide it to you and it's not the US government's job to provide it to you. Stop wasting your money on the computer and the monthly internet service you use to access this site and whine, and use that money instead for health insurance.

Why don't you move to Cuba. Their government believes in taking care of all of their citizens needs.
Oh boy, let's all sign a pledge.

Gotta love these tea party activists, they just shouldn't live in those glass houses!

U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh sued for $117,437 in owed child support

It's a shame because loons like this hurt a legitimate cause. This guy has a new headline every other hour. Most of which are complete nonsense and it makes serious people on his side look foolish.

IMO, they're all looking foolish, none know american history or the constitution, one doesn't know the birthplace of john wayne (maybe she thought of gacy?)
won't vote to raise the debt ceiling, love the constitution soooooo much, they already want to amend it, they think they get it spot on all the time, but in reality, they are totally clueless.
Can Obama beat a repug? look at the people polled first. logical people will determine that Obama may be the better of the two evils, repug and democrat, and look what the repugs have out front, yikes.

I've read some ignorant Dumbocrat posts in my day, but this one may be the dumbest of all time. The fact that the Tea Party actually wants to abide by the Constitution by using the process built into it, called amendments, to make effective change clearly proves they do in fact love the Constitution.

For 100 years now, the Dumbocrats have made absurd statements like "healthcare is a right", even though it is in fact not a right. And rather than amend the Constitution to make something like Obamacare legal, they shred the US Constitution by completely ignoring it and moving foward with their Marxist/Socialist/Communist agenda anyway.

Please, for the love of God, do not talk about American history or reading the US Constitution, because you can't show me a Dumbocrat out there how actually knows real US history or who has even read two sentences in the US Constitution.
Mr. Retired I find your posts to be like my grandson everytime he comes to visit. His first words are "GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT?"

And then what follows is usually pointless drivel. I just smile and laugh inside. The smiling part is getting really hard with your posts.

How do you explain those numbers in a intellectual manner Grampa?

The intellectual manner is that a disapproval of Obama does not equate to an acceptance that Palin is the best alternative.

Here's the thing. Sarah Palin was elected as Governor of Alaska. She took people's money to run and solicited their votes on the promise that she would serve them for the full 4 years of her term.

And then she quit her job halfway through in order to get a TV Show on the network with the septuplets and the midgets. A show that no one actually watched after the second episode. They even flew the septuplets up to play with her, and couldn't improve the situation any.

In short, she couldn't be relied upon to fulfill her commitments then, how can we rely on her to fulfill bigger commitments now?

Even if you share her values, there are people out there like Rick Perry who have the same values and stuck it out when the going got tough.

Rick Perry also had the privilege of governing a state that had statute laws set up that would protect him from lawsuits filed against him and that would pay for his legal defense bills unlike Sarah Palin's state of Alaska which didn't forcing her and her family on the brink of personal bankruptcy for having to pay for her own legal fees which was over 500k and climbing. She only had a salary of 125k annually. Can you imagine yourself having to deal with 25 different frivolous ethics lawsuits dealing with constant court hearings and endless hours of depositions while trying to hold down a full time job? That is what she had to deal with and it kept her from her duties as Governor. She had no choice but to step down and take the fight between her and liberal Obama operatives out of the state and into the lower 48 which she has done effectively. When she did the lawsuits stopped and they were dismissed as frivolous with no merits. Her Lt Governor, Sean Parnell, signed a bill into law that would protect future governors from bogus lawsuits in Alaska like Palin had to deal with. The American people know what really went on and the stepping down hasn't hurt one bit as the mid terms proved and recent polling placing her tied with Romney or a strong second ahead of Bachmann when she hasn't even announce she's running. People screaming 'she quit' is all they have to slander her with like you just did and it ain't working and it will backfire against liberals and rival candidates if she runs in the primaries & general election.
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If he were ineligible, I do believe someone in authority might have noticed. The dupes make themselves look idiotic....turn off the propaganda...

