Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

There is no anti gay bill. Allowing people to have their own opinions isn't anti gay. We really need an anti gay backlash that would burn a few asses. They forgot what anti gay looks like.
Disney recently laid off a bunch of employees that had to train their cheaper foreign counterparts so nothing associated with Disney will ever be allowed in my house.
Disney recently laid off a bunch of employees that had to train their cheaper foreign counterparts so nothing associated with Disney will ever be allowed in my house.

Like Trump? He also employs foreigners over American workers, he even goes and gets their visas.
Does this mean if I go to Atlanta....a Muslim cab driver MUST allow my grocery bag full of bacon in it???
It means that this post is yet another example of the hate, bigotry, and stupidity common to most on the right.

But...is that what it means?? Will black bakers be forced to make KKK cakes? Can I force a Muslim baker to cater my Mohammed costume contest party??

Explain this new law to me please....
There is no anti gay bill. Allowing people to have their own opinions isn't anti gay. We really need an anti gay backlash that would burn a few asses. They forgot what anti gay looks like.

I'm sure it will be coming in the near future.

Remember the great Chick-Fil-A boycott of a few years ago. The LBGpbWTF movement doesn't have nearly the public support that they think they do, and if they keep it up, they won't have nearly the tolerance that they think they do, either. Now they're trying to force a “right” for creepy perverted men who claim to “identify as women” to go into women's restroom and dressing facilities while our wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and other genuine females of concern to us are there. There is no way for this to end well for that insane and wicked movement.
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
A thread premise that once again exhibits the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.

Disney is appropriately and correctly refusing to associate itself with the bigotry and hate that is represented by this ridiculous, unwarranted law.

Respect for diversity and the dignity of all Americans – including gay Americans – is the most important and fundamental of family values.
You're forgetting the government cannot prohibit the free exercise [of religion] thereof. Therefore, this legislation is not hatred or bigotry. That is coming fro Hollywood, Liberals, and gays.
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
A thread premise that once again exhibits the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.

Disney is appropriately and correctly refusing to associate itself with the bigotry and hate that is represented by this ridiculous, unwarranted law.

Respect for diversity and the dignity of all Americans – including gay Americans – is the most important and fundamental of family values.
You're forgetting the government cannot prohibit the free exercise [of religion] thereof. Therefore, this legislation is not hatred or bigotry. That is coming fro Hollywood, Liberals, and gays.
Yes, so much for Trump prohibiting Muslims from entering the US.
This is all about Christians not wanting to be forced to participate in a same-sex wedding, which these Christians (and I agree with them) believe are a blasphemy of the sacrament of marriage. If gays can't accommodate Christians on even this issue, that is proof that gays should not be elected to positions of power in the government, and should not be allowed to serve as judges.

This is about ignorance, intolerance, and bigotry common to most on the right.

Again, this ‘law’ is unwarranted, ridiculous, and unnecessary.

The 14th Amendment jurisprudence used to decide Obergefell applies solely to government, not private persons or organizations, such as clergy and churches.

Christians were never ‘at risk’ of being ‘forced’ to participate in same-sex weddings.

And advocating that gay Americans should be prohibited from holding elected office or serving as judges is further evidence of the bigotry and hate propagated by the right, and such advocacy is just as un-Constitutional as prohibiting gay Americans from accessing marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.
So much stupidity packed into five short paragraphs.
Everyone who works for Disney is imperiling their soul. Disney was a good man, but his business was taken over by evil men, and now they're using his business to tempt our children into homosexuality, which is a self-destructive and dangerous lifestyle.
Everyone who works for Disney is imperiling their soul. Disney was a good man, but his business was taken over by evil men, and now they're using his business to tempt our children into homosexuality, which is a self-destructive and dangerous lifestyle.
Have you ever had an original thought?
Everyone who works for Disney is imperiling their soul. Disney was a good man, but his business was taken over by evil men, and now they're using his business to tempt our children into homosexuality, which is a self-destructive and dangerous lifestyle.
Have you ever had an original thought?
Have you?

All I hear from liberals is how much they think we shouldn't really blame the Islamic religion for all the evil done it's name, and how real Communism has never been tried, and how unborn babies are blobs of tissue that deserve to be violently torn from the womb.
Everyone who works for Disney is imperiling their soul. Disney was a good man, but his business was taken over by evil men, and now they're using his business to tempt our children into homosexuality, which is a self-destructive and dangerous lifestyle.
Have you ever had an original thought?
Have you?

All I hear from liberals is how much they think we shouldn't really blame the Islamic religion for all the evil done it's name, and how real Communism has never been tried, and how unborn babies are blobs of tissue that deserve to be violently torn from the womb.
Conservatives have abortions. They call them a D&C.
Everyone who works for Disney is imperiling their soul. Disney was a good man, but his business was taken over by evil men, and now they're using his business to tempt our children into homosexuality, which is a self-destructive and dangerous lifestyle.
Have you ever had an original thought?
Have you?

All I hear from liberals is how much they think we shouldn't really blame the Islamic religion for all the evil done it's name, and how real Communism has never been tried, and how unborn babies are blobs of tissue that deserve to be violently torn from the womb.
Conservatives have abortions. They call them a D&C.
I know what a D&C is, asshole. And I'm sure some conservatives have abortions and don't tell their friends. But that changes nothing.

Liberals have a credibility problem because they argue that only God should have the power of life or death when it comes to capital punishment of first degree murderers, but God doesn't exist, and therefore the Fifth Commandment doesn't exist, when it comes to unborn children.
for starters that title is a lie. And don't you all love to be BULLIED by your Major BIG CORPORATIONS and by the smallest group of people in the country, not even 5% of the Population. But if you all don't bow to this you wont get a football game, baseball, basketball game or Disney slinging their smut on you. And this is the Biggie: to be sued for not baking a Fxxking cake.

the left railed against BIG CORP, They didn't pay them enough, they didn't supply them with homes, food, etc and they SHOULD because they were lucky to have them work at their business.

but now THEY are all in bed with them threatening the citizens of certain States if you don't bow to the Homosexual Gestapo. I guess we can eliminate the United States of America , the LAND of the FREE.

and now call it. America the land of the Fascist, BIG CORP and ALL their Slaves.
This is all about Christians not wanting to be forced to participate in a same-sex wedding, which these Christians (and I agree with them) believe are a blasphemy of the sacrament of marriage. If gays can't accommodate Christians on even this issue, that is proof that gays should not be elected to positions of power in the government, and should not be allowed to serve as judges.

News flash. Baking a cake, when you own a bakery, is not participating in anything but a business. When I got married (the first time) I invited friends and family to the wedding. The people I hired to make cakes, arrange flowers ect, were not part of the wedding. They were businesses. And there are rules to operating a business that serves the public.
This is all about Christians not wanting to be forced to participate in a same-sex wedding, which these Christians (and I agree with them) believe are a blasphemy of the sacrament of marriage. If gays can't accommodate Christians on even this issue, that is proof that gays should not be elected to positions of power in the government, and should not be allowed to serve as judges.

News flash. Baking a cake, when you own a bakery, is not participating in anything but a business. When I got married (the first time) I invited friends and family to the wedding. The people I hired to make cakes, arrange flowers ect, were not part of the wedding. They were businesses. And there are rules to operating a business that serves the public.
I'm not sure why gays want to have this fight. This issue is pissing off a lot of people who are otherwise sympathetic to gays. Gays are making themselves look like bullies, and people don't like bullies.

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