Disgusting Trump strikes again


Damn, you're coming unglued.....who knows when the baby was killed and parts harvested....already been over this ground AFD.....having memory problems too?
BTW, the House commiecrats blocked a bill that would prevent the murder of born babies....why would they do that if Northam wasn't facing a possible murder indictment?
Born babies are already protected under law.
Apparently not.....with this law......they are BORN and made comfortable......then what?
Under current law , if a doctor determines the newborn has no chance for survival, that with the parental OK, they make no efforts to keep the baby alive.

I don;t understand you you[people are too stupid to get this. Decision are made all the time to disconnect love ones from life support. When people sign DNRs.

They cannot deny ordinary care to anyone. Can't just stick um in a room somewhere and not give them sustenance and let them die from neglect either.
Oh man, we're doing baby parts now huh. You know come to think of it I still have a few bits I need to complete my first Franken-baby.

You guys just pole vault from one false narrative to another.

That's right...quite a cottage industry before Project Veritas exposed it....The PP director with her glass of white wine and curled pinkie in a cocktail lounge describing what they got for hearts and livers..You liars decided to fight the videos by saying they were "edited" as if any video shown on electronic media isn't edited.

False narratives are all your side has.

Planned Parenthood: Fact v. Fiction
You and your wife are so exited. She is pregnant & you both look forward to having a child. Somewhere along that 9 month path, you learn there are medical issues with the fetus. to such severity that the infant may not be able to survive. The time comes and the baby is born. It has deformities and problems and the doctors say it will not live and there nothing that can be done.

The parents are devastated. They are in anguish as they decide to let their baby go peacefully.Much like taking a loved one off life support or signing a DNR.

Can you think of a more painful situation for those parents?

Then along comes Donald Trump who says this at a rally: “The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” (Trump: After Birth, Baby Is “Wrapped” in a Blanket and Mother, Doctor Decide Whether to “Execute the Baby”) Obviously distorting (lying about) statements made by the Gov of Virginia , Ralph Northam.

Trump calls these saddened & devastated parents executioners. Murderers.

Norhham was talking about cases where the newborn baby is not viable, has no possibility of survival. Current A law says that decision is up to the doctors & parents. Gov. Northan is a pediatric neurologist. He knows about these situations.

So, why hasn't a single Trumpette here come out against this? Why will all the Trumpettes respond & call me a liar? Will one of then come out against this Trump statement?

Why would we? He told the truth.

Why on earth is he disgusting because he opposes you killing your already born child?

You are a seriously messed up person
Friends of mine had a baby ten days early. He was an otherwise healthy baby boy. The doctors said that they could leave the child alone until it passed away "naturally". The parents went berserk. The kid is five now. There's nothing wrong with him.

My kids was a week or two early. Rough pregnancy, kid is fine.

My daughter was 4 weeks early and she is amazing
You and your wife are so exited. She is pregnant & you both look forward to having a child. Somewhere along that 9 month path, you learn there are medical issues with the fetus. to such severity that the infant may not be able to survive. The time comes and the baby is born. It has deformities and problems and the doctors say it will not live and there nothing that can be done.

The parents are devastated. They are in anguish as they decide to let their baby go peacefully.Much like taking a loved one off life support or signing a DNR.

Can you think of a more painful situation for those parents?

Then along comes Donald Trump who says this at a rally: “The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” (Trump: After Birth, Baby Is “Wrapped” in a Blanket and Mother, Doctor Decide Whether to “Execute the Baby”) Obviously distorting (lying about) statements made by the Gov of Virginia , Ralph Northam.

Trump calls these saddened & devastated parents executioners. Murderers.

Norhham was talking about cases where the newborn baby is not viable, has no possibility of survival. Current A law says that decision is up to the doctors & parents. Gov. Northan is a pediatric neurologist. He knows about these situations.

So, why hasn't a single Trumpette here come out against this? Why will all the Trumpettes respond & call me a liar? Will one of then come out against this Trump statement?

