Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

Darwinism and the new science of epigenetics -ONCE MORE cannot coexist.. the so called epigenetic migration of feasibility would suggest that Darwin is incorrect..
Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

This makes me sick. Why? Why Disney? Money?

In a move that’s being described as chasing “the whims of political correctness,” the Disney Channel reportedly will feature a “married” lesbian couple on a popular kids sitcom in the coming season.

“It’s a disappointment to millions of Americans that Disney would choose to become a groundbreaker in immorality,” commented Movieguide, the organization headed by Christian media critic Ted Baehr. “New concepts of morality have had a very negative impact on marriage, families, and children.”

Movieguide said that instead of “becoming a leader in political correctness, we encourage Disney to hold on to their title as the leader in good, fun and wholesome.”

TV Guide reports the lesbian characters will appear on an episode of “Good Luck Charlie.”
The series, which debuted in 2010, will be canceled after the current fourth season. New episodes, however, will be rolling out through early 2014.

“Good Luck Charlie” stars Bridgit Mendler as Teddy, the second oldest sibling of the Denver-based Duncan family. Jason Dolley plays her older brother P.J., Bradley Steven Perry her younger brother Gabe, Mia Talerico the titular toddler Charlie (short for Charlotte), Logan Moreau is new baby brother Toby and Leigh-Allyn Baker and Eric Allan Kramer play their parents Amy and Bob.

In the lesbian storyline, preschooler Charlie’s parents set up a play date with one of her new friends. When the child arrives, the Duncans learn that Charlie’s pal has two moms.

“The potential new friendship is put to the test as one mom chats with Amy, and the other is stuck listening to Bob’s dull stories,” reported TV Guide.


Disney Corp / ABC, etc....has always been a big supporter of the gay community.
Disneyworld/Land has gay Pride Week and Disney was also one of the first big companies to extend benefits to gay employees' 'partners

as i mentioned before....Disneyland out here anyway....has a lot of gay employees and have had them for quite a while......they dont effect anything at the park and i cant recall the Tourist saying anything about it.....the parking lot always looks pretty full.....lots of tourist walking around.....
Here's a quote from a so called Scientist:

Epigenetics has always been all the weird and wonderful things that can’t be explained by genetics.”
Denise Barlow (Vienna, Austria)

In other words, HYPOTHESIS..
I'm still waiting for a peer reviewed study showing PROOF which would actually demand Darwin to be labeled a kook and a liar, that homosexuality is a biologically inherited trait..
you have people here saying they are against something.....not people saying this stuff does not exist......there is a difference.....

Christ on a fucking raft, I never said that either. I said that they WANT us in the closet, they want to pretend we don't exist.

sorry Jesus wasnt a raft guy....did not need one.....he just walked .....


Bravo. Well played sir.....well played, indeed.
And still another quote from a Scientist:
“DNA is just a tape carrying information, and a tape is no good without a player. Epigenetics is about the tape player.”
Bryan Turner (Birmingham, UK)

So no DNA needed, just causation from environmental factors, stimuli.. you, the tape player..
We have behavioral Scientists out the ass and now they're flirting with genomic biology?? That's like Alfred Adler publishing studies on Molecular biology..
It's not my responsibility to disprove your claim.. I asked for peer reviewed scientific studies.. that shouldn't be difficult.

It’s not that difficult and here it is:
Articles for the simple version:
Could Scientists Have Found A Gay Switch? | Popular Science
Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

and the actual peer reviewed study:
JSTOR: Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development

pointing to the fact that homosexuality is an EXPRESSION of genes rather than a specific one and one of the reasons that it was difficult to locate. The finding is in a rather new field of epigenetics. Here is to hoping that you were honest when you asked for these.

From your own "peer reviewed" article
These words:
most feasibly

Also, the study you are heralding supports based upon the science of epigenetic cause - then there may be an epigenetic “cure”..

I'm still reading..

Yes it does mean that and I even addressed that thought here on this board:

The answers were rather surprising to say the least.

