Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

Anyone? Darwinism and Homosexuality?

I want to publicly apologize for what I said about you. It was uncalled for, and I am sorry.

Thank you.. very much. I've not seen many people do what you just did which takes a lot of honor. I have a lot of respect for you. I've said unkind things to you as well.. I'm sorry for that also.. I am known for insults on this forum.. mainly to insulate and to give an impression that is not easily identifiable. .. none the less, I digress.

Thank you again.
Anyone? Darwinism and Homosexuality?

I want to publicly apologize for what I said about you. It was uncalled for, and I am sorry.

Thank you.. very much. I've not seen many people do what you just did which takes a lot of honor. I have a lot of respect for you. I've said unkind things to you as well.. I'm sorry for that also.. I am known for insults on this forum.. mainly to insulate and to give an impression that is not easily identifiable. .. none the less, I digress.

Thank you again.

Water under the bridge. This is a politics forum, and politics bring out the worst in some people. :cool:
I want to publicly apologize for what I said about you. It was uncalled for, and I am sorry.

Thank you.. very much. I've not seen many people do what you just did which takes a lot of honor. I have a lot of respect for you. I've said unkind things to you as well.. I'm sorry for that also.. I am known for insults on this forum.. mainly to insulate and to give an impression that is not easily identifiable. .. none the less, I digress.

Thank you again.

Water under the bridge. This is a politics forum, and politics bring out the worst in some people. :cool:

LOL Haha.. I'm one of those.. Most people would be shocked if they spoke to me to see I am nothing like the person I portray here.. probably the truth with many of us.. Good point.
This is where Conservatism and Libertarianism part ways.

The conservative wants to control the market from the top down according to his version of morality.

The libertarian wants the market to decide, e.g., if free adults want to buy lesbian viewing content, than producers should be free to profit from it. Moral bureaucrats should limit free consumers and profit makers.

Ronald Reagan tried to combine these two very different groups. When he was with conservatives, he preached "values". When he was with Libertarians, he preached profits.

And nobody was the wiser.

What does evolutionary science have to do with morals and religion???? NOTHING.. Nice try.. SWING AND MISS..

Wow so you want people to answer some figment of your imagination and when they dont. You rant about stupid liberals are and how they want to force kids to accept the gays.

Anyone who falls for you bullshit deserves to be shunned
Who is the Williams Institute you may ask?
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public.
Mission | Williams Institute

"A National Think Tank at UCLA Law" ROFL!

Chuck Williams

The Institute was founded in 2001 through a generous grant by businessman, academic, and philanthropist Charles R. “Chuck” Williams. Mr. Williams’ inaugural donation of $2.5 million to create the Williams Institute was the largest donation ever given to any academic institution in support of a gay and lesbian academic program in any discipline. Over the past decade, he has given over $13 million to fund the Institute.

They got their numbers from the Census. Can you provide statistics to the contrary? It was stated by the SCOTUS that there are 40,000 children living in CA same sex households alone.
So no one can explain away Science.. which we all knew in the first place so stop comparing yourselves to a race of people- Blacks, Jews, etc.. stop pretending as if there is a biological marker, "gay" gene and stop DEMANDING as only 2-3% of the entire population to indoctrinate our children with your lies.. to move the Olympics, etc.. No one begrudges the gay community equal protection under the law, ie insurance benefits, etc.. but that wasn't enough for the militant cult.. ENOUGH with the lies.
Who is the Williams Institute you may ask?
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public.
Mission | Williams Institute

"A National Think Tank at UCLA Law" ROFL!

Chuck Williams

The Institute was founded in 2001 through a generous grant by businessman, academic, and philanthropist Charles R. “Chuck” Williams. Mr. Williams’ inaugural donation of $2.5 million to create the Williams Institute was the largest donation ever given to any academic institution in support of a gay and lesbian academic program in any discipline. Over the past decade, he has given over $13 million to fund the Institute.

They got their numbers from the Census. Can you provide statistics to the contrary? It was stated by the SCOTUS that there are 40,000 children living in CA same sex households alone.
It's not my responsibility to disprove your claim.. I asked for peer reviewed scientific studies.. that shouldn't be difficult.
If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.

