Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

It is to the people that want gays to stay in the closet and act straight in public. They don't want to even admit we have families, let alone portray them on television. Television is supposed to be their fantasyland where the races don't mix and gays don't have kids.

really?.....since just about every show has different races on it and many now have gays as part of the cast......i dont think that statement holds any water....at least thats the way TV is where i am at.....

You've got people admitting it right here, so yes really. Cheerios ring any bells? It was just a few months ago. Haters gonna hate, but they're the ones gotta learn to deal.

There are many shows that mix races, include gays and on and on, so TV is not the escape you claim.
So now we see that the worldwide gay population when added together represents about 2% of the entire world.. 2 FUCKING PERCENT and yet the 2 big mouths here and their leftist comrades want you to believe otherwise. DON'T BUY IN TO THE PROPAGANDA.
It's not a mom and mom. It's a mom and her lesbian fuck partner.

How do you walk around with so much hate inside you?

How do you walk around with so much cultural destruction/lesbian approval in you?

I hate things that are destroying our culture, and God is clear that lesbianism is a sign of the lack of God's presence, and so I agree with saying it like it is as Katzndogz did.

Oh you mean "God" as depicted and personified in the man-made bible -- man-made mythology attempting to explain/understand the infinite.

Well the "God" character in that story also said shellfish were an Abomination along with mixed-threads and pagan practices (like wedding bands)

Why do today's modern "christians" get to cherry-pick which abominations they accept and which they abhor?
So now we see that the worldwide gay population when added together represents about 2% of the entire world.. 2 FUCKING PERCENT and yet the 2 big mouths here and their leftist comrades want you to believe otherwise. DON'T BUY IN TO THE PROPAGANDA.


I thought Disney said this was "relevant" and I was all geared up for The Talk. :cool:
If you boycott the advertisers and Disney itself, and you get enough to jump on the bandwagon, you could force the show off the air.

Be loud, be vocal, have people let Disney know that if you are planning a trip there, that because of the show you are changing your mind.

I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'm not sure how vocal the group trying to take down Limbaugh was, but that failed miserably and so did the Chick-a-Fil boycott.

We'll see where this all takes us.

I'm sure the "Million Moms" (three women that meet for coffee) will get right on it. They did so well with JC Penney, Ben and Jerry's, Ellen...

JC Penney is continuing to battle with bankruptcy, after they dropped Ellen Degenerate as spokes person and apologized for it.

No one has to call for a boycott. No one should. Millions of people "boycott" without ever saying so.
What a load of bull your post is.......:lol: Prove they've even dropped Ellen.
That is because the anti-gay groups are a LOT more responsive and principled than the gay advocacy groups. When they went up against Chick-a-Fil I think that was demonstrated pretty resoundingly. Personally, I believe this is because most gays simply do not care as long as they maintain equal RIGHTS they are less concerned about bigotry. That is going to die on its own and forcing the issue does nothing to help the problem. The other side, however, is practicing religious beliefs, something that many hold very dear and it certainly brings them out.

It was amusing watching people "protest" by stuffing their faces with pricey (for what you get) grease and fat. :D

It's amusing to see how bigoted you are over people, places and food that don't subscribe to your point of view. Not very tolerant, yet you expect others to be.

Go have another greasy chicken sandwich....you'll feel better.
The radical lesbian brigade on this site which consists of two dykes basically isn't indicative of the gay community as a whole.. Most want to just live their lives , share and be entitled to the same things hetero couples have.. I have no issue with that what so ever.. What I take issue with is militant dykes like Bodey and Wytchey who turn everything in to a political football..
Both of us have been happily married for decades and our kids were raised in loving two parent households. :D. I consider that a good thing. Many straights can't seem to manage that yet try to look down their noses at us. It's pretty funny.
Hollywood inundates our children with the gay agenda.. Only 2% worldwide population and yet even before the radical and militant extremist LGBT activists really ramped up, we see television was soaked with the homosexual agenda:
List of American television episodes with LGBT themes, 1990?1997 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Correct. I don't (as a rule) watch much television. However, I have noticed that when I do sit these old bones down to watch a show or two, it seems like now, nearly every show (and I realize that is a bit of an exaggeration) has either two Moms or two Dads or a "boyfriend-boyfriend or girlfriend-girlfriend" thing going on.

