Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

That's where we disagree. I say the government should not be able to override the religious beliefs of citizens, you say it should. You want to force the Hindu to photograph a cow being slaughtered, I do not.

I agree with the anti-discrimination laws. You think people should be able to use their religious beliefs to sidestep laws they don't like. We will just agree to disagree.
Yes, if a fitness center wants to be female only, or a Hindu does not want to photograph the slaughter of a cow or Muslim caterer does not wish to prepare and serve pork, I have no issue with that.

If you want to open up a florist shop strictly for Christians, knock yourself out. But being open for business with the public means discrimination is illegal.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

No one is interferring with anyone's right to their religion. And again, why do Christian businesses have no objection to serving other religions and atheists?
Again, why do Democrats support denying people access to things based upon skin color? If you don't see the hypocrisy you're intellectually dishonest.
Perhaps when all these corporations are willing to put their asses out on the line for "standing up for LGBT" bullshit, they might want to look at the number "90%" before they do: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Know what else is running about 90%? The number of people who believe that the Gay Mafia shouldn't be able to bully states or free speech in opposition or religious freedoms in opposition...

Have fun declaring bankruptcy Disney!
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. GAY MARRIAGE IS NOT WHAT PEOPLE DO IN THEIR BEDROOM, GAY SEX IS. When two people of the same gender marry, it's no longer "in their bedroom"...it comes into the public arena and is forced upon the children involved who by illegal contract are stripped of either a mother or father for life.

The ILLEGAL SCOTUS Ruling FAILED to entertain representation for childrens' unique interest in the marriage contract.

States set the standards for marriage and if you think they don't, then polygamy is legal now also. Because one sexual orientation cannot have favored status over another if the right to self rule on the question of marriage is stripped away from them. Yet we don't find a single word in the Constitution about "right to marry", do we?

Loving v Virginia did not violate states' one man/one woman law. And since RACE couldn't be used to discriminate, Loving won. The issue was about racial discrimination, not if states can or cannot write marriage laws that discriminate for other reasons. What Obergefell (attempted) did was to fundamentally change state marriage laws from "one man/one woman" to something else entirely. Something else so foreign and fundamentally different than one man/ one woman that children can now be legally divorced from the missing parent FOR LIFE by two gay people "marrying".

The US Constitution requires the gov't treat everyone equally. Change that amendment, and you are free to ban gay marriage. But that isn't happening.

Then we agree: polygamy is legal..
Yes, if a fitness center wants to be female only, or a Hindu does not want to photograph the slaughter of a cow or Muslim caterer does not wish to prepare and serve pork, I have no issue with that.

If you want to open up a florist shop strictly for Christians, knock yourself out. But being open for business with the public means discrimination is illegal.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

No one is interferring with anyone's right to their religion. And again, why do Christian businesses have no objection to serving other religions and atheists?
You simply don't understand the concept of a higher calling.

I understand quite well. If you have a calling from God, you cannot own certain businesses without having to entertain customers that do not follow your beliefs.

The 10 Commandments forbids having any God before the Judeo-Christian God. But somehow Christian businesses are fine doing business with Hindus, Buddhists, and Pagans.
Another strawman. Serving tea to a Hindu is not worshiping the Hindu gods.
I agree with the anti-discrimination laws. You think people should be able to use their religious beliefs to sidestep laws they don't like. We will just agree to disagree.
Yes, if a fitness center wants to be female only, or a Hindu does not want to photograph the slaughter of a cow or Muslim caterer does not wish to prepare and serve pork, I have no issue with that.

If you want to open up a florist shop strictly for Christians, knock yourself out. But being open for business with the public means discrimination is illegal.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

No one is interferring with anyone's right to their religion. And again, why do Christian businesses have no objection to serving other religions and atheists?
Again, why do Democrats support denying people access to things based upon skin color? If you don't see the hypocrisy you're intellectually dishonest.

First I would ask what democrats support denying people access to things based on color.

Then I would suggest you ask a democrat.
If you want to open up a florist shop strictly for Christians, knock yourself out. But being open for business with the public means discrimination is illegal.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

No one is interferring with anyone's right to their religion. And again, why do Christian businesses have no objection to serving other religions and atheists?
You simply don't understand the concept of a higher calling.

I understand quite well. If you have a calling from God, you cannot own certain businesses without having to entertain customers that do not follow your beliefs.

The 10 Commandments forbids having any God before the Judeo-Christian God. But somehow Christian businesses are fine doing business with Hindus, Buddhists, and Pagans.
Another strawman. Serving tea to a Hindu is not worshiping the Hindu gods.

Delivering flowers to a gay wedding is not being gay or being in a gay marriage.

If delivering flowers or catering a gay wedding is supporting gay marriage, then delivering flowers or catering a Hindu wedding is supporting the worship of Hindu Gods.
Perhaps when all these corporations are willing to put their asses out on the line for "standing up for LGBT" bullshit, they might want to look at the number "90%" before they do: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Know what else is running about 90%? The number of people who believe that the Gay Mafia shouldn't be able to bully states or free speech in opposition or religious freedoms in opposition...

Have fun declaring bankruptcy Disney!

There has been a boycott of Disney for years. They seem to have survived. The NFL is doing quite well.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. GAY MARRIAGE IS NOT WHAT PEOPLE DO IN THEIR BEDROOM, GAY SEX IS. When two people of the same gender marry, it's no longer "in their bedroom"...it comes into the public arena and is forced upon the children involved who by illegal contract are stripped of either a mother or father for life.

The ILLEGAL SCOTUS Ruling FAILED to entertain representation for childrens' unique interest in the marriage contract.

States set the standards for marriage and if you think they don't, then polygamy is legal now also. Because one sexual orientation cannot have favored status over another if the right to self rule on the question of marriage is stripped away from them. Yet we don't find a single word in the Constitution about "right to marry", do we?

