Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

My faith is plenty strong.
Notice how I said, "I enjoy reading non-Christians"?

Where did I cherry-pick anything?

One example: What does shellfish have to do with anything?
Are you talking about how we're warned not to eat it?

Did you read the Book any further?
Did you know that Christ has fulfilled that 'blood law' with His sacrifice?
How about the part where Paul teaches us that nothing is unclean as long as it is prayed over in thanksgiving?

Now what was this about pulling things out of context I was talking about???
Thought so.
(get behind me)
To deny Christ...GOD...(one in the same), is to deny life itself. Get behind me indeed.

How nice. Bet you are unhappy you can't force everyone else to believe the same thing.

The same can be said about you, Mrs. Bodecea. :eusa_whistle:
No, I understand consequences perfectly well.

An imaginary Sky Man might punish me after I'm dead wasn't a consequence...

What is it that he can't just be loved, people have to be feared into loving him?

It's a very strange god they serve.

Not a strange God at all, from what I've experienced he is a loving God.

Good to see you posting again, Ms. Boop.

The god you describe is not the god they are describing.

Did you watch that video?
Curious...did your folks ever take you to Church? Have you actually ever attended a Christian Church or bothered to find out what Christianity is all about?

Do you not know what the word "inspired" means? Do you not know that the Disciples were commanded to write their books by Jesus Christ? Do you not know that Jesus is God? Do you not know that the Old Testament is "basically" a history of the world, written by the Rabbi's? All under the direction of God?

and Yes

The reason I answered no to those questions is because the only proof of that is "because I said it to be true". If you don't take them at their word what you end with is a book or rules and stories written by man who SAYS it was from god. Since man wrote it, it has to be fallible and can be subject to manipulation.

That's a really really simple point that doesn't dismiss your beliefs. Can you at least agree with that?

Sorry, but no, I can't. It absolutely DOES dismiss my beliefs to question the very basis of my faith. Man, is indeed HIGHLY fallible. However, God INSPIRED those mere mortals to write that book. In MY view, it is not open to interpretation.

I once attended a class on the Book Of Revelation at the local Seminary. It is one of the most controversial Books of the Bible and has been argued back and forth for 2,000 years.
I have witnessed events in my lifetime that seemingly back up the foretelling of the "end of all things earthly". Everyday, it seems as though we inch closer and closer to the final battle. When will it happen? I have absolutely no clue whatsoever. But I believe that it WILL happen.

I then, in the course of my career in the military, had the chance to visit the sites named in Revelations. I stood on the Plains of Megiddo where Armageddon will take place. Both me and the 4 friends that had went there with me (2 of which were avowed atheists) came away with the same impression - sadness. And it wasn't a feeling of sad...it was a deep seated feeling of BAD SADNESS. I might point out that the 2 Atheists Officers had no idea where we were even at.

I have seen what human beings are capable of doing to one another. I have lived it. I have also seen the face of God, in the smile of a child. I have seen people die because they would not bow to a regime that despises God. I have seen people die for attempting to escape from a land that denied the very existence of God and condemned anyone who practiced their God given right to worship Him.

I have walked out onto my land and looked up into the mountains on a frosty morning, with a clear blue sky and wondered out loud, who could, after seeing the majesty of what I see, NOT believe in the existence of God? Every time I watch my Grand Children pray the simple prayers of childhood, I wonder how people can deny the simple faith of children.

And then, I see events in the world today and I am reminded that John, upon his revelation, reminded us that impossible times are ahead.

I'll stick with my God. I force nothing on anyone. Faith is up to the individual. God bless you!

Good post. That last part is the real key.

Your personal beliefs are irrelevant as to whether you are right or wrong in pushing your beliefs onto others. It is equally wrong to demand that someone is an idiot for being a Christian as it is for demanding that they are and idiot for being an Atheist. As a Christian or an Atheist or any other religious belief system, forcing your personal views no others is simply wrong. Many in this thread seem to think that the Christians are the sole owners of pushing their personal convictions on others and that is absolutely false. There are lust as many atheists here that are pushy as hell about pushing non-belief in God and they are more vitriolic than the Christians usually. The atheists here anger me more because they are making the rest of us look bad.

What ever happened to simply accepting what people believe in as their personal convictions?
I once attended a class on the Book Of Revelation at the local Seminary. It is one of the most controversial Books of the Bible and has been argued back and forth for 2,000 years.
I have witnessed events in my lifetime that seemingly back up the foretelling of the "end of all things earthly". Everyday, it seems as though we inch closer and closer to the final battle. When will it happen? I have absolutely no clue whatsoever. But I believe that it WILL happen.

I find, as a general rule, people like you can't WAIT for the end of the world. You desperately crave to see all the people you hate get theirs.

I find, as a general rule, that when you assume that everyone in a particular group is a bunch of hate filled idiots (and all around that makes them a bigot) you end up seeing what you WANT to see rather than what is really there.

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