
Texas to test 1965 voting rights law in court | Reuters

Today, party lines in the South often mirror racial lines, Persily said. Southern whites tend to support Republicans and most minorities favor Democrats.

Record minority turnouts in the 2008 presidential election have helped to make the issue a partisan one.

"Actions and interpretations that previously would not have raised partisan eyebrows are now seen as outrages," Persily wrote.

Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act allows the federal government to block voting rules changes in certain Southern states with a particularly heavy history of racial repression.

No matter how aggressively the Justice Department invokes that section, at least one side of today's political spectrum will be unhappy. Enforce it often and face Republican accusations of overreaching into the states' sovereignty; Enforce it rarely and face Democratic accusations of shirking minority protections; Enforce it selectively and, ironically, face accusations of playing politics.

"The Voting Rights Act wasn't designed to be enmeshed in partisan politics," Persily told Reuters, "And that's what is happening now."

The Texas lawsuit for approval of the voter identification law is: State of Texas v. Holder in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 12-cv-128. The judicial panel is composed of Appeals Judge David Tatel, District Judge Robert Wilkins and District Judge Rosemary Collyer.
It takes nothing, to get it, $150 tennis shoes but no id? Why would that be?

Wrong, they have to get off their butts and go get the ID. Oh the hardship! :rolleyes:

If you don't already have a photo ID or a birth certificate you can't get a state issued ID. Its not like you walk into DMV and say "hey guys, its me! I need an id, hook it up!" Lord you're dumb.

The Republican leadership knows that more OBama eligible voters will not have an ID on election day than Romney eligible voters , that's why they are saying:

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

DUH. What are you, a moron?

It ain't rocket science either, Francis. :rolleyes: Did you even bother to read the links I provided?

I'd be fine if this was put off until after November. It's a good idea to show ID in order to vote. Period.
Its good you can at least admit you want to deny suffrage to the poor.
Give 'em special dispensation to buy an ID with their EBT cards.

You're one of the biggest morons on here.
Lolberals like you want to give the sainted pooooooooooor a handout for everything else, so it only follows.

Give us a good reason that they couldn't get some kind of dispensation/waiver use their welfare handout stipend to get an ID?...Just one.

C'mon...Light it up, meat.
Give 'em special dispensation to buy an ID with their EBT cards.

You're one of the biggest morons on here.
Lolberals like you want to give the sainted pooooooooooor a handout for everything else, so it only follows.

Give us a good reason that they couldn't get some kind of dispensation/waiver use their welfare handout stipend to get an ID?...Just one.

C'mon...Light it up, meat.

Oopydufus is trying to handle a prior ground ball.

He can't figure out how to rhyme "meat" with "derp," so he's totally lost now.
Gaaaa, this is getting old.

Considering all the times a person needs a valid ID in life in general, it's asinine to NOT have an ID in order to vote even if it prevents only a small number of illegal votes. Preventing any voter fraud is a good thing. Will this address all types of voter fraud (and let's all admit that voter fraud does happen)? No, just any fraud taking place at the voting booth. It's too bad that it wasn't implemented long ago and not right before an election because it is a good move.

One can get the damn ID free (read the many links I've posted) and it's preventative.

Free and preventative. Why the left isn't all over this is beyond me. Unless the majority of the left also believes, as truthderpmangler does, that Dems are too stupid to call the number provided for assistance.

One must pay to get a copy of their birth certificate.
Gaaaa, this is getting old.

Considering all the times a person needs a valid ID in life in general, it's asinine to NOT have an ID in order to vote even if it prevents only a small number of illegal votes. Preventing any voter fraud is a good thing. Will this address all types of voter fraud (and let's all admit that voter fraud does happen)? No, just any fraud taking place at the voting booth. It's too bad that it wasn't implemented long ago and not right before an election because it is a good move.

One can get the damn ID free (read the many links I've posted) and it's preventative.

Free and preventative. Why the left isn't all over this is beyond me. Unless the majority of the left also believes, as truthderpmangler does, that Dems are too stupid to call the number provided for assistance.

One must pay to get a copy of their birth certificate.

Oh no! I mean, OH nozies! :eek:

Then by golly it IS exactly like a poll tax. Yes. Yes. It's clear now. You guys have been correct all along.

It's unAmerican.

What choice do we have?

We MUST let people vote without ANY proof that they are who they claim to be, without ANY proof that they are registered, without ANY proof that they are legally entitled to vote and without ANY proof that they are even Americans.
Gaaaa, this is getting old.

Considering all the times a person needs a valid ID in life in general, it's asinine to NOT have an ID in order to vote even if it prevents only a small number of illegal votes. Preventing any voter fraud is a good thing. Will this address all types of voter fraud (and let's all admit that voter fraud does happen)? No, just any fraud taking place at the voting booth. It's too bad that it wasn't implemented long ago and not right before an election because it is a good move.

