Disingenuous Republicans forget American political history

This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

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Disingenuous Republicans forget American political history

Then post Disingenuous OP .....

Folks this is who the LYING American Left is ......
Don't avoid the topic. Republicans did not propose voting rights to congress. .

They most certainly did. Eisenhower championed civil rights legislation in the 50s and your party shut it down.

Furthermore, LBJ was a vile racist. He saw blacks merely as a political opportunity, just as the party does today, and he was right. 50 years later you fools are still backing those people en masse even though you have little to show for it in your shithole communities.
No, things didn't happen that way and my party didn't do anything. This is why I say you republicans are disingenuous. The ideologies of both parties changed and todays republican party is not the same as it was in the 50's. The republican party of today supports the memory of the confederacy. The party of Lincoln, incidentally formed by anti slavery democrats, opposed the confederacy to the extent of waging war.
No, things didn't happen that way and my party didn't do anything.

This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.


You are a moron.

"While President Truman had begun the process of desegregating the Armed Forces in 1948, actual implementation had been slow. Eisenhower made clear his stance in his first State of the Union address in February 1953, saying "I propose to use whatever authority exists in the office of the President to end segregation in the District of Columbia, including the Federal Government, and any segregation in the Armed Forces".[208] When he encountered opposition from the services, he used government control of military spending to force the change through, stating "Wherever Federal Funds are expended ..., I do not see how any American can justify ... a discrimination in the expenditure of those funds".[209]

When Robert B. Anderson, Eisenhower's first Secretary of the Navy, argued that the U.S. Navy must recognize the "customs and usages prevailing in certain geographic areas of our country which the Navy had no part in creating," Eisenhower overruled him: "We have not taken and we shall not take a single backward step. There must be no second class citizens in this country."[210]

The administration declared racial discrimination a national security issue, as Communists around the world used the racial discrimination and history of violence in the U.S. as a point of propaganda attack.[211]

Eisenhower told District of Columbia officials to make Washington a model for the rest of the country in integrating black and white public school children.[212][213] He proposed to Congress the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and of 1960 and signed those acts into law. The 1957 act for the first time established a permanent civil rights office inside the Justice Department and a Civil Rights Commission to hear testimony about abuses of voting rights. Although both acts were much weaker than subsequent civil rights legislation, they constituted the first significant civil rights acts since 1875.[214]

In 1957 the state of Arkansas refused to honor a federal court order to integrate their public school system stemming from the Brown decision. Eisenhower demanded that Arkansas governor Orval Faubus obey the court order. When Faubus balked, the president placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent in the 101st Airborne Division. They escorted and protected nine black students' entry to Little Rock Central High School, an all-white public school, marking the first time since the Reconstruction Era the federal government had used federal troops in the South to enforce the U. S. Constitution.[215] Martin Luther King Jr. wrote to Eisenhower to thank him for his actions, writing "The overwhelming majority of southerners, Negro and white, stand firmly behind your resolute action to restore law and order in Little Rock".

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was proposed by a Republican and a Democrat.

In the House there were 62 Democrats who voted against it and 23 Republicans.

In the Senate 17 Democrats voted against it with only 2 Republicans opposing it.

LBJ was one of the most Racist President this Country has seen.

The Racist Democrat Party was an obstacle to this legislation just like it was to the Civil Rights Act.

This thread is a LIE and another example of how the Left is ALWAYS trying to erase their RACIST past and rewrite history.
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The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was proposed by a Republican and a Democrat.

In the House there were 62 Democrats who voted against it and 23 Republicans.

In the Senate 17 Democrats voted against it with only 2 Republicans opposing it.

LBJ was one of the most Racist President this Country has seen.

The Racist Democrat Party was an obstacle to this legislation just like it was to the Civil Rights Act.

This thread is a LIE and another example of how the Left is ALWAYS trying to erase their RACIST past and rewrite history.
Who cares? He got the Civil Rights Act passed..and really..that's all that matters. Racist or not...his support of the Bill was arguably the most important advancment of race relations since the Emancipation Proclamation.

Personalities do not matter..legal results matter.

You have me laughing just a bit..as the wingers on this board are constantly trying to rewrite history..misrepresent the Democrats of today by trying to hang the misdeeds of the Dems of 1865. You constantly ignore the fact that the parties switched ideological position...mainly because of the race issue.

History is what it is..and no-one with a brain buys into any of that crap. The same thing goes with the idiots that claim that Fascism is a left wing ideology and Hitler was a Socialist..as were the Nazis! You have to be truly stupid to believe that!
No, things didn't happen that way and my party didn't do anything.

What I posted was true. What's even worse is how disingenuous todays republicans are.

House passes Voting Rights bill with just one Republican vote
By Josh Israel December 6, 2019

What you said, was retarded as I demonstrated by posting information about President Eisenhower.

You are retarded.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was proposed by a Republican and a Democrat.

In the House there were 62 Democrats who voted against it and 23 Republicans.

In the Senate 17 Democrats voted against it with only 2 Republicans opposing it.

LBJ was one of the most Racist President this Country has seen.

The Racist Democrat Party was an obstacle to this legislation just like it was to the Civil Rights Act.

This thread is a LIE and another example of how the Left is ALWAYS trying to erase their RACIST past and rewrite history.
Who cares? He got the Civil Rights Act passed..and really..that's all that matters. Racist or not...his support of the Bill was arguably the most important advancment of race relations since the Emancipation Proclamation.

Personalities do not matter..legal results matter.

You have me laughing just a bit..as the wingers on this board are constantly trying to rewrite history..misrepresent the Democrats of today by trying to hang the misdeeds of the Dems of 1865. You constantly ignore the fact that the parties switched ideological position...mainly because of the race issue.

History is what it is..and no-one with a brain buys into any of that crap. The same thing goes with the idiots that claim that Fascism is a left wing ideology and Hitler was a Socialist..as were the Nazis! You have to be truly stupid to believe that!

Why does he get credit for hte Bill, but not the REpublcians that voted for it?
I wonder when IM2 is going to discover it's 2020 ? ... :dunno:
Maybe one day you'll stop smoking opium and understand that we are talking about lies republicans here repeat daily in 2020. Now remember that it's 2020 when you tell me how the democratic party is the party of slavery.
You do realize that you would not have been born for it not for slavery. Would 13% of the population give their life if it didn't happen? Maybe 2?
I would have been born in Africa. You are a real dumb ass.
If there had not been slavery, the probability that the exact sperm and exact egg would ever match up to produce you is Zero. There would be people born, but none of them would be you (and none of them would be me).

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