Disgusting Trump strikes again

why hasn't a single Trumpette here come out against this?
Most of them are so dumb they will believe this. The few that aren't are dishonest enough to keep parroting it because it makes a good, if false, talking point.
Every life is precious you have no right to kill babies

If allowing a baby with no chance of survival to die is killing them, the we kill thousands of people every year by taking them off of life support or honoring their DNRs.
We have had testimonials to congress of people were scheduled to be terminated by scum like you.. we will reverse row vs wade. Nothing you can do about it now we own the courts
Oh shut the fuck up you MAGA Moron. None of those were born with zero chance of survival.

Take your abortion bullshit to an abortion thread.
Your over
why hasn't a single Trumpette here come out against this?
Most of them are so dumb they will believe this. The few that aren't are dishonest enough to keep parroting it because it makes a good, if false, talking point.
Every life is precious you have no right to kill babies

If allowing a baby with no chance of survival to die is killing them, the we kill thousands of people every year by taking them off of life support or honoring their DNRs.
We have had testimonials to congress of people were scheduled to be terminated by scum like you.. we will reverse row vs wade. Nothing you can do about it now we own the courts
Scheduled to be terminated?

Try to keep it rational here.
Just facts
If a baby is born with no chance of survival it will not survive. That doesn't mean that the child is to receive no level of care at all. It can be starved, dehydrated, not given treatment.
The Nazis killed those they designated "useless eaters" and now Democrats are trying to steer us down that same road.
If a baby is born with no chance of survival it will not survive. That doesn't mean that the child is to receive no level of care at all. It can be starved, dehydrated, not given treatment.
So can that person on life support.

You have no clue what is meant by keeping the baby comfortable????
The Nazis killed those they designated "useless eaters" and now Democrats are trying to steer us down that same road.
So how nonviable babies are like people we don't like. You asshats get dumber with every post.
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Not a single Trumpette gets it. None a one.

1) They believe that no babies are born with deformities or medical conditions that are not survivable.
2) They believe the government should decide the treatment plan, not doctors
They know what I say is right but they must defend Littledick Donnie till the end.
There are leftist doctors who believe in abortion as kind of a sacrament. At least for those born less than perfect. A ten day premature infant is less than perfect. The child was perfect. Nothing at all wrong with him. But ten days early is enough for some. No doubt the doctors felt they were being sensitive to the parents needs and desires.

My precious poodle girl was born with a deformed heart. I was told she would not live past six months. Better end her suffering at only a few weeks. She was a happy girl for 13 years. We had a lot of love in those 13 years. There are those who would not extend that to a human child. Kill them as soon as possible. Oh you say you wanted a brown eyed child and yours is a blue eyed child kill it so it doesn't suffer lifelong blue eyes.

Abortion went from an answer to the only answer.
Are these facts, or do they simply stem from your partisan imagination?

Got any links to support these bogus claims?
Gov Northams statements about denying care for children who survive abortions

Oh well there's the problem. He wasn't talking about an abortion that resulted in a live birth. He was talking about a full term birth of a severely deformed infant. He never said anything about denying them care. Trump continued the false narrative.

So you're just going to ignorr what the governor said?

You people are predictably dishonest. I hope someday you surprise me
Look you ignorant fuck, the Governor was talking about exactly that. Babies born with no chance to live,

Bur hey, you remain a God damn ignorant piece of shit. Why would you change now.

so if they have no chance of living, why are we dismembering them?

Who said anything about dismembering an infant?

I suppose the parents could donate the body for research. Are you opposed to that too?
The day was coming
Well, we knew the day was coming. No one said he could do it, but our idiot president has defied the odds. Let's give him a round of applause, a long, sarcastic, Nancy Pelosi-esque round of applause

You are using examples where that is something that rarely happens. To promote the murder of babies.. you are sick

Calling people murderers for supporting abortion in these rare occurrences makes you the sick one.
The day was coming
Well, we knew the day was coming. No one said he could do it, but our idiot president has defied the odds. Let's give him a round of applause, a long, sarcastic, Nancy Pelosi-esque round of applause

He's on pace.

20,000 Lies Under the Trump.

Watch as Captain Trump takes his Nautilus where no prez has gone before.
See, we are getting there. You finalkly admit that there are cases whrere babies are born with no chance of survival.
'They are rare. But this is whart the Governor was talking about.
If there was "no chance of survival", why would a conversation be necessary at all?

You conveniently ignore the MANY cases of survival where your kind said "no chance".

Owned. Go away, murderer.
See, we are getting there. You finalkly admit that there are cases whrere babies are born with no chance of survival.
'They are rare. But this is whart the Governor was talking about.
If there was "no chance of survival", why would a conversation be necessary at all?

You conveniently ignore the MANY cases of survival where your kind said "no chance".

Owned. Go away, murderer.
Because the baby is alive at the time. The discussion is whether the parents want to stop treatment or continue even though it won't help.

My side? DOCTORS decide.

You want the government to decide.
You are using examples where that is something that rarely happens. To promote the murder of babies.. you are sick

Calling people murderers for supporting abortion in these rare occurrences makes you the sick one.
Giving a crazy women the option to kill a baby .. hmmm you might want to find a new country you be here long
You are using examples where that is something that rarely happens. To promote the murder of babies.. you are sick

Calling people murderers for supporting abortion in these rare occurrences makes you the sick one.
Giving a crazy women the option to kill a baby .. hmmm you might want to find a new country you be here long
Because you are a fucking doctor & only you assfucks know when a pregnancy will put the woman's life at risk or you want to make a pregnant. woman carry around a dead fetus?

When you get a God damn medical degree, let me know otherwise shut the fuck up.
Trump was always "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

RUSSERT: Partial birth abortion. The eliminating of abortion in the third trimester. Big issue in Washington. Would President Trump ban partial birth abortions?

TRUMP: Well, look, I am very pro-choice. And again, it may be a little bit of a New York background because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and, you know, I was raised in New York and grew up and work and everything else in New York City.

RUSSERT: But you would not ban it?


RUSSERT: Or ban partial birth abortion?

TRUMP: No. I would...I am pro-choice in every respect, and as far as it goes. But I just hate it.

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