Diseased Donald Trump cancels FIVE fundraisers in Florida, as panic sweeps Trump campaign

When Hillary cancels events she's sick. If you tell people that Trump cancelled an event they get pissed off.
I'm loving your thread!

The same hillary that has suffered a sinus infection, ear infection, pneumonia, and had to be dragged into a van because her body froze? That (sick) mrs bill?
Maybe Trump has been stricken with a recurrence of the syphilis bugs he carries from the days of his "Vietnam".

People are saying that he already had one testicle removed because of that, and they will probably have to take the other one soon.
You would think that Trump using other people's money to settle his legal problems would rule him out for any high level position, but I have found Trump voters afraid and often paranoid. When fear of the other is your guiding motivator anything goes. You believe anything, as Trump's grand promises show. Trump voters are like the child waiting for the Tooth fairy to make things better. Maturity, that is a recognition of reality good and bad eludes the Trump believer. And utopians on the far left too. Reality is tough on people.

"Hillary Clinton supporters ought not to get ahead of themselves, however. Those who said they would vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate, scored lower than Mrs Clinton’s supporters in belief in conspiracy theories, pessimism and Christian fundamentalism. It would appear that neither right nor left has a monopoly on rationality. Welcome to the post-truth world." Feelings-first voters have found a voice in Donald Trump – The Economist

'Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems'
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Once again libs accuse their opponents of what THEY are doing or what's happening with THEM.

Can't be original. :p
y would vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate, scored lower than Mrs Clinton’s supporters in belief in conspiracy theories, pessimism and Christian fundamentalism. It would appear that neither right nor left has a monopoly on rationality. Welcome to the post-truth world." Feelings-first voters have found a voice in Donald Trump – The Economist

'Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems'
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

lol OH NOES!!! XIANS!!!! You dysfunctional neurotics just can't help yourselves.'Libertarians' are even more clueless.
The disease that is liberalism affects everyone.....it's a shame things have to stop until the democrat terrorists are done doing what democrats want them to do......

You know Donald, you've said alot of stupid shut but this is easily in the top five. Don't blame liberals for your cancelled fundraisers. Unless you're admitting that you're a liberal....
The disease that is liberalism affects everyone.....it's a shame things have to stop until the democrat terrorists are done doing what democrats want them to do......

You know Donald, you've said alot of stupid shut but this is easily in the top five. Don't blame liberals for your cancelled fundraisers. Unless you're admitting that you're a liberal....
I don't blame you....
"Brian Ballard, the Florida finance chairman for the campaign, said that the Longwood fundraiser and four others, including one in Miami, were cancelled due to schedule changes following the attacks and attempted attacks in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey.

"The campaign decided to take a break on fundraisers for the weekend," Ballard said."

Yeah right. Nice story. We know the truth.

Trump fundraiser in Longwood canceled, host says
When Hillary cancels events she's sick. If you tell people that Trump cancelled an event they get pissed off.
I'm loving your thread!

Correction. He canceled FIVE events.
These Hillary's Ankle Lickers are really unhinged, thread after thread after thread of nothing but weird pointless stories that mean nothing outside of their echo chambers and fever swamps. And not any about Hillary's wonderful policies ... that's because they have zero to run on, and can only snivel about TRump.

Now that is EXACTLY the kind of demented ironic post I was trying to elicit.

"Brian Ballard, the Florida finance chairman for the campaign, said that the Longwood fundraiser and four others, including one in Miami, were cancelled due to schedule changes following the attacks and attempted attacks in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey.

"The campaign decided to take a break on fundraisers for the weekend," Ballard said."

Yeah right. Nice story. We know the truth.

Trump fundraiser in Longwood canceled, host says

You people are grasping at straws trying to come up with something negative about trump. He's the guy that fills stadiums and inspires, while your candidate can't fill up a room with a hundred people, if and when she doesn't call in sick or is being rushed to the E.R.
Trump provides all the negatives we need. No work needed on anyone's part.

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