Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

Whenever one closely looks at the facts regarding librul statistics, etc.. it rarely pans out to be true.. The truth has never been a friend to leftist ideology.. Hell, it had been hidden up until Odumbo took office.. then they felt free to come out of the closet and show the entire world what a bunch of fucking freaks they are.. lol (Leftists in general and their true hidden agenda)

The chart is not wrong because you can't read it properly. The numbers shown were the percentage of gays raising children.
It had better be a religious private school that doesn't allow the kids of gay parents to attend...


Percentage as compared to what???? Being we know there are roughly 9 million people in the United States who are gay, lesbian, transgender- your chart means what????

Being the population of Utah is 2.9 million people, that equates to (ACCORDING to your chart)- 75,400 homosexual people living in Utah alone.. since we know there are only a total of 9 million homosexuals in the entire United States- your chart of 26% of the population raising kids in Utah being Homosexual is BULLSHIT when added to all of the other states and their percentage..

Hell, I knew that from the beginning. Liberals ALWAYS "refer" to charts and stats in an attempt to bolster their feeble argument about everything. Always. They think that if some "pseudo-intellectual" brain trust makes a statement, then it MUST be true. I don't buy that crap for one second.

The chart accurately shows the percentage of gays raising children. Try reading it instead of reacting to LGS 's idiocy.
Jews and gays...same percentage numbers.

Jews are trying to force their religious dogma on to Disney? They're trying to force Judaism to be taught in classrooms to elementary aged school children? Again, what's your point??

Nobody is forcing Disney to accurately portray society...they are choosing to do so...just as if they featured a Jewish family in their programming.

ROFLMAO Bwhahahahahaha Jews in television shows now equate to a TINY percentage, only 9 million people here in the US- who enjoy butt-fucking and carpet munching.. If a child who is born has a mother who is Jewish, they are Jewish.. So let me ask you something dummy.. If you have a child simply being you're a lesbian, would that make your child a lesbian also??? BIOLOGICAL MARKERS.. Try as you might- it will NEVER wash.. Homosexuality is about the sexual act..
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Who is the Williams Institute you may ask?
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public.
Mission | Williams Institute

"A National Think Tank at UCLA Law" ROFL!

Chuck Williams

The Institute was founded in 2001 through a generous grant by businessman, academic, and philanthropist Charles R. “Chuck” Williams. Mr. Williams’ inaugural donation of $2.5 million to create the Williams Institute was the largest donation ever given to any academic institution in support of a gay and lesbian academic program in any discipline. Over the past decade, he has given over $13 million to fund the Institute.
Whenever one closely looks at the facts regarding librul statistics, etc.. it rarely pans out to be true.. The truth has never been a friend to leftist ideology.. Hell, it had been hidden up until Odumbo took office.. then they felt free to come out of the closet and show the entire world what a bunch of fucking freaks they are.. lol (Leftists in general and their true hidden agenda)

Agreed. The leftist "ideology" has always been sort of "hidden" and "kept under wraps" until that clown who occupies the White House was elected. Then, nearly overnight, they went ballistic. It's true. "Nothing lends more credence to a thief than to have another thief applaud".

They are so "accepted" in society that they have had to bring law suits every step of the way in order to force their will on the rest of society by using judicial activists to further their "ideology".

Hollywood, who is so devoid of any moral compass whatsoever, and completely devoid of any principles (except that of money) has taken up their "cause" in order to restock their coffers.

Seriously. Who the hell do they think they are kidding?
Who is the Williams Institute you may ask?
The Williams Institute is dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the public.
Mission | Williams Institute

"A National Think Tank at UCLA Law" ROFL!

Chuck Williams

The Institute was founded in 2001 through a generous grant by businessman, academic, and philanthropist Charles R. “Chuck” Williams. Mr. Williams’ inaugural donation of $2.5 million to create the Williams Institute was the largest donation ever given to any academic institution in support of a gay and lesbian academic program in any discipline. Over the past decade, he has given over $13 million to fund the Institute.

Like I said - no one has ever heard of them. Just another left wing propaganda outfit.
Where are any national peer reviewed studies from this Gay think tank in the basement of the UCLA Law dept?
How do two homosexual men or two homosexual women produce and procreate children? Genetics, right? Where's the science on that?
Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

This makes me sick. Why? Why Disney? Money?

