Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.

I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...

That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.

That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.
Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.

WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Who is forcing them? Neilson?

Gay people DO exist and we DO have families. You can't wish us into the cornfields by pretending we don't.

So do pedophiles. I wouldn't want kids watching shows that glorify them either.
Where is it said that children are forced to watch that show?

And whether you like it or not, a large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies. :D

It's a children's show. Children are going to watch it.
But your point is well taken and if people object they need to contact the advertisers and tell them why they wont be buying their products after they turn off that particular show.

You don't have control over what your children watch? I see a problem right there.
None of us do anymore. We're idiots if we think we do. Our kids go over to their friends houses. Our kids go to public places. They go to grandma and grandpa's and to relatives or the babysitters. There are TV's EVERY where now. I remember when it happened. Just as soon as they were slim enough to hang on a wall.

Now, I go to the doctor's office, there is one there. Used to be, my son would read a book while we waited. . . forget that, he's watching Disney now. Now there is one at nearly every Restaurant. . . unless you can afford a four or five star joint. They are above the cash registers at stores, so people have something to do while they wait in line. They are at the hospital. The are at the DMZ, the CPS, the courthouse waiting areas. Hell, I even saw one in the lobby of the LIBRARY, and in the children's area. THE GODDAMNED LIBRARY!!!!!

Now. . . I don't have a TV. No cable, no Satellite. Seems to only place I can escape it, is, well, at home. Fucking worthless propaganda machines, making useless idiots of everyone, everywhere, all time. That's why they call it "PROGRAMMING!"

Yeah, I see the same problem.

And BTW, Large percentage? In my school district, there is not a single child, NOT ONE, no single household, no children are being raised in a family with two mom's or two dad's. HOW "large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies," can there really be? How about you qualify that absurd unsubstantiated statement. In fact, there are MORE children in my school district being raised by DISABLED parents, and POOR parents, than being raised by HOMOSEXUALS, but I don't see PERVERT PROPAGANDWOOD rushing to making accurate portrayals on their shows. I tell my kid all the time, that is why DISNEY sucks. None of their shows ever show truly broken homes, or families on aid because people can't find work. The only kids that are "cool" and "hip" are families that have slick advertising jobs, or media broadcasting jobs, or sports jobs, or education jobs, or hell, JOBS at all. But you know, they always live in consumerist families. Families that spend money and buy lots of shit to be cool. That is what they all have in common.
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If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.

I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...

JC Penney is continuing to battle with bankruptcy, after they dropped Ellen Degenerate as spokes person and apologized for it.

No one has to call for a boycott. No one should. Millions of people "boycott" without ever saying so.
If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.

A Disney boycott......why does that sound familiar? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. :lol:
I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...

That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.

That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.

It was amusing watching people "protest" by stuffing their faces with pricey (for what you get) grease and fat. :D
WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Who is forcing them? Neilson?

Gay people DO exist and we DO have families. You can't wish us into the cornfields by pretending we don't.

So do pedophiles. I wouldn't want kids watching shows that glorify them either.

Another RWr who does not know the difference between law-abiding, tax-paying citizens and criminals.
That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.

That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.

It was amusing watching people "protest" by stuffing their faces with pricey (for what you get) grease and fat. :D

Solely because of the called for boycott of Chick Fil A I went there for the first time. I had a grilled sandwich. Nicely grilled, no fat, no grease. It was delicious. It turned me into a regular visitor so I have something to thank gays for.
Who is forcing them? Neilson?

Gay people DO exist and we DO have families. You can't wish us into the cornfields by pretending we don't.

So do pedophiles. I wouldn't want kids watching shows that glorify them either.

Another RWr who does not know the difference between law-abiding, tax-paying citizens and criminals.

Gays were criminals too at one point. All it takes is the stroke of a pen.
That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.

That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.

It was amusing watching people "protest" by stuffing their faces with pricey (for what you get) grease and fat. :D

Only because you want to ignore the overall ramification of that move.

It essentially cemented the fact that openly opposing gay marriage was completely acceptable. You did notice that were essentially the last national attack on people that opposed the measure, right? I don’t recall anything hitting that scale again though there were smaller mentions all over the place.
DAD: Listen, son, God hates fags. They are pure evil.