If you understand science, words like ‘most feasible’ and ‘may’ or ‘might’ are EXTREMELY common. It is very rare that you get definite. This is even more prevalent in something as complex as genetics. The evidence points to that conclusion though and the reality is that is the best explanation for the given variables to date. The evidence is strong as well. The problem in dismissing the gene theories outright and going with pure choice is that does not fit the data which actually shows there is a hereditary function in gays and lesbians. As it cannot be direct – the gene would kill itself off – this theory explains a lot and holds up to scientific scrutiny. It will be tested further of course, and needs to be, but it is the best we have so far and that, by the way, is the best that science can EVER deliver. There is nothing that is known for sure in science.
It’s not that difficult and here it is:
Articles for the simple version:
Could Scientists Have Found A Gay Switch? | Popular Science
Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

and the actual peer reviewed study:
JSTOR: Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development

pointing to the fact that homosexuality is an EXPRESSION of genes rather than a specific one and one of the reasons that it was difficult to locate. The finding is in a rather new field of epigenetics. Here is to hoping that you were honest when you asked for these.

From your own "peer reviewed" article
These words:
most feasibly

Also, the study you are heralding supports based upon the science of epigenetic cause - then there may be an epigenetic “cure”..

I'm still reading..

Yes it does mean that and I even addressed that thought here on this board:

The answers were rather surprising to say the least.

If you understand science, words like ‘most feasible’ and ‘may’ or ‘might’ are EXTREMELY common. It is very rare that you get definite. This is even more prevalent in something as complex as genetics. The evidence points to that conclusion though and the reality is that is the best explanation for the given variables to date. The evidence is strong as well. The problem in dismissing the gene theories outright and going with pure choice is that does not fit the data which actually shows there is a hereditary function in gays and lesbians. As it cannot be direct – the gene would kill itself off – this theory explains a lot and holds up to scientific scrutiny. It will be tested further of course, and needs to be, but it is the best we have so far and that, by the way, is the best that science can EVER deliver. There is nothing that is known for sure in science.

Really? What about chromosomes and genes? What of Genomic biology? Sorry, but respectfully you are 1000% incorrect.
I never said God hates fags. Quote me, please, and show where I did. God loves them and wants them to repent.

Distinction without a difference. YOU hate fags, and delude yourself into believing it is God's will to isolate and persecute them.

Don't tell me you have not blamed society's ills on fags just like a good Westboro Baptist. It be it has probably crossed your mind during the occassional hurricane, too.

You are wrong.
I never said that. You said that. I have gay family members and have had them for 30 years. I know what I am saying and why I am saying it the way i do. I love them.

But you hope that when they die it will be unloved and alone?
And still another quote from a Scientist:
“DNA is just a tape carrying information, and a tape is no good without a player. Epigenetics is about the tape player.”
Bryan Turner (Birmingham, UK)

So no DNA needed, just causation from environmental factors, stimuli.. you, the tape player..

Not exactly. They are talking about the way that the genes themselves are expressed. You have to realize that the very limited number of genes does not actually make you – they make your blueprint. It is how those genes are expressed that crates a lot of our tendencies and other things. From something I heard once:
‘Its not that you can just take, for instance, the genetic code for a trunk from an elephant and graft it on a giraffe.”

It does not really work that way. The way genes are expressed can alter the basics in the blueprint.
And still another quote from a Scientist:
“DNA is just a tape carrying information, and a tape is no good without a player. Epigenetics is about the tape player.”
Bryan Turner (Birmingham, UK)

So no DNA needed, just causation from environmental factors, stimuli.. you, the tape player..

Not exactly. They are talking about the way that the genes themselves are expressed. You have to realize that the very limited number of genes does not actually make you – they make your blueprint. It is how those genes are expressed that crates a lot of our tendencies and other things. From something I heard once:
‘Its not that you can just take, for instance, the genetic code for a trunk from an elephant and graft it on a giraffe.”

It does not really work that way. The way genes are expressed can alter the basics in the blueprint.

I realize that but in specifics, epigenetics is about causation associated with outside stimuli.. It's behavioral and even has it's own naysayers within the Scientific community who clearly state the same.. It's been around since 384 BC.. It's nothing new and has ALWAYS been controversial.
Nice job stepping up aaron! You are a rare person. Even though you are a liberal, nice for manning up and apologizing.

I apologize to aaron for my statement, I was proven wrong.
Last edited:
Nice job stepping up aaron! You are a rare person. Even though you are a liberal, nice for manning up and apologizing.

I apologize to aaron for my statement, I was proven wrong.

No need to apologize. I said what I said. What I said was wrong, and will remain wrong, no matter how many times I apologize.

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