Why would we? He told the truth.

Why on earth is he disgusting because he opposes you killing your already born child?

You are a seriously messed up person

The Gov. never says anything remotely resembling "then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby."

Trump is not a lawyer and proves once again he doesn't know the law.

He knows his base will believe any lie as long as they think it will piss off the Democrats.
You and your wife are so exited. She is pregnant & you both look forward to having a child. Somewhere along that 9 month path, you learn there are medical issues with the fetus. to such severity that the infant may not be able to survive. The time comes and the baby is born. It has deformities and problems and the doctors say it will not live and there nothing that can be done.

The parents are devastated. They are in anguish as they decide to let their baby go peacefully.Much like taking a loved one off life support or signing a DNR.

Can you think of a more painful situation for those parents?

Then along comes Donald Trump who says this at a rally: “The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” (Trump: After Birth, Baby Is “Wrapped” in a Blanket and Mother, Doctor Decide Whether to “Execute the Baby”) Obviously distorting (lying about) statements made by the Gov of Virginia , Ralph Northam.

Trump calls these saddened & devastated parents executioners. Murderers.

Norhham was talking about cases where the newborn baby is not viable, has no possibility of survival. Current A law says that decision is up to the doctors & parents. Gov. Northan is a pediatric neurologist. He knows about these situations.

So, why hasn't a single Trumpette here come out against this? Why will all the Trumpettes respond & call me a liar? Will one of then come out against this Trump statement?

I do not support the taking of a child's life after birth, that is murder.
You do realize that is not is being discussed right?
Or are you supporting torturing dying babies?

You don't even know the topic of your own thread.

No we dont support torturing children. That's why we oppose abortion and killing children born alive from botched abortions.

Meanwhile you called us opposing that torture disgusting
So, what grade did you drop out of high school?
The idea you think my post is not true shows how uneducated you are.

The fact that a retard like you thinks telling a pregnant mom to kill her kid in the womb will make her more happy then having the kid and seeing what happens show how retarded you are. Aren’t you supposed to be in school right now?
You do know that this is not what I was talking sbout. But hey, its the old bait & switch from the Trumpette crowd when they can't discuss the issue at hand.

We are discssinbg babies born alive with no chance of survival.

No we aren't. We are talking about trumps statements. Which are based on Gov Northams statements about denying care for children who survive abortions and on the democrat opposition to legislation protecting said children.
So, what grade did you drop out of high school?
The idea you think my post is not true shows how uneducated you are.

The fact that a retard like you thinks telling a pregnant mom to kill her kid in the womb will make her more happy then having the kid and seeing what happens show how retarded you are. Aren’t you supposed to be in school right now?
You do know that this is not what I was talking sbout. But hey, its the old bait & switch from the Trumpette crowd when they can't discuss the issue at hand.

We are discssinbg babies born alive with no chance of survival.

My brother and his wife had a child born with the birthing cord wrapped around her neck. They put her on life support for a week and then the doctors told them she would not recover. So they decided to turn off the life support system. So I get the emotional issues however, I believe that you don't take a life. You can take them off life support, however I will not support murder, which you support.
You and your wife are so exited. She is pregnant & you both look forward to having a child. Somewhere along that 9 month path, you learn there are medical issues with the fetus. to such severity that the infant may not be able to survive. The time comes and the baby is born. It has deformities and problems and the doctors say it will not live and there nothing that can be done.

The parents are devastated. They are in anguish as they decide to let their baby go peacefully.Much like taking a loved one off life support or signing a DNR.

Can you think of a more painful situation for those parents?

Then along comes Donald Trump who says this at a rally: “The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” (Trump: After Birth, Baby Is “Wrapped” in a Blanket and Mother, Doctor Decide Whether to “Execute the Baby”) Obviously distorting (lying about) statements made by the Gov of Virginia , Ralph Northam.

Trump calls these saddened & devastated parents executioners. Murderers.