I tried to watch the beginning of the Stephen King show "The Dome". Not only was there two Moms - but one was black and one was white. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the theme of the show, but apparently the network thought it would be a good idea to throw it in. Never read King's book so I don't know if it was "going along with the book" or not.

Your point of gays being less than 2% of the population yet are represented like they are 49% of the population is not lost here. Once the left get's on one of it's crusades - and Hollywood gets behind it - it's pretty much game over. It is indoctrination to the max.

These are the days that make me happy to be 68 years old.
So now we see that the worldwide gay population when added together represents about 2% of the entire world.. 2 FUCKING PERCENT and yet the 2 big mouths here and their leftist comrades want you to believe otherwise. DON'T BUY IN TO THE PROPAGANDA.

if its at 2% then how is it a danger to society? how do they have that much affect on the population?
Apparently one person is pissed because they let their kids watch the show...it's one of their faves. Now they're upset because they may have to explain that some families have Mommies and Daddies, some have Mommies and Mommies and some have Daddies and Daddies.

WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Where is it said that children are forced to watch that show?

And whether you like it or not, a large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies. :D

That's complete and utter BS and you know it. I don't know what "school" your children go to - please enlighten us. My kids are no longer in the communist school system and I pay for my GrandChildren to go to private school, but I'm sure that folks here would LOVE to know which school they go to so they might avoid it like the plague.......
really?.....since just about every show has different races on it and many now have gays as part of the cast......i dont think that statement holds any water....at least thats the way TV is where i am at.....

You've got people admitting it right here, so yes really. Cheerios ring any bells? It was just a few months ago. Haters gonna hate, but they're the ones gotta learn to deal.

There are many shows that mix races, include gays and on and on, so TV is not the escape you claim.

When did I claim that there weren't any mixed race or gay couples on TV?

All I said is that the haters don't want to see an accurate reflection of society on Disney. (or a mixed race kid on a Cheerios commercial)
It is to the people that want gays to stay in the closet and act straight in public. They don't want to even admit we have families, let alone portray them on television. Television is supposed to be their fantasyland where the races don't mix and gays don't have kids.

really?.....since just about every show has different races on it and many now have gays as part of the cast......i dont think that statement holds any water....at least thats the way TV is where i am at.....

You've got people admitting it right here, so yes really. Cheerios ring any bells? It was just a few months ago. Haters gonna hate, but they're the ones gotta learn to deal.

you have people here saying they are against something.....not people saying this stuff does not exist......there is a difference.....
WHy should children be forced to learn that some people can't get it straight?

Where is it said that children are forced to watch that show?

And whether you like it or not, a large percentage of children are going to school with someone who has two mommies or two daddies. :D

That's complete and utter BS and you know it. I don't know what "school" your children go to - please enlighten us. My kids are no longer in the communist school system and I pay for my GrandChildren to go to private school, but I'm sure that folks here would LOVE to know which school they go to so they might avoid it like the plague.......

It had better be a religious private school that doesn't allow the kids of gay parents to attend...

really?.....since just about every show has different races on it and many now have gays as part of the cast......i dont think that statement holds any water....at least thats the way TV is where i am at.....

You've got people admitting it right here, so yes really. Cheerios ring any bells? It was just a few months ago. Haters gonna hate, but they're the ones gotta learn to deal.

you have people here saying they are against something.....not people saying this stuff does not exist......there is a difference.....

Christ on a fucking raft, I never said that either. I said that they WANT us in the closet, they want to pretend we don't exist.

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