Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

This is all about Christians not wanting to be forced to participate in a same-sex wedding, which these Christians (and I agree with them) believe are a blasphemy of the sacrament of marriage. If gays can't accommodate Christians on even this issue, that is proof that gays should not be elected to positions of power in the government, and should not be allowed to serve as judges.

News flash. Baking a cake, when you own a bakery, is not participating in anything but a business. When I got married (the first time) I invited friends and family to the wedding. The people I hired to make cakes, arrange flowers ect, were not part of the wedding. They were businesses. And there are rules to operating a business that serves the public.
I'm not sure why gays want to have this fight. This issue is pissing off a lot of people who are otherwise sympathetic to gays. Gays are making themselves look like bullies, and people don't like bullies.

Yeah, why not let businesses discriminate all they want, huh?
So let's all boycott Disney if they boycott Georgia's right to sovereignty when it comes to behaviors? We aren't talking about race. Disney needs to figure that out.

Disney is struggling financially as it is. Attendance is down. And as the economy continues to shrink, it will get worse for them. They just announced they're going to outsource to cheap foreign labor so let's repay their audacity and bluff with a boycott of our own?

I'm out. Will not be visiting Disney, watching any of their networks or buying any of their products. Bye Bye Disney!

I'll be vacationing in Georgia instead... :popcorn: Mmm...peach pie, delicious seafood and that slow southern charm. Can't wait!
So let's all boycott Disney if they boycott Georgia's right to sovereignty when it comes to behaviors? We aren't talking about race. Disney needs to figure that out.

Disney is struggling financially as it is. Attendance is down. And as the economy continues to shrink, it will get worse for them. They just announced they're going to outsource to cheap foreign labor so let's repay their audacity and bluff with a boycott of our own?

I'm out. Will not be visiting Disney, watching any of their networks or buying any of their products. Bye Bye Disney!

I'll be vacationing in Georgia instead... :popcorn: Mmm...peach pie, delicious seafood and that slow southern charm. Can't wait!

Just an FYI, Georgia ranks 22nd in states for gay population. And Atlanta is behind only San Fran and Seattle for gay population.

But come here and spend your money.
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
To call it an anti gay bill is to fall into the trap set by the haters.
The Bill simply lets people and institutions decide what marriage events they will take part in.

Only the fascist left believe in forcing people to do things against their will.
Liberals are going to miss Christians when we're gone. And that's because liberals are troublemakers. They make trouble for Christians, and it irritates us, but mostly we let it slide.

But if there were no Christians, they would make trouble for the atheists who took over, because they are troublemakers and can't help themselves. And the atheists would put them away in concentration camps.
Film making generates $5.1 billion in Georgia.

from: Film industry generates $5.1 billion in economic impact - Georgia Department of Economic Development

"According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the motion picture and television industry is responsible for more than 77,900 jobs and $3.8 billion in total wages in Georgia, including indirect jobs and wages. Nearly 23,500 people are directly employed by the motion picture and television industry in Georgia, including 8,188 production-related employees. The MPAA member companies comprised of Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and Disney paid $696 million to 4,066 vendors in Georgia in 2012. These local businesses include technology, lodging, real estate and food service.

“The film industry is a powerful economic generator and is creating jobs for Georgians as well as new opportunities to a highly skilled workforce,” said Chris Carr, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. “Since 2008, more than 90 companies have located in Georgia to support the industry. These new businesses are generating jobs and ensuring the industry’s sustainability in Georgia well into the future.”"
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
To call it an anti gay bill is to fall into the trap set by the haters.
The Bill simply lets people and institutions decide what marriage events they will take part in.

Only the fascist left believe in forcing people to do things against their will.

The bill originated to protect clergy from legal issues. And that part I agree with.

But if you open a business that serves the public, discrimination is against the law. That is as it should be. You are not supporting any sort of marriage. You are working to make a profit.
So let's all boycott Disney if they boycott Georgia's right to sovereignty when it comes to behaviors? We aren't talking about race. Disney needs to figure that out.

Disney is struggling financially as it is. Attendance is down. And as the economy continues to shrink, it will get worse for them. They just announced they're going to outsource to cheap foreign labor so let's repay their audacity and bluff with a boycott of our own?

I'm out. Will not be visiting Disney, watching any of their networks or buying any of their products. Bye Bye Disney!