I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...

JC Penney is continuing to battle with bankruptcy, after they dropped Ellen Degenerate as spokes person and apologized for it.

No one has to call for a boycott. No one should. Millions of people "boycott" without ever saying so.

JC Penney had been circling the drain for something like fifteen years before the "Million" Moms did anything. You, like them, are having delusions of adequacy.
Who is the Williams Institute you may ask?
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public.
Mission | Williams Institute

"A National Think Tank at UCLA Law" ROFL!

Chuck Williams

The Institute was founded in 2001 through a generous grant by businessman, academic, and philanthropist Charles R. “Chuck” Williams. Mr. Williams’ inaugural donation of $2.5 million to create the Williams Institute was the largest donation ever given to any academic institution in support of a gay and lesbian academic program in any discipline. Over the past decade, he has given over $13 million to fund the Institute.

They got their numbers from the Census. Can you provide statistics to the contrary? It was stated by the SCOTUS that there are 40,000 children living in CA same sex households alone.
It's not my responsibility to disprove your claim.. I asked for peer reviewed scientific studies.. that shouldn't be difficult.

It’s not that difficult and here it is:
Articles for the simple version:
Could Scientists Have Found A Gay Switch? | Popular Science
Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

and the actual peer reviewed study:
JSTOR: Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development

pointing to the fact that homosexuality is an EXPRESSION of genes rather than a specific one and one of the reasons that it was difficult to locate. The finding is in a rather new field of epigenetics. Here is to hoping that you were honest when you asked for these.
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Not what I said. LGS keeps tossing around 2% like it means something. That's the US Jewish population, BTW, 2%.

They used Census data. Unless you raise your kids in a bubble, they're going to get "the gay" on them. :eek:

Oh it absolutely does mean something..It means your big mouth on this forum is NOT the norm- far from it.. and I said roughly 2 - 3% of our population or about 9 million people.. which means you aren't even a silent minority..

Jews and gays...same percentage numbers.

Your point?

Race and sexual orientation have exactly nothing to do with each other. The percentages as compared are as meaningless as me comparing the percentage of gays with the percentage of fir trees in Yosemite – as in nothing.
Who is the Williams Institute you may ask?
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public.
Mission | Williams Institute

"A National Think Tank at UCLA Law" ROFL!

Chuck Williams

The Institute was founded in 2001 through a generous grant by businessman, academic, and philanthropist Charles R. “Chuck” Williams. Mr. Williams’ inaugural donation of $2.5 million to create the Williams Institute was the largest donation ever given to any academic institution in support of a gay and lesbian academic program in any discipline. Over the past decade, he has given over $13 million to fund the Institute.

They got their numbers from the Census. Can you provide statistics to the contrary? It was stated by the SCOTUS that there are 40,000 children living in CA same sex households alone.
It's not my responsibility to disprove your claim.. I asked for peer reviewed scientific studies.. that shouldn't be difficult.

Studies on what? If you want the numbers of gay parents, the Census is about the best you're gonna get.
That's complete and utter BS and you know it. I don't know what "school" your children go to - please enlighten us. My kids are no longer in the communist school system and I pay for my GrandChildren to go to private school, but I'm sure that folks here would LOVE to know which school they go to so they might avoid it like the plague.......

It had better be a religious private school that doesn't allow the kids of gay parents to attend...


Percentage as compared to what???? Being we know there are roughly 9 million people in the United States who are gay, lesbian, transgender- your chart means what????

Being the population of Utah is 2.9 million people, that equates to (ACCORDING to your chart)- 75,400 homosexual people living in Utah alone.. since we know there are only a total of 9 million homosexuals in the entire United States- your chart of 26% of the population raising kids in Utah being Homosexual is BULLSHIT when added to all of the other states and their percentage..

You do realize that you are not reading that chart correctly, right?