Norhham was talking about cases where the newborn baby is not viable, has no possibility of survival. Current A law says that decision is up to the doctors & parents. Gov. Northan is a pediatric neurologist. He knows about these situations.

So, why hasn't a single Trumpette here come out against this? Why will all the Trumpettes respond & call me a liar? Will one of then come out against this Trump statement?
Are you really this stupid?

Why haven't you condemmed abortions that don't include this extremely rare scenario?

Oh btw my great niece as cepholitis and my niece and nephew were told to abort, they didn't and the child is still alive (they said a week tops).......and yes she has some issues, but nothing like what they were told........thank God my niece and nephew made the right and moral decision.......so suck it..

PS my great niece is now 2 years old and has some issues, but they wouldn't trade her for the world......

TDS knows no bounds. It's boundary-less.
Here's how it really works...straight from the horses mouth, Julia Pulver, RN

Thread: As a NICU nurse, I served on the “Bereavement Team.” We were a special team of Nurses tough enough to help new parents go through the worst day of their lives. Parents of babies who had fought so hard for their tiny little lives and weren’t going to make it... 1/
And parents of babies who, after they were born, and wouldn’t have their moms body keeping them alive, would die rather quickly. As these small bodies were failing, it was our job to be there with the parents at every step, give them support, and do our best to make some
Memories of their precious babies that could help easy their impending and overwhelming grief. When heroic measures failed or a baby without a brain or working lungs or heart was born, we knew the end was near, and we encouraged the parents to be present in these finals moments/3
We placed the babies skin to skin with mom and placed a blanket over them both. We lowered the lights and quieted the room. We had as much or as little family and the parents wanted in the room. We sang songs, we prayed, we hugged, we swayed... and we all cried. 4/
I cried until my throat burned for this family who has just had to endure the unthinkable. We were in the moment with those families. We took pictures, even for the ones who were too traumatized to think they’d ever want to see them, just in case they did. We made footprints 5/
We put a lock of hair into a ribbon. We measured the babies length and marked it on a tape measure. We made special tiny white gowns and hats for our angels. We created a memory box for these families who were losing their child that day. 6/
So yes, there are those in hospitals who are around infants who pass: they are the Bereavement Teams & they provide the equivalent of neonatal hospice to families who are living through absolute Hell. Babies and children die, it’s a sad part of life. But no one, absolutely /7
NO ONE ever, in any hospital, nor any mother who has just given birth, is conspiring with a doctor on whether or not to commit infanticide. This is perhaps one of the sickest accusations levied by this deranged dictator yet. Don’t believe a word he says about anything important//

Michigan NICU nurse Julia Pulver's tweets on Trump's abortion lie go viral ⋆ Michigan Advance
Abortion up to age two.

Pro-abortion college student argues for infanticide of 2-year-olds

Abortion up to age five. One professor suggested six would be an acceptable age.

Some College Students Approve of ‘After-Birth Abortion’… Up to Age 5
You can't abort a baby. It is already been born.

Yet you advocate killing them.

So when we take people off life support, we are killing them? Executing them? Murdering them,?

I think that’s a straw man. Maybe. Huge difference. Here in Houston a kid was borne without a throat. Literally, he was borne without a throat, and no skin from his chin to his sternum. Hopeless case. Here is another child borne without skin as well, read this,

Doctors say promising news for baby born without skin

There is hope," explains Priscilla Maldonado, Ja’bari’s mother. "They said they promise, they give us their word, they will not give up on Ja'bari."

Ja'bari's parents say the four physicians are now planning to do surgery on the three-month-old child to open his airway, in hopes of removing him from life support and having him breathe on his own.

"They're going to make an incision on his throat and they're going to be very careful, because there are a lot of veins, nerves, arteries," describes Maldonado. "So it's going to be a risky procedure, but they're willing to take the chance.”

