Disgusting Trump strikes again

This from a Fox News Station: "
Northam told Washington radio station WTOP in January: "[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen."

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, said."
Trump lies about abortion at Wisconsin rally
Northam told Washington radio station WTOP in January: "[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen."

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, said.

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,"

Explain this statement? The infant would be resuscitated? Why? if he/she's going to die, why do that? It seems cruel

See the problem is that this statement shows exactly what Trump said.......if the baby will die anyway, what is the discussion between parents (why are dads not included in this?) and doctor? Are they discussing a tee time?
Reading is not your friend. The decision would be the doctor & parents. If the parents wanted, doctors would work on keeping the baby alive as long as possible even though there is no hope of life.

You are such an ass. They are discussing whether to put their dying baby though the motions.

You really need to go fuck yourself.

A crooked, non caring doctor would want to keep running up the costs. You people make me sick.
Oh please, you're the one using this rare scenario to justify you fucking horrific position on "Choice" aka abortion.......you're the sick one.
Yeah I mocked your bullshit reading of that last quote of his, because it's fucking stupid and anyone with a brain can figure it out.

What does no hope of life mean? If there is no hope of life why are they having that discussion?
See the problem is I know personally the no hope of life.....yet there was hope and life......
"Any one with a brain" would exclude you.

No hope means there is no chance the baby would survive. This is the doctor's analysis. It is the parent's decision & if they decided life support, etc the doctors would do it.

What do you think is discussed with people on life support? Are you saying there is nothing to discuss?

You realize that every one who is born has no hope of survival right?

It's called a zero sum game.
because you post had no purpose to the discussion. Maybe mods only bitch at liberals & not you Trumpettes?

So your inner-nazi now decides the "purpose" of the discussion....what is the "purpose" of murdering a born child, AssFuckDave? If you ever had a kid, you'd kill anybody who tried to harm it....but then you're playing for the other team, right?

You people are just too stupid.

What is the point of taking a severely deformed baby with zero chance of survival & make the baby suffer further by keep poking & prodding them with useless procedures that won't work.

The purpose of the discussion described by the Governor is what it is. I didn't make it up, You are too fucking stupid to get it.

These babies are not "executed", they are kept comfortable & allowed to die in peace naturally.

I'm sorry you dont believe in medical science or miracles.

You would be amazed what science can do.
Jesus Fuck. No one is KILLING live babies. You think they are allowing babies to be born & then stabbing therm with scissors.

How fucking stupid can you get.

Angling to change your name to "JesusFuckDave" are ya? Stabbed in the head (but they don't feel pain, right?) and their brain suctioned out....you don't know how babies are aborted do you....too weak in the guts to look at the pictures, boy?

From botched abortions
Gov Northams statements about denying care for children who survive abortions

Oh well there's the problem. He wasn't talking about an abortion that resulted in a live birth. He was talking about a full term birth of a severely deformed infant. He never said anything about denying them care. Trump continued the false narrative.

So you're just going to ignorr what the governor said?

You people are predictably dishonest. I hope someday you surprise me

No, I haven't been able to find where he said anything about killing the new born or denying the new born care.

Perhaps you can help me. All I can find is that he said "..a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother." That's all he said about the discussion, nothing about killing, nothing about denying care. Do you have another link to a different time where he actually says that the discussion would be about how to kill the infant of how to deny the infant care?

But I guess to cut to the chase, do you think any doctor in the county could legally give those two choices to any parent of new born, or even a severely deformed new born?
Here's how it really works...straight from the horses mouth, Julia Pulver, RN

NO ONE ever, in any hospital, nor any mother who has just given birth, is conspiring with a doctor on whether or not to commit infanticide. This is perhaps one of the sickest accusations levied by this deranged dictator yet. Don’t believe a word he says about anything important//

Michigan NICU nurse Julia Pulver's tweets on Trump's abortion lie go viral ⋆ Michigan Advance

PP is nothing more than a for-profit butcher shop and front for commiecrat taxpayer-funded campaign donations....they are despicable monsters.
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Here's how it really works...straight from the horses mouth, Julia Pulver, RN

NO ONE ever, in any hospital, nor any mother who has just given birth, is conspiring with a doctor on whether or not to commit infanticide. This is perhaps one of the sickest accusations levied by this deranged dictator yet. Don’t believe a word he says about anything important//

Michigan NICU nurse Julia Pulver's tweets on Trump's abortion lie go viral ⋆ Michigan Advance

PP is nothing more than a for-profit butcher shop and front for commiecrat taxpayer-funded campaign donations....they are despicable monsters.

What? I thought they were discounters for aftermarket baby parts?

Damn I'll never finish my Frankenbaby.
Here's how it really works...straight from the horses mouth, Julia Pulver, RN

NO ONE ever, in any hospital, nor any mother who has just given birth, is conspiring with a doctor on whether or not to commit infanticide. This is perhaps one of the sickest accusations levied by this deranged dictator yet. Don’t believe a word he says about anything important//

Michigan NICU nurse Julia Pulver's tweets on Trump's abortion lie go viral ⋆ Michigan Advance

PP is nothing more than a for-profit butcher shop and front for commiecrat taxpayer-funded campaign donations....they are despicable monsters.
JFC!!! Where in what I posted did it ever mention PP? This nurse worked in a hospital NICU. Are you that damn dumb that you have no reading comprehension?
What? I thought they were discounters for aftermarket baby parts?

