Disney scraps plans for new Florida campus, mass employee relocation amid DeSantis feud

Nope. The difference being Disantis is well aware of the possible repercussions of his actions. AOC had absolutely no clue what she was talking about and still doesn’t.
I'm sure that is comforting to the impoverished red state neanderthals who won't get the jobs that were coming their way.
Rightwing bigotry and hate directed at gay and transgender Americans is bad for business.

Disney knows this and is responding accordingly.

And with the right wing trying so hard to virtue single their 'anti-wokeness', conservatives are hair trigger. You've got Trump wannabes trying to compete with each other to see who can be the most 'anti-woke'.

And DeSantis is MORE than happy to use the legislative power of the state to single out, harass, and target a business if he thinks it will help his political prospects. Even going so far as to try and seize power over that businesses property and put it under the authority of cronies who are JUST as hair trigger.

Busineses are going to take a long, hard look at any plans to expand into Florida with DeSantis this volatile and willing to punish.
I'm sure that is comforting to the impoverished red state neanderthals who won't get the jobs that were coming their way.
To make omolettes ya gotta break a few eggs... Disney will blink long before the State of Florida does... :cool:
Apparently you're the one who would rather sell out his principles for a little money.

How's that Disney transgender dick taste, bro? :laughing0301:
The job of a governor is to attract business and revenue to their state. Not drive it away in a petty fit of rage because poor widdle Stillson wants to run for President so he sucks the cock of his base. :)
I got a newsflash for Ron. You ain't gonna win.
The job of a governor is to attract business and revenue to their state. Not drive it away in a petty fit of rage because poor widdle Stillson wants to run for President so he sucks the cock of his base. :)
I got a newsflash for Ron. You ain't gonna win.

Of course he isn't. DeSantis is Trump lite. He could have been the rational alternative to Trump, but DeSantis lacked the temperament, being too emotional, too unstable, too easily baited and too vindictive.

For 'Old Coke' conservatives, DeSantis using the power of the State to punish Disney to suppress political speech is distasteful. For 'New Coke' conservatives, DeSantis is just a watered down version of Trump.

And why go for watered down when you can a hearty snootful of 150 proof artisinally crafted batshit with Trump?
Florida is there to stay.

Disney is not.
Florida and Disney are one, now.

What will become of Florida without Disney? Back to being a swamp?

" Disney has created thousands of indirect jobs, brings around 50 million visitors to Florida every year and is the state's largest taxpayer."

n Orlando alone, more than 300,000 people lived in the city when Walt Disney World opened. Now, it is home to more than 2 million residents. What’s more, in 2019, the economic impact from the tourism industry in Orlando resulted in more than $73 billion in "business sales impact" for 17 sectors of the city’s economy, according to the Orlando Business Journal. While additional attractions have arrived in the area following the opening of Walt Disney World, its four theme parks continue to generate the most revenue and visitors in the area.

The ripple effects from Walt Disney World Resorts are undoubtedly felt across Florida, including Miami, Horenstein added. Through South Florida's international airport and the robust tourism industry itself, people visiting Disney historically pass through Miami and engage in economic activity.


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