Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

The proof always remains in the numbers:
Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

The extremist militant homosexual lobby knows children watch the Disney channel.. they want your kids- early and very young.. Indoctrination is key..

2% of the world's population demand to indoctrinate your children.. 2% of the world's populace demand compliance to their lifestyle ..

The Jewish population of the United States is?

Is it now your assertion that Jewish folks are ALL homosexual? Damn! Mel Gibson no longer works in Hollywood for stating less.....................:cuckoo:

Oh and by the way...who the hell is the "Williams Institute"? Some gay rights advocacy group? Never heard of 'em.
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Taken from the above article: Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Nicolosi said good storytelling requires a moral framework and that Christians have an opportunity to make a difference, because Hollywood “is out of good stories and knows it. There’s a reason there are so many Bible epics in the works right now.”

But Christian involvement in Hollywood means sacrifice, Nicolosi emphasized. She said Hollywood’s culture is not friendly toward people who want to marry and have families — a major reason why homosexuals have tended to thrive in Hollywood and Christians have left a vacuum.

“This business is extremely dominating. It becomes your whole life. You work ridiculous hours,” she said. “But we’re not going to get anywhere culturally unless we do for God what the pagans do for money.”

If that doesn't tell you all you will ever need to know about "Hollyweird", then there is no hope. No wonder Mel Gibson went off on that "culture".

Oh, and Hollywood has been "out of good stories" for the past 20 years. The only thing that Hollywood "wants" from Christians is to feed them to the lions. The "Bible Epics" are, for the most part, being made by Independents, However, make no mistake about it. Once Hollywood has finished with the gays, and they are running low on cash, they will, once again, co-opt Christianity, as they did in the 50s and early 60s. So enjoy it now perverts. You'll be old news, soon enough
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It's too bad 99.9% of lesbian couples don't look like that. I'm sure Bodey would be happy to share her picture with us?
The proof always remains in the numbers:
Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

The extremist militant homosexual lobby knows children watch the Disney channel.. they want your kids- early and very young.. Indoctrination is key..

2% of the world's population demand to indoctrinate your children.. 2% of the world's populace demand compliance to their lifestyle ..

The Jewish population of the United States is?

Do you have a relevant point? What does the population of Jews in the US have to do with dykes and dude love?
Where is it said that children are forced to watch that show?

And whether you like it or not, a large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies. :D

That's complete and utter BS and you know it. I don't know what "school" your children go to - please enlighten us. My kids are no longer in the communist school system and I pay for my GrandChildren to go to private school, but I'm sure that folks here would LOVE to know which school they go to so they might avoid it like the plague.......

It had better be a religious private school that doesn't allow the kids of gay parents to attend...


Percentage as compared to what???? Being we know there are roughly 9 million people in the United States who are gay, lesbian, transgender- your chart means what????

Being the population of Utah is 2.9 million people, that equates to (ACCORDING to your chart)- 75,400 homosexual people living in Utah alone.. since we know there are only a total of 9 million homosexuals in the entire United States- your chart of 26% of the population raising kids in Utah being Homosexual is BULLSHIT when added to all of the other states and their percentage..
The proof always remains in the numbers:
Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

The extremist militant homosexual lobby knows children watch the Disney channel.. they want your kids- early and very young.. Indoctrination is key..

2% of the world's population demand to indoctrinate your children.. 2% of the world's populace demand compliance to their lifestyle ..

The Jewish population of the United States is?

Is it now your assertion that Jewish folks are ALL homosexual? Damn! Mel Gibson no longer works in Hollywood for stating less.....................:cuckoo:

Oh and by the way...who the hell is the "Williams Institute"? Some gay rights advocacy group? Never heard of 'em.

Not what I said. LGS keeps tossing around 2% like it means something. That's the US Jewish population, BTW, 2%.

They used Census data. Unless you raise your kids in a bubble, they're going to get "the gay" on them. :eek:

It's too bad 99.9% of lesbian couples don't look like that. I'm sure Bodey would be happy to share her picture with us?

