
Purple fingered election in Baghdad are more honest and accurate than in any Democrat city in the USA


"I'm not a Democrat, I'm a real live voter"

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep people from voting more than once. But it won't keep poor minority voters from voting, so its no good to the Republicans.

Neither does requiring an ID to vote.

Sure thing, bro!

750,000 in Pa. may be forced to sit out election - Boston.com
Purple fingered election in Baghdad are more honest and accurate than in any Democrat city in the USA


"I'm not a Democrat, I'm a real live voter"

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep people from voting more than once. But it won't keep poor minority voters from voting, so its no good to the Republicans.

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep Democrat Party Bosses from voting poor minority voters more than once.

There, fixed

How does it stop Republicans from stuffing ballot boxes?

How many illegal votes were cast in the 2008 election?

How many of those would have been prevented by a voter photo ID law?

I'm curious OohPoo, did you ask the same questions from democrats when they claimed thousands of blacks weren't allowed to vote in the South (of course, standard bull shit generalization about an entire region of the country), I didn't think so.

Exactly what are you Marxist clowns afraid of? What kind of worthless vote are you depending on from someone that is so far from contributing to society the they don't have a photo ID, one that is so uninformed that they will vote strictly on the color of a candidates skin? Tell the truth, I know that's difficult but maybe the truth will finally set you free.

What's the plan, to go round up the homeless and give them a bottle of thunderbird to vote for your fuhrer?

By the way, my screen photo is better than yours.

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep people from voting more than once. But it won't keep poor minority voters from voting, so its no good to the Republicans.

Neither does requiring an ID to vote.

Sure thing, bro!

750,000 in Pa. may be forced to sit out election - Boston.com

You need an id to get a bank account, to get a job, to fly on a plane, etc. Both my kids have them, they don't drive. My youngest at 25 is in diapers, can't talk and HE has an id.

If anyone of those people doesn't already have an ID, there is something wrong and they shouldn't be voting. I give out lunches once a week to the homeless and THEY have ID. One of them was complaining about the hoops he had to jump through to get it, but he got it.

How many illegal votes were cast in the 2008 election?

How many of those would have been prevented by a voter photo ID law?

I'm curious OohPoo, did you ask the same questions from democrats when they claimed thousands of blacks weren't allowed to vote in the South (of course, standard bull shit generalization about an entire region of the country), I didn't think so.

Exactly what are you Marxist clowns afraid of? What kind of worthless vote are you depending on from someone that is so far from contributing to society the they don't have a photo ID, one that is so uninformed that they will vote strictly on the color of a candidates skin? Tell the truth, I know that's difficult but maybe the truth will finally set you free.

What's the plan, to go round up the homeless and give them a bottle of thunderbird to vote for your fuhrer?

By the way, my screen photo is better than yours.

Wait a minute, are you comparing denying blacks the right to vote with denying illegals the right to vote????
A study by the Associated Press found that legitimate votes have been rejected after many states passed tougher voter ID laws in order to prevent fraud.​

What could tighter voter ID laws mean in November? - CSMonitor.com

As more states put in place strict voter ID rules, an AP review of temporary ballots from Indiana and Georgia, which first adopted the most stringent standards, found that more than 1,200 such votes were tossed during the 2008 general election.

During sparsely attended primaries this year in Georgia, Indiana and Tennessee, the states implementing the toughest laws, hundreds more ballots were blocked.

The numbers suggest that the legitimate votes rejected by the laws are far more numerous than are the cases of fraud that advocates of the rules say they are trying to prevent. Thousands more votes could be in jeopardy for this November, when more states with larger populations are looking to have similar rules in place.

More than two dozen states have some form of ID requirement, and 11 of those passed new rules over the past two years largely at the urging of Republicans who say they want to prevent fraud.

Democrats and voting rights groups fear that ID laws could suppress votes among people who may not typically have a driver's license, and disproportionately affect the elderly, poor and minorities. While the number of votes is a small percentage of the overall total, they have the potential to sway a close election. Remember that the 2000 presidential race was decided by a 537-vote margin in Florida.

Aww! Poor guy. He TRIED to vote for Romney but alas and alack; they tossed his vote.
The Bottom of the Barrel Award #3: Pennsylvania State Representative Mike Turzai | The Political Garbage Chute

From our old friend James Schlarmann.

There are three groups that are most impacted by a sudden requirement to show photo ID before they can vote: elderly people, minorities and students. Each one of these groups has unique challenges to acquiring those photo IDs. Republicans in the state, and pretty much wherever these new voter suppression laws have been enacted, claim that in no way are they targeting certain blocks of voters, and there certainly is no partisanship at play.

Well, then Mike Turzai went and let the cat out of the bag. In listing the accomplishments that the Republicans have achieved for their party, Turzai let slip one line. One single line pretty much lifted the veil off of the entire Republican gambit as it pertains to voter ID laws.

“Voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done,” said Turzai. So there it is, plain and simple and out in the open. They enacted voter ID laws, and in Turzai’s excellent opinion, that will allow Romney to win the state come November.

