Disgusting Democrats kneel in the biggest public virtue signaling event in history.

New numbers in... 16% support defunding the police, 63% OPPOSE.

So let the jackoff demtrash run on that.

Ask the same question about gay marriage 25 years ago...

Look at us now.

Imagine if they turn police powers on hardcore and get real stupid, like enforcing asinine quarantines and curfews every flu season. How long before the public demands no police?

Then we become a purge planet.

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New numbers in... 16% support defunding the police, 63% OPPOSE.

So let the jackoff demtrash run on that.

Ask the same question about gay marriage 25 years ago...

Look at us now.

Imagine if they turn police powers on hardcore and get real stupid, like enforcing asinine quarantines and curfews every flu season. How long before the public demands no police?

Then we become a purge planet.


Well you can't compare homo's wanting to bastardize marriage with abolishing the police, and that's what defunding means. A couple fags wanting to marry really is no skin off my nose, but when there's no more police to call if someone breaks into my home, then I don't want anyone crying crocodile tears when I blow their ass away and dump them in the river. But that ain't gonna happen. These idiots, LEFTISTS, anarchists, DEMOCRATS, that want to defund the police aren't creating any sort of leftist utopia for themselves. If anyone thinks there's a mass exodus out of California because of leftist insanity, and there is, then watch and see what kind of exodus there'll be from cities that would actually cut police funds, because sure as the sun shall will rise, there'd be a crime spike like nothing ever witnessed in this nation in history.

The left NEVER has a GOOD idea. Most everything they want and try FAILS, and defunding cops would too.
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Trump will likely soon be kneeling and kissing black ass leading up to the election. He is getting desperate.
He does something better than kneel and kiss black ass... he shows them respect and actually gets things done that benefit them. That's why he's got 40% support now from blacks.

Get a clue, dumbass.
New numbers in... 16% support defunding the police, 63% OPPOSE.

So let the jackoff demtrash run on that.

Ask the same question about gay marriage 25 years ago...

Look at us now.

Imagine if they turn police powers on hardcore and get real stupid, like enforcing asinine quarantines and curfews every flu season. How long before the public demands no police?

Then we become a purge planet.


Well you can't compare homo's wanting to bastardize marriage with abolishing the police, and that's what defunding means. A couple fags wanting to marry really is no skin off my nose, but when there's no more police to call if someone breaks into my home, then I don't want anyone crying crocodile tears when I blow his ass away and dump them in the river. But that ain't gonna happen. These idiots, LEFTISTS, anarchists, DEMOCRATS, that want to defund the police aren't creating any sort of leftist utopia for themselves. If anyone thinks there's a mass exodus out of California because of leftist insanity, and there is, then watch and see what kind of exodus from cities that would actually cut police funds, because sure as the sun shall will rise, there'd be a crime spike like nothing ever witnessed in this nation in history.

The left NEVER has a GOOD idea. Most everything they want and try FAILS, and defunding cops would too.

I think we should encourage Democrats to disband police in Democrat areas. Vote for it if you can. If you are still doing business in a blue area at this point, you're a fool. Neo-communist respect nothing and will take what you have if they have the power.

Democrats deserve to live on their knees
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Trump will likely soon be kneeling and kissing black ass leading up to the election. He is getting desperate.
Only Democrats kneel to terrorist groups.

Voting for Democrats is like voting for crime.

Only shills like you believe trump is desperate. You are projecting. Democrats are desperate. They are so desperate they are on their knees.
New numbers in... 16% support defunding the police, 63% OPPOSE.

So let the jackoff demtrash run on that.

Ask the same question about gay marriage 25 years ago...

Look at us now.

Imagine if they turn police powers on hardcore and get real stupid, like enforcing asinine quarantines and curfews every flu season. How long before the public demands no police?

Then we become a purge planet.


Well you can't compare homo's wanting to bastardize marriage with abolishing the police, and that's what defunding means. A couple fags wanting to marry really is no skin off my nose, but when there's no more police to call if someone breaks into my home, then I don't want anyone crying crocodile tears when I blow his ass away and dump them in the river. But that ain't gonna happen. These idiots, LEFTISTS, anarchists, DEMOCRATS, that want to defund the police aren't creating any sort of leftist utopia for themselves. If anyone thinks there's a mass exodus out of California because of leftist insanity, and there is, then watch and see what kind of exodus from cities that would actually cut police funds, because sure as the sun shall will rise, there'd be a crime spike like nothing ever witnessed in this nation in history.

The left NEVER has a GOOD idea. Most everything they want and try FAILS, and defunding cops would too.

I think we should encourage Democrats to disband police in Democrat areas. Vote for it if you can. If you are still doing business in a blue area at this point, you're a fool. Neo-communist respect nothing and will take what you have if they have the power.

Democrats deserve to live on their knees

I live out in a tiny little town in SW Wisconsin, far away from leftist ass clowns and their toilet cities.
Some stupid shit about his fellow bed wetters and their complete and utter stupidity

You're one gullible fool

It's worse than gullibility...

It's a black hole of pure ignorance that will implode on the earth unless we fight these pieces of shit like Trump is doing.

Look at how Bush allowed these parasites to flourish... He gave them everything they wanted except a surrender to jihad and they still hated him, then there was McLame who couldn't be loved enough by them no matter how much he sucked up to them, and finally Romney, who was such a RINO Moonbat he actually managed to get elected in Taxachusettes.

While the rest of the elected political whores express sympathy with criminal hordes, we better support Trump and drag the rest of the GOP that pretends to support him along, or we're all going to suffer.

they wouldn't put PP abortion factories in black neighborhoods
Not just the babies they kill, but the horrible things they do to the FGM'ed girls and castrated circumcised choirboys whom they let live when it's too late to do an abortion and get away with it, and even then they're making books and rolling 8-balls on infant mortality rates for maximum possible carnage they can get away with without being shut down by the feds.
Trump will likely soon be kneeling and kissing black ass leading up to the election. He is getting desperate.
He doesn't need kiss anyone's asses to you weapons grade stupid freak of nature, he got them jobs, and they will get them back. So long as we the people can suppress pieces of shit like you and your apparatchik media.

Of course you fuckin retards are doing a great job of alienating yourselves picking a clown like Biden, shutting the country down over a seasonal cold, and demanding police are wiped out.

Does having a spine mean ignoring the issue?
Does having a spine mean ignoring the issue?
Kneeling before your new social justice masters accomplishes NOTHING
Do you think the protests are justified?
There is no "issue"...that's the whole fucking point.
"Because you said there is an issue" doesn't fucking work....SHOW SOME DATA!

"A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

^^^^^^^^^^ This one million percent. The statistical evidence evidence that proves their narrative to be bullshit is out there, no matter how much ignored by the left, is out there for everyone to see in plain sight. If you don’t know they’re full of shit, you haven’t done your research
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Outstanding. You hardly ever see a pandering grovel like that--Election Years only.
This is on par with the Trump bible thing.
Maybe ol mac can come straighten this out.

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