Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

Oh no!!! Disney is showing an accurate reflection of societies families?!? Oh my god, this is just like when they show interracial couples. Abomination!!!!

I hate this thread with a passion because of the Missed Point being knocked out of the Missed Point Ballpark, yet again. However, this post needs to be addressed.

How do YOU know what "accurate reflection" Disney is going to present in the episode? Accurate by whose account? Some writer at Disney is going to present what to Disney watching kids? Hence that is MY job. If some on tv or a movie is questionable for age specification, I preview so I can veto it if it's not age appropriate or be ahead of it if there is something in there I need explain.

That is not DISNEY'S job. The show in question is a funny young "sitcom". We watch it together or not. I don't monitor it.

It's pointless to put this in that show. What's the point? Further... have you seen the episode or their "accuracy" on kids?

It's Disney. Not Discovery Channel.

Sorry Walt. They screwed up your vision.

Disney created the same-sex couple to add diversity to the show and include children who grow up in similar homes, the site said.

"Like all Disney Channel programming, it was developed to be relevant to kids and families around the world and to reflect themes of diversity and inclusiveness,” said a Disney Channel spokesperson.


Same sex parent households ARE an "accurate reflection of societies families" whether you like it or not. Your kids go to the same schools as the kids of same sex parents. Over a million children are being raised in same sex parent households.
Is this REALLY an issue?

It is to the people that want gays to stay in the closet and act straight in public. They don't want to even admit we have families, let alone portray them on television. Television is supposed to be their fantasyland where the races don't mix and gays don't have kids.

I missed the part where they had to watch these shows.
DAD: Listen, son, God hates fags. They are pure evil.

SON: I just saw a couple of them on TV.

DAD: Fucking Disney! Undermining my hate like that. Jesus H. Christ!

Here's some dialogue for the next episode:

8yr old boy: Sir, why do you look so sick?
Bruce: Oh I have AIDS.
Boy: How did you get AIDS?
Bruce: I got my ass fucked by 5 guys I never met before in a bathhouse.
Boy: Did you call the police?
Bruce: Police? Hell, I paid for that!
Is this REALLY an issue?

It is to the people that want gays to stay in the closet and act straight in public. They don't want to even admit we have families, let alone portray them on television. Television is supposed to be their fantasyland where the races don't mix and gays don't have kids.

I missed the part where they had to watch these shows.

Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.
It is to the people that want gays to stay in the closet and act straight in public. They don't want to even admit we have families, let alone portray them on television. Television is supposed to be their fantasyland where the races don't mix and gays don't have kids.

I missed the part where they had to watch these shows.

Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.

WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?
I missed the part where they had to watch these shows.

Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.

WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Where is it said that children are forced to watch that show?

And whether you like it or not, a large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies. :D
Never said it did just as my neighbors that are religious do not make any excuses for believing that the lifestyle is a sin.

I was the one that said such belief has nothing to do with hate or dislike considering ALL are sinners. I have no problem with your faith and its views on gay people as long as you do not tray and legislate that belief on the rest of us (something that I have not seen you attempt).

The idea of SIN has to do with religion. In America, you cannot force your religious ideology on others; you get to live by your religious or spiritual beliefs and must allow others to do the same. That's what America is all about,.

We're talking about something Disney is supposedly doing and people of faith saying they don't like it. So what? I'm not religious, but I have no problem with religious people going on line and saying something about it. I have seen nothing in this thread that suggests people are saying Disney should be legislated against doing it. Have you?

It is indicative of the far left idiots here. They see someone disagree with something and BAM – the automatic assumption is that the individual is just like them and is demanding that nanny government and come over to help regulate the activity into nothing. Really, it’s not much different than the far right though that sees anything presented about religion and immediately assumes that their beliefs are under assault.
Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.

WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Where is it said that children are forced to watch that show?

And whether you like it or not, a large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies. :D

It's a children's show. Children are going to watch it.
But your point is well taken and if people object they need to contact the advertisers and tell them why they wont be buying their products after they turn off that particular show.
And some parents will just block the show. That's the reality. It will go the way of all the other shows dedicated to social change. Then there will be no explanations necessary.
WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Where is it said that children are forced to watch that show?

And whether you like it or not, a large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies. :D

It's a children's show. Children are going to watch it.
But your point is well taken and if people object they need to contact the advertisers and tell them why they wont be buying their products after they turn off that particular show.

You don't have control over what your children watch? I see a problem right there.
If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.
I missed the part where they had to watch these shows.

Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.

WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Who is forcing them? Neilson?

Gay people DO exist and we DO have families. You can't wish us into the cornfields by pretending we don't.
If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.

I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...
If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.

I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...

That's what I think I said, it didn't work going up against Limbaugh or Chick-a-Fil, they came out a lot better. So, unless it is loud, it won't work. Disney doesn't need ratings for it to work, however if it gets organized and Disney sees an effect on other revenue streams, then it could work.
Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.

WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Who is forcing them? Neilson?

Gay people DO exist and we DO have families. You can't wish us into the cornfields by pretending we don't.

We can stop pretending they are normal families. They are an aberration. They are not role models and should not be portrayed as something to emulate. It's called guiding children.

There was a time when a great deal of pressure was put on the children's entertainment industry to get violent cartoons off the air. No more Elmer Fudd blasting away at the wabbit. This is the same thing. Guide children away from the normalcy of same sex relationships and considering them no different than their own Mom and Dad. These portrayals are social engineering. They can do it to their own children, with the appropriate rating given. This show deserves an R at least.

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