One can get the damn ID free (read the many links I've posted) and it's preventative.

Free and preventative. Why the left isn't all over this is beyond me. Unless the majority of the left also believes, as truthderpmangler does, that Dems are too stupid to call the number provided for assistance.

One must pay to get a copy of their birth certificate.
Gaaaa, this is getting old.

Considering all the times a person needs a valid ID in life in general, it's asinine to NOT have an ID in order to vote even if it prevents only a small number of illegal votes. Preventing any voter fraud is a good thing. Will this address all types of voter fraud (and let's all admit that voter fraud does happen)? No, just any fraud taking place at the voting booth. It's too bad that it wasn't implemented long ago and not right before an election because it is a good move.

One can get the damn ID free (read the many links I've posted) and it's preventative.

Free and preventative. Why the left isn't all over this is beyond me. Unless the majority of the left also believes, as truthderpmangler does, that Dems are too stupid to call the number provided for assistance.

One must pay to get a copy of their birth certificate.

Oh no! I mean, OH nozies! :eek:

Then by golly it IS exactly like a poll tax. Yes. Yes. It's clear now. You guys have been correct all along.

It's unAmerican.

What choice do we have?

We MUST let people vote without ANY proof that they are who they claim to be, without ANY proof that they are registered, without ANY proof that they are legally entitled to vote and without ANY proof that they are even Americans.

It doesn't seem to matter to the great unwashed that everyone who decides to run for prez must prove their citizenship.

I suspect they know that and just choose to pretend they don't.

One must pay to get a copy of their birth certificate.

Oh no! I mean, OH nozies! :eek:

Then by golly it IS exactly like a poll tax. Yes. Yes. It's clear now. You guys have been correct all along.

It's unAmerican.

What choice do we have?

We MUST let people vote without ANY proof that they are who they claim to be, without ANY proof that they are registered, without ANY proof that they are legally entitled to vote and without ANY proof that they are even Americans.

It doesn't seem to matter to the great unwashed that everyone who decides to run for prez must prove their citizenship.

I suspect they know that and just choose to pretend they don't.


When exactly did the incumbent President first "prove" his citizenship, muddly.dullwit?

In any event, your moronic "reply" post was not at all responsive to anything that had been said up to that point. You are indeed an idiot.
Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

Doesn't help the Republican position

Anytime you take dead people, illegals, convicts, non-residents, and otherwise ineligibles out of an election, it helps us all. I'd bet it usually results in higher republican victories....not that I think dems cheat.....
Preventing any voter fraud is a good thing.

Yeah, especially when a few hundred thousand Democrats are denied the vote as a supposed "unintended" consequence.
Will this address all types of voter fraud (and let's all admit that voter fraud does happen)?

How many fraudulent votes were cast in 2008 that would have been prevented by photo ID requirements?

Who cares.

One is too many.

It doesn't matter so much in Presidential or Congressional elections. Anyone who tells you that it does has no historical leg to stand on.

However, when the issue is city council or other relatively obscure seats in our governments, 20-30 votes can change a great deal.

If anyone remembers the 2000 election, they should recall the butterfly ballot that was in use in Palm Beach County in Florida. This ballot was so confusing that Pat Buchanan received something like 5 times as many votes there as he did in neighboring counties.

The ballots were approved by someone named Theresa LePore:

Theresa LePore is a former Supervisor of Elections for Palm Beach County, Florida. She is most notable as the person who designed the infamous "butterfly ballot", used in the 2000 presidential election.[1] This would lead the press to nickname her "Madame Butterfly." Following the controversial results of the 2000 election, she lost her re-election bid in September 2004 and left office in January 2005.

Her failed re-election bid was close-about 2 percentage points. If there were a few dozen fraudulent or mis-applied votes, perhaps she would still have her job. Perhaps she wouldn't have ascended to the job in the first place by the same token.

Another supervisor may have rejected the butterfly ballot....if it wasn't used....Gore wins....we certainly wouldn't have gone into Iraq... Just sayin'

The big win in getting rid of voter fraud is in the down-ballot races.

Not all voter fraud is done with devious intent. If I had to ask off the top of my head, I couldn't tell you where my voting location is. Sometimes people just drive up on election day and try to vote in an election that they are not eligible--just by geography or a mistake.

Anyway, if one party or the other wanted to perhaps "plant" someone or affect the election of another parties' officials, they could if there was no identifications asked for or required.

Sterilizing the elections are an easy, common sense approach to our democracy. Leaving the door open for fraud--whether it is by design or by simple ignorance--is simply stupid.
One must pay to get a copy of their birth certificate.

Once again, for the reading impaired; already posted earlier in the thread.

How much does this copy of your birth certificate cost?

