
Voter ID - which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania - done," Turzai told the crowd, which burst into applause, as he listed legislative accomplishments under GOP control.

Doesn't help the Republican position

You know what? IF Romney deserved to win, he would be able to do so without having shit like that done on his behalf.

I'm still confused as to how voter id is going to make the republicans win..unless they are admitting that a lot of illegals are voting for dems....and, if so, I have to ask why they've been letting illegals vote.
Purple fingered election in Baghdad are more honest and accurate than in any Democrat city in the USA


"I'm not a Democrat, I'm a real live voter"
Purple fingered election in Baghdad are more honest and accurate than in any Democrat city in the USA


"I'm not a Democrat, I'm a real live voter"

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep people from voting more than once. But it won't keep poor minority voters from voting, so its no good to the Republicans.
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Purple fingered election in Baghdad are more honest and accurate than in any Democrat city in the USA


"I'm not a Democrat, I'm a real live voter"

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep people from voting more than once. But it won't keep poor minority voters from voting, so its no good to the Republicans.

Neither does requiring an ID to vote.
Purple fingered election in Baghdad are more honest and accurate than in any Democrat city in the USA


"I'm not a Democrat, I'm a real live voter"

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep people from voting more than once. But it won't keep poor minority voters from voting, so its no good to the Republicans.

Purple fingers would actually be a great way to keep Democrat Party Bosses from voting poor minority voters more than once.

There, fixed
ther is NO proof that what you claim has ever happened.

why do you live in a world of lies?
The far left is pro-voter fraud as long as the fraud falls in their favor. Fucking hypocrites.

And every time a liberal loses an election the voting machines are suddenly rigged and people were 'tricked,' disenfranchised, or 'voted against their own best interests' or some such nonsense. All issues that magically vanish if the liberal wins the election.
why would any party want to keep legal American voters from voting?

because cant win elections on tehir ideas.

so they make up lies about voter fraud that they have no proof exsists so they can try to justitfy laws that keep people they dont like from voting.

the courts wont accept the lies you guys depend on to fool voters

You have to prove they are indeed legal don't you?
rushing them into place right before an election when people do not have time to get them is not legal.

your party is fucked this time

What the hell??? They have LOTS of time!
If there's any chance at all your state might put this voter ID into law, then everyone in that state that doesn't have ID and want to vote should be getting them now. It''s nobody's fault but their own if they dont do it....if they have any idea they will want to vote, there's a lot of time to get the ID's. Stop making excuses!
The far left is pro-voter fraud as long as the fraud falls in their favor. Fucking hypocrites.

And every time a liberal loses an election the voting machines are suddenly rigged and people were 'tricked,' disenfranchised, or 'voted against their own best interests' or some such nonsense. All issues that magically vanish if the liberal wins the election.

Don't forget the hanging chads!

Its sad when left wing loons dont think its sleazy to vote when you are an illegal...or dead.... or several times in a row

I don't think that.

You are presumably admitting to being a self-declared left wing loon?

There is NOTHING gallant about you. No warrior of any consequence runs his or her mouth like you do either. You should change your avie to "GlibButthurtTwit".

Just a thought.
You know what? IF Romney deserved to win, he would be able to do so without having shit like that done on his behalf.

IF the incumbent "deserves" to win, he should be able to do so by getting votes of actual eligible voters.

ah..the old zombies voting aurgument.


Ah, the stale denial of voter registration fraud.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiKLXHjy5PU]South Park | Suck My Balls Mr. Garrison [HQ] - YouTube[/ame]
Listen up you fucking assholes.

we will not sit and watch you keep Americans from voting.

your[sic] going to go down real hard for this REAL SOON

What do you have in mind, Che?

outing your asses and sending your criminals to jail.

making it so detrimental to a party to cheat like this that it kills your party outright by being associated with keeping Americans from voting.

your party is about to stab it self to death

did TderpM really just talk about eating out some asshole?

That's sick.

But fuck her. I will never phear yew!
rushing them into place right before an election when people do not have time to get them is not legal.

your party is fucked this time

What the hell??? They have LOTS of time!
If there's any chance at all your state might put this voter ID into law, then everyone in that state that doesn't have ID and want to vote should be getting them now. It''s nobody's fault but their own if they dont do it....if they have any idea they will want to vote, there's a lot of time to get the ID's. Stop making excuses!

Yah, because they live on the internet just like us, and keep up with the news!

Next up: "Well, they shouldn't be voting anyway if they're uninformed!"

Can't wait til July 25th.

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