I'll be vacationing in Georgia instead... :popcorn: Mmm...peach pie, delicious seafood and that slow southern charm. Can't wait!
There's already a boycott of Disney by Evangelicals...it's been going on for over a decade. That you don't know about it before now shows how "effective" it is. :lol:
Liberals are going to miss Christians when we're gone. And that's because liberals are troublemakers. They make trouble for Christians, and it irritates us, but mostly we let it slide.

But if there were no Christians, they would make trouble for the atheists who took over, because they are troublemakers and can't help themselves. And the atheists would put them away in concentration camps.

I know quite a few liberal Christians. Most liberals have no problem with anyone being a Christian. It is when they try to pass laws based solely on religious dogma that there is an issue. And that is not causing trouble. That is following the US Constitution.

Freedom of religion means you are free to practice your faith. It does not mean you can use your religion to exempt you from laws you dislike. It does not mean you get to use your religion to deny civil rights to others.

Gays can marry now. It does not effect anyone but the couple getting married. If you are a Christian and you own a business, you are not allowed to discriminate. You cannot refuse to do business with someone because of their religion. But that does not mean you are supporting their religion.
Film making generates $5.1 billion in Georgia.

from: Film industry generates $5.1 billion in economic impact - Georgia Department of Economic Development

"According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the motion picture and television industry is responsible for more than 77,900 jobs and $3.8 billion in total wages in Georgia, including indirect jobs and wages. Nearly 23,500 people are directly employed by the motion picture and television industry in Georgia, including 8,188 production-related employees. The MPAA member companies comprised of Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and Disney paid $696 million to 4,066 vendors in Georgia in 2012. These local businesses include technology, lodging, real estate and food service.

“The film industry is a powerful economic generator and is creating jobs for Georgians as well as new opportunities to a highly skilled workforce,” said Chris Carr, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. “Since 2008, more than 90 companies have located in Georgia to support the industry. These new businesses are generating jobs and ensuring the industry’s sustainability in Georgia well into the future.”"
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
To call it an anti gay bill is to fall into the trap set by the haters.
The Bill simply lets people and institutions decide what marriage events they will take part in.

Only the fascist left believe in forcing people to do things against their will.

The bill originated to protect clergy from legal issues. And that part I agree with.

But if you open a business that serves the public, discrimination is against the law. That is as it should be. You are not supporting any sort of marriage. You are working to make a profit.
This is an issue of the government attempting to override religious beliefs documented thousands of years ago, not some guy who wakes up and says I'm not selling to brown people today. It's the same issue with Hopeycare attempting to force people to do things that are against people's faith.

The Pilgrams fled England for the exact same principles.
Film making generates $5.1 billion in Georgia.

from: Film industry generates $5.1 billion in economic impact - Georgia Department of Economic Development

"According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the motion picture and television industry is responsible for more than 77,900 jobs and $3.8 billion in total wages in Georgia, including indirect jobs and wages. Nearly 23,500 people are directly employed by the motion picture and television industry in Georgia, including 8,188 production-related employees. The MPAA member companies comprised of Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and Disney paid $696 million to 4,066 vendors in Georgia in 2012. These local businesses include technology, lodging, real estate and food service.

“The film industry is a powerful economic generator and is creating jobs for Georgians as well as new opportunities to a highly skilled workforce,” said Chris Carr, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. “Since 2008, more than 90 companies have located in Georgia to support the industry. These new businesses are generating jobs and ensuring the industry’s sustainability in Georgia well into the future.”"
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
To call it an anti gay bill is to fall into the trap set by the haters.
The Bill simply lets people and institutions decide what marriage events they will take part in.

Only the fascist left believe in forcing people to do things against their will.

The bill originated to protect clergy from legal issues. And that part I agree with.

But if you open a business that serves the public, discrimination is against the law. That is as it should be. You are not supporting any sort of marriage. You are working to make a profit.
This is an issue of the government attempting to override religious beliefs documented thousands of years ago, not some guy who wakes up and says I'm not selling to brown people today. It's the same issue with Hopeycare attempting to force people to do things that are against people's faith.

The Pilgrams fled England for the exact same principles.

Absolute nonsense. Selling flowers or selling a cake to a gay couple does not mean you support them any more than selling flowers or a cake to an atheist means you support atheism. It only means you are doing business.