The only thing idiotic is your Marxist/Socialist/Communist signature. Sickening to here such crying from a person born with the ultimate blessing - the United States of America. The fact that you refer to yourself and workers as "victims" speaks volumes about how lazy you are. Instead of thanking God you are born in a free country and have a job, you complain that you have to work and that government is not providing enough free stuff for you. It's astounding that you believe it's everyone else's job to provide for you. If you don't have healthcare, buy it. It's not your employer's job to provide it to you and it's not the US government's job to provide it to you. Stop wasting your money on the computer and the monthly internet service you use to access this site and whine, and use that money instead for health insurance.

Why don't you move to Cuba. Their government believes in taking care of all of their citizens needs.

You're an Ugly 'Merican moron- Nothing Marxist or Communist aboutit, and I'm sure you don't know what socialism IS LOL!!. You don't know anything about me. I'm just fine, have all I want, have health care, great house. My signature is all fact, I'm complaining that your stupid party is turning us into a banana republic, and as a Pub Dupe you ought to be ashamed at how fegging stupid and misled you are. The world is aghast at your ignorant arrogance.:lol: GFY...:lol:
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It's a shame because loons like this hurt a legitimate cause. This guy has a new headline every other hour. Most of which are complete nonsense and it makes serious people on his side look foolish.

IMO, they're all looking foolish, none know american history or the constitution, one doesn't know the birthplace of john wayne (maybe she thought of gacy?)
won't vote to raise the debt ceiling, love the constitution soooooo much, they already want to amend it, they think they get it spot on all the time, but in reality, they are totally clueless.
Can Obama beat a repug? look at the people polled first. logical people will determine that Obama may be the better of the two evils, repug and democrat, and look what the repugs have out front, yikes.

I've read some ignorant Dumbocrat posts in my day, but this one may be the dumbest of all time. The fact that the Tea Party actually wants to abide by the Constitution by using the process built into it, called amendments, to make effective change clearly proves they do in fact love the Constitution.

For 100 years now, the Dumbocrats have made absurd statements like "healthcare is a right", even though it is in fact not a right. And rather than amend the Constitution to make something like Obamacare legal, they shred the US Constitution by completely ignoring it and moving foward with their Marxist/Socialist/Communist agenda anyway.

Please, for the love of God, do not talk about American history or reading the US Constitution, because you can't show me a Dumbocrat out there how actually knows real US history or who has even read two sentences in the US Constitution.

You are right. Obama with democratic help have subverted the Constitution for self gain instead of putting 'We The People' first and foremost.
[Rick Perry also had the privilege of governing a state that had statute laws set up that would protect him from lawsuits filed against him and that would pay for his legal defense bills unlike Sarah Palin's state of Alaska which didn't forcing her and her family on the brink of personal bankruptcy for having to pay for her own legal fees which was over 500k and climbing. She only had a salary of 125k annually. Can you imagine yourself having to deal with 25 different frivolous ethics lawsuits dealing with constant court hearings and endless hours of depositions while trying to hold down a full time job? That is what she had to deal with and it kept her from her duties as Governor.

Yeah, I've heard this excuse, and it's kind of lame. As you guys point out, almost all of these lawsuits were dismissed, so I guess I'm not seeing what the big deal was. If the legal fees were too much, set up a legal defense fund. That's what Clinton did for the numerous lawsuits filed against him by his enemies. (Again, Republicans started this game, dont' go whining now when someone turns it on you.)

She had no choice but to step down and take the fight between her and liberal Obama operatives out of the state and into the lower 48 which she has done effectively. When she did the lawsuits stopped and they were dismissed as frivolous with no merits. Her Lt Governor, Sean Parnell, signed a bill into law that would protect future governors from bogus lawsuits in Alaska like Palin had to deal with. The American people know what really went on and the stepping down hasn't hurt one bit as the mid terms proved and recent polling placing her tied with Romney or a strong second ahead of Bachmann when she hasn't even announce she's running. People screaming 'she quit' is all they have to slander her with like you just did and it ain't working and it will backfire against liberals and rival candidates if she runs in the primaries & general election.

Well, first, she ain't running. THat would actually involve hard work, something she isn't used to doing.

Second, if she does run, she'll be creamed, because she's incredibly stupid. She is a stupid, stupid woman. YOu know, like not knowing which Korea is our friend, not being able to name any of the founding fathers, thinking Paul Revere warned the British... too funny.