You would have this child killed. Your straw man is comparing to take adults off life support. People who are basically brain dead. There’s 80 years of potential in that young child. That kid could cure cancer. That kid could be an EMT that saves your life when you have a heart attack. Point is, there is a huge potential return in saving that kids life, not to mention that’s it’s kind of the whole point of being a doctor.

Another case where help was available.

We are taling about kids born with no hope.

No. We arent. Because Trump wasnt
Gov Northams statements about denying care for children who survive abortions

Oh well there's the problem. He wasn't talking about an abortion that resulted in a live birth. He was talking about a full term birth of a severely deformed infant. He never said anything about denying them care. Trump continued the false narrative.
You posted a link to the claims of a leftwing douchebag, not to what the governor said.

This from a Fox News Station: "
Northam told Washington radio station WTOP in January: "[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen."

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, said."
Trump lies about abortion at Wisconsin rally
Northam told Washington radio station WTOP in January: "[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen."

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, said.

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,"

Explain this statement? The infant would be resuscitated? Why? if he/she's going to die, why do that? It seems cruel

See the problem is that this statement shows exactly what Trump said.......if the baby will die anyway, what is the discussion between parents (why are dads not included in this?) and doctor? Are they discussing a tee time?
Reading is not your friend. The decision would be the doctor & parents. If the parents wanted, doctors would work on keeping the baby alive as long as possible even though there is no hope of life.

You are such an ass. They are discussing whether to put their dying baby though the motions.

You really need to go fuck yourself.

A crooked, non caring doctor would want to keep running up the costs. You people make me sick.
Oh please, you're the one using this rare scenario to justify you fucking horrific position on "Choice" aka abortion.......you're the sick one.
Yeah I mocked your bullshit reading of that last quote of his, because it's fucking stupid and anyone with a brain can figure it out.

What does no hope of life mean? If there is no hope of life why are they having that discussion?
See the problem is I know personally the no hope of life.....yet there was hope and life......
"Any one with a brain" would exclude you.

No hope means there is no chance the baby would survive. This is the doctor's analysis. It is the parent's decision & if they decided life support, etc the doctors would do it.

What do you think is discussed with people on life support? Are you saying there is nothing to discuss?

You realize that every one who is born has no hope of survival right?
Gov Northams statements about denying care for children who survive abortions

Oh well there's the problem. He wasn't talking about an abortion that resulted in a live birth. He was talking about a full term birth of a severely deformed infant. He never said anything about denying them care. Trump continued the false narrative.

So you're just going to ignorr what the governor said?

You people are predictably dishonest. I hope someday you surprise me
You and your wife are so exited. She is pregnant & you both look forward to having a child. Somewhere along that 9 month path, you learn there are medical issues with the fetus. to such severity that the infant may not be able to survive. The time comes and the baby is born. It has deformities and problems and the doctors say it will not live and there nothing that can be done.

The parents are devastated. They are in anguish as they decide to let their baby go peacefully.Much like taking a loved one off life support or signing a DNR.

Can you think of a more painful situation for those parents?

Then along comes Donald Trump who says this at a rally: “The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” (Trump: After Birth, Baby Is “Wrapped” in a Blanket and Mother, Doctor Decide Whether to “Execute the Baby”) Obviously distorting (lying about) statements made by the Gov of Virginia , Ralph Northam.

Trump calls these saddened & devastated parents executioners. Murderers.

Norhham was talking about cases where the newborn baby is not viable, has no possibility of survival. Current A law says that decision is up to the doctors & parents. Gov. Northan is a pediatric neurologist. He knows about these situations.

So, why hasn't a single Trumpette here come out against this? Why will all the Trumpettes respond & call me a liar? Will one of then come out against this Trump statement?

LISTEN to yourself, Dave . . . you are caught in the throes of an ideology, here on a public internet message board, wailing to your fellow human beings in support of murdering children. Your words are neither sane nor pro-human race. You are upset because a child might not be murdered after birth. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I speak reason. So thousands of people are murdered every day when families take loved ones off life support. This is your belief?

You wouldn't recognize logic if it was in a syllogism

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