Loving v Virginia did not violate states' one man/one woman law. And since RACE couldn't be used to discriminate, Loving won. The issue was about racial discrimination, not if states can or cannot write marriage laws that discriminate for other reasons. What Obergefell (attempted) did was to fundamentally change state marriage laws from "one man/one woman" to something else entirely. Something else so foreign and fundamentally different than one man/ one woman that children can now be legally divorced from the missing parent FOR LIFE by two gay people "marrying".

The US Constitution requires the gov't treat everyone equally. Change that amendment, and you are free to ban gay marriage. But that isn't happening.

Then we agree: polygamy is legal..

Polygamy does not bother me at all. As long as the marital property laws are adjusted to include more than two, and only consenting adults marry, I do not care at all.

It has no effect on my marriage or my life whatsoever.
Perhaps when all these corporations are willing to put their asses out on the line for "standing up for LGBT" bullshit, they might want to look at the number "90%" before they do: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Disney, Marvel and thousand of jobs.......vs. a random strawpoll on an obscure message board.

Gee, I wonder which Georgia is going to prioritize.

And it ignores the polls showing the majority of people support gay marriage.


60% of the people in that Gallup poll think gay marriages should be valid and have the same rights as traditional marriages.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

No one is interferring with anyone's right to their religion. And again, why do Christian businesses have no objection to serving other religions and atheists?
You simply don't understand the concept of a higher calling.

I understand quite well. If you have a calling from God, you cannot own certain businesses without having to entertain customers that do not follow your beliefs.

The 10 Commandments forbids having any God before the Judeo-Christian God. But somehow Christian businesses are fine doing business with Hindus, Buddhists, and Pagans.
Another strawman. Serving tea to a Hindu is not worshiping the Hindu gods.

Delivering flowers to a gay wedding is not being gay or being in a gay marriage.

If delivering flowers or catering a gay wedding is supporting gay marriage, then delivering flowers or catering a Hindu wedding is supporting the worship of Hindu Gods.
The difference is, the Hindus aren't perverts.
Perhaps when all these corporations are willing to put their asses out on the line for "standing up for LGBT" bullshit, they might want to look at the number "90%" before they do: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Disney, Marvel and thousand of jobs.......vs. a random strawpoll on an obscure message board.

Gee, I wonder which Georgia is going to prioritize.

And it ignores the polls showing the majority of people support gay marriage.


60% of the people in that Gallup poll think gay marriages should be valid and have the same rights as traditional marriages.

Yeah, but Sil believes that Gallup has been infiltrated by homosexuals to give fake polling results. So a message board straw poll that doesn't even mention marriage is more reliable on the national opinion on gay marriage.

No, seriously.
Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia if anti-gay bill becomes law

Once again proving that homosexuals run Hollywood, and in particular, run Disney at all levels, Disney has said it will boycott the state of Georgia if it passes a law saying that Christian bakers can't be forced to make gay wedding cakes.

In other words, Disney has made it clear that it values gays more than it does the "family values" kind of people who watch most of it's movies, cartoons, and TV shows, and go to its theme parks.

So it remains to be seen whether Georgia will bravely stand by Christians, or will it bend over and take it in the ass from gays.

Once again proving that business's are interested in promoting business, and intolerant Christian bigots are interested in discriminating against Americans.
No one is interferring with anyone's right to their religion. And again, why do Christian businesses have no objection to serving other religions and atheists?
You simply don't understand the concept of a higher calling.

I understand quite well. If you have a calling from God, you cannot own certain businesses without having to entertain customers that do not follow your beliefs.

The 10 Commandments forbids having any God before the Judeo-Christian God. But somehow Christian businesses are fine doing business with Hindus, Buddhists, and Pagans.
Another strawman. Serving tea to a Hindu is not worshiping the Hindu gods.

Delivering flowers to a gay wedding is not being gay or being in a gay marriage.

If delivering flowers or catering a gay wedding is supporting gay marriage, then delivering flowers or catering a Hindu wedding is supporting the worship of Hindu Gods.
The difference is, the Hindus aren't perverts.

Ganesha has an elephant's head. And lots and lots of kids. Which is, at the very least, a little kinky.
This is all about Christians not wanting to be forced to participate in a same-sex wedding, which these Christians (and I agree with them) believe are a blasphemy of the sacrament of marriage. If gays can't accommodate Christians on even this issue, that is proof that gays should not be elected to positions of power in the government, and should not be allowed to serve as judges.

What is so laughable about this is that "Christians" for decades worked to put homosexuals in prison- passing laws criminalizing homosexuality- and were far from 'accommodating'- and only because the Courts prevented your intolerance has your intollerent bigotry been stopped.

You are just another bigot who cherry picks from the Bible to rationalize your bigotry.
I heard Megan McCain talking about this yesterday.

What is in this new North Carolina law? Anyone have a link?
No one is interferring with anyone's right to their religion. And again, why do Christian businesses have no objection to serving other religions and atheists?
You simply don't understand the concept of a higher calling.

I understand quite well. If you have a calling from God, you cannot own certain businesses without having to entertain customers that do not follow your beliefs.

The 10 Commandments forbids having any God before the Judeo-Christian God. But somehow Christian businesses are fine doing business with Hindus, Buddhists, and Pagans.
Another strawman. Serving tea to a Hindu is not worshiping the Hindu gods.

Delivering flowers to a gay wedding is not being gay or being in a gay marriage.

If delivering flowers or catering a gay wedding is supporting gay marriage, then delivering flowers or catering a Hindu wedding is supporting the worship of Hindu Gods.
The difference is, the Hindus aren't perverts.
You should tell us what it's like.
It is a small world and there is place for everyone.................

I think Disney is right

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