DISGRACE: Experts 'Appalled' By Comey's October Surprise

Let me see I'd I understand this correctly:

You are seriously trying to argue that government emails found on an unauthorized computer don't create probable cause? Even when said emails were previously subject to a criminal investigation where parties swore under oath that all emails were turned into the FBI and there weren't any more on any other machines?

There is more than enough evidence for probable cause.

The judge sure thought there was. So did the FBI.

But clearly we have to trust these "experts" despite absolutely zero evidence that they are experts

What the left doesn't understand is that it was not Comey's call. He had no choice. If he would have sat on this information until after the election, and something really was there, it would be his ass.

He has enough pissed off FBI agents on his hands, many who have already turned in their resignation for what he did by recommending the justice department not move forward with a criminal charge on Hillary. Once those agents are out of the FBI, they can speak about anything they desire that's not considered classified or confidential.
Comey must be held accountable for his malfeasance in office! The will of the American people has been hijacked based on unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Russian hacking, and Comey!

Go ahead.

Comey is a great American, he waited until the last minute then bushwhacked Hillary. Maybe Trump should award him a medal?
Too bad HIllary didn't have another "grab 'em by the p****y tape.

But I know she would never have plaid it.

Just like she plaid that fat former Ms. Universe for a real sucker.

Lakkyhota and rdean were howling about her....she would bring Trump down.

Bet you hadn't thought of her until I brought her up.

And Trump was just officially elected.

That's gotta hurt.

Mind you, I don't like him. But this constant whining by the left is getting really really boring.
Let me see I'd I understand this correctly:

You are seriously trying to argue that government emails found on an unauthorized computer don't create probable cause? Even when said emails were previously subject to a criminal investigation where parties swore under oath that all emails were turned into the FBI and there weren't any more on any other machines?

There is more than enough evidence for probable cause.

The judge sure thought there was. So did the FBI.

But clearly we have to trust these "experts" despite absolutely zero evidence that they are experts

What the left doesn't understand is that it was not Comey's call. He had no choice. If he would have sat on this information until after the election, and something really was there, it would be his ass.

He has enough pissed off FBI agents on his hands, many who have already turned in their resignation for what he did by recommending the justice department not move forward with a criminal charge on Hillary. Once those agents are out of the FBI, they can speak about anything they desire that's not considered classified or confidential.

There is a lot the left doesn't understand. And much of what they do understand is total nonsense

The Subpoena That Rocked The Election Is Legal Garbage, Experts Say

The warrant assumes that the mere existence of emails from or to Hillary Clinton is probable cause that a crime occurred.

The warrant connected to the FBI search that Hillary Clinton says cost her the election shouldn’t have been granted, legal experts who reviewed the document released on Tuesday told The Huffington Post.

FBI Director James Comey shook up the presidential race 11 days before the election by telling Congress the agency had discovered new evidence in its previously closed investigation into the email habits of Clinton, who was significantly ahead in the polls at the time.

When Comey made the announcement, the bureau did not have a warrant to search a laptop that agents believed might contain evidence of criminal activity. The FBI set out to rectify that two days later, on Oct. 30, when agents applied for a warrant to search the laptop, which was already in the FBI’s possession. The FBI had seized the computer as part of an investigation into former Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

The unsealed warrant “reveals Comey’s intrusion on the election was as utterly unjustified as we suspected at time,” Brian Fallon, a Clinton campaign spokesman,said on Twitter Tuesday.

Clinton’s lead in the polls shrank in the wake of Comey’s announcement. Then, just days ahead of election, the FBI announced its search was complete, and it had found no evidence of criminal activity. Clinton officials believe that second announcement damaged her as much as, or more than, the first, by enraging Trump supporters who believed the fix was in.

The legal experts’ argument against the validity of the subpoena boils down to this: The FBI had already publicly announced that it could not prove Clinton intended to disclose classified information. Without that intent, and without evidence of gross negligence, there was no case. The warrant offers no suggestion that proving those elements of the crime would be made easier by searching new emails.

The essence of the warrant application is merely that the FBI has discovered new emails sent between Clinton and Abedin.

That’s not enough. The idea that the mere existence of emails involving Clinton may be evidence of a crime is startling, said Ken Katkin, a professor at Salmon P. Chase College of Law.

“The warrant application seems to reflect a belief that any email sent by Hillary Clinton from a private email server is probably evidence of a crime,” Katkin said. “If so, then it must be seen as a partisan political act, rather than a legitimate law enforcement action.”

The warrant never should have been granted, attorney Randol Schoenberg argued. “I see nothing at all in the search warrant application that would give rise to probable cause, nothing that would make anyone suspect that there was anything on the laptop beyond what the FBI had already searched and determined not to be evidence of a crime, nothing to suggest that there would be anything other than routine correspondence between Secretary Clinton and her longtime aide Huma Abedin,” Schoenberg wrote in an email.

“I am appalled,” he added, noting that the name of the agent in charge had been redacted in the copy of the document publicly released.

Katkin agreed. “This search warrant application appears to have been meritless. The FBI should not have sought it, and the magistrate judge should not have granted it,” he said.

Here, the government never had any knowledge or information that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime had been committed. Indeed, FBI Director Comey had already publicly announced this fact over the summer. The warrant application released today sets forth no basis whatsoever to support a belief that Secretary Clinton ever had any *unauthorized* possession of any information, though it cites 18 U.S.C. 793(e) which concerns only such unauthorized possession. The warrant application released today also sets forth no basis whatsoever to support a belief that Secretary Clinton ever permitted any information relating to the national defense to actually be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, though it cites 18 U.S.C. 793(f) which concerns only such loss, theft, or destruction. The warrant application also relies on Executive Order 13526, which is not a criminal statute, and is not relevant to a criminal investigation. The same is true of 32 C.F.R. Parts 2001 and 2003, also relied on in the warrant application.

Much More: The Subpoena That Rocked The Election Is Legal Garbage, Experts Say

Comey must be held accountable for his malfeasance in office! The will of the American people has been hijacked based on unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Russian hacking, and Comey!
I thought it was really funny when he did that. It still amuses me actually. :laugh:

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