
Yes, disenfranchising the homeless seems an excellent plan.

Wait, are you really going to sit here and pretend that homeless people vote unless they are bought by a bottle of MD2020 or a free lunch and ride to a poll? Why don't the same people that are so concerned with buying a cheap vote pick the same people up and bring them to get a photo ID......that is the least you crooked fucks should do for the cheap vote....... or maybe the Republicans should beat you to it and kick your ass at yo
ur own bullshit game.

Excellent point. But the homeless are only of interest to Libs when they can be used for political points or as an excuse to steal someone else's earnings. Otherwise, the Libs could give a flying rat's patiotie about the homeless.
The people of America are about to be told by the media of this long evil record becaue of this court case

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com

Im right on topic
The whole voter I.D. argument from the Right is a solution looking for a problem. There just isn't the rampant voter fraud happening.

And when the Republicans applaud this purely political move that erodes rights, they are just keeping the consistency they pride themselves on.

No other ideology consistently erodes rights the way the modern Conservative ideology does.

ok, so let me ask, whats your over and under for "rampant" fraud?

hell, its part of accepted history now that Daly had dead people voting, stuffed ballot boxs and cheated his ass for JFK , so you think things have gotten better?

ensuring everyone is a valid voter is a win win for everyone*shrugs*

If even one fraudulent vote is cast and counted, that serves to disenfranchise every legitimate voter.
why is it you refuse to accept the undeniable vidoes of your party planning to keep people frokm voting to win elections and the court documentation of them doing just that?

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com

Im right on topic

Now? Maybe? But surely not earlier.


Thank you.

IF the incumbent "deserves" to win, he should be able to do so by getting votes of actual eligible voters.

In a perfect world you would be the only "eligible" voter...right? :lol:

Wrong as usual, Smugz.

Dayum. One would imagine that you'd get tired of being wrong and petty so often.

But the vidence suggests otherwise.

The premise is not even difficult.

If you support the notion that the liberal Democrat Chicago style political thieves ought to be able to register dead people to vote in elections -- or that aliens (legal or illegal) should be able to vote in OUR elections -- then you are a sub-moron.

TderpM is, of course, a sub-moron. I harbored slightly higher hopes for you.


Why do you even get involved in this red herring? You REALLY think some individual gets up on election day and so desperately wants to "scew" the election with his or her ONE vote that they will risk 5 years in prison and a hefty fine to make this next to worthless effort?

How many people of this catagory have been charged with this crime?

How many elections have been won or lost because of this tiny handfull of wackjobs?

AND this pathetic drop in the bucket warrants the systematic disenfranchising of hundreds of thousands of good Americans voting privileges?

Really counselor? Really?

And you call yourself a good American? Well in truth I've never seen you state that in so many words.
The whole voter I.D. argument from the Right is a solution looking for a problem. There just isn't the rampant voter fraud happening.

And when the Republicans applaud this purely political move that erodes rights, they are just keeping the consistency they pride themselves on.

No other ideology consistently erodes rights the way the modern Conservative ideology does.

ok, so let me ask, whats your over and under for "rampant" fraud?

hell, its part of accepted history now that Daly had dead people voting, stuffed ballot boxs and cheated his ass for JFK , so you think things have gotten better?

ensuring everyone is a valid voter is a win win for everyone*shrugs*

If even one fraudulent vote is cast and counted, that serves to disenfranchise every legitimate voter.

so to prevent one in a 100million fraud you would be willing to disenfranchise 750,000 legal voters in just one state alone?
Your party has been caught saying and executing a plan that keeps legal Americans from voting right out loud and with their own internal memos.

how do you get arround those facts?
You have been denying court documents and videos for decades now.

the only reasons that has worked out for you is the corporate media has avoided these facts.

Now they are reporting them.

your done
look boop,

Im sorry if I hurt your feelings that was not my intention.

I will however never stop providing these facts

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