BTW, that your religious beliefs are old does not make them any more relevant where our laws are concerned. The US Constitution expressly forbids having a state religion.
Film making generates $5.1 billion in Georgia.

from: Film industry generates $5.1 billion in economic impact - Georgia Department of Economic Development

"According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the motion picture and television industry is responsible for more than 77,900 jobs and $3.8 billion in total wages in Georgia, including indirect jobs and wages. Nearly 23,500 people are directly employed by the motion picture and television industry in Georgia, including 8,188 production-related employees. The MPAA member companies comprised of Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and Disney paid $696 million to 4,066 vendors in Georgia in 2012. These local businesses include technology, lodging, real estate and food service.

“The film industry is a powerful economic generator and is creating jobs for Georgians as well as new opportunities to a highly skilled workforce,” said Chris Carr, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. “Since 2008, more than 90 companies have located in Georgia to support the industry. These new businesses are generating jobs and ensuring the industry’s sustainability in Georgia well into the future.”"
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
To call it an anti gay bill is to fall into the trap set by the haters.
The Bill simply lets people and institutions decide what marriage events they will take part in.

Only the fascist left believe in forcing people to do things against their will.

The bill originated to protect clergy from legal issues. And that part I agree with.

But if you open a business that serves the public, discrimination is against the law. That is as it should be. You are not supporting any sort of marriage. You are working to make a profit.
This is an issue of the government attempting to override religious beliefs documented thousands of years ago, not some guy who wakes up and says I'm not selling to brown people today. It's the same issue with Hopeycare attempting to force people to do things that are against people's faith.

The Pilgrams fled England for the exact same principles.

Absolute nonsense. Selling flowers or selling a cake to a gay couple does not mean you support them any more than selling flowers or a cake to an atheist means you support atheism. It only means you are doing business.

BTW, that your religious beliefs are old does not make them any more relevant where our laws are concerned. The US Constitution expressly forbids having a state religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

The strict diet of Hindus is not balanced and causes health issues which puts a burden onto society. Shall we make a law requiring they eat meat once a week?
Amish horse carriages cause safety issues on the roads, shall we make laws that prohibits them from doing anything except walking? Muslims pray 5 times a day, why do they get extra breaks at work?
Film making generates $5.1 billion in Georgia.

from: Film industry generates $5.1 billion in economic impact - Georgia Department of Economic Development

"According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the motion picture and television industry is responsible for more than 77,900 jobs and $3.8 billion in total wages in Georgia, including indirect jobs and wages. Nearly 23,500 people are directly employed by the motion picture and television industry in Georgia, including 8,188 production-related employees. The MPAA member companies comprised of Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and Disney paid $696 million to 4,066 vendors in Georgia in 2012. These local businesses include technology, lodging, real estate and food service.

“The film industry is a powerful economic generator and is creating jobs for Georgians as well as new opportunities to a highly skilled workforce,” said Chris Carr, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. “Since 2008, more than 90 companies have located in Georgia to support the industry. These new businesses are generating jobs and ensuring the industry’s sustainability in Georgia well into the future.”"
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.
To call it an anti gay bill is to fall into the trap set by the haters.
The Bill simply lets people and institutions decide what marriage events they will take part in.

Only the fascist left believe in forcing people to do things against their will.

The bill originated to protect clergy from legal issues. And that part I agree with.

But if you open a business that serves the public, discrimination is against the law. That is as it should be. You are not supporting any sort of marriage. You are working to make a profit.
This is an issue of the government attempting to override religious beliefs documented thousands of years ago, not some guy who wakes up and says I'm not selling to brown people today. It's the same issue with Hopeycare attempting to force people to do things that are against people's faith.

The Pilgrams fled England for the exact same principles.

Absolute nonsense. Selling flowers or selling a cake to a gay couple does not mean you support them any more than selling flowers or a cake to an atheist means you support atheism. It only means you are doing business.

BTW, that your religious beliefs are old does not make them any more relevant where our laws are concerned. The US Constitution expressly forbids having a state religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

The strict diet of Hindus is not balanced and causes health issues which puts a burden onto society. Shall we make a law requiring they eat meat once a week?
Amish horse carriages cause safety issues on the roads, shall we make laws that prohibits them from doing anything except walking? Muslims pray 5 times a day, why do they get extra breaks at work?

None of those examples is relevant to the topic. No one is making Christians join in gay marriages. They simply are stopping them from discriminating.
Film making generates $5.1 billion in Georgia.

from: Film industry generates $5.1 billion in economic impact - Georgia Department of Economic Development

"According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the motion picture and television industry is responsible for more than 77,900 jobs and $3.8 billion in total wages in Georgia, including indirect jobs and wages. Nearly 23,500 people are directly employed by the motion picture and television industry in Georgia, including 8,188 production-related employees. The MPAA member companies comprised of Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and Disney paid $696 million to 4,066 vendors in Georgia in 2012. These local businesses include technology, lodging, real estate and food service.