Congratulations, Pennsylvania State Rep. Mike Turzai, for exposing the crooked Republican voter ID laws as being nothing but modern voter suppression techniques, you are the winner of this week’s “Bottom of the Barrel” award!
Gaaaa, this is getting old.

Considering all the times a person needs a valid ID in life in general, it's asinine to NOT have an ID in order to vote even if it prevents only a small number of illegal votes. Preventing any voter fraud is a good thing. Will this address all types of voter fraud (and let's all admit that voter fraud does happen)? No, just any fraud taking place at the voting booth. It's too bad that it wasn't implemented long ago and not right before an election because it is a good move.

One can get the damn ID free (read the many links I've posted) and it's preventative.

Free and preventative. Why the left isn't all over this is beyond me. Unless the majority of the left also believes, as truthderpmangler does, that Dems are too stupid to call the number provided for assistance.
You need an id to get a bank account, to get a job, to fly on a plane, etc. Both my kids have them, they don't drive. My youngest at 25 is in diapers, can't talk and HE has an id.

If anyone of those people doesn't already have an ID, there is something wrong and they shouldn't be voting. I give out lunches once a week to the homeless and THEY have ID. One of them was complaining about the hoops he had to jump through to get it, but he got it.

Gaaaa, this is getting old.

Considering all the times a person needs a valid ID in life in general, it's asinine to NOT have an ID in order to vote even if it prevents only a small number of illegal votes. Preventing any voter fraud is a good thing. Will this address all types of voter fraud (and let's all admit that voter fraud does happen)? No, just any fraud taking place at the voting booth. It's too bad that it wasn't implemented long ago and not right before an election because it is a good move.

One can get the damn ID free (read the many links I've posted) and it's preventative.

Free and preventative. Why the left isn't all over this is beyond me. Unless the majority of the left also believes, as truthderpmangler does, that Dems are too stupid to call the number provided for assistance.

That's just it.... no one is ... preventing ...any legal, live citizen from voting.

If you want to vote present your ID.

How many illegal votes were cast in the 2008 election?

How many of those would have been prevented by a voter photo ID law?

I'm curious OohPoo, did you ask the same questions from democrats when they claimed thousands of blacks weren't allowed to vote in the South (of course, standard bull shit generalization about an entire region of the country), I didn't think so.

Exactly what are you Marxist clowns afraid of? What kind of worthless vote are you depending on from someone that is so far from contributing to society the they don't have a photo ID, one that is so uninformed that they will vote strictly on the color of a candidates skin? Tell the truth, I know that's difficult but maybe the truth will finally set you free.

What's the plan, to go round up the homeless and give them a bottle of thunderbird to vote for your fuhrer?

By the way, my screen photo is better than yours.

Wait a minute, are you comparing denying blacks the right to vote with denying illegals the right to vote????

No, I'm comparing the unsubstantiated claims created by the democrat party to make black people pissed at Republicans.....they did it then and they are doing it now.
The Bottom of the Barrel Award #3: Pennsylvania State Representative Mike Turzai | The Political Garbage Chute

From our old friend James Schlarmann.

There are three groups that are most impacted by a sudden requirement to show photo ID before they can vote: elderly people, minorities and students. Each one of these groups has unique challenges to acquiring those photo IDs. Republicans in the state, and pretty much wherever these new voter suppression laws have been enacted, claim that in no way are they targeting certain blocks of voters, and there certainly is no partisanship at play.

Well, then Mike Turzai went and let the cat out of the bag. In listing the accomplishments that the Republicans have achieved for their party, Turzai let slip one line. One single line pretty much lifted the veil off of the entire Republican gambit as it pertains to voter ID laws.

“Voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done,” said Turzai. So there it is, plain and simple and out in the open. They enacted voter ID laws, and in Turzai’s excellent opinion, that will allow Romney to win the state come November.

Congratulations, Pennsylvania State Rep. Mike Turzai, for exposing the crooked Republican voter ID laws as being nothing but modern voter suppression techniques, you are the winner of this week’s “Bottom of the Barrel” award!

Students can use their college ID as long as it is a) not expired and b) has their photo on it.

Here's the phone number for Pennsylvania's Voter Assistance. It's also free of charge. Department of State's Voter ID Hotline at 1-877-VotesPA (1-877-868-3772). They will be more than happy to help anyone in need of assistance. That includes elderly, minorities, poor, and the plain idiotic.

Exactly, my parents, in their 80's have Passports and state issued photo ID. The poor make choices, if they choose not to get ID, it is usually a choice. The state will provide it for free if need be. So I really see no issue, other than people not wanting to burdened with the responsibility.
I registered as a democrat when I was a dumb ass kid and never changed it. I've voted for 1 democrat because at the time, my Dad used to fly him around the country........Edwin Edwards.....Louisiana Governor that's in Jail right now.....very crooked. I grew up and started thinking for myself and now vote Republican almost all of the time.

If a Republican doesn't get to vote because he doesn't have an I.D., I'm happy he was stopped. If he isn't responsible to have something as basic as a photo I.D., he isn't responsible enough to make the decisions needed to cast a valid vote. Screw him, he is the one that doesn't care enough about this very important act to do what is needed to qualify.

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