Dismantling Constitutional Freedom of the Press part 2


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Oct 6, 2008
In discussing what more the Left could, or wished to do, the discussion turned to the internet, and the curtailing of information. That is the Leftist's fondest wish.
Most folks don't understand the web of Leftists involved....but with the current President revealed to be a liar and a power hungry megalomaniac, now is the time to learn what is going on, and the direction of his power-grab.

" One of the biggest enemies to collectivists everywhere is the free flow of information. Totalitarians have always sought to control the media and use it to disseminate its propaganda. The mainstream media in America is already owned and controlled by collectivists, but what's new for them is the flow of information over the Internet. Their real concern is not pornography or terrorism as they claim, but the free flow of information that exposes their agendas. " Socialists in the House: the Progressive Caucus

6. The Founders had great faith in the ability of the people to self-govern, to constantly question the prerogatives of centralized authority, and, through grassroots diligence, limit the power of government. But, the ‘immense tutelary power,’ in Tocqueville’s words, will not give up that power. By using the FCC, government could pull the strings. Losing the power of the broadcast band, the government is now in the process of applying same to the internet. Despite the fact that prices for internet services are falling, and consumer choice is booming, the FCC asserts the need to intervene in this actively functioning marketplace.

a. “The FCC in approving this version of net neutrality took a number of procedural steps to overcome an earlier court ruling that questioned whether the FCC had authority to regulate the internet. While a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia strongly questioned the FCC's authority,…” GOP Attempt to Overturn FCC's Net Neutrality Rules Fails in Senate - TheWrap

b. And, to deal with the problem of the District courts:
"Senate’s filibuster rule change should help Obama achieve key second-term priorities"http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/senates-filibuster-rule-change-will-help-obama-achieve-key-second-term-priorities/2013/11/21/ccf43c4c-52dd-11e3-9fe0-fd2ca728e67c_story.html
This means more Obama federal judges....nothing will stand in the way of 'regulations.'

7. The real agenda behind government control of the Internet has always been to strangle and suffocate independent media outlets who are now competing with and even displacing establishment press organs, with websites like the Drudge Report now attracting more traffic than many large newspapers combined. As part of this war against independent media, the FTC recently proposing a “Drudge Tax” that would force independent media organizations to pay fees that would be used to fund mainstream newspapers.

In addition, the FCC has rolled a censorship plan into its Net Neutrality scheme in a stealth attempt to impose Internet regulation. Under the FCC’s regulatory control consumers would be forced to buy an Internet/TV/Phone connectivity box that the government approves. “Everyone will pay rates for service that the government sets. And everything passing through your Internet, TV, or phone would become subject to the FCC’s consistent regulatory whim,” writes Americans for Tax Reform’s Kelly William Cobb.
"The FCC’s Grand Plan to Control Your Internet, TV, and Phone?"
Americans for Tax Reform : The FCC?s Grand Plan to Control Your Internet, TV, and Phone?

8. We’ve been seeing a wide array of incredible, all-encompassing government overreaches on cell phones and the Internet come cascading out ever since Edward Snowden first broached the subject. We learn of new Fourth Amendment violations seemingly every week. And the DC Establishment are time and again caught lying about the extent and reach of these anti-Constitutional programs. These government data power grabs are horrendous attacks on the Internet ....Just as egregious are the government’s attacks on the Internet’s spine...
And then there’s Network Neutrality. Net Neutrality mandates that the government regulate the entire Web. Which means the government lords over every single website on the planet.... Net Neutrality is a constantly shifting, over-regulatory mess of an illegal imposition."
NSA, Net Neutrality, It?s All About Controlling the Internet ? and You | RedState

9. “Net neutrality” rules must be implemented while the government should quintuple federal funding for public and community broadcasting, argued Ben Scott, the State Department’s recently appointed policy adviser for innovation.

Scott was writing last year in a radical magazine in an article co-authored by Robert W. McChesney (left), an avowed Marxist activist who has called for the dismantlement, “brick-by-brick,” of the U.S. capitalist system, with America being rebuilt as a socialist society.
McChesney is the founder of the George Soros-funded Free Press, which petitions for more government control of the Internet and news media.

Scott and McChesney also recommended the U.S. impose ownership limits on local radio, TV, and cable channels while pushing for more control of the media by the FCC.
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See it for what it is, and realize that the Left never stops.....

....and, always.....they're doing it "for the children."

In discussing what more the Left could, or wished to do, the discussion turned to the internet, and the curtailing of information. That is the Leftist's fondest wish.
Most folks don't understand the web of Leftists involved....but with the current President revealed to be a liar and a power hungry megalomaniac, now is the time to learn what is going on, and the direction of his power-grab.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-QAhuL-tPs]John Birch Society Song.flv - YouTube[/ame]
Where are the Birchers now?

Oh yeah..they are the Tea Party..and PC.
This is how the last GOP presidency used the media.

The case had its origins in the politically fraught summer of 2003, when American troops had just invaded Iraq but were unable to find the unconventional weapons they had been told were there. Joseph Wilson, a former ambassador, suggested that the White House ignored contrary evidence about Iraq’s nuclear program in the months before the invasion, a charge Cheney would deny. When the news media reported that Wilson’s wife worked at the C.I.A., the F.B.I. opened an investigation into whether her identity was illegally divulged.

Where are the Birchers now?

Oh yeah..they are the Tea Party..and PC.

Did you not understand the OP?

Did you accidentally post in this thread?

Are you trying to hide the fact that the import of this OP is unassailable....and you, as a Leftists realize the attempts to take control of the internet by the totalitarians....

....and you are embarrassed and are trying to change the subject?

Is that it, boyyyyyeeeee?

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