SON: I just saw a couple of them on TV.

DAD: Fucking Disney! Undermining my hate like that. Jesus H. Christ!

Here's some dialogue for the next episode:

8yr old boy: Sir, why do you look so sick?
Bruce: Oh I have AIDS.
Boy: How did you get AIDS?
Bruce: I got my ass fucked by 5 guys I never met before in a bathhouse.
Boy: Did you call the police?
Bruce: Police? Hell, I paid for that!

:lol: You're actually telling the truth here.. but that doesn't sit well with the Homosexual lobby..

Here's a poll done this past January regarding the gay community in NY..
Gay Sex and The City. (The 2011 Poll Results) | OutSpokenNYC
That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.

That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.

It was amusing watching people "protest" by stuffing their faces with pricey (for what you get) grease and fat. :D

It's amusing to see how bigoted you are over people, places and food that don't subscribe to your point of view. Not very tolerant, yet you expect others to be.
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The radical lesbian brigade on this site which consists of two dykes basically isn't indicative of the gay community as a whole.. Most want to just live their lives , share and be entitled to the same things hetero couples have.. I have no issue with that what so ever.. What I take issue with is militant dykes like Bodey and Wytchey who turn everything in to a political football..
Is this REALLY an issue?

It is to the people that want gays to stay in the closet and act straight in public. They don't want to even admit we have families, let alone portray them on television. Television is supposed to be their fantasyland where the races don't mix and gays don't have kids.

really?.....since just about every show has different races on it and many now have gays as part of the cast......i dont think that statement holds any water....at least thats the way TV is where i am at.....
Here is the breakdown of the worldwide populace of homosexuals.. Almost every country shows between 1% - 3% of the entire population being gay - With the US showing 3.8% of the entire population.
ow many gay people are there in the United States?
The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, a sexual orientation law and public policy think tank, estimates that 9 million (about 3.8%) of Americans identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (2011). The institute also found that bisexuals make up 1.8% of the population, while 1.7% are gay or lesbian. Transgender adults make up 0.3% of the population.
The Gay Population - Gay Population Statistics In The United States
Demographics of sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet one would think with the constant moaning, whining, biatching, demands .. that the majority of the world was gay.. WHY IS IT? Because this site attracts the extreme left and is NOT representative of the actual true demographics.. Because the librul media have an agenda.. It's all lies.. The statistics show it's nothing but lies.
I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...

That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.

That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.

You have a point here, I was surprised how people rallied around Chick-a-Fil, I think they hit record sales and probably wanting more publicity like they had.

If RW radio starts talking about it, it could gain momentum and that could force Disney to change.
That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.

That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.

You have a point here, I was surprised how people rallied around Chick-a-Fil, I think they hit record sales and probably wanting more publicity like they had.

If RW radio starts talking about it, it could gain momentum and that could force Disney to change.

It is possible but I am not so sure that you are going to see a big result in this matter like the chick-fil-a because there is a stark difference here. The one incident was directly involved with being able to speak about your religious convictions whereas this is only exposure. I think there are a lot fewer people that feel strongly that no one should be exposed in any manner to gay’s period over the fact that you have a natural right to express your opinion. I, for one, could care less about a lesbian on television where I DO care about the idea that you can publically declare what you firmly believe without repercussion.

It is also worthy to note that many people that would be against this strong enough to ban the channel/movies likely already have their children banned from television anyway considering there are many other themes and things that are fed into these shows that are far worse than a lesbian couple.
Is this REALLY an issue?

It is to the people that want gays to stay in the closet and act straight in public. They don't want to even admit we have families, let alone portray them on television. Television is supposed to be their fantasyland where the races don't mix and gays don't have kids.

really?.....since just about every show has different races on it and many now have gays as part of the cast......i dont think that statement holds any water....at least thats the way TV is where i am at.....

You've got people admitting it right here, so yes really. Cheerios ring any bells? It was just a few months ago. Haters gonna hate, but they're the ones gotta learn to deal.

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