Disgraced former GOP Missouri governor and Democrat congressional candidate is recast as MAGA warrior in Senate bid

It's also the revenge of the discredited Tea Party. Geitens is a safe bet that he won't win and overcome his abuse of the system, or some one's wife.

this is the part i like:

“You cannot overestimate how bizarre this primary is shaping up to be. In that world, who says McCloskey can’t win?”
The Dems need to bring in the Somali skank and AOC. They'll go over big in Missouri.
The Dems need to bring in the Somali skank and AOC. They'll go over big in Missouri.
President Obama, Kamala, Stacey Abrams, and Sen McKaskill will energize the Dems on their way to a 60 vote filibuster proof senate majority

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