
why is it you refuse to accept the undeniable vidoes of your party planning to keep people frokm voting to win elections and the court documentation of them doing just that?

Why do you keep ignoring that more Dems have been convicted of voter fraud that Repubs?
You really should learn how to spell or use the check spelling tool before you call others on this board stupid.
If you don't have ID you probably shouldn't be voting.

It's that simple.

That 9% of the PA voter don't have ID tell you all you need to know
You should really accpet facts and quit defending the disenfranchisement of legal American voters to win elections
In a perfect world you would be the only "eligible" voter...right? :lol:

Wrong as usual, Smugz.

Dayum. One would imagine that you'd get tired of being wrong and petty so often.

But the vidence suggests otherwise.

The premise is not even difficult.

If you support the notion that the liberal Democrat Chicago style political thieves ought to be able to register dead people to vote in elections -- or that aliens (legal or illegal) should be able to vote in OUR elections -- then you are a sub-moron.

TderpM is, of course, a sub-moron. I harbored slightly higher hopes for you.


Why do you even get involved in this red herring? You REALLY think some individual gets up on election day and so desperately wants to "scew" the election with his or her ONE vote that they will risk 5 years in prison and a hefty fine to make this next to worthless effort?

How many people of this catagory have been charged with this crime?

How many elections have been won or lost because of this tiny handfull of wackjobs?

AND this pathetic drop in the bucket warrants the systematic disenfranchising of hundreds of thousands of good Americans voting privileges?

Really counselor? Really?

And you call yourself a good American? Well in truth I've never seen you state that in so many words.

Please. If you want to pretend that it's just one guy taking the "risk" of prosecution, then I have a bridge I can sell you. Cheap.

And yes, Huggy, there IS actual illegal voting going on. There ARE drives to "get out the vote" and there ARE cases (plenty of them, too) where dead people are getting registered.

The balance of your silly post is equally fallacious. I don't care how many elections have been undermined successfully by the organized crews of voter fraud advocates. One is far too many. The RISK of one is far too high.

And your opinion of how good or bad I am as an American is totally irrelevant. The day may come when I feel some small inclination to rise to your petty bait and "defend" myself as against one of your trite offerings. But it won't be any time soon.

What possible honest objection could you have to making sure that only Americans get to vote, and then only living legally registered Americans?
Boop I bet you learned at least some of this from me..

years I have been bringing up this subject.

I had many a dem try to tell me to stop.

I never will
so you don't have a benchmark?

Chicago anecdotal?

google Minnesota felons voting in Coleman Franken election..start there, I mean seriously? :eusa_eh:

let me ask you, rahm decided that folks in Chicago should not eat foi gras anymore....how many geese was that harming out of tens of millions?
Put this in the balance: how many fraudulent voters will be caught compared to how many voters turned away at the polls due to insufficient I.D.

Which is more damaging to a democratic republic: disenfranchised voters or fraudulent voters?

I don't know, I asked you.

as to damaging? I see it as a responsibility to be ready to vote, not some hey jump in the bus routine to go vote, so I have been registered since I was of age....you cannot save everyone due to their own indolence, if it matters to them they will do what they have to do, if it doesn't it doesn't.

or hey, we could mandate everyone vote......fine them if they don't show up and/or cast ballot.

Exactly what our friends in Australia do. Voting is compulsory. Failure to appear at the polling place requires a legitimate excuse. Unsatisfactory excuses result in a fine.
Compulsory Voting
Im talking to whomever is reading.

you just dont understand this medium

I do understand this medium, and you are your message's own worse enemy.

that is your opinion.

and my opinion is you are wrong.

where did you learn of voter disenfranchisement?

No, she's right. You ARE your message's own worst enemy.

You're a hack, a liar, you require PROOF! FACTS! and when they are provided you either leave the thread (and/or board) for xx amount of time then wobble back in repeating the exact same bullshit over and over and over without so much as looking at the PROOF! FACTS! that have been provided to you, that you demanded in the first place.

You suck.
What is wrong with asking for an ID. The ID is not party sensitive so it far to both sides. I don't want every Tom Dick and Harry who shows up at the polls with out any ID's to determine the fate of my country. That would mean that the illegals would have a field day and lets guess who they would vote for. You might as well the the DNC standout in front of the polling places and pass out $20 bills.

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