Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

The show will rise or fall depending on how much parents monitor their children's television watching. There have been many shows that thought they would rescue flagging viewership by introducing gay characters that either failed completely or abandoned the story line. The New Norman was just cancelled for that very reason.

Modern Family ring any bells?
It's too bad 99.9% of lesbian couples don't look like that. I'm sure Bodey would be happy to share her picture with us?

Yeah...why is it that lesbians are always depicted looking like supermodels....yet when you actually meet them, they look like lumberjacks??

Kind of like gay men. My Wife (God love her) went goo goo over Ricky Martin. Thought he was da bomb. I asked her one day - "Sweetie, you know he's a fag, right?"

She got madder than a hornet "NO he's NOT!!" Months go by, Martin "stumbles" out of the closet - like we all didn't know - and announces he's Gay.

My Wife was depressed for a week.........
Why? Was she planning on leaving you for him?

Well, let's see....She and I have been married for nearly 50 years. I seriously doubt that she (or I) is going anywhere. We're not like your average gays.....

We believe in a life-long, love filled, lasting relationship together. We made that promise to each other when we were married. Promises are important to us. We've raised loving children and watched our beautiful grand children "come of age".

I understand that it's not as fulfilling as meeting someone in a bus station, or a gay club, having a quick fling, then moving on - but so be it.
Actually no. No one is "pulling out the Old Testament" and the announcing that the "Old Testament no longer applies". You show your ignorance of Christianity.

Jesus seldom referred to the "laws" of the Old Testament because during his time, the Old Testament was the Law of the land. It would be like someone reminding you constantly that speeding is wrong. No joke.

Therefore, everyone knew that homosexuality was wrong in the sight of God. Nothing new there. Unlike gays today who pervert the word of God to fit their desires. Nothing new there, people have misinterpreted the Word of God (for their benefit) for centuries.

The only REAL time that Jesus absolutely backed up his "stand on marriage" was when confronted by the Pharisees, who had set out to "trick" him into saying the wrong thing:

"And Pharisees came up to Him and tested Him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” He answered, “Have you not read that He Who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said,

‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” They said to Him, Matthew 19; 3-7

So, gays can attempt to justify their behavior in any way they choose. That's their business. Biblically, they don't have a "leg to stand on". But then, they really don't care - now do they?

^ Exhibit A, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Sorry if it doesn't fit your narrative. Take it up with God......

You do know that god didn't write it don't you?
Thanks for the heads up. We watch Good Luck Charlie all the time and I fuckin' hate those surprise

Thanks for the stripper lesson at the teen awards Miley, appreciated it.

You've got to stay on top of Disney if you're a parent, it's not Snow White, Cinderella and Mickey anymore. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Or that they are reflecting the real world.

Guess what, real world, lots of lesbian families out there. You all just need to learn how to deal.

Maybe....just Maybeee, we ARE "dealing".
Maybe we would like to have these discussions with our children ourselves and on our own time.
NOT when The Disney Channel, or you for that matter, think we should
Thanks for the heads up. We watch Good Luck Charlie all the time and I fuckin' hate those surprise

Thanks for the stripper lesson at the teen awards Miley, appreciated it.

You've got to stay on top of Disney if you're a parent, it's not Snow White, Cinderella and Mickey anymore. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Or that they are reflecting the real world.

Guess what, real world, lots of lesbian families out there. You all just need to learn how to deal.

Maybe....just Maybeee, we ARE "dealing".
Maybe we would like to have these discussions with our children ourselves and on our own time.
NOT when The Disney Channel, or you for that matter, think we should

So...Disney can't show families with gay parents because you might have to explain it? Really?
You do know that god didn't write it don't you?

Well see Sonny, that's where you and I disagree. I am a Christian. The Bible is the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD. You either believe it or you don't (and apparently you do not).

Your choice.

Believe? I said WROTE? Know the diff?

Curious...did your folks ever take you to Church? Have you actually ever attended a Christian Church or bothered to find out what Christianity is all about?

Do you not know what the word "inspired" means? Do you not know that the Disciples were commanded to write their books by Jesus Christ? Do you not know that Jesus is God? Do you not know that the Old Testament is "basically" a history of the world, written by the Rabbi's? All under the direction of God?
Disney is not a company that seeks to teach kids valuable life lessons that will mold them into better people, but instead a company that subtly implements liberal ideas into the minds of American children so that when they are older they will remember that these ideas are "not that bad". It is no longer simply about the entertainment of children but the preparation of a new generation with new beliefs.
Well see Sonny, that's where you and I disagree. I am a Christian. The Bible is the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD. You either believe it or you don't (and apparently you do not).

Your choice.

Believe? I said WROTE? Know the diff?

Curious...did your folks ever take you to Church? Have you actually ever attended a Christian Church or bothered to find out what Christianity is all about?

Do you not know what the word "inspired" means? Do you not know that the Disciples were commanded to write their books by Jesus Christ? Do you not know that Jesus is God? Do you not know that the Old Testament is "basically" a history of the world, written by the Rabbi's? All under the direction of God?

Have you bothered to find out what Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam are about? Did you know that they believe that their sacred texts are divinely inspired as well?
Well see Sonny, that's where you and I disagree. I am a Christian. The Bible is the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD. You either believe it or you don't (and apparently you do not).

Your choice.

Believe? I said WROTE? Know the diff?

Curious...did your folks ever take you to Church? Have you actually ever attended a Christian Church or bothered to find out what Christianity is all about?

Do you not know what the word "inspired" means? Do you not know that the Disciples were commanded to write their books by Jesus Christ? Do you not know that Jesus is God? Do you not know that the Old Testament is "basically" a history of the world, written by the Rabbi's? All under the direction of God?

and Yes

The reason I answered no to those questions is because the only proof of that is "because I said it to be true". If you don't take them at their word what you end with is a book or rules and stories written by man who SAYS it was from god. Since man wrote it, it has to be fallible and can be subject to manipulation.

That's a really really simple point that doesn't dismiss your beliefs. Can you at least agree with that?
Disney is not a company that seeks to teach kids valuable life lessons that will mold them into better people, but instead a company that subtly implements liberal ideas into the minds of American children so that when they are older they will remember that these ideas are "not that bad". It is no longer simply about the entertainment of children but the preparation of a new generation with new beliefs.

Does your breakfast cereal speak to you?
I welcome Lesbian moms.


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