It does not claim that percentage of families is that percent? It is telling you that the percentage of gay couples that are raising children. Children adopted, incriminated or otherwise brought into their relationships.
They got their numbers from the Census. Can you provide statistics to the contrary? It was stated by the SCOTUS that there are 40,000 children living in CA same sex households alone.
It's not my responsibility to disprove your claim.. I asked for peer reviewed scientific studies.. that shouldn't be difficult.

It’s not that difficult and here it is:
Articles for the simple version:
Could Scientists Have Found A Gay Switch? | Popular Science
Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

and the actual peer reviewed study:
JSTOR: Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development

pointing to the fact that homosexuality is an EXPRESSION of genes rather than a specific one and one of the reasons that it was difficult to locate. The finding is in a rather new field of epigenetics. Here is to hoping that you were honest when you asked for these.

From your own "peer reviewed" article
These words:
most feasibly

Also, the study you are heralding supports based upon the science of epigenetic cause - then there may be an epigenetic “cure”..

I'm still reading..
Oh it absolutely does mean something..It means your big mouth on this forum is NOT the norm- far from it.. and I said roughly 2 - 3% of our population or about 9 million people.. which means you aren't even a silent minority..

Jews and gays...same percentage numbers.

Your point?

Race and sexual orientation have exactly nothing to do with each other. The percentages as compared are as meaningless as me comparing the percentage of gays with the percentage of fir trees in Yosemite – as in nothing.

I wasn't the one that kept posting their percentage of gays there are...as though that had some bearing on the discussion.
You've got people admitting it right here, so yes really. Cheerios ring any bells? It was just a few months ago. Haters gonna hate, but they're the ones gotta learn to deal.

you have people here saying they are against something.....not people saying this stuff does not exist......there is a difference.....

Christ on a fucking raft, I never said that either. I said that they WANT us in the closet, they want to pretend we don't exist.

sorry Jesus wasnt a raft guy....did not need one.....he just walked .....
So no one can explain away Science.. which we all knew in the first place so stop comparing yourselves to a race of people- Blacks, Jews, etc.. stop pretending as if there is a biological marker, "gay" gene and stop DEMANDING as only 2-3% of the entire population to indoctrinate our children with your lies.. to move the Olympics, etc.. No one begrudges the gay community equal protection under the law, ie insurance benefits, etc.. but that wasn't enough for the militant cult.. ENOUGH with the lies.

Bigotry and discrimination remain the same regardless of the target.
Basically the journal submission argues that a mans sexual attraction to a woman can cause epigenetic markers that can pass on to a child if not thoroughly erased- hence the strong mother argument making a son gay..it's old and tired..

"The genome dynamically responds to the environment. Stress, diet, behavior, toxins and other factors activate chemical switches that regulate gene expression"

Epigenetics? - What is Epigenetics? - Epigenome NOE

Still no gay gene.. this is all environmental factors "feasibly" effecting genetic markers..
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The proof always remains in the numbers:
Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

The extremist militant homosexual lobby knows children watch the Disney channel.. they want your kids- early and very young.. Indoctrination is key..

2% of the world's population demand to indoctrinate your children.. 2% of the world's populace demand compliance to their lifestyle ..

Moronic, ignorant, hateful, paranoid nonsense.

There is no ‘extremist militant homosexual lobby,’ unless one considers seeking his civil liberties ‘extremist,’ as one cannot be 'indoctrinated' to be gay.

And the ultimate stupidity of this is the incorrect notion that families with same-sex parents aren’t ‘Disney worthy.’

So says the house "paralegal".

he acts like he is until you ask the asshole a question then he becomes

Basically the journal submission argues that a mans sexual attraction to a woman can cause epigenetic markers can pass on to a child if not thoroughly erased- hence the strong mother argument making a son gay..it's old and tired..

"The genome dynamically responds to the environment. Stress, diet, behavior, toxins and other factors activate chemical switches that regulate gene expression"

Epigenetics? - What is Epigenetics? - Epigenome NOE

Still no gay gene.. this is all environmental factors "feasibly" effecting genetic markers..

So what? WTF does that have to do with Disney showing gay parents (just like in the real world).

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