Third, The American people don't like her. She has the highest negatives, and in matchups against Obama, she trails by 20 points despite having the highest name recognition.

Let's not compound John McCain's mistake by paying any more attention to this woman than we have to.
If he were ineligible, I do believe someone in authority might have noticed.

They have, but they fear racial backlash if they brought it up. Congressman Trent Franks yesterday was issued a motion that was passed by the republican party in his district to call for a investigation of Obama's eligibility within 30 days.

That's not all going on either USAR... things are about to get REAL HOT in Hawaii...

The birth certificate please! Subpoena to be delivered

The end to this fraud could be real near.

Interesting, which ever way it goes.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Generic Congressional Vote

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

There isn't much good news anywhere in Washington these days. The fears of replacing any person in Washington over this are real enough but what about the American people and how this nonsense will alter their lives. It's unthinkable.

After we default, the treasury will be picking and choosing who will get paid. SS recipients? The military?

And some of you are whining about which party will be in power after it all plays out. None of them are looking too good right now. Maybe McConnell and Reid can bring some sanity to this process before it all comes tumbling down.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Generic Congressional Vote

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

There isn't much good news anywhere in Washington these days. The fears of replacing any person in Washington over this are real enough but what about the American people and how this nonsense will alter their lives. It's unthinkable.

After we default, the treasury will be picking and choosing who will get paid. SS recipients? The military?

And some of you are whining about which party will be in power after it all plays out. None of them are looking too good right now. Maybe McConnell and Reid can bring some sanity to this process before it all comes tumbling down.

The Sanity would be getting these people to finally admit that the government spends too much and get REAL cuts in federal spending under control. That's why we are in this mess right now.

The House has passed a plan. Hussein doesn't like it because he's going to have to go through this again next year and follow through, but it's a good, solid plan that will prevent default. Not seeing what the problem here is.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Generic Congressional Vote

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country

There isn't much good news anywhere in Washington these days. The fears of replacing any person in Washington over this are real enough but what about the American people and how this nonsense will alter their lives. It's unthinkable.

After we default, the treasury will be picking and choosing who will get paid. SS recipients? The military?

And some of you are whining about which party will be in power after it all plays out. None of them are looking too good right now. Maybe McConnell and Reid can bring some sanity to this process before it all comes tumbling down.

The Sanity would be getting these people to finally admit that the government spends too much and get REAL cuts in federal spending under control. That's why we are in this mess right now.

The House has passed a plan. Hussein doesn't like it because he's going to have to go through this again next year and follow through, but it's a good, solid plan that will prevent default. Not seeing what the problem here is.

That we're spending too much is a dangerously simple minded charge. We also need the richest Americans and corporations to pay their taxes. To contribute, you know? Make sense?

with Papa Obama's new lows in the polls
it may be time to bring out the children again to save us

The one is with us

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtGrp5MbzAI]‪Obama Kids Music Video : Cute or Creepy ?‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
That we're spending too much is a dangerously simple minded charge. We also need the richest Americans and corporations to pay their taxes. To contribute, you know? Make sense?

No, we need to get the government to do what I have to do at my work- spend the money SMARTLY.

And we need to do this long before we go back to people who already working until May 7th every year to meet their obligation to Federal, State and Local government before they have money for their needs.

But dummies like you want to tax corporations and slap them with a bunch of silly regulations, and then wonder why they do what my company does, board up the factories and open new ones in China.
That we're spending too much is a dangerously simple minded charge. We also need the richest Americans and corporations to pay their taxes. To contribute, you know? Make sense?

No, we need to get the government to do what I have to do at my work- spend the money SMARTLY.

And we need to do this long before we go back to people who already working until May 7th every year to meet their obligation to Federal, State and Local government before they have money for their needs.

But dummies like you want to tax corporations and slap them with a bunch of silly regulations, and then wonder why they do what my company does, board up the factories and open new ones in China.

If banks had been regulated, we wouldn't have gone through the too big to fail crisis during Bush's term and on into Obamas.

Nobody with a brain would trust Republicans on this.
With 9.2 unemployment
can anyone really trust Papa Obama do make the right decisions?

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