“The film industry is a powerful economic generator and is creating jobs for Georgians as well as new opportunities to a highly skilled workforce,” said Chris Carr, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. “Since 2008, more than 90 companies have located in Georgia to support the industry. These new businesses are generating jobs and ensuring the industry’s sustainability in Georgia well into the future.”"
To call it an anti gay bill is to fall into the trap set by the haters.
The Bill simply lets people and institutions decide what marriage events they will take part in.

Only the fascist left believe in forcing people to do things against their will.

The bill originated to protect clergy from legal issues. And that part I agree with.

But if you open a business that serves the public, discrimination is against the law. That is as it should be. You are not supporting any sort of marriage. You are working to make a profit.
This is an issue of the government attempting to override religious beliefs documented thousands of years ago, not some guy who wakes up and says I'm not selling to brown people today. It's the same issue with Hopeycare attempting to force people to do things that are against people's faith.

The Pilgrams fled England for the exact same principles.

Absolute nonsense. Selling flowers or selling a cake to a gay couple does not mean you support them any more than selling flowers or a cake to an atheist means you support atheism. It only means you are doing business.

BTW, that your religious beliefs are old does not make them any more relevant where our laws are concerned. The US Constitution expressly forbids having a state religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

The strict diet of Hindus is not balanced and causes health issues which puts a burden onto society. Shall we make a law requiring they eat meat once a week?
Amish horse carriages cause safety issues on the roads, shall we make laws that prohibits them from doing anything except walking? Muslims pray 5 times a day, why do they get extra breaks at work?

None of those examples is relevant to the topic. No one is making Christians join in gay marriages. They simply are stopping them from discriminating.
That is a lie. Catering, photographing, and conducting the service are all acts of taking part in the ceremony.
Film making generates $5.1 billion in Georgia.

from: Film industry generates $5.1 billion in economic impact - Georgia Department of Economic Development

"According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the motion picture and television industry is responsible for more than 77,900 jobs and $3.8 billion in total wages in Georgia, including indirect jobs and wages. Nearly 23,500 people are directly employed by the motion picture and television industry in Georgia, including 8,188 production-related employees. The MPAA member companies comprised of Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and Disney paid $696 million to 4,066 vendors in Georgia in 2012. These local businesses include technology, lodging, real estate and food service.

“The film industry is a powerful economic generator and is creating jobs for Georgians as well as new opportunities to a highly skilled workforce,” said Chris Carr, commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. “Since 2008, more than 90 companies have located in Georgia to support the industry. These new businesses are generating jobs and ensuring the industry’s sustainability in Georgia well into the future.”"
The bill originated to protect clergy from legal issues. And that part I agree with.

But if you open a business that serves the public, discrimination is against the law. That is as it should be. You are not supporting any sort of marriage. You are working to make a profit.
This is an issue of the government attempting to override religious beliefs documented thousands of years ago, not some guy who wakes up and says I'm not selling to brown people today. It's the same issue with Hopeycare attempting to force people to do things that are against people's faith.

The Pilgrams fled England for the exact same principles.

Absolute nonsense. Selling flowers or selling a cake to a gay couple does not mean you support them any more than selling flowers or a cake to an atheist means you support atheism. It only means you are doing business.

BTW, that your religious beliefs are old does not make them any more relevant where our laws are concerned. The US Constitution expressly forbids having a state religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

The strict diet of Hindus is not balanced and causes health issues which puts a burden onto society. Shall we make a law requiring they eat meat once a week?
Amish horse carriages cause safety issues on the roads, shall we make laws that prohibits them from doing anything except walking? Muslims pray 5 times a day, why do they get extra breaks at work?

None of those examples is relevant to the topic. No one is making Christians join in gay marriages. They simply are stopping them from discriminating.
That is a lie. Catering, photographing, and conducting the service are all acts of taking part in the ceremony.

Bullshit. They are paid to provide a service. The have a business that is open to the public. It is illegal to discriminate when you operate such a business.

It is funny that these "Christian" business owners don't object to selling their goods and services to Jews, Muslims, Pagans and atheists.
This is an issue of the government attempting to override religious beliefs documented thousands of years ago, not some guy who wakes up and says I'm not selling to brown people today. It's the same issue with Hopeycare attempting to force people to do things that are against people's faith.

