Diseased Donald Trump cancels FIVE fundraisers in Florida, as panic sweeps Trump campaign

In all seriousness though, they've probably cancelled to give Trump time to prepare for the debate coming up Monday. Reports coming out of the campaigns is that Hillary has been spending a lot of time preparing while Trump has been just taking a few minutes here and there. Kelly Ann Conway mostly likely got through to Trump about the need to take the debate seriously.
maybe that old cheetos faced cracka keeled over from all that fast food crap he has been stuffing in his maw
Hillary barks like a dog, passes out in front of an audience, can't stop coughing and goes goggle eyed during a speech but the radical left knows the "truth" about Trump's health. Democrats get funnier every day.
This is hilarious.

Hilly has been advised to say very little during the debate and conserve her strength. Let Trump dominate and after the debate democrats will change everything he said.

That's the winning strategy.
maybe that old cheetos faced cracka keeled over from all that fast food crap he has been stuffing in his maw

Just curious and completely off-topic... I think you should also have an image of that same guy throwing a Koran into a wastebasket. What say you?
Oh btw, if the mods want to merge this with the other 10 threads about Trump canceling 5 fundraisers because he's sick,

no problem.
This is hilarious.

Hilly has been advised to say very little during the debate and conserve her strength. Let Trump dominate and after the debate democrats will change everything he said.

That's the winning strategy.
You are hilarious. How the hell would you know what her strategy is? You listen to and swallow whole without a thought in your head all the RW propaganda. It's just ridiculous.
I have to admit I'm disappointed that none of the RW'ers have commended me for adjusting my posting standards to bring them in line with theirs.
"Brian Ballard, the Florida finance chairman for the campaign, said that the Longwood fundraiser and four others, including one in Miami, were cancelled due to schedule changes following the attacks and attempted attacks in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey.

"The campaign decided to take a break on fundraisers for the weekend," Ballard said."

Yeah right. Nice story. We know the truth.

Trump fundraiser in Longwood canceled, host says

Yeah, because Florida is close to NY and NJ lmao
I have to admit I'm disappointed that none of the RW'ers have commended me for adjusting my posting standards to bring them in line with theirs.

Stop posting Bullshit and that might change.

A thread about a presidential candidate canceling fund raisers because the candidate is sick is bullshit?

Are you sure that's where you want to go?
People are saying that he already had one testicle removed because of that, and they will probably have to take the other one soon.

This is an excellent point, because we know Hillary still has the three she was born with.

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