In a move that’s being described as chasing “the whims of political correctness,” the Disney Channel reportedly will feature a “married” lesbian couple on a popular kids sitcom in the coming season.

“It’s a disappointment to millions of Americans that Disney would choose to become a groundbreaker in immorality,” commented Movieguide, the organization headed by Christian media critic Ted Baehr. “New concepts of morality have had a very negative impact on marriage, families, and children.”

Movieguide said that instead of “becoming a leader in political correctness, we encourage Disney to hold on to their title as the leader in good, fun and wholesome.”

TV Guide reports the lesbian characters will appear on an episode of “Good Luck Charlie.”
The series, which debuted in 2010, will be canceled after the current fourth season. New episodes, however, will be rolling out through early 2014.

“Good Luck Charlie” stars Bridgit Mendler as Teddy, the second oldest sibling of the Denver-based Duncan family. Jason Dolley plays her older brother P.J., Bradley Steven Perry her younger brother Gabe, Mia Talerico the titular toddler Charlie (short for Charlotte), Logan Moreau is new baby brother Toby and Leigh-Allyn Baker and Eric Allan Kramer play their parents Amy and Bob.

In the lesbian storyline, preschooler Charlie’s parents set up a play date with one of her new friends. When the child arrives, the Duncans learn that Charlie’s pal has two moms.

“The potential new friendship is put to the test as one mom chats with Amy, and the other is stuck listening to Bob’s dull stories,” reported TV Guide.


Disney Corp / ABC, etc....has always been a big supporter of the gay community.
Disneyworld/Land has gay Pride Week and Disney was also one of the first big companies to extend benefits to gay employees' 'partners
We let Leftists get away with the crux of the argument.. we stopped fighting back with FACTS just to shut them up thinking.. ok, just give them equal rights and they will live quietly like other Americans.. but it's never enough.. They are a radical cult with an agenda of indoctrinating our kids.. so let's get back to the basics of the TRUTH.. If a Jewish mother has a son or daughter, that child is Jewish.. If Lesbian, who has to go outside of their own relationship to have a baby needing a man, has a child, is that child automatically a Lesbian?
Where are Jews demanding their religious dogma to be taught in schools, indoctrinating kids?? To be prevalent amongst television- shows with Judaism included, movies..??? WHERE???? WHERE IS IT???
And if the homosexual radicals claim a genetic predisposition, what does that say about evolutionary science? Would any of us be here today? How would Darwinism, survival of the fittest even be considered amongst the Homosexual Community? For a group of people who promote a Godless society, one of those theories has to be wrong.. You either believe in evolution or a gay gene? Which is it?
Allow me to suggest to the radical minority of homosexuals that when force feeding your indoctrination, try actually being honest..
I'm sorry.. I can't hear anyone from the Left and their explanation of Darwinism and the gay gene? Where are the historical studies showing homosexual couples using surrogates to procreate because that's the only way this "race" of people could have survived unless a magical amoeba dwarfed in to a homosexual in the late 18th century or so?
I'm sorry.. I can't hear anyone from the Left and their explanation of Darwinism and the gay gene? Where are the historical studies showing homosexual couples using surrogates to procreate because that's the only way this "race" of people could have survived unless a magical amoeba dwarfed in to a homosexual in the late 18th century or so?

Well, right there is the absolute bottom line. Gays can NOT survive WITHOUT NORMAL people. Just not possible.

I'll be expecting a rousing "Thank You" from the gay and lesbian faction on this forum! :lol:
I'm sorry.. I can't hear anyone from the Left and their explanation of Darwinism and the gay gene? Where are the historical studies showing homosexual couples using surrogates to procreate because that's the only way this "race" of people could have survived unless a magical amoeba dwarfed in to a homosexual in the late 18th century or so?

Well, right there is the absolute bottom line. Gays can NOT survive WITHOUT NORMAL people. Just not possible.

I'll be expecting a rousing "Thank You" from the gay and lesbian faction on this forum! :lol:

They are no where to be found as usual when FACTS begin to destroy their propaganda campaign.
Would you support Bodey or Seawicht being surrogate mothers? Both seem like caring humans, while you come across as an uncaring bigot.
Come on.. bring it.. I'm right here.. It's taking rather long to force your chunky leftist nubbins to google Darwinism and homosexuality.. ROFLMAO

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