Disgusting Democrats kneel in the biggest public virtue signaling event in history.

Love the stoles.

Fucking jerkoffs complete with their early halloween costumes.
Then these spineless Brits "took the knee" for this greasy African murderer. This is where our Democrat leaders and posters here are today

So true. History repeating itself.

Democrats show Americans with their actions why trump is so great. He would never kneel to the mobs.

Sickening people with no spine.

A lot of white people marched with Martin Luther King. Was that virtue signaling?
Grandpa doesn't like pictures of people of all races standing in solidarity with black victims of police brutality.

They are not standing in solidarity they are kneeling in surrender to a bunch of criminal thug rioters. Shows the world what spineless idiots they are.

Unfortunately, they answer ONLY to their districts. Judging by the vile Democrats that post here, I think their jobs are safe. What will it take for their constituents to throw them out?
It seems that the term "virtue signaling" is a mockery of people demonstrating their sincere personal beliefs regarding the treatment of others and respect for others. My question is where are all the republicans who have lectured us about "morality" all of these years and who should be in this picture. Where's that guy holding up the bible and his holiness from Indiana?
It seems that the term "virtue signaling" is a mockery of people demonstrating their sincere personal beliefs regarding the treatment of others and respect for others. My question is where are all the republicans who have lectured us about "morality" all of these years and who should be in this picture. Where's that guy holding up the bible and his holiness from Indiana?
There's nothing sincere about these displays

Sickening people with no spine.

A lot of white people marched with Martin Luther King. Was that virtue signaling?
Grandpa doesn't like pictures of people of all races standing in solidarity with black victims of police brutality.

Democrats kneel to violent mobs.

What type of people demand people kneel to them? BAD PEOPLE! And weak people submit.

Sickening people with no spine.

A lot of white people marched with Martin Luther King. Was that virtue signaling?
Grandpa doesn't like pictures of people of all races standing in solidarity with black victims of police brutality.

Democrats kneel to violent mobs.

What type of people demand people kneel to them? BAD PEOPLE! And weak people submit.

Dems have shown their hand and their vision of a communist new world order.
Don't you know where this is going?
Libs: "What can we do to make (it?) up to you?"
Al Sharpton: "Reparations".
Libs: "Done. Here's 14 trillion."

Liberals hate this country. We saw their true face in the pandemic and now their alliance with communist/marxist organization such as blm and antifa.
The Democrat party has become a domestic terrorist organization. If you don't know that yet, you're either an idiot or stuck in the past.
Don't you know where this is going?
Libs: "What can we do to make (it?) up to you?"
Al Sharpton: "Reparations".
Libs: "Done. Here's 14 trillion."

Liberals hate this country. We saw their true face in the pandemic and now their alliance with communist/marxist organization such as blm and antifa.
The Democrat party has become a domestic terrorist organization. If you don't know that yet, you're either an idiot or stuck in the past.
The democrap party's agenda has been anti American since they elected the kenyan muslim dog turd. But now it's on steroids. They no longer feel the need to hide their agenda and lie to people. Their radical, anti American agenda is right out there in plain sight now, and they're going to get CRUSHED in November.
They are not standing in solidarity they are kneeling in surrender to a bunch of criminal thug rioters. Shows the world what spineless idiots they are.
Don't DARE be foolish enough to believe that...

Those sociopaths are cult leaders pretending to pay homage to an idea as asinine as Santa Marx, and they're pretending to be his clergy.

Given the chance they would exterminate blacks from all the earth, and if they can ever achieve the sort of power required to do so, they will. Why do you think they're desperate to keep them contained in ghettos like the National Socialist Workers Party did to a certain religious minority 70 years ago? Because they want to protect them?

Everything these sociopaths do is for the sake of consolidating power over the entire earth.


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