Yeah...why is it that lesbians are always depicted looking like supermodels....yet when you actually meet them, they look like lumberjacks??

Kind of like gay men. My Wife (God love her) went goo goo over Ricky Martin. Thought he was da bomb. I asked her one day - "Sweetie, you know he's a fag, right?"

She got madder than a hornet "NO he's NOT!!" Months go by, Martin "stumbles" out of the closet - like we all didn't know - and announces he's Gay.

My Wife was depressed for a week.........
The proof always remains in the numbers:
Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

The extremist militant homosexual lobby knows children watch the Disney channel.. they want your kids- early and very young.. Indoctrination is key..

2% of the world's population demand to indoctrinate your children.. 2% of the world's populace demand compliance to their lifestyle ..

Moronic, ignorant, hateful, paranoid nonsense.

There is no ‘extremist militant homosexual lobby,’ unless one considers seeking his civil liberties ‘extremist,’ as one cannot be 'indoctrinated' to be gay.

And the ultimate stupidity of this is the incorrect notion that families with same-sex parents aren’t ‘Disney worthy.’
That's complete and utter BS and you know it. I don't know what "school" your children go to - please enlighten us. My kids are no longer in the communist school system and I pay for my GrandChildren to go to private school, but I'm sure that folks here would LOVE to know which school they go to so they might avoid it like the plague.......

It had better be a religious private school that doesn't allow the kids of gay parents to attend...


Percentage as compared to what???? Being we know there are roughly 9 million people in the United States who are gay, lesbian, transgender- your chart means what????

Being the population of Utah is 2.9 million people, that equates to (ACCORDING to your chart)- 75,400 homosexual people living in Utah alone.. since we know there are only a total of 9 million homosexuals in the entire United States- your chart of 26% of the population raising kids in Utah being Homosexual is BULLSHIT when added to all of the other states and their percentage..

It means that our kids are going to school with your kids...in ever increasing numbers.
The Jewish population of the United States is?

Is it now your assertion that Jewish folks are ALL homosexual? Damn! Mel Gibson no longer works in Hollywood for stating less.....................:cuckoo:

Oh and by the way...who the hell is the "Williams Institute"? Some gay rights advocacy group? Never heard of 'em.

Not what I said. LGS keeps tossing around 2% like it means something. That's the US Jewish population, BTW, 2%.

They used Census data. Unless you raise your kids in a bubble, they're going to get "the gay" on them. :eek:

Oh it absolutely does mean something..It means your big mouth on this forum is NOT the norm- far from it.. and I said roughly 2 - 3% of our population or about 9 million people.. which means you aren't even a silent minority..
It had better be a religious private school that doesn't allow the kids of gay parents to attend...


Percentage as compared to what???? Being we know there are roughly 9 million people in the United States who are gay, lesbian, transgender- your chart means what????

Being the population of Utah is 2.9 million people, that equates to (ACCORDING to your chart)- 75,400 homosexual people living in Utah alone.. since we know there are only a total of 9 million homosexuals in the entire United States- your chart of 26% of the population raising kids in Utah being Homosexual is BULLSHIT when added to all of the other states and their percentage..

It means that our kids are going to school with your kids...in ever increasing numbers.

LMFAO Yea ok.. I love how you and your radical cult inflate numbers to try and create some kind of perception that the homosexual population is increasing in major percentages by leap and bounds..
Is it now your assertion that Jewish folks are ALL homosexual? Damn! Mel Gibson no longer works in Hollywood for stating less.....................:cuckoo:

Oh and by the way...who the hell is the "Williams Institute"? Some gay rights advocacy group? Never heard of 'em.

Not what I said. LGS keeps tossing around 2% like it means something. That's the US Jewish population, BTW, 2%.

They used Census data. Unless you raise your kids in a bubble, they're going to get "the gay" on them. :eek:

Oh it absolutely does mean something..It means your big mouth on this forum is NOT the norm- far from it.. and I said roughly 2 - 3% of our population or about 9 million people.. which means you aren't even a silent minority..