Damn I'll never finish my Frankenbaby.

How about that synagogue shooting....hilarious, eh?

Ya sick fuck.

Say, that is a very nice pole vaulting technique you have there.

Are you prejudice against Frankenbabies?

JFC!!! Where in what I posted did it ever mention PP? This nurse worked in a hospital NICU. Are you that damn dumb that you have no reading comprehension?

One in the same, witch....anybody who calls Trump a "deranged dictator" should be sterilized and sent to Venezuela to experience that socialist paradise.
because you post had no purpose to the discussion. Maybe mods only bitch at liberals & not you Trumpettes?

So your inner-nazi now decides the "purpose" of the discussion....what is the "purpose" of murdering a born child, AssFuckDave? If you ever had a kid, you'd kill anybody who tried to harm it....but then you're playing for the other team, right?

You people are just too stupid.

What is the point of taking a severely deformed baby with zero chance of survival & make the baby suffer further by keep poking & prodding them with useless procedures that won't work.

The purpose of the discussion described by the Governor is what it is. I didn't make it up, You are too fucking stupid to get it.

These babies are not "executed", they are kept comfortable & allowed to die in peace naturally.

It's the same people who have license plates against abortion and that will kill you on the highway if you don't get out of their way. Have no regard for life once they get behind a wheel, kind of two faced.
JFC!!! Where in what I posted did it ever mention PP? This nurse worked in a hospital NICU. Are you that damn dumb that you have no reading comprehension?

One in the same, witch....anybody who calls Trump a "deranged dictator" should be sterilized and sent to Venezuela to experience that socialist paradise.
These units are in every hospital across the country. Have you never heard of NICU? And guess what? He is a deranged dictator! Only cultists such as yourself are too blind to see it.
He is a deranged dictator! Only cultists such as yourself are too blind to see it.

Yeah, right! Only in your dreams. And by the way, he really doesn't give a shit about babies born with problems that will allow them to live only minutes or hour after birth, but he knows how to play to his cultists and you suck it up like it was nectar. To quote the Penguin...."He plays you like a harp from hell." He doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone except himself and maybe Ivanka. He makes that plain everyday of the week, but those like you blindly worship him.
What do you suggest be done with a baby born without a brain or a stomach or kidneys? These people make their last minutes of life as comfortable as they can, but those like you then come here and make disgusting comments about them. Then you have the nerve to say you're "pro life." Hypocrite!
Yeah, right! Only in your dreams. And by the way, he really doesn't give a shit about babies born with problems that will allow them to live only minutes or hour after birth, but he knows how to play to his cultists and you suck it up like it was nectar. To quote the Penguin...."He plays you like a harp from hell." He doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone except himself and maybe Ivanka. He makes that plain everyday of the week, but those like you blindly worship him.
What do you suggest be done with a baby born without a brain or a stomach or kidneys? These people make their last minutes of life as comfortable as they can, but those like you then come here and make disgusting comments about them. Then you have the nerve to say you're "pro life." Hypocrite!

Did I say 6 more years? TEN MORE YEARS!
Gov Northams statements about denying care for children who survive abortions

Oh well there's the problem. He wasn't talking about an abortion that resulted in a live birth. He was talking about a full term birth of a severely deformed infant. He never said anything about denying them care. Trump continued the false narrative.

So you're just going to ignorr what the governor said?

You people are predictably dishonest. I hope someday you surprise me
Look you ignorant fuck, the Governor was talking about exactly that. Babies born with no chance to live,

Bur hey, you remain a God damn ignorant piece of shit. Why would you change now.
Jesus Fuck. No one is KILLING live babies. You think they are allowing babies to be born & then stabbing therm with scissors.

How fucking stupid can you get.

Angling to change your name to "JesusFuckDave" are ya? Stabbed in the head (but they don't feel pain, right?) and their brain suctioned out....you don't know how babies are aborted do you....too weak in the guts to look at the pictures, boy?

From botched abortions
NOPE. Get informed or STFU.
because you post had no purpose to the discussion. Maybe mods only bitch at liberals & not you Trumpettes?

So your inner-nazi now decides the "purpose" of the discussion....what is the "purpose" of murdering a born child, AssFuckDave? If you ever had a kid, you'd kill anybody who tried to harm it....but then you're playing for the other team, right?

You people are just too stupid.

What is the point of taking a severely deformed baby with zero chance of survival & make the baby suffer further by keep poking & prodding them with useless procedures that won't work.

The purpose of the discussion described by the Governor is what it is. I didn't make it up, You are too fucking stupid to get it.

These babies are not "executed", they are kept comfortable & allowed to die in peace naturally.

It's the same people who have license plates against abortion and that will kill you on the highway if you don't get out of their way. Have no regard for life once they get behind a wheel, kind of two faced.

You are demented. Seriously, that has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard anybody say here.

It's almost stupid enough to make it my signature.
Gov Northams statements about denying care for children who survive abortions

Oh well there's the problem. He wasn't talking about an abortion that resulted in a live birth. He was talking about a full term birth of a severely deformed infant. He never said anything about denying them care. Trump continued the false narrative.

So you're just going to ignorr what the governor said?

You people are predictably dishonest. I hope someday you surprise me
Look you ignorant fuck, the Governor was talking about exactly that. Babies born with no chance to live,

Bur hey, you remain a God damn ignorant piece of shit. Why would you change now.

so if they have no chance of living, why are we dismembering them?

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