Disgusting Democrats kneel in the biggest public virtue signaling event in history.

Protesters? Sure, protest for a day, do it peacefully, go home when it gets dark, that's protesting.

Rioting, looting, burning down businesses, beating and shooting people and cops for days and days turning into weeks, those aren't protesters, they're ANTIFA Soros backed America hating anarchists. They ought to be shot on sight.

I agree with the first sentence. Shot on sight? For looting? Pahleeze....you're not in Guatemala now, T.

Sickening people with no spine.

A lot of white people marched with Martin Luther King. Was that virtue signaling?
Grandpa doesn't like pictures of people of all races standing in solidarity with black victims of police brutality.

They ain't giving up nothing. It doesn't hurt them at all to put an act on. And that is what they are doing.
What is this if not pandering and an act?
Google Image Result for https://images.theconversation.com/files/339701/original/file-20200604-67351-uvm45e.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&rect=0%2C0%2C3677%2C2429&q=45&auto=format&w=496&fit=clip

But that is Trump. For year after year after year, Prog politicians have been doing this and there was/is no issue from Prog voters. Usually laughing and high fiving and screeches of getting over on the Repub dweebs. The Repubs of course very rarely enter this type of dramatic behavior. Then we get Trump into office and everything he does suddenly is an afront to your senses. How dare he do these despicable things? About the Bible. It was meant for people who understood what he was doing. It was meant for people very religious or close to it. Perhaps to slow down the rioting a bit. With people living in those areas having cooler heads about the issue at hand. He said not a word. No bravado. Just used the Bible as a symbol to ask people to slow down the violence. Trump has some influence on him from Pence. You still should have given him a chance from the beginning.
Does having a spine mean ignoring the issue?
No, it means not being a bunch of obvious, pandering jack offs.
Do you think the protests are justified?
A protest may have been...but we are on week two and counting...when is enough enough?....the longer this goes on the more states Trump will win.....
I can't agree with whatever logic you drew upon to believe continued protests will benefit Trump.

Protests expect change. Has there been change?

Sorry if the protests annoy you. Do you think they're justified, or do you think police should continue to kill unarmed citizens?
I don't think you are getting anything close to the truth for one thing....and I think deep down inside you know that...there were riots in 2015/2016 and it helped Trump win....so the longer this goes on......and yes it does bug me on week three...the longer this continues the more states Trump will win....so if I were you I would spread that word within your leftest crowd.....
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Does having a spine mean ignoring the issue?
No, it means not being a bunch of obvious, pandering jack offs.
Do you think the protests are justified?
Protesters? Sure, protest for a day, do it peacefully, go home when it gets dark, that's protesting.

Rioting, looting, burning down businesses, beating and shooting people and cops for days and days turning into weeks, those aren't protesters, they're ANTIFA Soros backed America hating anarchists. They ought to be shot on sight.
Are all protesters rioters? Are all cops brutal? Looking at the issue through ignorantly myopic eyes does not serve any noble purpose.
Are the rioters justified? I get the impression you support rioters and having them riot non stop?

You call that noble? I wasn't aware you harbored such hate for America.
Remember these days in Uganda? A brutal African dictator being carried by British slaves

Protesters? Sure, protest for a day, do it peacefully, go home when it gets dark, that's protesting.

Rioting, looting, burning down businesses, beating and shooting people and cops for days and days turning into weeks, those aren't protesters, they're ANTIFA Soros backed America hating anarchists. They ought to be shot on sight.

I agree with the first sentence. Shot on sight? For looting? Pahleeze....you're not in Guatemala now, T.
When the cops can no longer protect you and your property, it's up to you.

Maybe you don't agree with me, but if I owned a business that was broken into and entry was attempted, the perps would be greeted with a hail of lead.

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