Jews and gays...same percentage numbers.
That's complete and utter BS and you know it. I don't know what "school" your children go to - please enlighten us. My kids are no longer in the communist school system and I pay for my GrandChildren to go to private school, but I'm sure that folks here would LOVE to know which school they go to so they might avoid it like the plague.......

It had better be a religious private school that doesn't allow the kids of gay parents to attend...


Percentage as compared to what???? Being we know there are roughly 9 million people in the United States who are gay, lesbian, transgender- your chart means what????

Being the population of Utah is 2.9 million people, that equates to (ACCORDING to your chart)- 75,400 homosexual people living in Utah alone.. since we know there are only a total of 9 million homosexuals in the entire United States- your chart of 26% of the population raising kids in Utah being Homosexual is BULLSHIT when added to all of the other states and their percentage..

Hell, I knew that from the beginning. Liberals ALWAYS "refer" to charts and stats in an attempt to bolster their feeble argument about everything. Always. They think that if some "pseudo-intellectual" brain trust makes a statement, then it MUST be true. I don't buy that crap for one second.
The proof always remains in the numbers:
Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

The extremist militant homosexual lobby knows children watch the Disney channel.. they want your kids- early and very young.. Indoctrination is key..

2% of the world's population demand to indoctrinate your children.. 2% of the world's populace demand compliance to their lifestyle ..

Moronic, ignorant, hateful, paranoid nonsense.

There is no ‘extremist militant homosexual lobby,’ unless one considers seeking his civil liberties ‘extremist,’ as one cannot be 'indoctrinated' to be gay.

And the ultimate stupidity of this is the incorrect notion that families with same-sex parents aren’t ‘Disney worthy.’

According to the extreme radical homosexual cult, it's moronic and ignorant to show statistical FACTS which completely wipes out their utter BULLSHIT and propaganda campaign..
The proof always remains in the numbers:
Hollywood?s ?Gay Culture? Reshaping America | Daily News | NCRegister.com

The extremist militant homosexual lobby knows children watch the Disney channel.. they want your kids- early and very young.. Indoctrination is key..

2% of the world's population demand to indoctrinate your children.. 2% of the world's populace demand compliance to their lifestyle ..

Moronic, ignorant, hateful, paranoid nonsense.

There is no ‘extremist militant homosexual lobby,’ unless one considers seeking his civil liberties ‘extremist,’ as one cannot be 'indoctrinated' to be gay.

And the ultimate stupidity of this is the incorrect notion that families with same-sex parents aren’t ‘Disney worthy.’

So says the house "paralegal".
Not what I said. LGS keeps tossing around 2% like it means something. That's the US Jewish population, BTW, 2%.

They used Census data. Unless you raise your kids in a bubble, they're going to get "the gay" on them. :eek:

Oh it absolutely does mean something..It means your big mouth on this forum is NOT the norm- far from it.. and I said roughly 2 - 3% of our population or about 9 million people.. which means you aren't even a silent minority..

Jews and gays...same percentage numbers.

Jews are trying to force their religious dogma on to Disney? They're trying to force Judaism to be taught in classrooms to elementary aged school children? Again, what's your point??
Whenever one closely looks at the facts regarding librul statistics, etc.. it rarely pans out to be true.. The truth has never been a friend to leftist ideology.. Hell, it had been hidden up until Odumbo took office.. then they felt free to come out of the closet and show the entire world what a bunch of fucking freaks they are.. lol (Leftists in general and their true hidden agenda)
Oh it absolutely does mean something..It means your big mouth on this forum is NOT the norm- far from it.. and I said roughly 2 - 3% of our population or about 9 million people.. which means you aren't even a silent minority..

Jews and gays...same percentage numbers.

Jews are trying to force their religious dogma on to Disney? They're trying to force Judaism to be taught in classrooms to elementary aged school children? Again, what's your point??

Nobody is forcing Disney to accurately portray society...they are choosing to do so...just as if they featured a Jewish family in their programming.

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