The Pilgrams fled England for the exact same principles.

Absolute nonsense. Selling flowers or selling a cake to a gay couple does not mean you support them any more than selling flowers or a cake to an atheist means you support atheism. It only means you are doing business.

BTW, that your religious beliefs are old does not make them any more relevant where our laws are concerned. The US Constitution expressly forbids having a state religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

The strict diet of Hindus is not balanced and causes health issues which puts a burden onto society. Shall we make a law requiring they eat meat once a week?
Amish horse carriages cause safety issues on the roads, shall we make laws that prohibits them from doing anything except walking? Muslims pray 5 times a day, why do they get extra breaks at work?

None of those examples is relevant to the topic. No one is making Christians join in gay marriages. They simply are stopping them from discriminating.
That is a lie. Catering, photographing, and conducting the service are all acts of taking part in the ceremony.

Bullshit. They are paid to provide a service. The have a business that is open to the public. It is illegal to discriminate when you operate such a business.

It is funny that these "Christian" business owners don't object to selling their goods and services to Jews, Muslims, Pagans and atheists.
If catering, photographing and conducting a marriage service are not taking part in the service as you claim, then the service does not require their presence.

If a Hindu photographer does not want to take on a gig at a butcher shop, that is his Constitutuional and moral right.
Absolute nonsense. Selling flowers or selling a cake to a gay couple does not mean you support them any more than selling flowers or a cake to an atheist means you support atheism. It only means you are doing business.

BTW, that your religious beliefs are old does not make them any more relevant where our laws are concerned. The US Constitution expressly forbids having a state religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

The strict diet of Hindus is not balanced and causes health issues which puts a burden onto society. Shall we make a law requiring they eat meat once a week?
Amish horse carriages cause safety issues on the roads, shall we make laws that prohibits them from doing anything except walking? Muslims pray 5 times a day, why do they get extra breaks at work?

None of those examples is relevant to the topic. No one is making Christians join in gay marriages. They simply are stopping them from discriminating.
That is a lie. Catering, photographing, and conducting the service are all acts of taking part in the ceremony.

Bullshit. They are paid to provide a service. The have a business that is open to the public. It is illegal to discriminate when you operate such a business.

It is funny that these "Christian" business owners don't object to selling their goods and services to Jews, Muslims, Pagans and atheists.
If catering, photographing and conducting a marriage service are not taking part in the service as you claim, then the service does not require their presence.

If a Hindu photographer does not want to take on a gig at a butcher shop, that is his Constitutuional and moral right.

First of all, conducting a marriage service, as a member of the clergy, is obviously an issue. Catering and photographing is not. A business is not allowed to discriminate. Just as a photographer cannot discriminate because the potential customer is of a different religion. Just like they are not allowed to discriminate based on race. Just like they are not allowed to discriminate based on gender.

Why must a Christian florist provide flowers for an atheist's wedding or a pagan wedding, but they get a pass on discrimination if it is a same sex wedding?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

The strict diet of Hindus is not balanced and causes health issues which puts a burden onto society. Shall we make a law requiring they eat meat once a week?
Amish horse carriages cause safety issues on the roads, shall we make laws that prohibits them from doing anything except walking? Muslims pray 5 times a day, why do they get extra breaks at work?

None of those examples is relevant to the topic. No one is making Christians join in gay marriages. They simply are stopping them from discriminating.
That is a lie. Catering, photographing, and conducting the service are all acts of taking part in the ceremony.

Bullshit. They are paid to provide a service. The have a business that is open to the public. It is illegal to discriminate when you operate such a business.

It is funny that these "Christian" business owners don't object to selling their goods and services to Jews, Muslims, Pagans and atheists.
If catering, photographing and conducting a marriage service are not taking part in the service as you claim, then the service does not require their presence.

If a Hindu photographer does not want to take on a gig at a butcher shop, that is his Constitutuional and moral right.

First of all, conducting a marriage service, as a member of the clergy, is obviously an issue. Catering and photographing is not. A business is not allowed to discriminate. Just as a photographer cannot discriminate because the potential customer is of a different religion. Just like they are not allowed to discriminate based on race. Just like they are not allowed to discriminate based on gender.

Why must a Christian florist provide flowers for an atheist's wedding or a pagan wedding, but they get a pass on discrimination if it is a same sex wedding?
That's where we disagree. I say the government should not be able to override the religious beliefs of citizens, you say it should. You want to force the Hindu to photograph a cow being slaughtered, I do not.

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