*If they do not have a birth certificate with a raised seal and are a Pennsylvania native; and do not have one of the acceptable, alternative forms of photo identification to vote; and will provide a signed oath/affirmation form, when visiting the PennDOT driver license center, they must:

Tell the PennDOT customer service representative they are a Pennsylvania native who needs a photo ID for voting purposes, and do not have a certified copy of their birth certificate;
Sign an oath/affirmation that they do not have an acceptable form of ID for voting purposes and the photo ID is needed for voting purposes;
Show a Social Security card and two proofs of residence, such as a deed, lease, tax bill, or utility bill;
Fill out a DL-54A form requesting a non-driver photo ID and;
Complete the HD01564F (Request for Certification of Birth Record for Voter ID Purposes Only) form, which collects information such as birth name, mother and father's name and place of birth. This Department of Health form is available at all Driver Licensing Centers.

PennDOT will then forward the completed form to the Department of Health, which maintains birth records. After verifying the birth record is on file, the Department of Health will securely transmit this information to PennDOT. PennDOT will then notify them by letter that their birth record has been confirmed. They may then return to any driver license center, with the above noted documentation, to receive your free photo ID for voting purposes. This verification process will take about ten days and does not require the payment of a fee.

PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services - Personalized (Vanity) License Plate Availability

Good gawd you folks are dense.
This whole "but voter ID will disenfranchise the poor" meme is bullshit.

The fact of the matter is that you need valid photo identification to establish your identity in order to qualify for government programs as well. The exact government programs that are designed to help the poor require photo IDs. Of course this makes sense because the administrators of these programs want to eliminate fraud.

Poor people have IDs just like the rest of us, even the poorest of the poor. To maintain these people do not does not withstand scrutiny because otherwise they would not be eligible to qualify for the programs the left surely wants them qualified for and dependant upon. There is no malicious purpose for asking a person to show an ID and prove their identity prior to voting. To prove that their is no malicious intent, states like Georgia have enacted programs for free identification cards.

This entire argument against providing an ID to vote is nonsensical. The government enacts social welfare programs that are intended for the poorest citizens yet they are required to establish identity prior to receiving the benefits. If the poorest people really could not acquire an ID because they did not have the means to, that would mean they would starve on the streets because they could not qualify for government assistance. Obvioulsy this is not the case. Nor is it the case that people cannot provide an ID to vote. All of this posturing is nothing more than a thinly veiled cover for groups who actually do perpetrate voter fraud like the good gentleman from Mississippi who is now spending 10 years in prison.

The Photo ID Myth | RedState

Voter ID is a good thing.
This whole "but voter ID will disenfranchise the poor" meme is bullshit.

The fact of the matter is that you need valid photo identification to establish your identity in order to qualify for government programs as well. The exact government programs that are designed to help the poor require photo IDs. Of course this makes sense because the administrators of these programs want to eliminate fraud.

Poor people have IDs just like the rest of us, even the poorest of the poor. To maintain these people do not does not withstand scrutiny because otherwise they would not be eligible to qualify for the programs the left surely wants them qualified for and dependant upon. There is no malicious purpose for asking a person to show an ID and prove their identity prior to voting. To prove that their is no malicious intent, states like Georgia have enacted programs for free identification cards.

This entire argument against providing an ID to vote is nonsensical. The government enacts social welfare programs that are intended for the poorest citizens yet they are required to establish identity prior to receiving the benefits. If the poorest people really could not acquire an ID because they did not have the means to, that would mean they would starve on the streets because they could not qualify for government assistance. Obvioulsy this is not the case. Nor is it the case that people cannot provide an ID to vote. All of this posturing is nothing more than a thinly veiled cover for groups who actually do perpetrate voter fraud like the good gentleman from Mississippi who is now spending 10 years in prison.

The Photo ID Myth | RedState

Voter ID is a good thing.

I agree... voter ID is a good thing.

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com
Should I have to show an ID every time I buy a gun?

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com
Should I have to show an ID every time I buy a gun?

Yep and every time you buy booze or twinkies.

Under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, various other forms of photo identification will be accepted at voting places in November, including U.S. passports, student identification cards with expiration dates, current military identification, and ID cards issued to government employees.

But for most voters, the Pennsylvania driver's license is the standard photo ID. The disclosure that 9 percent of the state's registered voters don't have one - or an alternative, nondriver PennDot photo ID - provides a clearer picture of the hurdle set up by the state's new voter ID requirement.

Republican lawmakers pushed the bill through the legislature in March and it was signed into law by Gov. Corbett, over protests from Democrats that the measure would disenfranchise thousands of voters, disproportionately affecting those without driver's licenses - the poor, the elderly, and the young.

House Republican leader Mike Turzai acknowledged the law's political implications at a Republican State Committee meeting last month.

"Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

The law still faces a legal challenge as a possible violation of the state constitution. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson scheduled a July 25 hearing and his decision is likely to reach the state Supreme Court before November.

Forgot the link, sorry.

Voter ID law may affect more Pennsylvanians than previously estimated - Philly.com

So you find it disgusting that states try to suppress voter fraud?

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