
It is a part of American history now and the people are learning this history.

You dont own the airwaves like you used to.

Your fraud has reached levels that it is effecting too many Americans.

your done
What's sad is right wingers don't think this is sleazy at all. Its just part of the game to them.

What's really sad is lefties think it's ok to tell me what I can ear, drink, say, carry, buy, not buy, etc. None of which is a commision of a crime.
What's really sad is you think it's Ok to tell me what I think.

But try and prevent fraud?


Voter ID laws prevent many more legal votes than they prevent illegal ones.

You have a link for that last comment?
Dear TM: Please respond.

Since TdM has essentially hijacked one of Boop's threads, I figured maybe she can be convinced to post here, instead, where her silly argument can be dissected.

So this one is dedicated to TdM, but anyone can chime in.

This could work IF she's willing to stay on topic and answer some preliminary questions. We'll start off REAL slowly for TDM's benefit.

Do you support the "right" of the dead to vote?

Do you imagine that aliens should have a right to vote in American elections?
ChoicePoint - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The allegations charge that 57,700 people (15% of the list), primarily Democrats of African-American and Hispanic descent, were incorrectly listed as felons and thus barred from voting[citation needed]. Reports estimate that 80% of these people would have voted, and that 90% of those who would have voted, would have voted for Al Gore.[9] Other allegations include listing voters as felons for alleged crimes said to have been committed several years in the future. The official (and disputed) margin of victory, in the election, was 537 votes.
Dear TM: Please respond.

Since TdM has essentially hijacked one of Boop's threads, I figured maybe she can be convinced to post here, instead, where her silly argument can be dissected.

So this one is dedicated to TdM, but anyone can chime in.

This could work IF she's willing to stay on topic and answer some preliminary questions. We'll start off REAL slowly for TDM's benefit.

Do you support the "right" of the dead to vote?

Do you imagine that aliens should have a right to vote in American elections?

Do you think TderpM is afraid to answer because she suspects that her answers will provide a basis to form the next question(s)?

I know she's not smart enough to figure that out.

So, somebody must have tipped her off.
Hey truthmanglerderp

Are you in favor of illegal peoples voting?

Are you in favor of dead people voting?

Are you just as upset when the state store asks for ID?

How bout when they ask for ID to purchase fireworks?

How bout when they ask for ID to purchase decongestant?
Gregory Palast - Salon.com

Early in the year, the company, ChoicePoint, gave Florida officials a list with the names of 8,000 ex-felons to “scrub” from their list of voters. But it turns out none on the list were guilty of felonies, only misdemeanors. The company acknowledged the error, and blamed it on the original source of the list — the state of Texas.
Hey truthmanglerderp

Are you in favor of illegal peoples voting?

Are you in favor of dead people voting?

Are you just as upset when the state store asks for ID?

How bout when they ask for ID to purchase fireworks?

How bout when they ask for ID to purchase decongestant?

She lacks sufficient integrity to answer those questions either.
Beats me. Why would your guy say "Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done."

Any idea?

I would think becasue it would cut down on voter fraud....

And? So your assertion is that only Democrats practice voter fraud. Is that it.

Which is why the Dem/ lib refusal to endorse voter verification is so puzzling. You might think they'd be at least as interested in ensuring elections be as honest as possible.
Partys should not be allowed to hide their court documented record of voter disenfranchisement from the people.

How were they able to do that for so many years?
From *snert* Wiki:

The allegations charge that 57,700 people (15% of the list), primarily Democrats of African-American and Hispanic descent, were incorrectly listed as felons and thus barred from voting[citation needed].

The jig is up.

its in the courts hands now and this time you wont be allowed to just sign a consent decree
The "your a poopy pants" arguement wont fly in court guys
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Though I can completely understand the problem that arises because some people want to vote but are too lazy to get an ID, I have to bring up 2 points. The first is if you are too lazy to go get a state non-driver ID you are probably too lazy to vote. The second is that an ID is pretty necessary for lots of things aside from voting and I cannot imagine what would eep a person from getting one today. In order to work in most legitimate jobs you need ID. You are supposed to need it to buy alcohol, tobacco, and in many cases prescription and some OTC medications. So getting one has it's purposes to living.

I also happen to feel that showing your ID for something as important as voting should be a necessity. When I have to show my ID to get a job, buy a pack of smokes, or even when I was younger to see an R rated movie i think requiring it to vote for the leaders and representatives of the country is something that should be required. I now the republicans are using this as a way to cut Obama supporters from voting, but seriously it only takes a few bucks and a couple of minutes to get a non-drivers ID. People should really get one. It has got to create huge difficulties in your life for not having one.

You would think that anything as important as putting/keeping your guy in office would be motivation enough to get the necessary documentation.

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