Disinformation is enemy #1.

Lev Parnas, ex-Giuliani associate, testified allegations against Bidens are false and 'spread by the Kremlin'

WASHINGTON — Ex-Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas slammed former President Donald Trump and his associates for pushing what he said were false allegations against the Biden family during the House Oversight Committee's hearing Wednesday in the GOP impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Parnas, a Ukrainian American businessman who worked closely with former Trump attorney Giuliani in 2018 and 2019 to try to find damaging information about the president, appeared as a witness at the invitation of committee Democrats alongside Hunter Biden’s former business partners Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis.

“The American people have been lied to, by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and various cohorts of individuals in government and media positions,” Parnas said in his opening statement. “They created falsehoods to serve their own interests knowing it would undermine the strength of our nation." Parnas called out Trump allies in Congress, such as former Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., as well as some prominent right-wing media figures for spreading misinformation about the Bidens.

“Congressman Pete Sessions, then-Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Ron Johnson and many others understood they were pushing a false narrative,” he said. “The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity and media personnel, particularly with Fox News, who use this narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 elections. Sadly, they are still doing this today as we approach the 2024 elections.”


As if the deceitful, lying House Repubs didn't have enough problems, right? Lev, he had a little somethin'-somethin' for Gym Jordan, Comer and the boys. An in your face, "you guys are nothing but a big ball of shyte" somethin'.

Not that the Repubs won't keep trying to disinform the public.
Then why do so many believe everything he says without question like gospel? Why do they jeopardize their lives and livelihood for him? Why do they always attend his rallies like they belong to one of his churches? He is worshipped, you simply can't accept this because you don't like the wordage being used here.

He is not worshiped.
I suspect you simply have a limited vocabulary.


Russian Embassy in USA 🇷🇺


Ambassador Kislyak and President Trump / Посол С.Кисляк и Президент Д.Трамп
He is not worshiped.
I suspect you simply have a limited vocabulary.
Use what ever word you like. The Following accepts what he says as the truth unconditionally. Yet he is an inveterate liar.
Use what ever word you like. The Following accepts what he says as the truth unconditionally. Yet he is an inveterate liar.

I am certain that you think your continued use of "The Following" is clever.
It was a good show,
It is not real life.

No one accepts everything that anyone says - except when your Cult tells you to.
Use what ever word you like. The Following accepts what he says as the truth unconditionally. Yet he is an inveterate liar.
I'm sure all five of them do. Everyone else is capable of weighing the relative pros and cons of a politician, and know that the only way you'll EVER find one that totally agrees with you is to be one yourself.
In an interview with NBC News after his testimony, Parnas was asked whether he was concerned that the Republican-led hearings and impeachment inquiry are helping Russia. "Absolutely," he said.

“The bottom line is they’re not getting down to the truth. All they are doing is pushing the same Russian narrative and propaganda,” Parnas added.
I am certain that you think your continued use of "The Following" is clever.
It was a good show,
It is not real life.
You can't imagine how much I wish you were right. But The Following's behavior tells a different story. You folks have checked critical thinking at the door.
You can't imagine how much I wish you were right. But The Following's behavior tells a different story. You folks have checked critical thinking at the door.

You are simply unable to recognize critical thinking.
Traditional conservatism is long dead and gone – replaced with reactionary dogma of fear, ignorance, nativism, racism, bigotry, and hate, of disinformation and lies, and of illiberal authoritarianism hostile to democracy, the rule of law, and the will of the people.
Populism sucks.
So Biden didn't inherit the pandemic and a wrecked economy when he became president? Notice a trend every time a republican president leaves office?

Whether the US has the money to carry NATO is really irrelevant. Countries not reaching a 3% GDP goal for their national defense is not and never will be justification to abandon our allies and say to our enemies, do whatever they want to those countries. These are the words of a traitor who has already gone over to the other side already. Look at how he cozies up to both Putin and Kim and now he's even doing it with Orban, lmao. Trump is the biggest fool ever to be elected to the office of the presidency.

So Biden didn't inherit the pandemic and a wrecked economy when he became president?

Didn't you see the GDP growth in Q3 2020 and Q4 2020?
The pandemic is over.
The shutdown is over, we should get spending back down to 2019 levels.
Does Biden have spending back down to pre-pandemic levels?

Whether the US has the money to carry NATO is really irrelevant.

Because they don't feel threatened by Russia?

Countries not reaching a 3% GDP goal for their national defense is not and never will be justification to abandon our allies

Countries not reaching a 3% GDP goal for their national defense is not the best
way to make us feel like we're not being taken advantage of.

Look at how he cozies up to both Putin and Kim

I thought the 1980s called? Don't they want their foreign policy back?

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